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Journal of Materials Processing Salk\t e s ES y Technology ELSEV E Volume 176, Issues 1—3, 6 June 2006 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmatprotec Contents The Journal of Materials Processing Technology in year 2005 and beyond: What the authors and reviewers should know ........... l S. Hashmi Numerical comstramt disposal for boundary friction in aieet Metal forming .. i. ok 6 i cc ee hae cee ee ce cass eeewnbeuns 4 L. Yuqi, L. Junhua eu y COR ORE MIe OF Tints Semee TES Y Bley With SURRMECES SIDEIS wo eR in le Fei en es tie webs eee eles 8 X.M. Qiu, M.G. Li, D.Q. Sun, W.H. Liu Duacy CaP SRStRDINCy OF Cie HORM Homler snéct metal Giclees FOTN 2... ee eA ewe ee eee ane cub ee pe weeeeeeease oe 13 F. Mao, J.H. Mo, S.H. Huang Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior of spherical graphite cast iron FCD500 ................... 19 J.-D. Kim, J.-K. Ji Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by utilization of heat from the solidification process .................. 24 X. Chen, W. Kasprzak, J.H. Sokolowski The effect of injection velocity on liquid segregation and mechanical properties in arm part fabricated by semi-solid die casting NN 50s, ae 4 he Viale ae A w Rae hh EE a 0 1 FE Gol GS ee Pw ek Oe oe BNE a ee 32 C.G. Kang, P.K. Seo, S.S. Kang Effect of low temperature tempering prior cryogenic treatment on carburized steels 2... 0.0..e.t e ens 41 M. Preciado, P.M. Bravo, J.M. Alegre Effects of die shape and injection conditions proposed with numerical integration design on liquid segregation and mechanical properties Sane gos oKen aE KS ee CA SHA CWE CEA CORSE PLES BE TORRE ECAR Chey s CP EEERES OL 45 P.K. Seo, D.U. Kim, C.G. Kang Control system of a mini hydraulic press for evaluating springback in sheet metal forming Ne OT eA ONE Te eee foe 55 P. Sun, J.J. Gracio, J.A. Ferreira New short time face turning method for testing the machinability of PM steels... 2.2... 0... 0... cece eee cee eee eee 62 A. Salak, K. Vasilko, M. Selecké, H. Danninger A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear formation in deep drawing CSU ere SER es Ree pe ae 70 V. Vahdat, S. Santhanam, Y.W. Chun Simple thermo-elastic—plastic models for welding distortion simulation .... 0... 0. cies nee eee cree wee wane ees W P. Mollicone, D. Camilleri, T.G.F. Gray, T. Comlekci Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma jet: Comparison between experimental results and theoretical NN ok Po oie« i ar iene aa re Ri aaa eR a a oed a in cal ierp arams Wb & aca atu cte Salat W eed vie anak lian 87 S. Kumar, V. Selvarajan, P.V.A. Padmanabhan, K.P. Sreekumar Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb wave technique ......0c e.ee .eee .eee. .ee e.e ee.e e.en s 95 M. Arone, D. Cerniglia, V. Nigrelli Composite layer-based analytical models for tool—chip interface temperatures in machining medium carbon steels with multi-layer I ON EA gh Tai Bec a Sek Mae MRO Sh 5 IG ee RG DEIR DIE Op Eh ONG BRCRLAEGSe oF VR LAS Ve oe ee eg 102 W. Grzesik The publisher encourages the submission of articles in electronic form thus saving time and avoiding rekeying errors. A leaflet describing our requirements is available from the publisher upon request. Elsevier B.V. v1 Contents A study on development of inductive sensor for automatic weld seam tracking ........ 0... ceceee eeee eee e ee eee 111 K.-Y. Bae, J.-H. Park ee ee ee ee ee ee ers Se cee e Seer Y ee ere rer 117 M. Baker Effect of welding nugget diameter on the fatigue strength of the resistance spot welded joints of different steel sheets .............. 127 M. Vural, A. Akkus, B. Eryiirek Investigation through factorial design on novel method of preparing vanadium carbide using carbon during aluminothermic ea ee hs ne ey Wary ce Oe Gas W ta. hie Sow dn Gis ook gOS eGR ORES SREB S RAS RAE Ong © ae 8 8 SURRD 133 R. Venugopalan, D. Sathiyamoorthy Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel .................... 140 M.K. Lee, G.H. Kim, K.H. Kim, W.W. Kim Fabrication of Al-based hybrid composites reinforced with SiC whiskers and SiC nanoparticles by squeeze casting ................ 