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Direct observation of current in type I ELM filaments on Asdex Upgrade PDF

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Preview Direct observation of current in type I ELM filaments on Asdex Upgrade

Directobservation ofcurrent intype I ELMfilaments onASDEX Upgrade N. Vianello,1 V. Naulin,2 R. Schrittwieser,3 H.W. Mu¨ller,4 M.Zuin,1 C. Ionita,3 J.J. Rasmussen,2 F. Mehlmann,3 V. Rohde,4 R. Cavazzana,1 M. Maraschek,4 and the ASDEX Upgradeteam4 1Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Padova, Italy 2Association EURATOM-RisøDTU, OPL-128 Risø, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark 3AssociationEURATOM/O¨AW,InstituteforIonPhysicsandAppliedPhysics,UniversityofInnsbruck,Austria 4Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Plasmaphysik, EURATOMAssociation, Garching, Germany (Dated:January17,2011) 1 Magnetically confined plasmas are often subject to relaxation oscillations accompanied by large transport 1 events.Thisisparticularlythecaseforthehighconfinementregimeoftokamakswheretheseeventsaretermed 0 2 edgelocalizedmodes(ELMs).Theyresultinthetemporarybreakdownofthehighconfinementandleadtohigh powerloadsonplasmafacingcomponents. PresenttheoriesofELMgenerationrelyonacombinedeffectof n edgecurrentandtheedgepressuregradientswhichresultinintermediatemodenumber(n=10 15)structures a ∼ − (filaments)localizedintheperpendicularplaneandextendedalongthefieldline. Itisshownherebydetailed J localizedmeasurementsofthemagneticfieldperturbationassociatedtoanindividualtypeIELMfilamentthat 4 thesefilamentscarryasubstantialcurrent. 1 PACSnumbers: 52.35.PY52.55.Fa52.55.RK52.70.Ds ] h p Edge localised modes (ELMs) are short (ms) breakdowns DOP - m of the high confinement regime (H-mode), which is envis- 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 50 s aged to be used in power producing tokamaks. Due to the 40 a highpowerfluxesassociated,thepresenceofELMsposesde- z] 30 1.0 pl mands on the design of plasma facing components, that are f [kH 20 ce 0.8 EInltmer Elm . hard to meet. Thus understanding, with the aim of control- 10 n 0.6 s e sic lriensge,arEcLh.MMeovreenotvseri,saopnaertofrfotmhethfeorienmteoressttpfroirofruitsieiosninorfieunsitoedn 0.4 coher 00..24 hy pcilnasamtinags,atnhaeliongtieerseswtiitnhEsLpoMrapdhicyseixcpsliosseivnehaenvceendtsbayssoobmseerfvaesd- I [A]sat 00..23 0.0 5 10 15 20 25 30 p 0.1 f [kHz] forexampleinsolarflares[1]orinmagneticsubstorms[2]. 0.0 [ ELMsareatpresentthoughttooriginatefroma combina- t [s] 4 tionofcurrentandpressuregradientdrivenMHDmodes[3], v 2 and are known to result in a medium number (n 10 15) FIG. 1. Top: Degree of Polarization (DOP) analysis as a function ≈ − 6 of structures [4–7], localised in the perpendicular plane and oftimeandfrequency. Bottom: Ionsaturationcurrent(Isat). Right: 3 extended along the magnetic field. These filaments travel CoherencebetweenIsatandbpcomputedintheELMandinter-ELM 2 throughtheScrapeOffLayer(SOL)andhavebeenmeasured phases. Thetimeintervalsareshowninthebottompanelwithcol- 0. usingLangmuirprobesonvariousmachines,seee.g.[8],and oredboxes. 