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Preview Trump acclaims Amir's influential Mideast role

SAFAR2, 1439 AH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2017 Max 34º 32 Pages Established 1961 Min 19º 150 Fils The First Daily in the Arabian Gulf ISSUE NO:17361 www.kuwaittimes.net 3 8 32 16 Public transport best solution Laptops in checked bags Art brings ‘peace’ to battle Man Utd slip lets Aguero for traffic problem: Official pose fire, explosion risk scarred Lebanon districts send Man City clear Trump acclaims Amir’s influential Mideast role Melania Trump receives Kuwait-America Foundation Humanitarian Award WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump laud- Discover America ed HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his influential role in the Middle East region. In statements to the audience at a special Week builds upon ceremony held at the Kuwaiti Embassy in Washington for honoring the US First Lady Melania Amir’s visit to US Trump for her humanitarian services, the US presi- dent thanked the Amir of Kuwait “for all that he is doing in the region”, saying “there is a lot of things happening in the Middle East”. He recalled his meet- ing with Sheikh Sabah in September, saying: “I met a man who is really helping us, really very strongly helping us in the Middle East.” The US president also thanked everyone for this By Lawrence Silverman special evening and thanked the Kuwait-America US Ambassador to Kuwait Foundation for honoring Melania Trump. The daz- zling gala dinner for UNHCR, hosted by Kuwait’s Ambassador to the US Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah and It’s my great pleasure to launch the fifth annual his wife Sheikha Rima Al-Sabah honoring Melania Discover America Week here in Kuwait. This week Trump, the recipient of the Kuwait-America of events symbolizes the close connections between Foundation 2017 Humanitarian Award, comes less WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump (second right), US First Lady Melania Trump (center), Kuwait’s Ambassador the Kuwaiti and American peoples. We kicked off than a year since the Trumps moved into the White to the US Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah (left), his wife Sheikha Rima Al-Sabah (second left) and Kuwaiti Finance Minister Discover America Week yesterday with a fun run House, which highlights the close ties Kuwait and Anas Al-Saleh (right) are seen at a special ceremony held at the Kuwaiti Embassy. — KUNA attended by Kuwaitis, Americans and others; it will the US share. continue for the next nine days. During this time, the President Trump described Kuwait’s Ambassador tonight - we have a lot of them - I want to thank important strategic partner for the US in the Middle Embassy will organize events highlighting different to Washington Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah and his wife everybody in this room. We’ve all come together as East and our relationship is growing”. Meanwhile, aspects of American culture and expertise, including Sheikha Rima Al-Sabah “as very special people who a family very much. The world is actually coming UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres said in his music, film, food, sports, science, technology, auto- have become friends”. During the evening, the together,” he remarked. remarks that the ambassador “has the privilege to mobiles, education, and tourism. Senate passed its fiscal year 2018 budget resolution, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in his serve one country and one leader that he admires”, Events include the Middle East premiere of a 3D where Trump received the news and told the crowd remarks that “one reason we are here tonight is to and that Kuwait under the leadership of HH the Amir film celebrating 100 years of the US National Park that the ambassador and his wife “must be good celebrate the flourishing and always strong US- “represents the most fantastic combination of wis- System and the natural beauty of the US that many luck”. “On behalf of my entire cabinet who are here Kuwaiti partnership”. He affirmed that Kuwait “is an dom and generosity”. (See Page 2) Kuwaitis have experienced first-hand; the Kuwait launch of a new American car; the opening of a new US restaurant; a special Discover America menu at Tillerson’s aim a leading restaurant; business seminars highlight- ing US technology and new areas for partnership; outreach to Kuwaiti youth and their parents on is a Saudi-Iraqi 54 Egypt police opportunities for higher education in the US, and on how to get the most out of their educational axis against Iran killed in ambush experience in the US for their future careers; and other subjects. Last month the United States was honored to host His Highness the Amir and his delegation in DOHA: As US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visits CAIRO: At least 54 policemen, including 20 officers Washington and a meeting and lunch with President the Middle East this weekend, he’ll hope to achieve and 34 conscripts, were killed when a raid on a