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Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.cfirlg˙astroph February2,2008 (DOI:willbeinsertedbyhandlater) Far-infrared loops in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant Cs.Kiss1,2,A.Moo´r1,andL.V.To´th2,3 4 0 0 1 KonkolyObservatoryoftheHungarianAcademyofSciences,P.O.Box67,H-1525Budapest,Hungary 2 2 Max-Planck-Institutefu¨rAstronomie,Ko¨nigstuhl17,D-69117,Heidelberg,Germany n 3 DepartmentofAstronomy,Eo¨tvo¨sLorndUniversity,P.O.Box32,H-1518Budapest,Hungary a J Received/Accepted... 5 1 Abstract. We present the results of an investigation of the large scale structure of the diffuse interstellar medium in the 2nd GalacticQuadrant (90 l 180 ).145loops wereidentifiedonIRASbasedfar-infraredmaps. Ourcatalogue liststheir 1 ◦≤ ≤ ◦ v basicphysicalproperties.Thedistributionclearlysuggeststhatthereisanefficientprocessthatcangenerateloop-likefeatures 3 at highgalacticlatitudes. Distancesareprovided for 30loops. Wealsogiveanobservational estimateon thevolumefilling 0 factorofthehotgasintheLocalArm,4.6%≤f2nd<6.4%. 3 1 Keywords.Catalogs–ISM:bubbles–Galaxy:structure 0 4 0 1. Introduction mation, and not to the infall of HVCs. Apart from the con- / h nection of these features to young massive stars and their as- p A studyofthe diffuseinterstellarmediumis presented,a step sociations, they may also provide a nest for the next genera- - inthewayderivingthenear-pastandnear-futureofthegalac- o tionofstarsviatheprocessofpropagatingstarformation.The r tic star formation.The large scale structure of the ISM in the idea was first proposed by Oort (1954) and O¨pik (1953), and st Galaxyisdiversewiththecomplexdistributionofcavities,fil- later followed by observationalevidences (see Blaauw, 1991, a aments,arc,loopsandshells,whichisoftenreferredtoasthe for a review). This mechanism was modelled in detail by : v “CosmicBubbleBath”(Brand&Zealey,1975).Ridgesofen- Elmegreen&Lada (1977) and successfully applied to the se- i hanced radio contiunuum emission extending to high galac- X quential formation of subgroups in OB associations. Gamma tic latitudes have been known since the 60s. The first exten- r ray bursts may also be responsible for the formation of the a sivelystudiedexamplesareLoopI(Largeetal.,1966),LoopII largest HI holes, as proposed by Efremovetal. (1998) and (”Cetus Arc” Largeetal., 1962) and LoopIII (Largeetal., Loeb&Perna(1998).Nonlineardevelopmentofinstabilitiesin 1962).LateranomalousHIfeatureslikeworms,chimneys,su- theISMmayformlargecavitiesaswell,withoutstellarenergy pershells were identified and catalogued, up to a character- injection (Wadaetal., 2000; Korpietal., 1999; Klessenetal., istic size of 2kpc with expansion velocities of 20kms 1 − 2000;Sa´nchez-Salcedo,2001). ∼ ∼ (Heiles, 1979, 1980, 1984; Hu, 1981; Koo&Heiles, 1991). The cavities of the ISM contain low density hot gas in ThesewereassociatedwithvoidsintheHIdistribution(seee.g. the multiphase model by McKee&Ostriker (1977). The fill- Palousˇ,1996,forareview).Similarcomplexmorphologyhas ing factor f of this hot gas in the galactic disc is an impor- been recognized in some nearby spiral and irregular galaxies tantparameteroftheISM,whichispoorlyconstrainedobser- e.g.M31(Brinks,1981),M33(Deul&denHartog,1990)and vationally. Ferrie`re (1998) and Gazol-Patin˜o&Passot (1999) theMagellanicClouds(Staveley-Smithetal.,1992;Kimetal., estimate f 20%atthesolarcircle,whichdropsto f =3–8% 1998). ≈ for8.5 R 10kpcgalactocentricdistances. The most studied galactic shells were formed by su- ≤ ⊙≤ The21cmemissionofdiffuseHIcloudsiswell-correlated pernova (SN) explosions and winds of massive stars with the 100µm FIR emission (Boulanger&Pe´rault, 1988). (Tenorio-Tagle&Bodenheimer, 1988). However, high veloc- This extended emission is often referred to as the galac- ityclouds(HVCs)mayalsoformlargecavitieswheninfalling tic cirrus (Lowetal., 1984). A typical far-infrared colour of fromthegalactichalo andcollidingwith the ISM ofthe disc. ∆I /∆I =0.25 was derived from IRAS/ISSA maps when AremarkableexampleofaHVC–galacticdiscinteractionis 60 100 the gains are corrected according to Wheelocketal. (1994). theNorthCelestialPole(NCP)loop(Meyerdierksetal.,1991). AccordingtoCOBE/DIRBEresultsitsdustcolourtemperature