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1 On Random Linear Network Coding for Butterfly Network Xuan Guang, and Fang-Wei Fu Abstract—Randomlinearnetworkcodingisafeasibleencoding tool for network coding, specially for the non-coherent network, d d and its performance is important in theory and application. In 1 2 0 this letter, we study the performance of random linear network e s e 1 2 1 coding for the well-known butterfly network by analyzing the 0 failure probabilities. We determine the failure probabilities of s1 e e s2 2 random linear network coding for the well-known butterfly net- 4 5 work and the butterflynetwork with channel failureprobability n p. i a J IndexTerms—Networkcoding,randomlinearnetworkcoding, e3 e7 e6 butterfly network, failure probabilities. 8 1 j I. INTRODUCTION e e ] t 8 9 t T IN the seminal paper [1], Ahlswede et al showed that with 1 2 I network coding, the source node can multicast informa- s. tion to all sink nodes at the theoretically maximum rate as Fig. 1. Butterfly Network where d1,d2 represent two imaginary incoming c channels ofsourcenodes. [ the alphabet size approaches infinity, where the theoretically maximum rate is the smallest minimum cut capacity between 2 the source node and any sink node. Li et al [2] showed that v 1.Itisobviousthatbothvaluesofthemaximumflowsforthe linear network coding with finite alphabet is sufficient for 7 sink nodes t and t are 2. 1 2 7 multicast. Moreover, the well-known butterfly network was Now we consider random linear network coding problem 0 proposedin papers [1] [2] to show the advantagesof network with the information rate 2 for this butterfly network G. That 2 coding well compared with routing. Koetter and M´edard [3] is to say, for source node s and internal nodes, all local . 1 presentedanalgebraiccharacterizationofnetworkcoding.Ho encoding coefficients are independently uniformly distributed 0 etal[4] proposedthe randomlinearnetworkcodingandgave randomvariablestakingvaluesinthebasefieldF.Forsource 0 several upper bounds on the failure probabilities of random 1 node s, although it has no incoming channels, we use two linearnetworkcoding.Balli, Yan,andZhang[5]improvedon v: these bounds and discussed the limit behavior of the failure imaginary incoming channels d1,d2 and assume that they provide the source messages for s. Let the global encoding i X probability as the field size goes to infinity. 1 0 r In this paper, we study the failure probabilities of random kernels of fd1 = (cid:18)0(cid:19) and fd2 = (cid:18)1(cid:19), respectively. The a linear network coding for the well-known butterfly network local encoding kernel at the source node s is denoted as when it is considered as a single source multicast network k d K = d1,1 d1,2 . described by Fig. 1, and discuss the limit behaviors of the s (cid:18)kd2,1 dd2,2(cid:19) failure probabilities as the field size goes to infinity. Similarly, we denote by fi the global encoding kernel of channel e (1 ≤ i ≤ 9), and k the local encoding i i,j II. FAILUREPROBABILITIES OFRANDOM LINEAR coefficient for the pair (ei,ej) with head(ei) = tail(ej) as NETWORK CODING FORBUTTERFLY NETWORK described in [6, p.442], where tail(ei) represents the node whose outgoing channels include e , head(e ) represents the In this letter, we always denote G = (V,E) the butterfly i i node whose