Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a statistical tool for digging out hidden factors which give rise to the diversity of manifest objectives in psychology, medicine and other sci- ences. EFA had its heyday as psychologist Leon Thurstone (1935 and 1948) based EFA on what he called the “principle of simple structure” (SS). This principle, however, was erro- Suitbert Ertel neous from the beginning what remained unrecognized despite subsequent inventions of more sophisticated statistical tools such as confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling. These methods are highly recommended today as tolerable routes to model complexities of observation. But they did not remove the harmful errors that SS had left Factor Analysis behind. Five chapters in this book demonstrate and explain the trouble. In chapter 2 the ailment of SS is healed by introducing an unconventional factor rotation, called Varimin. Varimin gives variables of an analysis an optimal opportunity to manifest functional inter- Healing an Ailing Model relations underlying correlational observations. Ten applications of Varimin (in chpter 2) show that its results are superior to results obtained by the conventional Varimax proce- dure. Further applications are presented for sports achievements (chapter 3), intelligence (chapter 4), and personality (chapter 5). If Varimin keeps on standing the tests new the- oretical building blocks will arise together with conceptual networks promoting a better understanding of the domains under study. Readers may check this prognosis by them- selves using the statistical tool (Varimin) which is provided by open access in the internet. s si y al n A r o t c a F el t r E t r e b t ui S ISBN: 978-3-86395-133-7 Universitätsverlag Göttingen Universitätsverlag Göttingen Suitbert Ertel Factor Analysis This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License 3.0 “by-sa”, allowing you to download, distribute and print the document in a few copies for private or educational use, given that the document stays unchanged and the creator is mentioned. Published in 2013 by Universitätsverlag Göttingen Suitbert Ertel Factor Analysis Healing an Ailing Model Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2013 Bibliographische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar. Address of the Author Suitbert Ertel e-mail: sertel@uni-goettingen.de This work is protected by German Intellectual Property Right Law. It is also available as an Open Access version through the publisher’s homepage and the Online Catalogue of the State and University Library of Goettingen (http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de). Users of the free online version are invited to read, download and distribute it. Set and layout: Franziska Lorenz Cover: Matthias Bellmann © 2013 Universitätsverlag Göttingen http://univerlag.uni-goettingen.de ISBN: 978-3-86395-133-7 Dedicated to Elisabeth With Gratitude Contents Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 7 Foreword ................................................................................................................... 9 Preface ..................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 1 Critique of the simple structure doctrine.................................. 13 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 13 01. The present state of factor analytical research ............................................ 15 02. The doctrine of simple structure (SS) ........................................................... 19 03. The fallacy’s consequences ............................................................................. 21 04. Detailed error analysis ..................................................................................... 23 05. Reorientation .................................................................................................... 27 06. Where did we go wrong? ................................................................................ 32 07. Unheeded critical voices ................................................................................. 34 08. Can non-factorial procedures take us forward? .......................................... 36 4 Contents Discussion of chapter 1 and outlook ................................................................. 41 Chapter 2 Finding complex structures ......................................................... 43 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 43 Questions and Test Runs ..................................................................................... 45 Test run 1: Evaluating phoneme similarities ..................................................... 49 Test run 2: Similarity judgments of British coins ............................................. 53 Test run 3: Differentiation of response styles at responding to questionnaires. ....................................................................................................... 59 Test run 4: Semantic features of kinship terms ................................................ 62 Test run 5: Intellectual development in childhood .......................................... 66 Test run 6: Body size and body shape in cattle ................................................. 69 Test run 7: Intelligence tests and performance tests ........................................ 71 Test run 8: Psychophysiological activity indicators (Data: Köhler &). ........ 73 Test run 9: Knowledge test with varying test methods. .................................. 75 Test run 10: Self-assessment and external assessment of children ................ 77 Discussion of chapter 2 ........................................................................................ 79 Chapter 3 Decathlon data under analysis .................................................... 85 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 85 Description of data ............................................................................................... 86 Results: Factor analyses ........................................................................................ 88 1. Interpreting Varimin factors............................................................................ 90 2. Attempt at an interpretation of Varimax factors .......................................... 92 3. Attempt at an interpretation of initial factors ............................................... 94 4. Expert rankings for validating Varimin factors ............................................ 95 Discussion of chapter 3 ........................................................................................ 97 Chapter 4 Intelligence data under analysis ............................................... 101 Study I: Varimin analysis of IST factors .......................................................... 102 Data analysis ......................................................................................................... 104 Results with comments....................................................................................... 105