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Certification and Security in E-Services: From E-Government to E-Business

Maurizio Talamo (auth.), Enrico Nardelli, Sabina Posadziejewski, Maurizio Talamo (eds.)
·281 Pages
·22.586 MB

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Viva com esperança: segredos para ter saúde e qualidade de vida

Mark Finley e Peter Landless
·114 Pages
·2.9694 MB

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Viva com esperança: segredos para ter saúde e qualidade de vida

Mark Finley e Peter Landless
·114 Pages
·1.1431 MB

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Hans J. Scholl, Salvatore Belardo (auth.), Prof. Dr. Ralph Berndt (eds.)
·360 Pages
·8.771 MB

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Esercizi di Fisica: Meccanica e Termodinamica

Giuseppe Dalba, Paolo Fornasini (auth.)
·368 Pages
·8.404 MB

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Justiça e democracia

John Rawls; seleção, apresentação e glossário Catherine Audard; Tradução: Irene A. Paternot
·444 Pages
·10.854 MB

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Seeking Success in E-Business: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Roger Clarke (auth.)
·636 Pages
·24.31 MB

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E Uygulamalar Seminer Notları

104 Pages
·3.57 MB

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Sul sogno e sul sognare

Gerolamo Cardano, a cura di Mauro Mancia e Agnese Grieco
·231 Pages
·2.218 MB

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E-Supply-Chain-Management: Grundlagen — Strategien — Praxisanwendungen

Prof. Dr. Helmut H. Wannenwetsch (auth.)
·303 Pages
·0.55 MB

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matematica e cultura 2005: a cura di Michele Emmer

Michele Emmer (auth.)
·288 Pages
·11.885 MB

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Processo, Procedimento e Ato Processual. O Plano Da Eficácia

Sandro Martins (Auth.)
·237 Pages
·16.207 MB

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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Frank E. Smedley by Frank E. Smedley

Smedley, Frank E. (Frank Edward), 1818-1864
·0.18 MB

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L'universo meccanico. Meccanica e calore

Steven C Frautschi , Richard P Olenick , Tom M Apostol , David L Goodstein
·244 Pages
·14.3 MB

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WordPress 2.9 e-Commerce

Brian Bondari
·284 Pages
·5.872 MB

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Pro PayPal E-Commerce

Damon Williams
·306 Pages
·4.189 MB

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E. M. Forster and the Politics of Imperialism

Mohammad Shaheen (auth.)
·223 Pages
·0.771 MB

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Sustentabilidade e Geração De Valor

David Zylbersztajn and Clarissa Lins (Auth.)
·223 Pages
·2.051 MB

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