militant Trump. Joining His Highness were all four deputy something that has eluded top American diplomats for hideout southwest of Cairo escalated into an all-out prime ministers, other government officials, and top a generation: Sealing a new alliance between Saudi firefight, authorities said yesterday, in one of the single leaders from Kuwait’s business community. The Arabia and Iraq that would shut the doors of the Arab deadliest attacks by militants against Egyptian securi- Amir’s visit coincided with an unprecedented three world to neighboring Iran. While the United States ty forces in recent years. The officials said the days of activities, including the second US-Kuwait strives to heal the rift between the Gulf Arab states and RIYADH: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is greeted exchange of fire began late Friday in the Al-Wahat al- Strategic Dialogue which advanced our strategic Qatar, and resolve civil wars in Yemen and Syria, as he arrives at King Salman Air Base yesterday. — AFP Bahriya area in Giza province, about 135 km south- partnership in defense, security, investment, educa- Tillerson is the Trump administration’s point man on an west of Cairo. tion, consular, customs, and border protection issues, even more ambitious and perhaps even less likely Tillerson participates in the inaugural meeting of the The firefight began when security forces acting on and trade. The US Chamber of Commerce hosted a geopolitical gambit. Saudi Arabia-Iraq Coordination Committee in Riyadh. intelligence moved against a militants’ hideout in the US-Kuwait Economic Forum focused on creating the US officials see a new axis that unites Riyadh and Tillerson will seek Saudi financial generosity and area. Backed by armored personnel carriers and led by necessary relationships for enhancing mutual invest- Baghdad as central to countering Iran’s growing influ- political support for Iraq, its embattled northern neigh- senior counterterrorism officers, the police contingent ment and prosperity. These events will produce prac- ence from the Arabian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea, bor. Two US officials said Tillerson hopes the oil-rich drew fire and rocket-propelled grenades, according to tical benefits for the people of Kuwait and are a tes- particularly as the Iraqi government struggles to Saudis will contribute to the massive reconstruction the officials. The officials said what happened next is tament to the strength and importance of the strate- rebuild recently liberated Islamic State strongholds and projects needed to restore pre-IS life in Iraqi cities not clear, but indications suggest that the force ran out gic partnership between our two countries. confronts a newly assertive Kurdish independence such as Mosul and lend their backing to Iraqi Prime of ammunition and that the militants captured several Several cooperation arrangements were signed movement. History, religion and lots of politics stand in Minister Haider Al-Abadi. He is treading delicately policemen and later killed them. One officer managed on the margins of the Amir’s visit and the Strategic Tillerson’s way. He arrived in Riyadh yesterday and among a host of powerful countries on Iraq’s borders to escape in his armored vehicle, they added. Dialogue, including one between the US Department planned to visit Qatar tomorrow. which are increasingly trying to shape the future of the The officials said the police force appeared to have of Commerce’s SelectUSA office and the Kuwait The effort to wean Iraq from Iran and bond it to ethnically and religiously divided nation. The officials fallen into a carefully planned ambush set up by the Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA), to Saudi Arabia isn’t new, but US officials are optimistical- spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t militants. The death toll could increase, they added, work together to promote each country as an ly pointing to a surer footing they believe they’ve seen authorized to publicly preview Tillerson’s plans. Shiite- speaking on condition of anonymity because they were attractive and profitable investment destination. in recent months. They’re hoping to push the improved majority Iraq and Sunni-led Saudi Arabia, estranged not authorized to brief media. Continued on Page 11 relations into a more advanced phase today when Continued on Page 11 Continued on Page 11 Saudi oil minister makes Iraq visit, urges cooperation BAGHDAD: Saudi Oil Minister Khalid With a thaw in relations, Falih said a Al-Falih made a high profile visit to Iraq joint committee is “working on measures yesterday, calling for increased econom- to speed up the establishment of an eco- ic cooperation and praising existing nomic partnership and to reactivate coordination to boost crude oil prices. In cooperation and economic complemen- a speech at the opening of the Baghdad tarity”. Iraq is seeking economic benefits International Exhibition, Falih said coop- from closer ties with Riyadh while Saudi eration between Iraq and Saudi Arabia Arabia hopes a stronger