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Proposal Writing for Clinical Nursing and DNP Projects, Third Edition

Wanda Bonnel, PhD, APRN, ANEF;Katharine V. Smith, PhD, RN, CNE;
·1.4772 MB

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Evidence-Based Leadership Success Strategies for Nurse Administrators, Advance Practice Nurses (APN), and Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Darlene Sredl (Associate Teaching Professor of Nursing, Chesterfield, MO)
·221 Pages
·1.792 MB

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Sears & Zemansky's college physics Hugh D. Young, Philip W. Adams, Raymond J. Chastain

Adams, Philip Wayne; Chastain, Raymond J.; Sears, Francis Weston; Young, Hugh D
·1106 Pages
·33.655 MB

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Raymond Adams: A Life of Mind and Muscle

Robert Laureno MD
·336 Pages
·5.89 MB

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Raymond; or, Life and Death by Sir Oliver Lodge

Lodge, Oliver, Sir, 1851-1940
·1.26 MB

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