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El MIR histórico: Luis de la Puente y Guillermo Lobatón (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria - Perú)

Ricardo Gadea, (ed.); Ricardo Gadea, Guillermo Lobatón, Luis de la Puente, Eduardo Fernández, Michael Brown, Gustavo Valcárcel, András Simor, Juan Cristóbal, Jorge Bacacorzo, Leoncio Bueno, Alfredo Pita, Aníbal Meza, Arturo Valdez, Juan Velasco Alvarado, José Luis Rénique, (auts.)
·382 Pages
·5.268 MB

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Modeling Complex Phenomena: Proceedings of the Third Woodward Conference, San Jose State University, April 12–13, 1991

A. N. Okerlund (auth.), Lui Lam, Vladimir Naroditsky (eds.)
·314 Pages
·14.017 MB

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I Am A Filipino: And this is how we cook Nicole Ponseca, Miguel Trinidad, Jose Antonio Vargas, Rachel Wharton

I Am A Filipino: And this is how we cook Nicole Ponseca, Miguel Trinidad, Jose Antonio Vargas, Rachel Wharton
·8.8402 MB

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Jose Limon and La Malinche: The Dancer and the Dance

Patricia Seed
·211 Pages
·2.385 MB

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