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Introduction to Logic Programming PDF

221 Pages·2020·15.586 MB·English
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Series ISSN: 1939-4608 G E N E S E R E T H • C H Series Editors: Ronald J. Brachman, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech A U D Francesca Rossi, AI Ethics Global Leader, IBM Research AI H R Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin I Introduction to Logic Programming Michael Genesereth, Stanford University Vinay K. Chaudhri, Stanford University “This is a book for the 21st century: presenting an elegant and innovative perspective on logic IN T programming. Unlike other texts, it takes datasets as a fundamental notion, thereby bridging R O the gap between programming languages and knowledge representation languages; and it D U treats updates on an equal footing with datasets, leading to a sound and practical treatment of C T action and change.” – Bob Kowalski, Professor Emeritus, Imperial College London I O N T “In a world where Deep Learning and Python are the talk of the day, this book is a O L remarkable development. It introduces the reader to the fundamentals of traditional Logic O G Programming and makes clear the benefits of using the technology to create runnable I C specifications for complex systems.” – Son Cao Tran, Professor in Computer Science, New Mexico P R State University O G R A M “Excellent introduction to the fundamentals of Logic Programming.The book is well-written M and well-structured. Concepts are explained clearly and the gradually increasing complexity of I N exercises makes it so that one can understand easy notions quickly before moving on to more G difficult ideas.” – George Younger, student, Stanford University About SYNTHESIS This volume is a printed version of a work that appears in the Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science. Synthesis M books provide concise, original presentations of important research and O R development topics, published quickly, in digital and print formats. G A N & C L A Y store.morganclaypool.com P O O L Ronald J. Brachman, Francesca Rossi, and Peter Stone, Series Editors Testimonials for IntroductiontoLogicProgramming Thisisabookforthe21stcentury:presentinganelegantandinnovativeperspectiveonlogic programming.Unlikeothertexts,ittakesdatasetsasafundamentalnotion,therebybridg- ingthegapbetweenprogramminglanguagesandknowledgerepresentationlanguages;and ittreatsupdatesonanequalfootingwithdatasets,leadingtoasoundandpracticaltreat- mentofactionandchange. BobKowalski,ProfessorEmeritus,ImperialCollegeLondon In a world where Deep Learning and Python are the talk of the day, this book is a re- markable development. It introduces the reader to the fundamentals of traditional Logic Programmingandmakesclearthebenefitsofusingthetechnologytocreaterunnablespec- ificationsforcomplexsystems. SonCaoTran,ProfessorinComputerScience,NewMexicoStateUniversity Excellent introduction to the fundamentals of Logic Programming. The book is well- writtenandwell-structured.Conceptsareexplainedclearlyandthegraduallyincreasing complexityofexercisesmakesitsothatonecanunderstandeasynotionsquicklybeforemov- ingontomoredifficultideas. GeorgeYounger,student,StanfordUniversity Introduction to Logic Programming Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Editors RonaldBrachman,JacobsTechnion-CornellInstituteatCornellTech FrancescaRossi,IBMResearchAI PeterStone,UniversityofTexasatAustin IntroductiontoLogicProgramming MichaelGeneserethandVinayK.Chaudhri 2020 FederatedLearning QiangYang,YangLiu,YongCheng,YanKang,TianjianChen,andHanYu 2019 AnIntroductiontothePlanningDomainDefinitionLanguage PatrikHaslum,NirLipovetzky,DanieleMagazzeni,andChristianMuise 2019 ReasoningwithProbabilisticandDeterministicGraphicalModels:ExactAlgorithms, SecondEdition RinaDechter 2019 LearningandDecision-MakingfromRankData LirongXia 2019 LifelongMachineLearning,SecondEdition ZhiyuanChenandBingLiu 2018 AdversarialMachineLearning YevgeniyVorobeychikandMuratKantarcioglu 2018 vi StrategicVoting ReshefMeir 2018 PredictingHumanDecision-Making:FromPredictiontoAction ArielRosenfeldandSaritKraus 2018 GameTheoryforDataScience:ElicitingTruthfulInformation BoiFaltingsandGoranRadanovic 2017 Multi-ObjectiveDecisionMaking DiederikM.RoijersandShimonWhiteson 2017 LifelongMachineLearning ZhiyuanChenandBingLiu 2016 StatisticalRelationalArtificialIntelligence:Logic,Probability,andComputation LucDeRaedt,KristianKersting,SriraamNatarajan,andDavidPoole 2016 RepresentingandReasoningwithQualitativePreferences:ToolsandApplications GaneshRamSanthanam,SamikBasu,andVasantHonavar 2016 MetricLearning AurélienBellet,AmauryHabrard,andMarcSebban 2015 Graph-BasedSemi-SupervisedLearning AmarnagSubramanyaandParthaPratimTalukdar 2014 RobotLearningfromHumanTeachers SoniaChernovaandAndreaL.Thomaz 2014 GeneralGamePlaying MichaelGeneserethandMichaelThielscher 2014 JudgmentAggregation:APrimer DavideGrossiandGabriellaPigozzi 2014 vii AnIntroductiontoConstraint-BasedTemporalReasoning RomanBarták,RobertA.Morris,andK.BrentVenable 2014 ReasoningwithProbabilisticandDeterministicGraphicalModels:ExactAlgorithms RinaDechter 2013 IntroductiontoIntelligentSystemsinTrafficandTransportation AnaL.C.BazzanandFranziskaKlügl 2013 AConciseIntroductiontoModelsandMethodsforAutomatedPlanning HectorGeffnerandBlaiBonet 2013 EssentialPrinciplesforAutonomousRobotics HenryHexmoor 2013 Case-BasedReasoning:AConciseIntroduction BeatrizLópez 2013 AnswerSetSolvinginPractice MartinGebser,RolandKaminski,BenjaminKaufmann,andTorstenSchaub 2012 PlanningwithMarkovDecisionProcesses:AnAIPerspective MausamandAndreyKolobov 2012 ActiveLearning BurrSettles 2012 ComputationalAspectsofCooperativeGameTheory GeorgiosChalkiadakis,EdithElkind,andMichaelWooldridge 2011 RepresentationsandTechniquesfor3DObjectRecognitionandSceneInterpretation DerekHoiemandSilvioSavarese 2011 AShortIntroductiontoPreferences:BetweenArtificialIntelligenceandSocialChoice FrancescaRossi,KristenBrentVenable,andTobyWalsh 2011 viii HumanComputation EdithLawandLuisvonAhn 2011 TradingAgents MichaelP.Wellman 2011 VisualObjectRecognition KristenGraumanandBastianLeibe 2011 LearningwithSupportVectorMachines ColinCampbellandYimingYing 2011 AlgorithmsforReinforcementLearning CsabaSzepesvári 2010 DataIntegration:TheRelationalLogicApproach MichaelGenesereth 2010 MarkovLogic:AnInterfaceLayerforArtificialIntelligence PedroDomingosandDanielLowd 2009 IntroductiontoSemi-SupervisedLearning XiaojinZhuandAndrewB.Goldberg 2009 ActionProgrammingLanguages MichaelThielscher 2008 RepresentationDiscoveryusingHarmonicAnalysis SridharMahadevan 2008 EssentialsofGameTheory:AConciseMultidisciplinaryIntroduction KevinLeyton-BrownandYoavShoham 2008

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