incoming channels include e : network shown by Fig. 1, where the single source node is i s, the set of sink nodes is T = {t1,t2}, the set of internal f =k f +k f = kd1,1 , nodes is J = {s1,s2,i,j}, and the set of the channels is 1 d1,1 d1 d2,1 d2 (cid:18)kd2,1(cid:19) E = {e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e }. Moreover, we assume 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 k that each channel e∈E is error-free, and the capacity is unit f2 =kd1,2fd1 +kd2,2fd2 =(cid:18)kdd21,,22(cid:19), This research is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foun- k k k k datXio.nGoufanCghiinsawuinthdetrhteheChGerranntIsns6t0it8u7te20o2f5Manadthe1m09a9ti0c0s1,1N.ankai University, f3 =k1,3f1 =(cid:18)kdd21,,11k11,,33(cid:19),f4 =k1,4f1 =(cid:18)kdd21,,11k11,,44(cid:19), Tianjin300071,P.R.China. Email:xuanguang@mail.nankai.edu.cn k k k k F.-W. Fu is with the Chern Institute of Mathematics and LPMC, Nankai f =k f = d1,2 2,5 ,f =k f = d1,2 2,6 , University, Tianjin300071,P.R.China.Email:fwfu@nankai.edu.cn 5 2,5 2 (cid:18)kd2,2k2,5(cid:19) 6 2,6 2 (cid:18)kd2,2k2,6(cid:19) 2 k k k +k k k f7 =k4,7f4+k5,7f5 =(cid:18)kdd21,,11k11,,44k44,,77+kdd21,,22k22,,55k55,,77(cid:19), KThseBn2,.wMeokrenoovwerf,rformom(1L)eamnmda(21), wtheathFavt1e = KsB1, Ft2 = k k k k +k k k k f8 =k7,8f7 =(cid:18)kdd12,,11k11,,44k44,,77k77,,88+kdd12,,22k22,,55k55,,77k77,,88(cid:19), 1−Pe(t1)==PPrr(({Rdaentk(K(Ft)1)6==0}2)∩={dPert((Bdet)(F6=t10)}6=) 0) s 1 f =k f = kd1,1k1,4k4,7k7,9+kd1,2k2,5k5,7k7,9 =Pr(det(Ks)6=0)·Pr(det(B1)6=0) 9 7,9 7 (cid:18)kd2,1k1,4k4,7k7,9+kd2,2k2,5k5,7k7,9(cid:19) (|F|+1)(|F|−1)2 |F|−1 4 and the decoding matrices of the sink nodes t1,t2 are = |F|3 (cid:18) |F| (cid:19) k k k k k k +k k k k (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 Ft1 =(cid:18)kdd12,,11k11,,33 kdd12,,11k11,,44k44,,77k77,,88+kdd12,,22k22,,55k55,,77k77,,88(cid:19), = |F|7 . (1) Similarly,wealsohave1−P (t )=(|F|+1)(|F|−1)6/|F|7. k k k k k k +k k k k e 2 Ft2 =(cid:18)kdd12,,22k22,,66 kdd12,,11k11,,44k44,,77k77,,99+kdd12,,22k22,,55k55,,77k77,,99(cid:19). aboNveexta,nwaleyscios,nswideehratvhee failure probability Pe. Similar to the (2) 1−P =Pr({Rank(F )=2}∩{Rank(F )=2}) e t1 t2 A. Butterfly Network without Fail Channels =Pr({det(F )6=0}∩{det(F )6=0}) t1 t2 Next,webegintodiscussthefailureprobabilitiesofrandom =Pr({det(K )6=0}∩{det(B )6=0}∩{det(B )6=0}) s 1 2 linear network coding for the butterfly network G. These =Pr(det(K )6=0)·Pr(det(B )6=0)·Pr(det(B )6=0) failure probabilities can illustrate the performance of the s 1 2 (|F|+1)(|F|−1)10 randomlinear networkcoding for the butterfly network.First, = . we give the definitions of failure probabilities. |F|11 Definition 1: For random linear network coding for the Moreover, since P = Pe(t1)+Pe(t2), then we have butterfly network G with information rate 2: av 2 • pPreo(btia)bil,ityoPfrs(iRnkannko(dFettii),th<ati2s)thiespcraolbleadbiltihtyethfaaitluthree Pav =1− (|F|+1|F)(||F7 |−1)6 . messages cannot be decoded correctly at t (i=1,2); i • Pe ,Pr(∃ t∈T such thatRank(Ft)<2) is called the This completes the proof. failure probability of the butterfly network G, that is the It is known that if |F|≥|T|, there exists a linear network probabilitythatthemessagescannotbedecodedcorrectly code C such that all sink nodes can decode successfully w= at at least one sink node