relationship contributed to “the improvement and with Baghdad would help rollback Iran’s stability we are seeing in the oil market”. influence in the region. Falih is the first Saudi official to make Iraq lies on the fault line between a public speech in Baghdad for decades. Shiite power Iran and the Sunni-ruled The two countries began taking steps countries that are its regional archrivals, towards detente in 2015 after 25 years of chief among them Saudi Arabia. Iraqi BAGHDAD: Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar Al-Luaibi (left) receives his Saudi counter- troubled relations starting with the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi left part Khalid Al-Falih as he arrives to attend the opening of the Baghdad invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Tension Baghdad yesterday for a visit to Saudi International Fair yesterday. —AFP remained high after the 2003 US-led Arabia, his second to the kingdom this invasion of Iraq, which toppled Saddam year, his office said in a statement. His Abadi will visit other Middle Eastern bility trend seen in the oil market,” said Hussein. The American occupation of talks with Saudi officials will focus on countries after the kingdom, it said. Falih, to applause from the audience of Iraq empowered political parties repre- efforts to rebuild Iraq after the war on “The best example of the impor- Iraqi ministers, senior officials and senting Iraq’s Shi’ite majority, close to Islamic State and fostering economic and tance of cooperation between our two businessmen. Saudi Arabia’s regional rival Iran. trade cooperation, the statement said. countries is the improvement and sta- Continued on Page 11 11 Established 1961 N e w s Sunday, October 22, 2017 Waves crash over Newhaven harbor wall on the south coast of England yesterday as Storm Brian hits the country. — AFP Tillerson’s aim communities against each other because they use tribal Saudi oil minister exporting countries to curb global supply in order to lift and ethnic and sectarian conflicts to gain influence by crude prices. OPEC, Russia and several other producers portraying themselves as a patron or protector of one agreed a pact at the start of 2017 to cut production in is a Saudi-Iraqi... makes Iraq visit... of the parties in the conflict and then they use that invi- order to boost oil prices. The cutbacks should continue tation to come in and to help to advance their agenda until March 2018. Falih called for increased economic and, in Iran’s case, I think is a hegemonic design.” cooperation between the two countries at all levels, say- Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 Trump and his national security team have framed ing Saudi Arabia is implementing measures to facilitate much of the Middle East security agenda around coun- the flow of goods and services between the neighbors. Saudi Arabia and Iraq are respectively the biggest for decades after Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of teracting Iran, which they see as a malign influence that A Saudi commercial airplane, operated by Flynas, and second biggest producers of the Organization of the Kuwait, have tried in recent years to bridge their differ- poses an existential threat to Israel and other American arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday for the first time in 27 Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The Iraqi oil ences. Nevertheless, the relationship is still plagued by allies and partners in the region. They also accuse Iran years. In August, the two countries said they planned to ministry said Falih and his Iraqi counterpart, Jabbar Al- suspicion. Saudi Arabia reopened its embassy in of menacing the United States and its interests at home open the Arar land border crossing for trade for the first Luaibi, would cooperate in implementing decisions by oil Baghdad in 2015 after a quarter-century, and earlier and elsewhere in the world. Shortly after taking office, time since 1990. — Reuters this year unblocked long-closed border crossings. But Tillerson identified improving Saudi-Iraqi ties as a pri- the emergence of arch-Saudi rival Iran as a power play- ority in the administration’s broader policy to confront er in Iraq continues to gnaw at Riyadh and Washington. and contain Iran. Officials say he has devoted himself to 54 Egypt police coordination. The officials said prosecutors will look into Iran’s reported intervention in Iraq’s semi- the effort. whether the police’s counterterrorism agents failed to autonomous northern Kurdish region, following last On his second official trip abroad, Tillerson in inform the military of the operation or include them. month’s much criticized vote for independence in a ref- February canceled a planned “meet and greet” with killed in ambush... Two audio recordings purportedly by policemen who erendum, has deepened the unease. President Donald staffers at the US Embassy in Mexico City to focus on took part in the operation circulated online late Friday. Trump wants to see “a stable Iraq, but a stable Iraq that the