1 observedthroughhighspeedcameras[7]orGasPuffImaging 9 diagnostic[9]. Inthisletterwepresentresultsofdirectmea- 0 outatASDEXUpgrade(AUG)tokamakbymeansofanewly surementsof all three componentsof the magneticfield per- : constructed probe head described in detail elsewhere [12]. v turbationsassociated to ELM filamentstructures in the SOL i Theprobeheadconsistsofacylindricalgraphitecase((cid:31)=60 X togetherwithanestimateofthecurrentcarriedbyfilaments. mm)whichholdssixgraphitepins. Oneofthetipsmeasured r Magnetic fluctuations associated with ELMs are usually theionsaturationcurrent,onetipwasswept, whereasallthe a believed to originate from MHD activity. Measurements of othershadbeenkeptfloating. Insidethecase,20mmbehind the magnetic activity have previously been performed using the front side, a magnetic sensor measuring the time deriva- magnetic pickup coils close to the vessel wall [7, 10] or on tiveofthethreecomponentsofthemagneticfieldismounted. insertable probes [11]. These measurements generally take The sensor has a measured bandwidth of 1 MHz. A similar placefarfromthefilamentsincomparisontotheirradialex- probe with combined electrostatic and magnetic signals has tent. This makes it difficult to observe the magnetic pertur- already been used in AUG [11], but with a wider magnetic bation goingalong with individualfilamentsand to examine coil and a larger radial separation between electrostatic and the magnetic fine structure of the ELMs. Both would result magneticsensors.Theprobehead,mountedonthefastrecip- in important information such as the excursion of magnetic rocatingmidplanemanipulator,isinsertedfromthelowfield fieldlinesfromtheirequilibriumpositionandiftheELMsare side of the torus for 100 ms 12 mm inside the limiter posi- associatedwithreconnectionevents[1]. tion.Thedatahavebeenobtainedintype-IELMyplasmadis- Here we report on measurements of type I ELMs carried charges(# 23158,23159,23160,23161,23163)with a toroidal TypesetbyREVTEX 2 A] 0.4 (a) (a) (b) 5.1 I [0sat.0001..020 0.010 T] 1.7 (c) m 0.005 br bp (b) 0.005 [bλ2−1.7 [T] 0.000 b [T]p 0.000 −5.1 −6.3 −2.1 2.1 6.3 −0.005 −0.005 bλ1 [mT] −0.010 −0.010 4.234 4.236 4.238 4.240 −0.0100−0.00330.0033 0.0100 FIG.3. (a)TrajectoryofELMfilamentassociatedmagneticfieldex- t [s] b [T] r cursions in all three spatial directions. The direction of minimum varianceisshown(blackline)togetherwiththedirectionoftheequi- libriumfield(blueline). (b)Hodogramofthemagneticperturbation FIG.2. (a)Ionsaturationcurrent(b)Poloidalandradialcomponent associatedwithELMcurrentfilamentreconstructedinthemaximum ofthemagneticfield. Theredboxhighlightsthetimeintervalwhen varianceplane.Theredlineshowstheellipticalfit. the two components change their phase relation. (c) Hodogram of theradial/poloidalmagneticfieldcomponent.Theclosedloopinred referstothetimeintervalshighlightedinpanel(a,b). tudeincreases,theradialandpoloidalcomponents(b andb r p )changetheirphaserelationashighlightedbythecolorbox. magneticfieldof-2.5T,0.8MAofplasmacurrent,6.5 1019 Wenowconsiderthehodogramoftheperpendicularmagnetic m 3centralelectrondensityandaq valueof5.2. × perturbation(Fig. 2 (c)), i.e. the magneticfield perturbation − 95 trajectoryintheb b plane,duringthepassingoftheELM. During the analysis we have used the ion saturation cur- r− p Hereoneclosedorbitcorrespondstothetimeintervalmarked renttoinferthepassingofatype-IELMfilamentstructurein in Figure 2 b. Closed loops are compatiblewith the passing frontoftheprobe,asdoneforexamplein[13]. Inanalyzing of currentfilamentsin frontof the probe. Outside the ELM, the ELM events we employ the idea that the magnetic sig- the magnetic field perturbation exhibits an almost linear po- nalduringtheELMcanbeseparatedintodifferentfrequency larizationintheperpendicularplane. Thisshowsclearlythat components.Higherfrequencies,abovefewhundredkHz,we magneticactivityinbetweenELMs(wavelike)differsqualita- presumeto be generatedmostly by Alfve´nicactivity or high tivelyfromthemagneticperturbationduringanELM,which frequencyturbulence.Thesearenotconsideredinthepresent