146 X.N. Zhang, L. Geng, G.S. Wang Study on mechanisms of burr formation and edge breakout near the exit of orthogonal cutting ........0..0..00.. .00.0 0.002. e ee 152 G.-L. Chern Fuzzy control of pulsed GTA welds by using real-time root bead image feedback .....20..0.0.... 00.02. e.e ee. ..ee e 158 C.-H. Tsai, K.-H. Hou, H.-T. Chuang Preis GG Served COUTOSION DOMEVICE OF TNser-WEIGOd SURMIIONS SICEIS 2... i ede cece ee etwas eee ewe ene cereus 168 C.T. Kwok, S.L. Fong, RT. Cheng, H.C. Man AlT i, _ .N hard coatings synthesized by reactive sputtering using mosaic target ......... 0. cece cece eee cece eee e tere nenees 179 W. Zhao, F. Mei, Y. Dong, G. Li An investigation of lapping characteristics for improving the form error of an aspheric lens ........00.000.. .ee .eee. ee. ee.e e ee 183 H.-C. Chuang, P.-L. Tso Development of a novel hybrid aluminum-based composite with enhanced properties ............ 00.02. 19] M. Gupta, M.O. Lai, C.Y.H. Lim Modeling the injection molding processing of a polypropylene closure having an integral hinge ...................- 0000022000) 200 R.A. Tatara, R.M. Sievers, V. Hierzer A new binder for powder injection molding titanium and other reactive metals ........ 0... 0. cece eee ee eens 205 K. Scott Weil, E. Nyberg, K. Simmons Surface hardening of metallic alloys by electrospark deposition followed by plasma nitriding ...........0...00.00. e.e .e.e 210 M.A. Béjar, W. Schnake, W. Saavedra, J.P. Vildésola A contribution to a qualitative understanding of thermo-mechanical effects during chip formation in hard turning ................. 214 T. Mabrouki, J.-F. Rigal Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for direct ceramic ink jet printing 222 P.S.R.K. Prasad, A.V. Reddy, P.K. Rajesh, P. Ponnambalam, K. Prakasan Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stainless steel clad quality ......... 0... 0... cece eee eee eee 230 T. Kannan, N. Murugan Sar eee Geman GURONNRE Ge DLOmO-<tn) SNCT-RUNOD SEIEORIIOY 5 5 ce aw cele cc ewe debe webescevevtoeuebvaebbeepeens 240 J. Safari, S. Nategh Numerical studies on processing routes and deformation mechanism of multi-pass equal channel angular pressing processes ......... 251 S. Xu, G. Zhao, Y. Luan, Y. Guan Analysis of deformation behavior in 3D during equal channel angular extrusion... 2... 20... 2. ee eee 260 J.K. Kim, W.J. Kim MoGel €xperiment of mold Hiline process in vertical centrifugal casting ..... 2... cic ccc eee eee ese eevee eteees 268 L. Changyun, W. Shiping, G. Jingjie, S. Yanqing, B. Weisheng, F. Hengzhi A technical note on the characterization of electroformed nickel shells for their application to injection molds .................... 273 | M.D. Monzon, M.D. Marrero, A.N. Benitez, P.M. Hernandez, J.F. Cardenes | IRR APE peter os, A NT PRE he ye)n i Ne we i or On nn ee ae OF7 oe ee 278 | I Saad 8k a race ee a ae el A oi dak 8 i SARE ee Ne a Beg ba Seread, i eee 279 Journal of Materials Processing oat Technology Journal of Materials Processing Technology 176 (2006) 278 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmatprotec Author Index of Volume 176 Qiu, X.M., 8 Akkus, A., 127 Jingjie, G., 268 Alegre, J.M., 41 Junhua, L., 4 Arone, M., 95 Rajesh, P.K., 222 Kang, C.G., 32, 45 Reddy, A.V., 222 Bae, K.-Y., 111 Kang, S.S., 32 Rigal, J.-F., 214 Baker, M., 117 Kannan, T., 230 Benitez, A.N., 273 Kasprzak, W., 24 Saavedra, W., 210 Béjar, M.A., 210 Kim, D.U., 45 Safari, J., 240 Bravo, P.M., 41 Kim, G.H., 140 Salak, A., 62 Kim, J.-D., 19 Santhanam, S., 70 Camilleri, D., 77 Kim, J.K., 260 Sathiyamoorthy, D., 133 Cardenes, J.F., 273 Kim, K.H., 140 Schnake, W., 210 Cerniglia, D., 95 Kim, W.J., 260 Scott Weil, K., 205 Changyun, L., 268 Kim, W.W., 140 Selecka, M., 62 Chen, X., 24 Kumar, S., 87 Selvarajan, V., 87 Cheng, F.T., 168 Kwok, C.T., 168 Seo, P.K., 32, 45 Chern, G.-L., 152 Shiping, W., 268 Chuang, H.-C., 183 Lai, M.O., 191 Sievers, R.M., 200 Chuang, H.-T., 158 Lee, M.K., 140 Simmons, K., 205 Chun, Y.W., 70 Li, G., 179 Sokolowski, J.H., 24 Comlekci, T., 77 Li, M.G., 8 Sreekumar, K.P., 87 Lim, C.Y.H., 191 Sun, D.Q., 8 Danninger, H., 62 Liu, W.H., 8 Sun, P., 55 Dong, Y., 179 Luan, Y., 251 Tatara, R.A., 200 Erytirek, B., 127 Mabrouki, T., 214 Tsai, C.-H., 158 Man, H.C., 168 Tso, P.