matter, according to one of the US officials. One policeman, apparently using a two-way radio, was is not aligned with Iran,” H R McMaster, his national Tillerson’s decision to skip that gathering was widely Continued from Page 1 heard in the nearly two-minute recording pleading for security adviser, said this past week. He suggested criticized at the time as a sign of disengagement with help from a higher-ranking officer. “We are the only ones Saudi Arabia could play a pivotal role. his employees, but the official said Tillerson adjusted Those killed included two police brigadier-generals, a injured, sir,” the policeman said. “We were 10 but three The US view is that the alternative may mean more plans to speak by secure telephone to Saudi Foreign colonel and 10 lieutenant colonels. Egypt’s Interior were killed. After their injury, they bled to death, sir. They conflict in Iraq, which endured years of insurgency after Minister Adel Al-Jubeir on the Iraq rapprochement. Ministry, which is in charge of police, announced a much took all the weapons and ammunition,” he added, “We are the US-led 2003 invasion and ethnic warfare when the Tillerson, according to the official, implored Jubeir to lower death toll, saying in a statement read over state tele- now at the foot of a mountain.” The second recording was Islamic State group rampaged across the country in visit Baghdad as a sign of Saudi goodwill and commit- vision that 16 were killed in the shootout. It added that 15 purportedly by a policeman warning others from pro- 2014. “Iran is very good at pitting communities against ment to the effort to defeat IS, which then still held militants were killed or injured. ceeding forward. “I can’t identify any direction. Only each other,” McMaster said Thursday at the Foundation about half of Mosul. Jubeir agreed. Two days later, he HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- planes can see us. Take care every one,” he was heard for Defense of Democracies. “This is something they made a surprise trip to the Iraqi capital. He was the first Jaber Al-Sabah sent yesterday a cable of condolences to saying, adding that militants were pursuing them. The share with groups like ISIS, with Al-Qaeda. They pit Saudi foreign minister to do so in 27 years. — AP Egyptian President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi over the deaths authenticity of the recordings could not be immediately and injuries of the policemen. In the cable, the Amir verified. expressed Kuwait’s deepest sympathy towards the fallen The heavy loss of life will likely lead to the restructur- Discover America co-host the International Conference on Women Egyptian security personnel, affirming that his country will ing and streamlining of the country’s counterterrorism Leaders in Science, Technology and Engineering in part- stand in solidarity with Egypt against such heinous acts. effort, the officials said, with better coordination between nership with the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement Sheikh Sabah extended his condolences to the families of the police, military and security agencies high on the list of Week builds upon... of Science (KFAS) and the American Association for the the deceased officers and offered wishes of swift recovery objectives. It’s also likely to be cited by government critics Advancement of Science (AAAS). Several US universi- for those injured in the attack. as a vindication of their long-held argument that sup- ties will participate in the EduEx university fair, spon- HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- pressing freedoms, jailing opponents and cracking down Continued from Page 1 sored by the Ministry of Higher Education, to share Jaber Al-Sabah and HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber on civil society does not, as the pro-government media information about study in the USA. Over a dozen US Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent similar cables to insists, help in the war against terror. The United States and Kuwait also signed a restaurants and stores will offer special promotions. A Sisi. A source at the Kuwaiti foreign ministry said that No militant group immediately claimed responsibility Memorandum of Understanding to promote educational US Air Force band will give several performances around Kuwait stands in solidarity with the Egyptian people for the attack, which bore all the hallmarks of the Islamic links - with the goal of increasing the already high num- Kuwait. These are just a few of the planned activities. against such heinous acts, affirming that terrorism, in all State group. A local affiliate of the extremist group is ber of Kuwaitis studying in the United States and boost- I encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram shapes and forms, must be eradicated from existence. spearheading an insurgency whose epicenter is in the ing the number of exchanges between US and Kuwait and Twitter at USEmbassyQ8 and our hashtag The last time Egypt’s security forces suffered such a Sinai Peninsula, which borders Israel and the