Ehlerova´&Palousˇ (1996) investigated the origin of galactic isT 18K(Lagacheetal.,1998). HI shells and found, that those are likely related to star for- d ≈ Studies of the large scale structure of the cirrus emis- Sendoffprintrequeststo:Cs.Kiss,pkisscs@konkoly.hu sion and loop- or arc-like features were restricted so far to 2 Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant low galactic latitudes in the far-infrared (Schwartz, 1987; Marston, 1996), and reached only medium galactic latitudes in radio surveys. Detailed investigations of individual loops were performed only in the vicinity of the galactic plane. RecentlyDaigleetal.(2003)presentedthefirstautomatictool for detecting expanding HI shells using artificial neural net- works.Theirdataisrestrictedtotheskyarea75 l 145 and ◦ ◦ ≤ ≤ 3 b 5 andtheirdetectionstrategyisbasedonthevelocity ◦ ◦ − ≤ ≤ informationoftheHIdataratherthanmorphology. Inordertogetacomplete,full-scaleviewonthelarge-scale structure of the cold diffuse ISM, in our study we searched thewhole2ndgalacticquadrant(90 l 180 ;–90 b 90 ) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ forintensityenhancementsintheinterstellarmedium,showing loop-likestructures. 2. Dataanalysis 2.1.Questforloopsonfar-infraredmaps We investigated the 60 and 100µm ISSA plates (IRAS Sky Survey Atlas, Wheelocketal., 1994) in order to explore the Fig.1. Intensity profile before (top) and after (bottom) back- distributionofdustemissioninthe2nd GalacticQuadrant.We groundremoval(graysolidline)withthemainderivedparam- created composite images of the 12◦.5×12◦.5 sized individual eters(Iex,σex,ain,aout,seeSect.2.2) ISSA plates using the ”geom” and ”mosaic” procedures of theIPAC-Skyviewpackage,bothat60and100µm.Theseim- fromtheDIRBE100and240µmmaps,andatemperaturecor- ageswerebuiltuptypicallyfrom 10-15ISSAplates,reaching ∼ rectedmapwasusedtoconvertthe100µmcirrusmaptoamap a size of 40 40 . Loop-like intensity enhancements were ◦ ◦ ∼ × proportionaltodustcolumndensity. searchedbyeyeonthe100µmmosaicmaps.Loopsbyourdefi- nitionmustshowanexcessFIRintensityconfinedtoanarc-like feature,atleast60%ofacompleteellipse-shapedring.Aloop Shape: We approximated the shape of a possible loop by mayconsistofa set ofbright,moreorless isolated,extended an ellipse, which was then fitted using a 2D least-square fit spots,ormaybeadiffuseringorpartofaring.Thesizeofthe method.AnellipseshapeisexpectedfromSNorstellar wind mosaicimagelimitsthemaximalsizeoftheobjectsfound.On shells, since(1)non-sphericalexplosion(wind)mayoccur,in the other hand, due to the relatively large size of the investi- the mostextremecase creatinga ring,ratherthana shell, and gatedregions,loop-likeintensityenhancementswitha size of (2)originallysphericalshellsaredistortedtoellipsoidal(i)due ≤1◦werenotsearched.TheoriginalISSAII6S0SA andII1S0S0A sur- to the shear in the direction of galactic rotation (Palousˇetal., facebrightnessvaluesweretransformedtotheCOBE/DIRBE 1990)and(ii)duetotheverticalgravitationalfieldinthegalac- photometricsystem,usingtheconversioncoefficientsprovided ticdisc(seee.g.Ehlerova´&Palousˇ,1996). byWheelocketal.(1994): – I =0.87 IISSA+0.13MJysr 1 The fitted ellipse is defined with the central (galactic) coor- – I60 =0.72× 6I0ISSA 1.47MJys−r 1 dinates, the minorand major semi-axis of the ellipse, and the 100 × 100 − − positionangleofthemajoraxistothecircleofgalacticlatitude Dust IR emission maps by Schlegeletal. (1998) (SFD) at the centre of the ellipse. This latter was defined to be ’+’ wereinvestigatedtoderiveparametersdescribingourloopfea- fromEasttoNorth(orcounter-clockwise). tures(seeSect.2.2).ThemaindifferencesoftheSFD100µm mapcomparedtotheISSAmapsarethefollowing: Intensityprofile: Forallofourloopsweextractedradiallyav- eraged surface brightness profiles, extended to a distance of (1) Fourier-destrippingwasapplied, twicethemajor(andminor)axisofthefittedellipse,using40 (2) asteroidsandnon-Gaussiannoisewereremoved, concentric ellipsoidal rings. These surface-brightness profiles (3) IRASandDIRBE100µmmapswerecombined,preserving (ISSA100and60µm,SFD100µmandSFDreddeningmaps) theDIRBEzeropointandcalibration, were used in the