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Unreal Engine: Game Development from A to Z

Joanna Lee; John P. Doran; Nitish Misra
·1073 Pages
·70.93 MB

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In with the Old: Classic Décor from A to Z

Jennifer Boles
·239 Pages
·10.085 MB

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ZB 2002:Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: 2nd International Conference of B and Z Users Grenoble, France, January 23–25, 2002 Proceedings

Eric Hehner, Ioannis T. Kassios (auth.), Didier Bert, Jonathan P. Bowen, Martin C. Henson, Ken Robinson (eds.)
·546 Pages
·3.54 MB

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ZB 2003: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: Third International Conference of B and Z Users Turku, Finland, June 4–6, 2003 Proceedings

Daniel Jackson (auth.), Didier Bert, Jonathan P. Bowen, Steve King, Marina Waldén (eds.)
·558 Pages
·4.309 MB

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Gen Z, Explained: The Art of Living in a Digital Age

Roberta Katz, Sarah Ogilvie, Jane Shaw, Linda Woodhead
·274 Pages
·1.4194 MB

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The A to Z of Afghan Wars, Revolutions and Insurgencies

Ludwig W. Adamec [Adamec, Ludwig W.]
·4.0388 MB

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Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis: Stoffe L-Z Folgeband 5

Professor Dr. Franz von Bruchhausen, Professor Dr. Siegfried Ebel (auth.), Professor Dr. Franz von Bruchhausen, Professor Dr. Siegfried Ebel, Professor Dr. Eberhard Hackenthal, Professor Dr. Ulrike Holzgrabe, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Margitta Albinus, Apothekerin Gudrun Amschler, Prof. Dr. Erwin von Angerer, Dr. C. Arras-Reiter, Apothekerin Andrea Bauer, Pia Bauer, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Winfried Beil, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Beyrich, Katja Binder, Dr. Roswitha Böhme, Prof. Dr. Hans-Hubertus Borchert, Franz Bossle, Prof. Dr. Franz Bracher, Prof. Dr. Helmut Bräunlich, Dr. Ellen Bretschneider, Dr. Regina Brigelius-Flohé, Kerstin Brinkmann, Prof. Dr. Axel Büge, Prof. Dr. Wolfram Christ, Monika Cimbollek, Dr. Rolf Daniels, Prof. Dr. Gerd Dannhardt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Duchstein, Prof. Dr. Kurt Eger, Dr. Petra Eichhorn, Dipl.-Chem. Michael Engler, Dr. Thomas Erker, Prof. Dr. Peter Felfe, Dr. Alfred Fenyves, Dr. Reinhard Fescharek, Carmen Frackenpohl, Prof. Dr. August Wilhelm Frahm, Dr. Margarete Frahm, Dr. Volk
·947 Pages
·49.392 MB

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