-L., 183 Ferreira, J.A., 55 Mao, F., 13 Fong, S.L., 168 Marrero, M.D., 273 Vahdat, V., 70 Mei, F., 179 Vasilko, K., 62 Geng, L., 146 - Mo, J.H., 13 Venugopalan, R., 133 Gracio, J.J., 55 Mollicone, P., 77 Vildésola, J.P., 210 Gray, T.G.F., 77 Monzon, M.D., 273 Vural, M., 127 Grzesik, W., 102 Murugan, N., 230 Guan, Y., 251 Wang, G.S., 146 Gupta, M., 191 Nategh, S., 240 Weisheng, B., 268 Nigrelli, V., 95 Hashmi, S., 1 Nyberg, E., 205 Xu, S., 251 Hengzhi, F., 268 Hernandez, P.M., 273 Padmanabhan, P.V.A., 87 Yanqing, S., 268 Hierzer, V., 200 Park, J.-H., 111 Yuqi, L., 4 Hou, K.-H., 158 Ponnambalam, P., 222 Huang, S.H., 13 Prakasan, K., 222 Zhang, X.N., 146 Prasad, P.S.R.K., 222 Zhao, G., 251 Ji, J.-K., 19 Preciado, M., 41 Zhao, W., 179 Elsevier B.V. doi: 10.1016/S0924-0136(06)00545-0 Journal of Materials oe Processing Seo eeaa. Technology ELSEVIER Journal of Materials Processing Technology 176 (2006) 279-283 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmatprotec Subject Index of Volume 176 Aging Carbides On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy, 240 On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy, 240 Air-coupled transducer Carbo-aluminothermic reduction Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb Investigation through factorial design on novel method of preparing wave technique, 95 vanadium carbide using carbon during aluminothermic reduction, Aluminum 133 Development of a novel hybrid aluminum-based composite with Carburization enhanced properties, 191 Effect of low temperature tempering prior cryogenic treatment on car- Aluminum alloy burized steels, 41 Fabrication of Al-based hybrid composites reinforced with SiC Cast iron whiskers and SiC nanoparticles by squeeze casting, 146 Surface hardening of metallic alloys by electrospark deposition fol- Al Ti, _.N coating lowed by plasma nitriding, 210 Al Ti,_.N hard coatings synthesized by reactive sputtering using Cavity filling mosaic target, 179 Modeling the injection molding processing of a polypropylene closure Analytical modelling having an integral hinge, 200 Composite layer-based analytical models for tool—chip interface tem- Centrifugal casting peratures in machining medium carbon steels with multi-layer Model experiment of mold filling process in vertical centrifugal cast- coated cutting tools, 102 ing, 268 Analyzed signal Chip formation Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior Finite element simulation of high-speed cutting forces, 117 of spherical graphite cast iron FCD500, 19 Clad quality parameters Anisotropy Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stain- A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear less steel clad quality, 230 formation in deep drawing, 70 Coated carbides Argon plasma Composite layer-based analytical models for tool—chip interface tem- Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma jet: peratures in machining medium carbon steels with multi-layer Comparison between experimental results and theoretical estimation, coated cutting tools, 102 87 Coefficient of thermal expansion Aspheric lens Development of a novel hybrid aluminum-based composite with An investigation of lapping characteristics for improving the form enhanced properties, 191 error of an aspheric lens, 183 Composites Austenitic stainless steel Development of a novel hybrid aluminum-based composite with Effect of welding nugget diameter on the fatigue strength of the resistance enhanced properties, 191 spot welded joints of different steel sheets, 127 Constraint disposal : Automatic-welding Numerical constraint disposal for boundary friction in sheet metal Fuzzy control of pulsed GTA welds by using real-time root bead forming, 4 image feedback, 158 Contour plot Average AE energy Investigation through factorial design on novel method of preparing Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior vanadium carbide using carbon during aluminothermic reduction, of spherical graphite cast iron FCDS500, 19 133 Control system Blank Control system of a mini hydraulic press for evaluating springback in A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear sheet metal forming, 55 formation in deep drawing, 70 Copper alloys Bottom filling Surface hardening of metallic alloys by electrospark deposition fol- Model experiment of mold