seemstobeduetothemotionofcurrentfilaments. analysis,alsobecauseofthefrequencycut-offbythegraphite shielding[12]. AdditionalMHDactivitywillstillbe present Themeasurementsofallthreecomponentsofthemagnetic inthesignalatfrequenciesbelow20kHz,butduringELMfil- perturbationallowstocheckthealignmentofthecurrentfila- amentsmostofthesignalispresumedtooriginatefromslowly mentsdirectly. InFigure3(a)the trajectoryofthemagnetic varyingcurrentsconvectedwiththefilaments.Thisisjustified fieldexcursionduringanELMeventinallthreemagneticfield bythe so-calledDegreeof Polarization(DOP) analysis[14], componentsisshown. Thetimeintervalselectedcorresponds whichisatestforaplanewaveansatz,quantifyinghowwell totheonehighlightedinFigure2. Aclosedellipticallooply- the relation k B=0 is satisfied. It is based on the evalu- inginaplaneslightlytiltedwithrespecttothelocalframeof · ation and diagonalization of the spectral matrix S= B B , referenceisobserved,asexpectedforfilamentarystructures. h ∗i ji calculatedinFourierspace. TheDOPrepresentsameasureto The directionnormalto this plane can be determinedby us- determinewhetherS representsa purestate quantifyinghow ingtheminimumvarianceanalysis[15]. Themethodisbased much one single eigenvectorapproximatesthe state. A high onthesolutionoftheeigenvalueproblem(cid:229) 3n =1MµBn nn =l nµ valueofDOPimpliesthatthefluctuationsconsideredareco- where MµBn = hBµBn i−hBµihBn i is the Magnetic Variance herentoverseveralwavelengths,andthusthemethodcanbe Matrix,thebracketsindicatingthemeanvaluesaveragedover usedtodistinguishbetweenpropagatingmodesandcoherent the time the structure spends traveling in front of the probe, localized fluctuations. Figure 1, panel (a), shows the results µ,n =1,2,3denotingthecartesiancomponentsoftheX,Y and of DOP analysis as a function of frequency and time. The Z ofthechosensystem,l andnbeingrespectivelytheeigen- temporal evolution of the ion saturation current is depicted valuesandeigenvectorsofthesystem. Theeigenvectorscor- in the lower panel. A sudden drop in the DOP is observed respondingtotheeigenvaluesl ,l andl ,representthedi- 1 2 3 in correspondance with a steep increase of I signals: this rectionofmaximum,intermediateandminimumvarianceof sat implies that the magnetic field fluctuations during an ELM the magneticfield respectively. Theeigenvectorcorrespond- canbebetterrepresentedbycoherentstructuresthanbyplane ing to the minimum eigenvalue corresponds to the direction wavepackets. A coherence analysis between the ion satura- of minimumvarianceand is normalto the plane spannedby tioncurrentandthepoloidalcomponentofthemagneticfield the magnetic field perturbations. This direction is observed (Fig. 1(c))revealsanincreaseofcoherencebetweenthetwo tobeparalleltothatoftheequilibriummagneticfield,shown signals during the ELM activity. A closer look on the be- inthesameplotbyablueline. Thisconfirmsthehypothesis haviorofmagneticfluctuationsassociatedtoanELMeventis that the ELM filament is aligned with the equilibrium mag- showninFigure2(b). Whenthemagneticfluctuationampli- netic field. From the sense of the polarization the direction 3 10 B 0.006 (a) 0.006 (b) 8 M 0.004 bλ2 0246 [T] −000...000000022 bλ2(λ1=a)Δ t1 Δ t2 bλ2(λ1=a) 2 1/22 ) [T] + b(bλλ2100..000024 χχ22 MBiopnoolapro =la 3r .=3 81 .×5 11 0×− 110.0−10. -2 −0.004 −0.006 0.000 -4 4.236800 4.236867 4.236933 4.237000 4.23680 4.23687 4.23695 4.23702 -6 t [s] t [s] -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 bλ1 FIG.5.(a)Timetracesofthetwoperpendicularcomponentsofmag- FIG.4. Hodogramscalculatedforamonopolar currentdistribution neticfieldduringanELMfilament.