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Probability and random processes: with applications to signal processing and communications PDF

547 Pages·2004·5.5 MB·English
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Preface This book is intended to be used as a text for either undergraduate level (junior/senior) courses in probability or introductory graduate level courses in random processes that are commonly found in Electrical Engineering curricula. Whilethesubjectmatterisprimarilymathematical, itispresentedforengineers. Mathematicsismuchlikeawell-craftedhammer.Wecanhangthetoolonourwall andstepbackandadmirethefinecraftmanshipusedtoconstructthehammer,or wecanpickitupanduseittopoundanailintothewall.Likewise,mathematics canbeviewedasanartformoratool.Wecanmarvelattheeleganceandrigor,or wecanuseittosolveproblems.Itisforthislatterpurposethatthemathematicsis presentedinthisbook.Instructorswillnotethatthereisnodiscussionofalgebras, Borelfields,ormeasuretheoryinthistext.Itisourbeliefthatthevastmajorityof engineeringproblemsregardingprobabilityandrandomprocessesdonotrequire this level of rigor. Rather, we focus on providing the student with the tools and skillsneededtosolveproblems.Throughoutthetextwehavegonetogreateffort tostrikeabalancebetweenreadabilityandsophistication.Whilethebookprovides enoughdepthtoequipstudentswiththenecessarytoolstostudymoderncommu- nication systems, control systems, signal processing techniques, and many other applications,conceptsareexplainedinaclearandsimplemannerthatmakesthe textaccessibleaswell. Ithasbeenourexperiencethatmostengineeringstudentsneedtoseehowthe mathematicstheyarelearningrelatestoengineeringpractice.Towardthatend,we have included numerous engineering application sections throughout the text to helptheinstructortietheprobabilitytheorytoengineeringpractice.Manyofthese applicationsectionsfocusonvariousaspectsoftelecommunicationssincethiscom- munityisoneofthemajorusersofprobabilitytheory,butthereareapplicationsto xi xii Preface otherfieldsaswell.Wefeelthatthisaspectofthetextcanbeveryusefulforaccred- itation purposes for many institutions. The Accreditation Board for Engineering andTechnology(ABET)hasstatedthatallelectricalengineeringprogramsshould provide their graduates with a knowledge of probability and statistics including applications to electrical engineering. This text provides not only the probability theory,butalsotheapplicationstoelectricalengineeringandamodestamountof statisticsasappliedtoengineering. Akeyfeatureofthistext, notfoundinmosttextsonprobabilityandrandom processes,isanentirechapterdevotedtosimulationtechniques.Withtheadventof powerful,low-cost,computationalfacilities,simulationshavebecomeanintegral part of both academic and industrial research and development. Yet, many stu- dentshavemajormisconceptionsabouthowtorunsimulations.Armedwiththe materialpresentedinourchapteronsimulation,webelievestudentscanperform simulationswithconfidence. It is assumed that the readers of this text have a background consistent with typicaljuniorlevelelectricalengineeringcurricula.Inparticular,thereadershould haveaknowledgeofdifferentialandintegralcalculus,differentialequations,lin- ear algebra, complex variables, discrete math (set theory), linear time-invariant systems, and Fourier transform theory. In addition, there are a few sections in the text that require the reader to have a background in analytic function the- ory (e.g., parts of Section 4.10), but these sections can be skipped without loss of continuity. While some appendices have been provided with a review of some of these topics, these presentations are intended to provide a refresher for those who need to “brush up” and are not meant to be a substitute for a good course. Forundergraduatecoursesinprobabilityandrandomvariables,werecommend instructorscoverthefollowingsections: Chapters1–3:allsections, Chapter4:sections1–6, Chapter5:sections1–7and9, Chapter6:sections1–3, Chapter7:sections1–5. Thesesections,alongwithselectedapplicationsections,couldeasilybecoveredin aonesemestercoursewithacomfortablepace. Forthoseusingthistextingrad- uatecoursesinrandomprocesses, werecommendthatinstructorsbrieflyreview Chapters1–7focussingonthoseconceptsnottypicallytaughtinanundergraduate course(e.g.,Sections4.7–4.10,5.8,5.10,6.4,and7.6)andthencoverselectedtopics ofinterestfromChapters8–12.

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