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Mathematische Zeitschrift 2006: Vol 252 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Mathematische Zeitschrift 2006: Vol 252 Table of Contents

Inhalt/Contents Alexandre W: C"" -estimates for the O-equation on Ebeling W, Gusein-Zade SM: Quadratic forms for a convex domains of finite type 473 1-form on an isolated complete intersection Amroun A: Equilibrium states for the geodesic singularity 755 flow 797 Angelsberg G: A monotonicity formula for Faget Z: Best constants in the exceptional case of stationary biharmonic maps 287 Sobolev inequalities 133 Arendt W, Nikolski N: Vector-valued holomorphic Fino A — Chiossi SG functions revisited 687 Friedman G: Superperverse intersection Asakura M, Saito S: Noether-Lefschetz locus for cohomology: stratification (in)dependence 49 Beilinson-Hodge cycles1 251] Gusein-Zade SM — Ebeling W Badea C, Crouzeix M, Delyon B: Convex domains and K-spectral sets 345 Halic M: Hamiltonian / Gauge theoretical Baumgartner U, Willis GA: The direction of an Gromov-Witten invariants of toric varieties automorphism of a totally disconnected locally Huicheng Y — Ning X compact group 393 Becher KJ: Minimal weakly isotropic forms 91 Iritani H: Quantum D-modules and equivariant Belinsky E, Linde W: Compactness properties of Floer theory for free loop spaces 577 certain integral operators related to fractional Isobe T: On global singularities of Soboley integration 669 mappings 691 Boissiére S: Towards the multiplicative behavior of the K-theoretical McKay correspondence 533 James G, I yle S, Mathas A Rouquier blocks S11 Buckley SM, Koskela P: Ends of metric measure spaces and Sobolev inequalities 275 Kiem Y-H — Choy J Burdzy K, Chen Z-Q, Marshall DE: Traps for Kirsch W, Miiller P: Spectral properties of the reflected Brownian motion 103 Laplacian on bond-percolation graphs 899 Koskela P — Buckley SM Calle M: Bounding dimension of ambient space by Kostrykin V, Veseli¢ I: On the Lipschitz continuity density for mean curvature flow 655 of the integrated density of states for Campana F: Isotrivialité de certaines familles sign-indefinite potentials 367 kihlériennes de variétés non projectives 147 Kotschick D: Free circle actions with contractible Chen Z-Q, Song R: Continuity of eigenvalues of orbits on symplectic manifolds 19 subordinate processes indomains 71 Chen Z-Q — Burdzy K Larmour D W: A Springer Theorem for Hermitian Chiossi SG, Fino A: Conformally parallel Go forms 459 structures on a class of solvmanifolds 825 Linde W — Belinsky E Choy J, Kiem Y-H: Qn the existence of a crepant Lyle S — James G resolution of some moduli spaces of sheaves on an abelian surface 557 Maeda S, Tanabe H: Totally geodesic immersions of Coskunuzer B: Mean convex hulls and least area Kihler manifolds and Kahler Frenet curves 787 disks spanning extreme curves 811 Malle G, Moreté A, Navarro G: Element orders and Sylow structure of finite groups 223 Crouzeix M — Badea C Marshall DE — Burdzy K Dani SG, McCrudden M, Walker S: On the Mastylo M — Defant A embedding problem for infinitely divisible Mathas A — James G distributions on certain Lie groups with toral McCrudden M — Dani SG center 457 Michels C — Defant A Defant A, Mastylo M, Michels C: Summing norms Moret6 A > Malle G of identities between unitary ideals 863 Miiller P — Kirsch W Déglise F: Transferts sur les groupes de Chow a coefficients 315 Navarro G Malle G Delyon B — Badea C Nikolski N Arendt W Inhalt/Contents Nill B: Complete toric varieties with reductive Shimakura H: The automorphism groups of the automorphism group 767 vertex operator algebras Vr : general case 849 Ning X, Huicheng Y: Global singularity structures Song R — Chen Z-Q of weak solutions to 4-D semilinear dispersive Su Y: Composition factors of Kac modules for the wave equations 231] general linear Lie superalgebras 731 Orlik S: On Harder-Narasimhan strata in flag Tanabe H — Maeda S manifolds 209 Trudinger NS —+ Sheng W Peralta AM, Villanueva I: The alternative Veseli¢é | — Kostrykin V Dunford-Pettis property on projective tensor Villanueva I — Peralta AM products 883 Walker S — Dani SG Rapinchuk AS: The Margulis-Platonov conjecture Wang X-J — Sheng W for SL p and 2-generation of finite simple Willis GA — Baumgartner U groups 295 Wold EF: Proper holomorphic embeddings of finitely and some infinitely connected subsets of Saito S — Asakura M Schoen C: Specialization of the torsion subgroup of CintoC~ 1 the Chow group 11 Yoo HJ: Gibbsianness of fermion random point Schiitz D: Finite domination, Novikov homology fields 27 and nonsingular closed l-forms 623 Segers D: On the smallest poles of Igusa’s p-adic zeta functions 429 Comprehensively covered by Sheng W, Trudinger NS, Wang X-J: Enclosed Zentralblatt MATH, convex hypersurfaces with maximal affine Mathematical Reviews and area 497 Current Contents

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