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Marx for Our Times: Adventures and Misadventures of a Critique

Daniel Bensaid; Gregory Elliott
·0.852 MB

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¿Vive aún el joven Marx? Introducción a la sociología dialéctica

Francisco López Cámara
·20 Pages
·0.093 MB

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A democracia contra o Estado. Marx e o momento maquiaveliano

Miguel Abensour
·76 Pages
·7.433 MB

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Manifesto e principi del comunismo: testo tedesco a fronte

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels & Diego Fusaro
·0.3388 MB

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The Real Is Radical: Marx after Laruelle

Jonathan Fardy
·241 Pages
·1.439 MB

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Her Hour Come Round at Last: A Garland for Nina Coltart

Peter L. Rudnytsky, Gillian Preston
·399 Pages
·1.168 MB

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Marx e la decrescita. Perché la decrescita ha bisogno del pensiero di Marx

Marino Badiale, Massimo Bontempelli
·23 Pages
·0.2 MB

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Leftism: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
·635 Pages
·4.76 MB

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La morte di Marx e altri racconti

Sebastiano Vassalli
·192 Pages
·0.2506 MB

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Grundfragen der betrieblichen Personalpolitik: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von August Marx

Prof. Dr. Walter Braun (auth.), Prof. Dr. Walter Braun, Hugo Kossbiel, Gerhard Reber (eds.)
·327 Pages
·12.61 MB

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The Economics of Karl Marx: Analysis and Application

Samuel Hollander
·550 Pages
·3.734 MB

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El concepto de praxis en el joven Marx

José Manuel Bermudo Ávila
·563 Pages
·29.046 MB

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A. A. Fair - Semaforo giallo (Uhl Belk)

A. A. Fair
·0.7246 MB

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Karl Marx and the British Labour Movement: Years of the First International

Henry Collins; Chimen Abramsky
·366 Pages
·5.195 MB

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