Gaza Strip. academic and research institutions. It was a highly suc- #DiscoverAmericaKWT to review the complete heavy loss of life was in July 2015 when militants from the The United States condemned the attack in a statement cessful week, and our governments are committed to Discover America program and to participate in the extremist Islamic State group carried out a series of coor- issued by State Department, offering “profound condo- implementing all these arrangements to the benefit of events that interest you. These activities are a great dinated attacks, including suicide bombings, against army lences to the families of the deceased and the government both our peoples. opportunity to put a spotlight on the strong US-Kuwaiti and police positions in the Sinai peninsula, killing at least and people of Egypt... at this difficult time.” Discover America Week builds on the momentum cre- friendship, and to explore areas that broaden and deep- 50. However, the army said only 17 soldiers and over 100 The incident comes a few days after militants staged a ated by the Amir’s visit and the Strategic Dialogue. We en our ties. I hope I will have the chance to meet you at militants were killed. An official statement issued yester- brazen daylight attack in the heart of El-Arish, the largest will have seminars promoting healthcare innovation and the exciting events taking place this week. I encourage day said Friday’s incident would be investigated, suggest- city in the Sinai Peninsula, attacking a church and a nearby highlighting how the US Embassy supports the local you to Discover America or, for many of you who ing that the heavy death toll may have been partially bank and reportedly making away with some $1 million. business community. The US Department of State will already know our country, Rediscover America! caused by incompetence, intelligence failures or lack of Seven were killed in the Monday attack. — Agencies 2 Established 1961 L o c a l Sunday, October 22, 2017 Melania Trump receives Kuwait-America Foundation 2017 Humanitarian Award Commitment for philanthropy is who we are as Kuwaitis: Ambassador WASHINGTON: Melania Trump receives the Kuwait-America Foundation 2017 WASHINGTON: (From left) Kuwait’s Ambassador to the US Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh and UN Humanitarian Award from Rima Al-Sabah. - KUNA Secretary General Antonio Guterres. — KUNA WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump women receive social services, develop pro- Stephanie Grisham said in a statement on the meeting right here in Washington.” He shed deaf in relation to humanitarian consequences and top cabinet officials gathered at the fessional skills, find employment opportunities event that Melania Trump is “honored by the light on the “productive” strategic dialogue of the war, His Highness the Amir assumed the Kuwait Embassy in Washington for an intimate and obtain start-up grants. “Together, we are recognition, but more importantly considers held between Kuwait and the US during the leadership during which the international com- evening of celebration in honor of First Lady changing lives, and this evening is an opportu- this an opportunity to continue shining a light visit of His Highness the Amir that addressed munity convened three successful donor con- Melania Trump’s humanitarian service. The nity for the Kuwait-America Foundation to on the fact that it is often children who bear defense, trade and a range of other issues. ferences,” he remarked. Lastly, Guterres paid dazzling gala dinner for UNHCR, hosted by show our sincere gratitude to each of you for the harshest burdens of cruelty and injustice.” “We welcome Kuwait’s recent commit- tribute to Melania Trump saying he is very Kuwait’s Ambassador to the US Sheikh Salem contributing to this critical work,” she added. In the meantime, President Donald Trump ments to several of Trump’s regional priori- impressed by what she has done and what she Al-Sabah and his wife Sheikha Rima Al-Sabah As she introduced Melania Trump, the thanked everyone for this special evening and ties,” he noted, as Kuwait “responded to has achieved with the center of it all being the honoring Melania Trump, the recipient of the Kuwait-America Foundation 2017 thanked the Kuwait-America Foundation for Trump’s historic call for action” during the well-being and development of children whom Kuwait-America Foundation 2017 Humanitarian Award recipient, Rima Al-Sabah honoring Melania Trump, during which he Riyadh Summit to defeat the so-called Islamic are the passion of her private and public life. Humanitarian Award, comes less than a year shed light on the First Lady’s commitment, less described the Ambassador and his wife “as State (IS) and prevent terrorism and violent For his part, Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister since the Trumps’ moved into the White House, than a year into her time in the White House, very special people who have become extremism.” and Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh, who which highlights the close ties