following to determine the basic parameters (4) starsandgalaxieswereremoved. oftheFIRemissionintheloop.AnexampleisshowninFig.1 Weanalysedtheradialsurfacebrightnessprofilesoftheloops ontheSFD100µmmapinordertochecktheeffectofthere- 2.2.Derivedparameters movalofthesourcesmentionedabove.WealsousedtheSFD E(B V) maps derived from the dust column density maps. Significance: Thelocalbackgroundwasdeterminedusingthe − In the case of these maps the colour temperaturewas derived ’non-loop’points in the radial surface brightness profiles, fit- Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant 3 Fig.2.Examplesofloopsfoundinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant.left:GIRLG134–28,firstdescribedbyHeiles(1984)asGS137– 27–17.This supershellis located at a distance at 1.5kpc and has a size of 0.41 0.31kpc; right: GIRL G117+00,supershell ∼ × aroundtheCasOB5associationinadistanceof2.5kpcwithasizeof 0.31 0.27kpc(Moo´r&Kiss,2003). ∼ × tinga3rdorderpolynomial.Thisappropriatebackgroundwas removed from each surface brightness profile points. The in- tensity excess I was derived as the maximum value of this ex backgroundremovedprofile.In orderto checkif thisvalueis abovethe ’noise’,we calculated the standard deviationof the background removed intensity in the ’non-loop’ values, σ , ex and defined the significance of the loop as Ψ = I /σ . We ex ex derivedsignificanceparameterson60and100µmISSAmaps and on the SFD 100µm point source removedsky brightness and reddening maps. The higher the value of Ψ is the higher theintensityexcessoftheloopoverthebackground,therefore weusethisparameterasa’qualityindicator’inthefollowing. Relative width: Innerand outer edges of the loop wall along the major axis (a and a , respectively) are defined as the in out radial distance at the full width at half power of the back- groundremovedintensityprofile,I /2(Fig.1)Wedistinguish ex three regions for a specific loop: (1) loop interior (a<a ), in (2) loop wall (a a a ), (3) outer region (a>a ). The in out out ≤ ≤ relative width of the wall of the fitted ellipse is defined as W = 1 a /a . in out − Colour index: We derived a colour index for our loops ∆I /∆I , from the radially averaged 60 and 100µm surface 60 100 brightness profile. This is defined as the slope of the I vs. 60 I100 scatterplotusingthedatapointsofthesurfacebrightness Fig.3. Distribution of GIRLs in the sky in the 2nd Galactic profilesinthepositionsoftheloopwall(ain a aout)only. Quadrant(Aitoffprojection),representedbythefittedellipses ≤ ≤ call these objects ’GIRL’-s, abbreviating ’Galactic InfraRed 3. Results Loops’. 3.1.Thecatalogue Theentriesofthecataloguearethefollowing: We identified 145 loops in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant. The 1.) Name of the loop, derived from the galactic coordinates parameters of these loops are summarized in Table A.1. We of the loop centre. The format is : GIRL GLLL BB, the ± 4 Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant ’GIRL’ prefix stands for ’Galactic InfraRed Loops’, ’G’ marksthegalacticcoordinatesystem,’LLL’isthegalactic longitude in degrees, is the sign of the galactic latitude ± (+/–),and’BB’istheabsolutevalueofthegalacticlatitude oftheloopcentre. 2.) Centralgalacticcoordinatesoftheloop(landb) 3.) Semimajorandminoraxisofthefittedellipse 4.) Position angle of the fitted ellipse. The position angle is defined as ’+’ from East to North. Zero position angle is pointedtotheEastingalacticcoordinates. 5.) Major axes corresponding to the inner and outer edge of the loopwall, derivedfromthe 100µm surfacebrightness profile 6.) ISSA 60 and 100µm, SFD 100µm and reddeningsignifi- canceparameters(Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ andΨ ,respectively I60 100 S100 EBV 7.) colourindex∆I /∆I oftheloopwall 60 100 In the electronic version of the catalogue (URL: “http://astro.elte.hu/CFIRLG”) we provide the following additionalfeatures: 8.) 