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Ocean Circulation and Pollution Control — A Mathematical and Numerical Investigation: A Diderot Mathematical Forum

A. Bermúdez, C. Rodríguez, M. E. Vázquez-Méndez, A. Martínez (auth.), Jesús Ildefonso Díaz (eds.)
·116 Pages
·4.87 MB

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A Fine Line

E. Ayers [Ayers, E.]
·0.0906 MB

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Mitos Hindu e budismo

Ananda K coomaraswamy e Irmã Nivedita
·224 Pages
·1.0797 MB

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Anoressia, bulimia e obesità

Recalcati, Massimo;Merli, e, Uberto Zuccardi
·0.236 MB

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Teorias e Estratégias Discursivas

António Fidalgo e Paulo Serra(Org.)
·500 Pages
·3.147 MB

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Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Supply Chain Management

Muneeb A. Siddiqui
·292 Pages
·10.699 MB

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Geschichte u. Kultur Roms im Spiegel d. neueren Forschung ;2. Principat. Bd. Bd. 36. Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik

Hildegard Temporini (editor), Wolfgand Hasse (editor)
·596 Pages
·54.283 MB

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Servant Leader Human Resource Management: A Moral and Spiritual Perspective

Gary E. Roberts (auth.)
·269 Pages
·2.269 MB

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Gesta dei re e degli eroi danesi

Sassone Grammatico, a cura di Ludovica Koch e Maria Adele Cipolla
·747 Pages
·22.098 MB

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From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Konigsburg E L
·117 Pages
·8.02 MB

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Medical Informatics, e-Health: Fundamentals and Applications

A. Venot, A. Burgun, S. Després, P. Degoulet (auth.), Alain Venot, Anita Burgun, Catherine Quantin (eds.)
·495 Pages
·6.49 MB

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Distruggere e costruire. Cassirer e Heidegger a Davos

Francesca Cecchetto
·314 Pages
·1.961 MB

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Frederic W. Harmer: A Scientific Biography

John A. Kington (auth.)
·99 Pages
·4.9 MB

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The Intelligible Universe: A Cosmological Argument

Hugo A. Meynell (auth.)
·163 Pages
·14.96 MB

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Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective

Richard A. Berk (auth.)
·364 Pages
·7.896 MB

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Erläuterungen Zu E. T. A. Hoffmann, Das Fräulein Von Scuderi

Wolfgang Pfister, Ernst T. A. Hoffmann
·91 Pages
·0.686 MB

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Alla ricerca del tempo perduto. Sodoma e Gomorra

Marcel Proust, a cura di Paolo Pinto e Giuseppe Grasso
·460 Pages
·18.993 MB

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