filling process in vertical centrifugal casting, 268 lowed by plasma nitriding, 210 Burr formation Cutting speed Study on mechanisms of burr formation and edge breakout near the Finite element simulation of high-speed cutting forces, 117 exit of orthogonal cutting, 152 Butt welding Deep cryogenic Simple thermo-elastic—plastic models for welding distortion simulation, Effect of low temperature tempering prior cryogenic treatment on car- 77 burized steels, 41 Elsevier B.V. doi: 10.1016/S0924-0136(06)00546-2 280 ' Subject Index of Volume 176 Deep drawing Fatigue resistance A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear Effect of welding nugget diameter on the fatigue strength of the resistance formation in deep drawing, 70 spot welded joints of different steel sheets, 127 Die design FCAW The effect of injection velocity on liquid segregation and mechanical Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stainless properties in arm part fabricated by semi-solid die casting process, 32 steel clad quality, 230 Direct ceramic ink jet printing FCD500 Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 of spherical graphite cast iron FCD500, 19 Dispersant 6-Ferrite Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for Pitting and galvanic corrosion behavior of laser-welded stainless direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 steels, 168 Distortion Filling ability Simple thermo-elastic—plastic models for welding distortion simulation, Model experiment of mold filling process in vertical centrifugal casting, 77 268 Drawbead Finite element A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear Numerical constraint disposal for boundary friction in sheet metal formation in deep drawing, 70 forming, 4 Drop on demand A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for formation in deep drawing, 70 direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 Finite element simulation Dupiex stainless steels Finite element simulation of high-speed cutting forces, 117 Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stain- Finite-element analysis less steel clad quality, 230 Simple thermo-elastic—plastic models for welding distortion simulation, 77 Dynamic buckling Numerical studies on processing routes and deformation mechanism Study on instability of the point bolster sheet metal dieless forming, of multi-pass equal channel angular pressing processes, 251 13 Flame hardening Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual Earing stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel, 140 A numerical investigation on the use of drawbeads to minimize ear Flow simulation formation in deep drawing, 70 Modeling the injection molding processing of a polypropylene closure ECAE having an integral hinge, 200 Analysis of deformation behavior in 3D during equal channel angular 319 Foundry alloy extrusion, 260 Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by Edge breakout utilization of heat from the solidification process, 24 Study on mechanisms of burr formation and edge breakout near the Fractography exit of orthogonal cutting, 152 Study on mechanisms of burr formation and edge breakout near the Edge detection exit of orthogonal cutting, 152 Fuzzy control of pulsed GTA welds by using real-time root bead Friction image feedback, 158 Numerical constraint disposal for boundary friction in sheet metal Electroforming forming, 4 A technical note on the characterization of electroformed nickel shells Fuzzy Control for their application to injection molds, 273 Fuzzy control of pulsed GTA welds by using real-time root bead Electromagnetic sensor image feedback, 158 A study on development of inductive sensor for automatic weld seam tracking, 111 Galvanic corrosion Electroplating Pitting and galvanic corrosion behavior of laser-welded stainless A technical note on the characterization of electroformed nickel shells steels, 168 for their application to injection molds, 273 Galvanized steel Electrospark Effect of welding nugget diameter on the fatigue strength of the resist- Surface hardening of metallic alloys by electrospark deposition ance spot welded joints of different steel sheets, 127 followed by plasma nitriding, 210 Gap width Equal channel angular