100µmISSAimageoftheloopwiththepossibleassociated objectsoverlaid 9.) ISSA60and100µm,SFD100µmandSFDE(B-V)surface brightnessprofilesinFITSformat 10.) Listofobjectsapparentlyassociatedwiththeloop Anassociatedobjecthastobeplacedin thewallorinthe interioroftheloop(definedbyconcentricellipses,asdescribed above). We considered the following type of possible associ- atedobjects(referencesareindicated) – darkclouds(Dutra&Bica,2002) – supernovaremnants(Green,1994) – OB-associations(Lang,1992) – pulsars(Tayloretal.,1993) Fig.4.DistributionofGIRLsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant.(a) – HIIregions(Sharpless,1959) Loop-countsvs. galacticlongitude.Graylineswith lightgray – IRASpointsourcewithmolecularcoreFIRcolours filled area: northern galactic hemisphere (b>0 ). Dash-dotted ◦ – IRASpointsourcewithTTaustar-likeFIRcolours black lines: southern galactic hemisphere (b<0 ). (b) Loop- ◦ countsvs.the’sin’ofthegalacticlatitude(equalareabelts) MolecularcoresandTTauristarswereselectedfromtheIRAS PointSourceCatalogue(JointIRASScience WorknigGroup, 1988)accordingtothefollowingcriteria: 3.2.Skydistributionandfundamentalstatistics – pointsourcesassociatedwithgalaxieswereexcluded Sky distribution: Fig. 3 presents the distribution of the far- – photometricqualitiesare2orbetterat12,25and60µm infrared loops found in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant. The dis- – – molecularcores: tributionofGIRLsseemstoberathercomplex.However,there 0.4≤log10(cid:18)FF2152(cid:19)≤1.0&0.4≤log10(cid:18)FF2650(cid:19)≤1.3 areslightlymoreloopsatlow(b≤30◦)galacticlatitudesthan – TTauristars: athighones(b>30◦). 0.0 log F25 0.5&–0.2 log F60 0.4 ItisobviousfromFig4athatthetwogalactichemispheres ≤ 10(cid:18)F12(cid:19)≤ ≤ 10(cid:18)F25(cid:19)≤ represent different loop distributions. We have tested the hy- followingthe definitionsbyEmerson(1998).F , F and 12 25 pothesis that the galactic latitudes of the loop centres on the F arethe12,25and60µmuncorrectedIRASfluxes,re- 60 Northernand Southernhemispheresare drawnfromthe same spectively. distribution.AKolmogorov–Smirnovtestshowedthattheho- Thislistofpossibleassociatedobjectdoesnottakeintoac- mogeneousdistributionhypothesiscouldnotbeacceptedatthe countthe distancesof the individualobjects, thereforeall ob- 80%confidencelevel.Atestperformedforthegalacticlongi- jectsprojectedtotheloopwallortotheinteriorareincluded.In tude distribution on the two hemispheres(Fig.4b) yielded the thecaseofafew(30)loops,wewereabletoderiveadistance sameresult. fortheloopbasedonthedistancesofassociatedobjects.This There is a hint in Fig. 3, that most of the loops are part isdiscussedindetailinSect.5. Thelistofassociatedobjects of a structurewith scalessignificantlylargerthanthe individ- ispresentedinAppendixC. ual loop diameters. The most remarkable feature of this kind Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant 5 is a huge chain of loops seen in the l 90 –130 , b=–35 – ◦ ◦ ◦ ≈ +5 region. In the ranges l 130 –140 , b +45 – +65 nine ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ≈ ≈ loopscan be foundsqueezedto a relativelysmallarea, which correlates well with the position of the Ursa Maior molecu- larcomplexconnectedtotheexpandingshelloftheNCPloop (Pound&Goodman,1997). Fig.6.Distributionofthewidthoftheloopwallsrelativetothe effectiveradiusoftheloop(W=1–a /a ) in out Fig.5.ApparentsizedistributionofGIRLs.Sizeispresentedin effective radius, r , the geometricalmean of semi-minor and eff -majoraxesofthefittedellipse Sizedistribution: Wedefinedtheeffectiveradiusofourloops asthegeometricalmeanofthesemi-minorand-majoraxisof thefittedellipse,r = √a b.Forthewholesampleofloops eff × we obtainedm(r ) = 3.2 and E(r ) = 2.7 for the sample eff ◦ eff ◦ meanandexpectationvalueoftheeffectiveradius,respectively. ThesizedistributionispresentedinFig.5.Majority(78%) of the loopsare in the apparenteffective radiusr 4 , and eff ◦ ≤ there are only a few (9) loopsr 7 . The lower end of the eff ◦ ≥ sizedistributionislimitedbyourdetectionmethod,whichex- cludesfeatureswithasizesmallerthan 1 indiameter. Fig.7. Comparison of the expected distribution of minor to ◦ ∼ major axis ratio (assuming randomlyoriented 2D rings, solid line)withthedistributionoftheobservedaxisratios(grayhis- Distribution of relative width: Fig. 6 shows a Gaussian- togram). like distribution, with an average value of W =0.29 and a h i FWHM=0.04fortherelativewidthW oftheloopwalls. Significances: InFig.9wecomparethesignificancesderived from ISSA 100µm, ISSA 