Top 1200 andreas marx eds PDF Book Page 44

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Marx @ 2000: Late Marxist Perspectives

Ronaldo Munck
·179 Pages
·0.672 MB

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Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion

Gareth Stedman Jones
·785 Pages
·13.131 MB

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Marx e la rivoluzione francese

Francois Furet
·364 Pages
·7.732 MB

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Karl Marx. Grandezza e illusione

Gareth Stedman Jones
·25.206 MB

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125 jaar Marx: Denken over zijn betekenis voor de 21e eeuw

Sjaak van der Velden
·72 Pages
·3.561 MB

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How to Read Marx (How to Read)

Peter Osborne
·145 Pages
·4.149 MB

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Marx e Engels: luta de classes, socialismo científico e organização política

Sandra M. M. Siqueira, Francisco Pereira
·179 Pages
·0.914 MB

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Marx and the Trade Unions

A. Lozovsky
·191 Pages
·4.392 MB

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Marx, ontología del ser social

Georg Lukács
·222 Pages
·7.414 MB

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Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx

Weisman, Tama;
·0.519 MB

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Marx e a Pedagogia Moderna

Mario Alighiero Manacorda
·75 Pages
·19.804 MB

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Nos jardins de Burle Marx

Jacques Leenhardt
·62 Pages
·8.334 MB

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Estado e Política em Marx

Emir Sader
·0.462 MB

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L’altra faccia di Carlo Marx

Richard Wurmbrand
·18 Pages
·0.158 MB

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Marx für SozialwissenschaftlerInnen: Eine Einführung

Ingrid Artus, Alexandra Krause, Oliver Nachtwey, Gisela Notz, Tilman Reitz, Claudius Vellay, Jan Weyand (auth.)
·229 Pages
·1.676 MB

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Marx y los socialismos reales

Carlos Rangel
·0.546 MB

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Saggio sul «Capitale» di Marx

Lev Trockij
·1.415 MB

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Marx en el siglo XXI

Paula Vidal Molina
·322 Pages
·12.983 MB

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