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Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

Dirk P. Kroese, Thomas Taimre, Zdravko I. Botev
·775 Pages
·10.325 MB

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MCMC from Scratch: A Practical Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Masanori Hanada, So Matsuura
·198 Pages
·5.899 MB

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Sixty Shades of Generalized Continua: Dedicated to the 60th Birthday of Prof. Victor A. Eremeyev

Holm Altenbach, Arkadi Berezovski, Francesco dell'Isola, Alexey Porubov
·780 Pages
·35.848 MB

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Japanese-English dictionary by the late Prof. Dr. J. J. Hoffmann

Hoffmann, Johann Joseph, 1805-1878
·29.8 MB

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Perspectives on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: In Honour of Prof. Kenji Ishihara

Atilla Ansal, Mohamed Sakr (eds.)
·484 Pages
·55.383 MB

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Monte Carlo methods: theory, algorithms and applications to selected financial problems

Romaniuk,Maciej; Piotr, Nowak; Polska Akademia Nauk
·223 Pages
·6.711 MB

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DTIC ADA289872: Exploiting Parallelism in a Monte Carlo Image-Matching Algorithm.

Defense Technical Information Center
·60 Pages
·2.1 MB

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Classical Economics, Keynes and Money Essays in Honour of Carlo Panico

John Eatwell, Pasquale Commendatore, Neri Salvadori
·349 Pages
·15.73 MB

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