in T; mint∈T Ct symbolsgeneratedbythesourcenodes,whereCt • Pav , Pt∈|TTP|e(t) iscalledtheaveragefailureprobability is the minimum cut capacity between s and the sink node t. of all sink nodes for the butterfly network G. For butterfly network, |F|≥2 is enough. However, when we consider the performance of random linear network coding, Todeterminethefailureprobabilitiesofrandomlinearnetwork the result is different. coding for the butterfly network G, we need the following For|F|=2,wehave1−P = 3 ≈0.001.Inotherwords, lemma. e 211 this successful probability is too much low for application. Lemma 1: Let M be a uniformly distributed random 2×2 In the same way, for |F| = 3 and |F| = 4, the successful matrix over a finite field F, then the probability that M is invertible is (|F|+1)(|F|−1)2/|F|3. probabilitiesare approximately0.023 and 0.070, respectively. Thesesuccessfulprobabilitiesarestilltoolowforapplication. Theorem 1: For random linear network coding for the but- terfly network G with information rate 2: If 1−Pe ≥ 0.9 is thought of enough for application, we have to choose a very large base field F with cardinality not • the failure probability of the sink node ti (i=1,2) is less than 87. This is because (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 P (t )=1− ; (|F|+1)(|F|−1)10 e i |F|7 ≥0.9⇐⇒|F|≥87 . |F|11 • the failure probability of the butterfly network G is (|F|+1)(|F|−1)10 B. Butterfly Network with Fail Channels P =1− ; e |F|11 In this subsection, as in [4], we will consider the failure • the average failure probability is probabilitiesofrandomlinearnetworkcodingforthebutterfly (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 network with channel failure probability p (i.e., each channel Pav =1− |F|7 . is possibly deleted from the network with probability p). Generallyspeaking,channelfailureis alowprobabilityevent, Proof: Recall that Ks = (f1 f2) is the local encoding i.e.,0≤p≪ 1.Infact,ifp=0,itisjustthebutterflynetwork 2 kernel at the source node s. Denote without fail channels discussed in the above subsection. k k k k 0 k k k Theorem 2: For the random linear network coding of the B , 1,3 1,4 4,7 7,8 ,B , 1,4 4,7 7,9 . 1 (cid:18) 0 k2,5k5,7k7,8(cid:19) 2 (cid:18)k2,6 k2,5k5,7k7,9(cid:19) butterfly network G with channel failure probability p, 3 =Pr({Rank((f f ))=2}∩{δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ } • the failure probability of the sink node ti (i=1,2) is 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ∩{k ,k ,k ,k ,k ,k ,k ,k 6=0}) 1,3 2,5 5,7 7,8 2,6 1,4 4,7 7,9 (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 P˜e(ti)=1− |F|7 (1−p)6 ; =Pr(Rank((f1 f2))=2)·Pr(δ1,δ2,δ3,δ4,δ5,δ6,δ7,δ8,δ9) ·Pr({k ,k ,k ,k ,k ,k ,k ,k 6=0}) 1,3 2,5 5,7 7,8 2,6 1,4 4,7 7,9 • the failure probability of the butterfly network G is (|F|+1)(|F|−1)10 = (1−p)9. (|F|+1)(|F|−1)10 |F|11 P˜ =1− (1−p)9 ; e |F|11 At last, the average probability P˜ is given by av • the average failure probability is P˜ (t )+P˜ (t ) (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 P˜ =1− (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6(1−p)6 . P˜av = e 1 2 e 2 =1− |F|7 (1−p)6 . av |F|7 The proof is completed. Proof:Atfirst,weconsiderthefailureprobabilityP˜ (t ). e 1 Foreachchannele ,we call“channele issuccessful”if e is III. THELIMIT BEHAVIORS OF THEFAILURE i i i not deleted from