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Top 425 pub forestry PDF Book Page 18

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Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia-Pacific (Earthscan Forestry Library)

Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Doris Capistrano, Ganga Ram Dahal, Moira Moeliono
·273 Pages
·2.555 MB

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Towards the rational use of high salinity tolerant plants: Vol. 2 Agriculture and forestry under marginal soil water conditions

M. C. Shannon, F. N. Dalton, S. F. El-Sayed (auth.), Helmut Lieth, Ahmed A. Al Masoom (eds.)
·438 Pages
·10.396 MB

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African Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories and Mitigation Options: Forestry, Land-Use Change, and Agriculture: Johannesburg, South Africa 29 May–2 June 1995

B. V. Braatz, S. Brown, A. O. Isichei, E. O. Odada, R. J. Scholes, Y. Sokona, P. Drichi (auth.), John F. Fitzgerald, Ms. Barbara V. Braatz, Sandra Brown, Dr. Augustine O. Isichei, Dr. Eric O. Odada, Robert J. Scholes (eds.)
·213 Pages
·5.687 MB

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