60µm, SFD 100µm and SFD red- Axisratiodistribution: AsmentionedinSect.1,itiswidelyac- deningmaps,Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ (seealsoTableA.1). I100 I60 SFD100 EBV cepted,thatgalacticloops–identifiedinanywavelengthrange The Pearsoncorrelationcoefficientsarelisted in Table 1. The –are2D projectionsof3Dcavitiesin theISM.We compared Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ andΨ significancesarewellcorrelated, I100 I60 S100 SEBV theexpecteddistributionoftheratioofminortomajoraxesof and in all 145 cases resulted in a definite confirmation of the thesky-projectionof2Dringtothedistributionoftheobserved suspectedellipsoidalstructure. minortomajoraxesratiosinFig.7.2Dringsareassumedtobe Fig. 8 presents the distribution of ISSA 100µm and SFD randomlyorientedin φandθ polarangles.Thisfigureclearly E(B-V)significances(Ψ andΨ ,respectively).Basedon I100 EBV showsasignificantdifferencebetweenthetwodistributions.It thedefinitionofΨ(seeSect2.2)onecansetalimitofΨ=3as isnotlikelythatmostofourobjectsarejusttheprojectionsof avalueseparatingweakandprominentloops(prominentloops 2Drings. areabovethe“3σ”levelofbackgroundfluctuations).However, 6 Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant correlated correlation significances coefficients Ψ –Ψ 0.77 I100 I60 Ψ –Ψ 0.82 I100 S100 Ψ –Ψ 0.68 I100 SEBV Ψ –Ψ 0.79 S100 SEBV Table 1. Linear Pearson correlation coefficients of signifi- cancesderivedfromISSA100µm(Ψ ),ISSA60µm(Ψ ), I100 I60 SFD100µm(Ψ )andSFDE(B–V)(Ψ )maps. S100 SEBV Fig.9.Comparisonofsignificancesextractedfrommapsofdif- ferent data sets. (a) ISSA 100µm vs. ISSA 60µm; (b) ISSA 100µmvs.SFD100µm;(c)ISSA100µmvs.SFDreddening maps;(d)SFD100µmvs.reddening that of the extended background,especially in the vicinity of the galactic plane (b 10 , see Fig. 10), where loops are ◦ | | ≤ ”warmer” according to their FIR colours. A rather high scat- terofFIRcolourswithhigherrorbarscanbeobservedforthe highest galactic latitudes, which could also be related to the less reliable accuracy of the surface brightness calibration in these fields.We concludethatthe loopsdescribethestructure ofcirrusinthefewto 20 scales. Fig.8. Distribution of the Ψ (gray solid line) and Ψ ◦ I100 EBV ∼ (blackdash-dottedline)significancevalues Excess extinction in the loop walls: Using the radially av- eraged SFD E(B-V) (reddening) profiles extracted from the as seen in Fig. 8, the majority of our loops show high sigma appropriate maps we estimated the excess visual extinction values, regardlessof the significancy type (ΨI100, ΨI60, ΨS100 of the loop walls. Visual extinction values were calculated as orΨEBV)andonlyveryfewloopshaveΨ≤3. AV =R×E(B−V),whereRistheratiooftotaloverselective Brightfore-orbackgroundsourcesnotrelatedto theloop extinctionandE(B-V)isthereddeningvalueinaspecificsky may cause low significances.An exampleis GIRL G125+09, position.Rwaschoosentobeuniformandsettothestandard whichhaslowΨ andΨ (2.4and2.6,respectively)butit valueof3.1ofthediffusemedium(Kru¨gel,2003).Theaverage I100 S100 isoutstandingonthereddeningmaps(Ψ =6.0)andisvery valueofA wasderivedfortheinner-,wall-andouterregions EBV V conspicuous at 60µm (Ψ =17.2). In addition, this loop is (seeSect.2.2),separatelyforallloops(Ain,Awall andAout,re- I60 V V V clearly detected in the HI 21cm line (Kissetal., 2000). The spectively).We also derivedanexcessvisualextinctionvalue mainreasonbehindthelowsignificancesat100µmisthepres- fortheloopwall,whichwasdefinedas enceofanextremelybrightregioninthesouth-easternpartof 2 Awall thelooprelatedtoNGC7822,S171andtotheCepOB4asso- ∆A = · V (1) ciation, which dominates the backgroundof GIRL G125+09. V Ain+Aout V V ∆A values show a clear dependence (despite the relatively V large scatter around the main trend) on the galactic latitude Far-infraredcolouroftheloopwalls: AsseeninFig.10most (Fig.11a),widthvalues<0m.01athighgalacticlatitudes,while of the loops have a far-infrared colour similar to that of the reaching∆AV 10minthevicinityofthegalacticplane. ≈ extendedgalacticbackgroundemissionorgalacticcirruswith Therelativestrengthoftheexcessextinction∆AV relative an average value of ∆I /∆I =0.25 0.12. In the case of a to the backgroundextinction(Abg = 1[Ain+Aout])is usually 60 100 ± V 2 V V few loops the far-infrared colour significantly deviates from low(inaverage 10%,asshowninFig.11b)exceptinthecase ∼ Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant 7 Fig.10. Distribution of the colour indices of the loop walls (∆I /∆I ) vs. galactic latitude. Error bars in galactic latitude 60 100 representtheextension(r )oftheloop.ErrorbarsofthecolourindicesaretheformalerrorsoftheI vs.I scatterplots.The eff 100 60 thickgraycurverepresentsthemaintrend. of a few loops near the galactic plane. This corresponds to a their associations) were taken into account. The sky posi- 10%increaseofcolumndensityintheloopwalls. tionofthestarsmustbewellconfinedinthecentralpartof ∼ theloop(althoughinsomecasesfastpropermotionsmight haveplacedthestarfarfromitsoriginalposition). 3.3.Distancestoindividualloops ii) There must be at least two objects (luminous star, pulsar, Derivationofthedistance: Manyofthemajorphysicalprop- dark/molecularcloud)withsimilarknowndistancesassoci- erties of a loop(mass, size, particle numberdensity, etc.) can atedwiththeloop,otherwisethedistancehypothesiswould onlybetackledifthedistanceisknown.Inordertoestimatethe berejected. distance of the loops, we used associated objects with known iii) The distancesshouldfit each otherwithin their uncertain- distances. There are two major classes of these objects: (1) ties. They may be responsible for the formation of the loop itself, oraretheremnantsoftheloop-creatingevents(weconsidered Galacticdistribution: Basedonthedistancesderivedforsome pulsars,luminousstarsand/ortheirassociations;see Sect. 3.1 ofourloopswedrewthe3-dimensionaldistributionofGIRLs forreferences).(2)Theyarepartofthe loop,butidentifiedin withknowndistancesinFig.12. anotherwavelength range (darkcloudsand molecularclouds, Dutra&Bica,2002). Sinceourdistanceindicatorsaremostlyobjectswhichare Weappliedthefollowingmaincriteriawhenselectingdis- relatedtothespiralarmsoftheGalaxy,thedistributionreflects tanceindicators: the position of the spiral arms, introducing a selection effect. Loops closer than 800pc are related to OB associations and i) Luminous stars had to have the power to form the loop, luminous stars of the Local Arm and to the nearby interarm thereforeonlyO stars andB starswith earliersubtype(or region,whileanotherwell-definedgroupcanbeidentifiedata 8 Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant Fig.11.Excessvisualextinctionintheloopwallsderivedfrom the SFD E(B-V) surface brightness profiles. (a) galactic lat- itude vs. excess visual extinction ∆A (b) galactic latitude V vs. the ratio of the excess visual extinction ∆A to the av- V erage of the inner and outer visual extinction values (Abg = V 1[Ain+Aout]) 2 V V Fig.12. Loops with known distances in the 2nd Galactic distance of 1.8–2.7kpc,in agreementwith the distance of the Quadrant,projectedtothegalacticplane,incylindriclatealco- Perseus Arm in that direction (Humphreys, 1978). There is a ordinatesystem.Thetoppanelshowstheloopswithprojected hint that the majority of the GIRLs are within a distance of distancesupto4kpc.Thebottompanelisamagnifiedviewof 800pc.Themostprominentloopsremainedobservableupto the region closer than 1kpc. Different gray tones in both the ∼adistanceof 3kpc. upper and lower panels code the vertical distance of the loop ∼ centresfromthegalacticplane(seecolourbar). 4. Discussion Size distribution: In the Galaxy most of the ISM is con- eration of larger SN- or stellar wind bubbles even possessing fined to a thin disc, forming the Galactic Disc itself (see e.g. thesameenergyinputastheonesclosertothegalacticplane. Dickey&Lockman, 1990, for a review). Therefore it is ex- Thus one would expect to observe loops with a large appar- pected that any object formed in the ISM should somehow entsizeathighgalacticlatitudes.Still,wefoundnocorrelation reflect the distribution of the originating medium. Accepting betweenthegalacticlatitudeoftheloopcentresandtheeffec- thatourloopsarefeaturesofthecolddiffuseISM,thesehave tiveradii,neitheronthenorthern,noronthesoutherngalactic beenformedinthegalacticdiscwithascaleheightof 250pc. hemisphere. ∼ ThereforeloopsathighgalacticlatitudesareclosetoourSolar The sky