pressing A study on development of inductive sensor for automatic weld seam Numerical studies on processing routes and deformation mechanism tracking, 111 of multi-pass equal channel angular pressing processes, 251 Generation Evaluation An investigation of lapping characteristics for improving the form Control system of a mini hydraulic press for evaluating springback in error of an aspheric lens, 183 sheet metal forming, 55 GTAW Fuzzy control of pulsed GTA welds by using real-time root bead Face turning image feedback, 158 New short time face turning method for testing the machinability of PM steels, 62 Hardness Factorial design Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual Investigation through factorial design on novel method of preparing stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel, 140 vanadium carbide using carbon during aluminothermic reduction, 133 Heat treatment Fatigue limit Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior utilization of heat from the solidification process, 24 of spherical graphite cast iron FCDS00, 19 On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy, 240 Subject Index of Volume 176 Height control Mechanical properties A study on development of inductive sensor for automatic weld seam The effect of injection velocity on liquid segregation and mechanical tracking, 111 properties in arm part fabricated by semi-solid die casting process, Hybrid composites ae Fabrication of Al-based hybrid composites reinforced with SiC Effects of die shape and injection conditions proposed with numerical whiskers and SiC nanoparticles by squeeze casting, 146 integration design on liquid segregation and mechanical properties Hydraulic simulation in semi-solid die casting process, 45 Model experiment of mold filling process in vertical centrifugal casting, Al Ti,_,.N hard coatings synthesized by reactive sputtering using 268 mosaic target, 179 Development of a novel hybrid aluminum-based composite with Image processing enhanced properties, 191 Fuzzy control of pulsed GTA welds by using real-time root bead Mechanical testing image feedback, 158 Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by Injection condition utilization of heat from the solidification process, 24 Effects of die shape and injection conditions proposed with numerical Melting time integration design on liquid segregation and mechanical properties Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma jet: in semi-solid die casting process, 45 Comparison between experimental results and theoretical estimation, Injection molding 87 Modeling the injection molding processing of a polypropylene closure Metallurgical simulations having an integral hinge, 200 Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by Ink jet printing utilization of heat from the solidification process, 24 Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for Microdroplet deposition direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for Interface temperature direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 Composite layer-based analytical models for tool—chip interface tem- Microstructure peratures in machining medium carbon steels with multi-layer Study on brazing of TiNi shape memory alloy with stainless steels, 8 coated cutting tools, 102 Al,Ti,_,.N hard coatings synthesized by reactive sputtering using Irregularity parameter mosaic target, 179 Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma Development of a novel hybrid aluminum-based composite with jet: Comparison between experimental results and theoretical enhanced properties, 191 estimation, 87 On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy, 240 A technical note on the characterization of electroformed nickel shells Lamb waves for their application to injection molds, 273 Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb MOLDFLOW wave technique, 95 Modeling the injection molding processing of a polypropylene closure Lapping having an integral hinge, 200 An investigation of lapping characteristics for improving the form Mosaic target error of an aspheric lens, 183 Al Ti,_,.N hard coatings synthesized by reactive sputtering using Laser brazing mosaic target, 179 Study on brazing of TiNi shape