R. Isenschmid (auth.), Professor Dr. Leo Adler, Privatdozent Dr. Julius Bauer, Professor Dr. W. Caspari, Professor Dr. U. Ebbecke, C. v. Economo, Professor Dr. Hermann Freund, Professor Dr. Curt Herbst, Dr. S. Hirsch, Geheimrat Professor Dr. A. Hoche, Privatdozent Dr. Hermann Hoffmann, Professor Dr. R. W. Hoffmann, Privatdozent Dr. R. Isenschmid, Professor Dr. A. Jodlbauer, Professor Dr. Otto Kestner, H. W. Knipping, Geheimrat Professor Dr. Eugen Korschelt, Professor Dr. Fritz Lenz, Professor Dr. F. Linke, Professor Dr. Erich Meyer, Geheimrat Professor Dr. Hans H. Meyer, Professor Dr. W. Nonnenbruch, Professor Dr. J. K. Parnas, Professor Dr. Ernst P. Pick, Professor Dr. Heinrich Schade, Professor Dr. J. H. Schultz, Professor Dr. Richard Siebeck, Dr. Rose Stoppel, Professor Dr. J. Strasburger (eds.)
Dr. med. D. Bach, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. H.-P. Bastian, Dr. med. E. Doppelfeld, Prof. Dr. M. Gebhardt, Dr. rer. nat. A. Hesse, Dipl. Biol. W. Hicking, Prof. Dr. med. W. Vahlensieck (auth.)
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