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Microfluidic Systems for Cancer Diagnosis

Jose L. Garcia-Cordero, Alexander Revzin
·327 Pages
·12.699 MB

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: The Enduring Alliance

Julian Lindley-French
·182 Pages
·1.676 MB

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Algorithmic Culture Before the Internet

Ted Striphas
·352 Pages
·9.15 MB

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Public Administration: The Basics

Salvatore Schiavo-Campo
·262 Pages
·8.223 MB

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Data Science for Complex Systems

Anindya S. Chakrabarti, K. Shuvo Bakar, Anirban Chakraborti
·305 Pages
·19.011 MB

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Radiology-Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic Imaging: A Correlative Approach

Ali Gholamrezanezhad (editor), Majid Assadi (editor), Hossein Jadvar (editor)
·915 Pages
·145.473 MB

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A Case-Based Approach to Neck Pain: A Pocket Guide to Pathology, Diagnosis and Management

Michael Harbus, Grant Cooper, Joseph E. Herrera, Zinovy Meyler, Marco Funiciello
·149 Pages
·3.461 MB

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Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth (MEAP V04)

Vadim Smolyakov
·12.703 MB

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Array Beamforming Enabled Wireless Communications

Zhenyu Xiao, Lipeng Zhu, Lin Bai, Xiang-Gen Xia
·464 Pages
·25.662 MB

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I Am Ace: Advice on Living Your Best Asexual Life

Cody Daigle-Orians
·0.72 MB

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Functional Nanomaterials for Sensors

Suresh Sagadevan, Won-Chun Oh
·338 Pages
·16.748 MB

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Efficient Organization: A Governance Approach

Mikko Ketokivi, Joseph T. Mahoney
·313 Pages
·14.081 MB