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Top 309 uml PDF Book Page 8

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Java the UML way: integrating object-oriented design and programming

Else Lervik, Vegard B. Havdal
·754 Pages
·58.132 MB

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Enterprise Development with Visual Studio .NET, UML, and MSF

John Erik Hansen
·772 Pages
·16.714 MB

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Ingeniería de software orientada a objetos con UML, Java e Internet

By Alfredo Weitzenfeld
·708 Pages
·19.45 MB

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Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML

Page-Jones, Meilir
·484 Pages
·21.605 MB

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UML 2 Pour les bases de donnees

Soutou C
·316 Pages
·7.192 MB

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Real time UML workshop for embedded systems

Bruce Powel Douglass
·522 Pages
·5.056 MB

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Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java

Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit
·817 Pages
·4.852 MB

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Agile Modellierung mit UML: Codegenerierung, Testfälle, Refactoring

Bernhard Rumpe (auth.)
·343 Pages
·4.554 MB

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UML 2 erfolgreich einsetzen: Einführung und Referenz

Harald Störrle
·377 Pages
·8.189 MB

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Mastering XMI: Java Programming with XMI, XML, and UML

Timothy J. Grose Gary C. Doney Stephen A. Brodsky
·479 Pages
·1.028 MB

Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.