memory alloy with stainless steels, 8 Nickel Laser generation A technical note on the characterization of electroformed nickel shells Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb for their application to injection molds, 273 wave technique, 95 Nickel base superalloy Laser welding On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy, 240 Pitting and galvanic corrosion behavior of laser-welded stainless Node mapping method steels, 168 Numerical studies on processing routes and deformation mechanism Liquid segregation of multi-pass equal channel angular pressing processes, 251 Effects of die shape and injection conditions proposed with numerical Non-contact ultrasonic inspection integration design on liquid segregation and mechanical properties Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb in semi-solid die casting process, 45 wave technique, 95 2D numerical model Machinability A contribution to a qualitative understanding of thermo-mechanical New short time face turning method for testing the machinability of effects during chip formation in hard turning, 214 PM steels, 62 Machining Orthogonal cutting Composite layer-based analytical models for tool—chip interface Study on mechanisms of burr formation and edge breakout near the temperatures in machining medium carbon steels with multi-layer exit of orthogonal cutting, 152 coated cutting tools, 102 Finite element simulation of high-speed cutting forces, 117 Pad A contribution to a qualitative understanding of thermo-mechanical An investigation of lapping characteristics for improving the form effects during chip formation in hard turning, 214 error of an aspheric lens, 183 Martensitic transformation Pitting corrosion Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual Pitting and galvanic corrosion behavior of laser-welded stainless stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel, 140 steels, 168 Mathematical models Plasma nitriding Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stainless Surface hardening of metallic alloys by electrospark deposition fol- steel clad quality, 230 lowed by plasma nitriding, 210 282 Subject Index of Volume 176 Plastic forming Sheet metal forming Study on instability of the point bolster sheet metal dieless forming, Numerical constraint disposal for boundary friction in sheet metal 13 forming, 4 Point bolster Control system of a mini hydraulic press for evaluating springback in Study on instability of the point bolster sheet metal dieless forming, sheet metal forming, 55 13 SiC nanoparticle Polishing Fabrication of Al-based hybrid composites reinforced with SiC An investigation of lapping characteristics for improving the form whiskers and SiC nanoparticles by squeeze casting, 146 error of an aspheric lens, 183 SiC whisker Powder injection molding Fabrication of Al-based hybrid composites reinforced with SiC A new binder for powder injection molding titanium and other reactive whiskers and SiC nanoparticles by squeeze casting, 146 metals, 205 3D simulation Powder metallurgy Analysis of deformation behavior in 3D during equal channel angular New short time face turning method for testing the machinability of extrusion, 260 PM steels, 62 Simulation Processing route Simple thermo-elastic—plastic models for welding distortion simulation, Numerical studies on processing routes and deformation mechanism 77 of multi-pass equal channel angular pressing processes, 251 Sintered steels New short time face turning method for testing the machinability of Reactive metals PM steels, 62 A new binder for powder injection molding titanium and other reactive Solid freeform fabrication metals, 205 Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for Reactive sputtering direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 Al Ti,_.N hard coatings synthesized by reactive sputtering using Solidification process mosaic target, 179 Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by Reheating process utilization of heat from the solidification process, 24 The effect of injection velocity on liquid segregation and mechanical Spherical graphite properties in arm part fabricated by semi-solid die casting process, Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior 32 of