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Top 1200 robots in fiction PDF Book Page 50

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Three Science Fiction Novellas

J.-H. Rosny
·1.7697 MB

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Faulks on Fiction

Sebastian Faulks
·2.77 MB

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Robots en el pantano (2ª Ed.)

Ralph Barby [Barby, Ralph]
·0.3086 MB

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Androids: Build Your Own Lifelike Robots

Bryan Bergeron; Thomas Talbot
·16.471 MB

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Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots

Kate Devlin
·2.03 MB

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Motion Control of Biomimetic Swimming Robots

Junzhi Yu, Min Tan
·207 Pages
·8.776 MB

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Nonlinear Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots

Warren Dixon PhD, Darren M. Dawson PhD, Erkan Zergeroglu MSc, Aman Behal BS Elec Eng (auth.)
·145 Pages
·5.671 MB

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Developmental robotics : from babies to robots

Cangelosi, Angelo; Schlesinger, Matthew; Smith, Linda B
·11.618 MB

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Military Robots: Mapping the Moral Landscape

Jai Galliott
·277 Pages
·2.072 MB

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Java. Learning to program with Robots

Byron Weber Becker
·855 Pages
·13.174 MB

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How It Works: Book of Robots

Aaron Asadi (Pubiishing Director)
·148 Pages
·78.662 MB

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The History of Robots and Robotics

Margaux Baum; Jeri Freedman
·6.95 MB

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A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots

Marcel Heerink
·0.251 MB

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TURNED ON: science, sex and robots

Devlin, Kate
·2.03 MB

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Programming Arduino With Python For Robots

Ted Humphrey
·10.971 MB

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James Ellroy: Demon Dog of Crime Fiction

Steven Powell (auth.)
·235 Pages
·0.816 MB

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Science Fiction Jahresband 1987

Wolfgang Jeschke (Hrsg.) [Jeschke Wolfgang (Hrsg.)]
·3.0754 MB

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Bodies of tomorrow technology, subjectivity, science fiction

Sherryl Vint;
·251 Pages
·2.338 MB

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Watching the Detectives: Essays on Crime Fiction

Ian A. Bell, Graham Daldry (eds.)
·207 Pages
·17.157 MB

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