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Top 1200 jewish calendar PDF Book Page 50

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Jews, Christians and Jewish Christians in Antiquity

James Carleton Paget
·555 Pages
·3.344 MB

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A Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz: History, Memory, and the Politics of Survival

Tuvia Friling, Haim Watzman
·343 Pages
·3.527 MB

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Jewish Historiography Between Past and Future: 200 Years of Wissenschaft des Judentums

Mendes-Flohr, Paul, Livneh-Freudenthal, Rachel, Miron, Guy, Guy Mendes-Flohr, Paul / Livneh-Freudenthal, Rachel / Miron (editor)
·222 Pages
·4.847 MB

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The First Jewish Revolt: Archaeology, History and Ideology

Andrea M. Berlin, J. Andrew Overman
·273 Pages
·6.263 MB

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Still moving: recent Jewish migration in comparative perspective

Daniel Judah Elazar, Morton Weinfeld
·0.869 MB

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American Jewish Year Book 2015: The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities

Arnold Dashefsky, Ira M. Sheskin (eds.)
·908 Pages
·47.858 MB

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Jewish philosophy and the crisis of modernity : essays and lectures in modern Jewish thought

Leo Strauss, Kenneth Hart Green, Kenneth Hart Green
·526 Pages
·37.457 MB

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Jewish Philosophy and Western Culture: A Modern Introduction

Victor J. Seidler
·254 Pages
·1.655 MB

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