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Top 1200 artificial intelligence a modern approach PDF Book Page 48

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What Computers Can't Do: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence

Hubert L. Dreyfus
·313 Pages
·11.23 MB

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Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics for Food Security

Chandrasekar Vuppalapati
·548 Pages
·83.984 MB

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Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering: Proceedings of ICAETT 2022

Miguel Botto-Tobar, Omar S. Gómez, Raul Rosero Miranda, Angela Díaz Cadena, Washington Luna-Encalada
·733 Pages
·80.591 MB

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Deep Learning Illustrated: A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Jon Krohn; Grant Beyleveld; Aglae Bassens
·872 Pages
·19.736 MB

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Deep Learning Illustrated: A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Jon Krohn, Grant Beyleveld, Aglaé Bassens
·416 Pages
·8.942 MB

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How the body shapes the way we think: a new view of intelligence

Pfeifer, Rolf; Bongard, Josh; Grand, Simon
·419 Pages
·1.572 MB

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Data Mining - A Knowledge Discovery Approach

Krzysztof J. Cios, Witold Pedrycz, Roman W. Swiniarski, Lukasz A. Kurgan
·600 Pages
·11.578 MB

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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2009, Verona, Italy, July 18-22, 2009. Proceedings

Carol Friedman (auth.), Carlo Combi, Yuval Shahar, Ameen Abu-Hanna (eds.)
·454 Pages
·7.491 MB

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The 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision (AICV2023), March 5–7, 2023

Aboul Ella Hassanien, Abdelkrim Haqiq, Ahmad Taher Azar, KC Santosh, M. A. Jabbar, Adam Słowik, Parthasarathy Subashini
·616 Pages
·57.215 MB

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The 2009 CIA World Factbook by United States. Central Intelligence Agency

United States. Central Intelligence Agency
·4.23 MB

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