Top 1200 christophe honor PDF Book Page 48

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Monsters and Demons in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Papers Presented in Honor of Edith Porada

Ann Elizabeth Farkas; Prudence Oliver Harper; Evelyn Byrd Harrison
·183 Pages
·23.462 MB

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Recent Advances in Algebraic Geometry: A Volume in Honor of Rob Lazarsfeld’s 60th Birthday

Christopher D. Hacon, Mircea Mustaţă, Mihnea Popa (eds.)
·451 Pages
·8.037 MB

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Stochastic Reliability and Maintenance Modeling: Essays in Honor of Professor Shunji Osaki on his 70th Birthday

N. Balakrishnan, M. C. Pardo, M. L. Avendaño (auth.), Tadashi Dohi, Toshio Nakagawa (eds.)
·374 Pages
·4.259 MB

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Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson

Richard Allen, Malcolm Turvey
·297 Pages
·1.635 MB

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Building Bridges to Turkish: Essays in Honor of Bernt Brendemoen

Eva Á. Csato, Joakim Parslow, Emel Türker, Einar Wigen
·353 Pages
·14.173 MB

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Shelter for Quinn (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 13)

Susan Stoker [Stoker, Susan]
·0.5994 MB

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East Anglia's History: Studies in Honour (Honor) of Norman Scarfe

Christopher Harper-Bill
·372 Pages
·13.67 MB

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Renaissance and Other Studies in Honor of William Leon Wiley

George Bernard Daniel
·283 Pages
·12.21 MB

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Mathematical Modelling in Economics: Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Eichhorn

János Aczél, Andreas Pfingsten (auth.), Prof. Dr. W. Erwin Diewert, Prof. Dr. Klaus Spremann, Prof. Dr. Frank Stehling (eds.)
·731 Pages
·22.545 MB

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Ratio Et Superstitio Essays in Honor of Graziella Federici Vescovini

G Marchetti; O Rignani; V Sorge
·358 Pages
·11.416 MB

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Exploring the universe : a festschrift in honor of Ricardo Giacconi

Ruffini, Remo; Gursky, Herbert; Stella, Luigi; Giacconi, Riccardo
·397 Pages
·64.849 MB

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Agency And The Holocaust: Essays In Honor Of Debórah Dwork

Thomas Kühne, Mary Jane Rein
·242 Pages
·2.662 MB

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Quo Vadis, Metaphysics?: Essays in Honor of Peter Van Inwagen

Mirosław Szatkowski
·508 Pages
·2.54 MB

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The Feeling, Thinking Citizen: Essays in Honor of Milton Lodge

Charles S. Taber, Howard Lavine
·274 Pages
·2.042 MB

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Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon

Wesley C. Salmon (auth.), James H. Fetzer (eds.)
·367 Pages
·7.898 MB

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Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon

Wesley C. Salmon (auth.), James H. Fetzer (eds.)
·380 Pages
·7.619 MB

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Recent Advances in Composite Materials: In Honor of S.A. Paipetis

Y. F. Missirlis (auth.), Emmanuel E. Gdoutos, Zaira P. Marioli-Riga (eds.)
·392 Pages
·15.715 MB

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Perspectives on Operations Research: Essays in Honor of Klaus Neumann

Martin Morlock, Christoph Schwindt, Jürgen Zimmermann, Norbert Trautmann (auth.), Martin Morlock, Christoph Schwindt, Norbert Trautmann, Jürgen Zimmermann (eds.)
·441 Pages
·5.241 MB

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Language and Cognition: Essays in Honor of Arthur J. Bronstein

Walter S. Avis (auth.), Lawrence J. Raphael, Carolyn B. Raphael, Miriam R. Valdovinos (eds.)
·289 Pages
·11.811 MB

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