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29 Pages
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The Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology: Implications for Human Health, Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Dysbiosis Martin H. Floch, Yehuda Ringel, W. Allen Walker (eds.)

Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology: Implications for Human Health, Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Dysbiosis Martin H. Floch, Yehuda Ringel, W. Allen Walker (eds.)
·956 Pages
·7.017 MB

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Environmental Colloids and Particles: Behaviour, Separation and Characterisation, Volume 10

Jacques Buffle, Herman P. van Leeuwen(eds.)
·694 Pages
·41.258 MB

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Fractals, Wavelets, and their Applications: Contributions from the International Conference and Workshop on Fractals and Wavelets

Christoph Bandt, Michael Barnsley, Robert Devaney, Kenneth J. Falconer, V. Kannan, Vinod Kumar P.B. (eds.)
·499 Pages
·8.962 MB

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Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies

Hartmut Stadtler; Christoph Kilger; Herbert Meyr
·570 Pages
·13.499 MB

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Hormones and their Actions Part IISpecific actions of protein hormones

B.A. Cooke, R.J.B. King and H.J. van der Molen (Eds.)
·383 Pages
·19.003 MB

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Geschichte - Politik - Philosophie. Festschrift für Willem van Reijen zum 65. Geburtstag

Willem van Reijen . - Bert van den Brink, Marcus Düwell, Herman van Doorn, Wolfgang Eßbach (Hrsg.)
·271 Pages
·44.378 MB

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Paint like Van Gogh: an easy introduction to painting classic artworks like the great master

Gogh, Vincent van;Lea, Susan;Shurvell, Joanne
·179 Pages
·55.523 MB

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Perceptie van spraak: Handboek Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 8

H.F.M. Peters, R. Bastiaanse, J. Van Borsel, P.H.O. Dejonckere, K. Jansonius-Schultheiss, Sj. Van der Meulen, B.J.E. Mondelaers (auth.)
·8 Pages
·0.085 MB

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Global and Local Internationalization

Elspeth Jones, Robert Coelen, Jos Beelen, Hans de Wit (eds.)
·181 Pages
·4.792 MB

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Market Evolution: Competition and Cooperation

Arjen Van Witteloostuijn (auth.), Arjen van Witteloostuijn (eds.)
·353 Pages
·8.724 MB

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989 Pages
·3.66 MB

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Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Vol. 18

C. Domb and J.L. Lebowitz (Eds.)
·337 Pages
·15.784 MB

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Fuzzy Sets and Systems Theory and Applications

Didier Dubois and Henri Prade (Eds.)
·411 Pages
·9.516 MB

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