distribution presented in Figs. 3 and 4 shows System. On the other hand, in an exponential disc the num- clearly that the distribution of the GIRLs found at the 2nd ber density of the gas and dust is decreasing rapidly with the GalacticQuadrantisfarfromthatexpectede.g.fromtheexpo- increasingheightfromthegalacticplane.Thisallowsthegen- nentialdischypothesis,inwhichtheregionsneartothegalactic Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant 9 may be explained by multiple overlapping of the loop walls projected on the sky, i.e. many loops might be undiscovered duetoconfusion.Interveningmolecularcloudsmayalsocon- tributetothisconfusion. As discussed in Sect. 3.3, there are two separate distance groupsin the known-distancesample. Acceptingthat the ma- jorityofourlooparelocatedinthenearbygroup(discussedin detail in the nextparagraph)at a distance d 800pc, one can ≤ obtaintheexpectedratioofloopcountsaboveandbelow b = | | 30 forarandomdistributionwithascaleheightofz =250pc ◦ H (Nakanishi&Sofue, 2003). This results in (N /N ) = low high calc 2.15 which should be compared with the observed ratio of (N /N ) =1.28(withoutthecontributionofthePerseus- low high obs Armgroup).Ifthisdiscrepancyiscausedbyconfusionasdis- cussed above, we may miss 40% of the total count in the ∼ galacticmidplane. Itshouldbenotedthatmoleculargasextendstogalacticlat- itudeshigher(bothatthenorthern(Hartmannetal.,1998,fig. 2)andthesouthern(Magnanietal.,2000,fig.1)galactichemi- sphere)inthe2nd GalacticQuadrantthanintheotherpartsof thesky.Thisanomalousfeaturemayalsoexplaintherichness ofhighgalacticlatitudeloopsinoursample. Thelargenumberofloopsathighgalacticlatitudesmight beaselectioneffect(loopsareeasiertobeidentifiedduetothe lackofconfusion).Still,oneneedsaprocessthatcangenerate loops far from the galactic plane. One of these processes can be the infall of clouds from the halo, and their collision with thegalacticdisc.Weknowsomeexamples,e.g.theNCP-loop (Meyerdierksetal.,1991),butthelargenumberofsuchloops wouldrequireahighrateofcloudinfall,whichisnotsupported byobservations(Ehlerova´&Palousˇ,1996). Another possibility is that turbulent processes in the ISM create ’loop-like’structures(Klessenetal., 2000;Korpietal., 1999; Wadaetal., 2000). Nonlinear developmentof turbulent instabilities may form voids in the ISM without the need of stellarenergyinjection.Theseinstabilitiesmayberesponsible forthelargenumberofloopfeaturesathighgalacticlatitudes since these partsof thesky lack suitablestellar sources(mas- siveOand/orBstars).Fromtheobservationalpointofviewthe ’loops’createdbythesetwodifferentprocessesarepractically indistinguishable, and therefore we are not able to determine therelativeimportanceoftheseprocesses. Itisalsoclearfromthefiguresthatlocaleffectsplayavery important role forming the distribution. We can mention e.g. the high latitude group at l=130 –140 , b=45 –65 , which ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Fig.13.(a)Distributionofdistancesamongtheloopspresented isrelatedtothehugeNCP-loopandalsobelongstoagroupof inFig.12(solidlineswithgrayfilledarea).Dashed-dottedlines highlatitudemolecularclouds.Similargroupscontributemuch represent the distribution of distances projectedto the galac- tothepeaksinFig.4aandb,andmightberesponsibleforthe ticplane.(b)Distributionofeffectivediameters(2Reff)inthe deviations from the expected distributions. Since these struc- samesample.(c)Thesameas bbutdisplayedandbinnedona turesarerelativelynearby(e.g.thedistanceoftheNCP-loopis logarithmicscale. Arelationoflog2Reff–logN wasfitted for 330pc),evenifwecandetectloopsuptoadistanceof 3kpc, ∼ ∼ 1.4 2Reff 2.6.Thepointsusedforthefitaremarkedbyas- themaincontributioncomesfromloopsatsmalldistances(see ≤ ≤ terisks(seeSect.4fordetails). Sect.3.3). In Fig.13cwedisplayedthesizedistributiononalogarith- micscaleandfittedthelargediameterpart(datapointsmarked planeshouldhavethelargestnumberofloopsandthisnumber by asterisks) with a power-law (linear in the log–log plot). shoulddecreasedrasticallybytheincreasinggalacticlatitude. Similar investigation has been carried out by Oey&Clarke The relatively low number of loops in the galactic midplane (1997) for the Small Magellanic Cloud, Holmberg