the network, and define δ as the event that PROBABILITIES i “ei is successful”. We define f˜i as the active globalencoding In this section, we will discuss the limit behaviors of the kernel of ei, where failure probabilities. From Theorem 2, we have f˜ = fi, ei is successful, lim P˜e(ti)= lim P˜av =1−(1−p)6 ,(i=1,2) , i (cid:26) 0 , otherwise. |F|→∞ |F|→∞ lim P˜ =1−(1−p)9 . e andf = k f˜.Thenthedecodingmatrix |F|→∞ i j:head(ej)=tail(ei) j,i j of the sinPk node t is F = (f˜ f˜). Hence, P˜ (t ) = Specially, if we consider the random linear network coding 1 t1 3 8 e 1 Pr(Rank((f˜ f˜))6=2). for the butterfly network without fail channels, i.e. p=0, we 3 8 Note that the event “Rank((f˜ f˜)) = 2” is equivalent to have (also from Theorem 1) 3 8 the event “Rank((f f )) = 2, δ , and δ ”. Moreover, since 3 8 3 8 lim P (t )= lim P = lim P =0 , (i=1,2). (f3 f8) = (k1,3f˜1 k7,8f˜7), we have Rank((f3 f8)) = 2 if |F|→∞ e i |F|→∞ e |F|→∞ av and only if Rank((f˜1 f˜7)) = 2 and k1,3 6= 0,k7,8 6= 0. That is, for the sufficient large base field F, the failure Similarly, the event “Rank((f˜1 f˜7)) = 2” is equivalent probabilities can become arbitrary small. In fact, this result to the event “Rank((f1 f7)) = 2, δ1, and δ7”. Note that is correct for all single source multicast network coding [4]. f˜4 = 0 or f4, and f4 = k1,4f˜1, so f˜4 = 0 or k1,4f1. Since It is easy to see from Theorem 1 that the rates of Pe(ti) iff7R=ankk4,(7(ff˜41+f˜5k)5),7=f˜5,2waendhakv5e,7R6=an0k.(G(fo1infg7)o)n=w2ithiftahnedsoanmlye oapfpProaacphpinrogac0hianngd0Piasv a9p.proaching 0 are |F5|, and the rate analysisasabove,wehavethattheevent“Rank((f f˜))=2” e |F| 1 5 is equivalent to the event “Rank((f f )) = 2, and δ ”, and 1 5 5 IV. CONCLUSION the event “Rank((f f )) = 2” is equivalent to the event “Rank((f f )) = 21, k5 6= 0, and δ ” since f = k f˜. The performance of random linear network coding is illus- Therefore,1th2e event “R2a,5nk((f˜ f˜)) =2 2” is eq5uivale2n,5t t2o trated by the failure probabilities of random linear network 3 8 coding. In general, it is very difficult to calculate the failure the event “Rank((f f )) = 2, δ , δ , δ , δ , δ , δ , and 1 2 1 2 3 5 7 8 probabilities of random linear network coding for a general k ,k ,k ,k 6=0”. Hence, we have 1,3 2,5 5,7 7,8 communicationnetwork.Inthisletter,wedeterminethefailure 1−P˜ (t )=Pr(Rank((f˜ f˜))=2) probabilities of random linear network coding for the well- e 1 3 8 knownbutterfly network and the butterfly network with chan- =Pr({Rank(f f )=2}∩{δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ ,δ } 1 2 1 2 3 5 7 8 nel failure probability p. ∩{k ,k ,k ,k 6=0}) 1,3 2,5 5,7 7,8 =Pr({Rank(f1 f2)=2})·Pr({δ1,δ2,δ3,δ5,δ7,δ8}) REFERENCES ·Pr({k ,k ,k ,k 6=0}) 1,3 2,5 5,7 7,8 [1] R.Ahlswede,N.Cai,S.-Y.R.Li,andR.W.Yeung,“NetworkInformation (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 Flow,”IEEETransactionsonInformationTheory,vol.46,no.4,pp.1204- = (1−p)6. 1216,Jul.2000. |F|7 [2] S.-Y.R. Li, R. W.Yeung, andN. Cai, “Linear Network Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 371-381, Jul. In the same way, we can get 2003. [3] R.Koetter,andM.M´edard,“AnAlgebraicApproachtoNetworkCoding,” (|F|+1)(|F|−1)6 P˜ (t )=P˜ (t )=1− (1−p)6 . IEEE/ACMTransactionsonNetworking,vol.11,no.5,pp.782-795,Oct. e 2 e 1 |F|7 2003. [4] T. 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