(b)Totalperpendicularmagnetic (M )andbipolarone(B). fieldasafunctionoftime. Superimposedtheresultsofafitforan expectedmonopolar(red)andbipolar(blue)currentdistributionboth modulatedbyanexponentialdecay. ofthecurrentisfoundtobecolinearwiththeplasmacurrent. The method allows the determinationof the rotation matrix, sothatthehodogramintheplaneperpendiculartothecurrent betweenthemaximumofbl andthemaximum/minimumof 1 filaments may be reconstructed. This hodogramis shown in bl ,wherebl andbl aretheprojectionsofthemagneticfield 2 1 2 Figure 3 (b) together with a fit to an ellipse. The shape of in the maximum-intermediate variance plane. Thus within thehodogramcalculatedintherotatedframeofreferencecan theseapproximationsthecurrentmaybeestimatednotingthat be used to determine the type of current distribution associ- |bl 2(l 1 =a)|= 21µ20pIa0 = 4pDµ0tIv0l 1 Applied to the experimental atedtoanELM.TheorieshavebothproposedELMfilaments data,thiscomputationisequivalenttocalculatethequantities tobeassociatedtomonopolar[4,16]andbipolarcurrentdis- depictedinFigure5,whereD t hasbeencalculatedbothatthe tributions [17]. Up to now no clear evidence of one mecha- maximum and at the minimum of bl . The two values D t1 2 nismpredominantwithrespecttotheotherhasbeenreported. and D t are equal to 38 µs and 42 µs respectively. The esti- 2 Figure4showstheanticipatedshapeofthe hodogramin the mateof thecurrentreliesonthe knowledgeoflocalvelocity bipolar and monopolar cases. The hodogram in the bipolar in the l direction. This propagation has been reported for 1 case exhibits a cardioid-likeshape with a cusp at the origin, ASDEXUpgrade,e.g. [11,20]. Theexperimentalsetupdoes which represents a distinct signature and which can not be not allow a reliable local measurements of v or v , neither r p recognized in the experimental data (see Fig 3 (b)). To re- can we rely in the presented shots on correlation analysis of inforce the statement we note that a bipolar-like hodogram wallmountedprobes(whichare 160degreesseparatedfrom with the presence of a cusp has been previously recognized the manipulator in the toroidal direction). Most likely these in[18](cfr. fig3(b))whereithasbeenassociatedtoadirect signals are indeed dominated by MHD mode activity in the measurementof a bipolarcurrentstructures. We emphasize, confinedplasmaratherthancurrentfilamentsintheSOL.As however, that the filaments observed in [18] are of a com- thebestapproximationwethusassumeasradialpropagation pletelydifferentoriginasinducedbyDrift-Alfve´nturbulence themostprobablevaluev =1.2km/sas determinedin [20] r [19]. A further corroboration of the hypothesis of monopo- andcalculatevl =vr/cos(∠(l 1 r)),where∠(l 1 r)isthe lar current filaments results from considering the quadrants naglebetweenl 1 andtheradialdi−rectionwhichforth−epresent 1 occupied by the magnetic field trajectory. Indeed while the caseisoftheorderof7 . From[20]wealsoestimateastan- ◦ monopolar current hodogram regularly occupies two of the darddeviationofv ass =700m/s,whichensurethat71% r vr quadrants, the bipolar one always spans three of the quad- ofthe eventsare observedwithin(v s ). With these val- r± vr rants: thislatterbehaviorisnotobservedintheexperimental uestheaveragedistanceofclosestapproachisapproximately dataascanbeverifiedbycomparingFigure3(b)andFigure 4cmandusingtheaveragevaluebetweentheminimumand 4. These results make us confidentthat the magnetic fluctu- maximum of bl we obtain an estimate of 1.9 kA. The to- 2 ationsobservedareindeedgeneratedbyamonopolarcurrent tal perpendicular field b2 +b2 is shown in figure 5 (b). distribution. Under this basic assumptionthe currentcarried q l 1 