spherical graphite cast iron FCDS00, 19 Residence time Spheroidization Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma jet: Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma jet: Comparison between experimental results and theoretical estimation, Comparison between experimental results and_ theoretical 87 estimation, 87 Residual stress Spring elements Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual Numerical constraint disposal for boundary friction in sheet metal stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel, 140 forming, 4 Resistance spot welding Springback Effect of welding nugget diameter on the fatigue strength of the resistance Control system of a mini hydraulic press for evaluating springback in spot welded joints of different steel sheets, 127 sheet metal forming, 55 Retained austenite Squeeze casting Effect of low temperature tempering prior cryogenic treatment on Fabrication of Al-based hybrid composites reinforced with SiC carburized steels, 41 whiskers and SiC nanoparticles by squeeze casting, 146 Roundness Stainless steels Spheroidization of metal and ceramic powders in thermal plasma jet: Study on brazing of TiNi shape memory alloy with stainless steels, 8 Comparison between experimental results and theoretical estimation, Pitting and galvanic corrosion behavior of laser-welded stainiess 87 steels, 168 12Cr steel Seam tracking Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual A study on development of inductive sensor for automatic weld seam stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel, 140 tracking, 111 Steepest ascent method Sediment packing density Investigation through factorial design on novel method of preparing Studies on rheology of ceramic inks and spread of ink droplets for vanadium carbide using carbon during aluminothermic reduction, direct ceramic ink jet printing, 222 133 Segmented chip Strain uniformity A contribution to a qualitative understanding of thermo-mechanical Analysis of deformation behavior in 3D during equal channel angular effects during chip formation in hard turning, 214 extrusion, 260 Semi-solid die casting Strength Effects of die shape and injection conditions proposed with numerical Study on brazing of TiNi shape memory alloy with stainless steels, integration design on liquid segregation and mechanical properties 8 in semi-solid die casting process, 45 Stress component The effect of injection velocity on liquid segregation and mechanical Analysis of deformation behavior in 3D during equal channel angular properties in arm part fabricated by semi-solid die casting process, extrusion, 260 32 Super-rapid induction quenching Serration grain boundaries Effect of super-rapid induction quenching on fatigue fracture behavior On the heat treatment of Rene-80 nickel-base superalloy, 240 of spherical graphite cast iron FCD500, 19 Sheet metal dieless forming Surface hardening Study on instability of the point bolster sheet metal dieless forming, Surface hardening of metallic alloys by electrospark deposition 13 followed by plasma nitriding, 210 Subject Index of Volume 176 Surface treatment Triple detectors Effects of the surface temperature and cooling rate on the residual A study on development of inductive sensor for automatic weld seam stresses in a flame hardening of 12Cr steel, 140 tracking, 111 Ultra-fine grains Thermal analysis Numerical studies on processing routes and deformation mechanism Reduction of the heat treatment process for Al-based alloys by of multi-pass equal channel angular pressing processes, 251 utilization of heat from the solidification process, 24 Thermo-mechanical effects Welded joints A contribution to a qualitative understanding of thermo-mechanical Defect characterization in Al welded joints by non-contact Lamb effects during chip formation in hard turning, 214 wave technique, 95 TiNi shape memory alloy Study on brazing of TiNi shape memory alloy with stainless steels, 8 Yield function Titanium Investigation through factorial design on novel method of preparing A new binder for powder injection molding titanium and other reac- vanadium carbide using carbon during aluminothermic reduction, tive metals, 205 133

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