II, M31, 10 Cs.Kissetal.:Far-infraredloopsinthe2ndGalacticQuadrant M33 and by Kimetal. (2003) for the HI data of the Large formationhistoryintheMilkyWayorrelatedtothefiniteex- MagellanicCloud.Wefoundapowerlawindexofs = 0.47 tensionoftheLocalArm. − ± 0.11(followingKimetal.,2003)orβ = 1.24 0.30usingthe 0 ± transformation by Oey&Clarke (1997), which is lower than Volume filling factor: Thepresenceofthe Perseusarmgroup that of the other galaxies mentioned above. We note that the is probablyrestricted to the galactic plane and representonly distribution has a large scatter and it is better described by a a small subsample. Therefore it is plausible to assume that double-peakonethanbyapower-law. the majority of the loops with unknown distances belong to the nearby (D 800pc) group. Applying the distance – size ≤ distribution obtained for the nearby group to all loops with unknown distances (except the loops of the Perseus group), it is possible to give a rough estimate for the volume filling factor (or porosity Q, Cox&Smith, 1974) of our loop interi- orsinthegalacticdisc.Assumingthattheloops/bubbleswere formed in the cold neutral interstellar medium (justified by theirFIRcolours)usingz =250pcforthescaleheightofHI H (Nakanishi&Sofue,2003)inthesolarneighbourhood,weob- tain a volume filling factor of f 4.6%for the 2nd Galactic 2nd ≈ Quadrant for D 800pc. Taking into account an additional ≤ 40% of loops in the midplane (see above) an upper limit of ∼ f 6.4% can be obtained. These values confirm the filling 2nd ≈ factors by Ferrie`re (1998) and Gazol-Patin˜o&Passot (1999) (f =3-8%for8.5 R 10kpcgalactocentricdistances). ≤ ⊙≤ 5. Summaryandoutlook Wesummarizethemainoutcomesofourpaperbelow: – One fourth of the far-infrared sky was surveyed and 145 loopswereidentified. – TheloopsampleisrepresentativeintheLocalArm – TheFIRloopsoutsidethemidplanepossess 10%column Fig.14. Relationship between distance and effective diameter ∼ densityexcessandacirrus-like∆I /∆I 0.25ratio (2R ) for loops with known distances (see Table B.1). The 60 100≈ eff – Themidplaneloopsholdseveraltimes denserwalls anda shaded areas represent the apparent size limits 2r 1 and d 40 . Dueto the limitationsdiscussed inSect. 2e.f1f ≤we◦were far-infraredcolourof∆I60/∆I100>0.4 ≥ ◦ – Distance estimates are given for 30 loops which trace the notabletodetectfar-infraredfeaturesofthesesizes. coldISMintheLocalArmandinthePerseusArm – We estimated the hot gas volume filling factor to be Correlation of distance and size: A goodcorrelationcan be 4.6% f <6.4% in the Local Arm in the 2nd Galactic ≤ 2nd foundbetweenthephysicalsizeofthebubbleandthederived Quadrant distance (for the sample in Sect. 3.3) when we derive linear Pearson correlation coefficients for the whole available dis- Asacontinuationofthisstudythe1st ,3rd and4th galactic tance range, up to 3.5kpc (0.66 and 0.73 for the linear-linear quadrants are surveyed as well. The complete sample and a and log-log plot, respectively). Fig. 14 clearly illustrates the comparisonwithHIdistributionwillbegiveninaforthcoming limitationsofourstudy:duetothelimitationsinapparentsize paper. (1 d<40 ) we identified loops in the allowed region only. ◦ ◦ ≤ Acknowledgements. This research was partly supported by the Thisselectioneffectismoresevereforthesmall-sizedpartof Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA), grants #F–022566 and #T– the distribution (1 2r ), while even the largest loop is a ◦≤ eff 043773. WearegratefultoA.BurkertandB.G.Elmegreenfortheir factor of 2 smaller than the largest detectable feature. The ∼ valuablecomments. distribution shows two groups, one at D 800pc and one at ≤ D>800pc(Fig.13a).Withinthenearbygrouppracticallythere isnocorrelationbetweenthedistanceandphysicalsize(witha linearcorrelationcoefficientof0.17),thereforethisgroupisnot affectedbytheselectioneffect.Accordingly,wemayderivea statisticalresultforthelocalISM,whilethePerseusArmgroup is strongly biased. The size distribution of the nearby group lacks the large bubbles(2R >100pc) which are observable eff in the Perseus-group. The lack of large bubbles in the Local Armgroupmightbetheconsequenceofanon-continuousstar-

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