l 2 The magnetic field variation can be fitted with a function of bythisfilamentmaybeestimated. Intherotatedframeofref- einretnhceel f1odriraecctiirocnu,lathremtwonooppeorlpaernsdyimcumlaertrmicagfinlaemticenfitelddricfotimng- the form f =(cid:18)√(t−at0)2+b −g (cid:19)e−(t−t0)/t e, t0 being the time ponents may be written as bl 1 = −l r210+Ba02a and bl 2 =−rl021B+0al 21 iunlsatranfitelcdorarnesdptoendthineget-ofothldeinmgatxiimmeu,manodftahsesutmotianlgpethrpeemndaigc-- whereB = µ0I0 anda isthedistancebetweenthetrajectory netic field is the response from a passing monopolarcurrent 0 2p r0 ofthecenterofthefilamentsandtheprobe,representingalso filament. Thegoodqualityofthefitprovidesadditionalsup- the distance of closest approach, r is the radius of the fila- portforthemonopolarnatureofthefilament,alsocomparing 0 mentsandI itscurrent. Thedistanceacanbeapproximated, withthefitexpectedfromabipolarcurrentdistributionshown 0 assuming the filament to propagate with a constant velocity in blue line which exhibitsan higherc 2. The average decay alongthe l 1 direction: a=D tvl whereD t is thetime delay time is determined as t e 200 µs. In order to increase the 1 ≈ 4 PdF thatthesamecurrentdensitywasestimatedin[11]assuming Min Max 14 themagneticperturbationtobe inducedby arotatinghelical 25 (a) 12 (b) structurewithabi-directionalcurrentcloseto,butstillinside, 20 10 mT] 15 # 8 the separatrix. The value foundis higher than the measured b[δλ2105 246 kjsAat/mcu2)r.reCnotndcelnusdiitnygtointthheisiolentt-ebriawseedhativpe(parpopvriodxeidmeavtiedlyen5c0e 0 thatELMfilamentscarryconsiderablecurrentsforwhichwe 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 dt [μs] ∠(λ−r) [degree] havefoundareasonableestimate. Themagneticsignalsdur- 1 10 ing ELM filamentsdiffer substantially from wave activity in SOL (c) 8 kA] 6 between ELMs. We have shown that the current in the fila- [M 4 mentsis co-alignedto theplasma currentand approximately IEL 2 of a magnitude as expected for the edge. The current flows 0 along the unperturbed magnetic field lines and has a unidi- −2 0 2 4 6 8 r−r [cm] rectionalnature. This poses the question where the filament sep currents close in the SOL and why such high current densi- FIG.6. (a)JointPDFofD t andbl (l 1=a)(b))Histogramofthe tiesaresustainedintheELMfilaments. We hopethatfuture anglebetweenl 1 andtheradialdire2ction. (c)Filamentscurrentes- experimentswillcontributetoanswerthesequestions,which timatevsdistancefromtheseparatrixestimatedwithvr=1.2km/s. willthrownewlightontheinstabilitymechanismsforELMs. Errorbarsresultsfromthepropagationofvelocityuncertaintyinthe This work, supported by the European Communities under estimateofaandI. thecontractofAssociationsbetweenEURATOMandENEA, Risø/DTU, O¨AW Innsbruck, and IPP Garching, was carried statisticreliabilityofthepreviousestimatewehaveanalyzed out within the framework of the European Fusion Develop- eventsfrom5differentshotswithsimilarconditions. There- ment Agreement. This work was also supported by project sults are shown in Figure 6. In the panel (a) the joint PDF P19901oftheAustrianScienceFund(FWF). of the independent experimental values D t and bl used for 2 thecurrentevaluationisshown,highlightinghowthebulkof the filaments have values of approximately25 µs and 5 mT. In the panel (b) the histogram of the angle between l and 1 [1] W.Fundamenskietal.,PlasmaPhys.Control.Fusion49,R43 the radial direction is shown, showing that the l direction 1 (2007). isacomplexcombinationofradialandpoloidalpropagation. [2] A.Lui,IeeeTrans.PlasmaSci.28,1854(2000). 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