Kuwait and the to “being a powerful force for good, not just in friends.” In remarks he gave the crowd, Trump He also praised the role Kuwait played “to was in attendance, stressed to KUNA the US share. the United States, but everywhere. shed light on his meeting with His Highness the diplomatically seek a resolution” for the ongo- importance of such-high level attendance at Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah said in his speech “Because of her own path, she understands Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- ing Gulf crisis. He also highlighted Kuwait’s the Kuwait Embassy represented by President that the deep commitment he shares with his better than most what it is like to leave home Jaber Al-Sabah in September, saying “he met a generosity, saying “Kuwait has also generously Donald Trump, the First Lady and high level wife Sheikha Rima for philanthropy is “who we behind. She knows what it takes to learn a new man who is really helping us, really very provided important support to humanitarian members of the cabinet that ensures the are as Kuwaitis. It is woven into the fabric of language, a new culture - to call a new land strongly helping us in the Middle East.” He initiatives in the wake of the (IS) related vio- “strong relationship Kuwait enjoys with the the nation we represent. home. And she brings this understanding to the thanked His Highness the Amir of Kuwait “for lence in Iraq and Syria. US.” “Our commitment is a reflection of our important work she does, day in and day out,” all that he is doing in the region,” saying “there “Kuwait remains the UNHCR’s largest He added that this reconfirms the “success- leader, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- she remarked. is a lot of things happening in the Middle donor from the Middle East and North Africa ful foreign policies and humanitarian efforts Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, whom in 2014 As she accepted her award, First Lady East.” During the evening, the Senate passed and Kuwait has also contributed large led by His Highness the Amir. “This also high- then-UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon Melania Trump said she is “honored to be here its fiscal year 2018 Budget Resolution, where amounts of money in bilateral assistance to lights the efforts of the Ambassador of Kuwait honored for his exemplary leadership in and receive this award,” thanking the Trump had received the news and told the Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq to support and his wife in maintaining this relationship for humanitarian affairs. The Secretary General Ambassador and his wife for hosting “this crowd that the Ambassador and his wife “must their efforts,” as those countries host refugees the best interest of Kuwait,” he remarked. The named His Highness a great humanitarian wonderful event. “They are both exceptional be good luck.” from Syria and other parts of the region, he gala dinner was also attended by Secretary of leader of our time,” he added. He affirmed “as examples of humanitarians who inspire us .. for “On behalf of my entire cabinet who are added. “The US is proud to have a partner so Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of has been the case for decades, Kuwait and the the benefit of others,” she remarked. here tonight. We have a lot of them, I want to deeply committed to address and provide for Commerce Wilbur Ross, Secretary of United States are working hard together, as thank everybody in this room. We’ve all come displaced persons,” he remarked. Transportation Elaine Chao, US Permanent friends and allies, to resolve disputes through- Most vulnerable together as a family very much. The world is Wisdom and generosity Representative to the UN Nikki Haley, Senior out the Middle East and to plan for a more She added that the measure of any society’s actually coming together,” he remarked. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres Advisor of the President Jared Kushner, secure and prosperous future for our peoples. humanity “must be judged by how it treats the said in his remarks that the Ambassador “has Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump, “I always look forward to this event, in part weakest and most vulnerable among them and Strong partnership the privilege to serve one country and one National Security Advisor HR McMaster, because it’s a chance to do good, but also to quite often it is the children who are unable to Furthermore, US Secretary of State Rex leader that he admires,” and that Kuwait under Chairman of Council of Economic Advisors celebrate the indispensable friendship defend themselves when under attack, speak Tillerson said in his remarks “one reason we the leadership of His Highness the Amir “rep- Gary Cohn, UN High Commissioner for between our nations,” Sheikh Salem remarked. up when abused or find aid when most need- are here tonight is to celebrate the flourishing resent the most fantastic combination of wis- Refugees Filippo Grandi, Counselor to the ed. and always strong US-Kuwaiti partnership.” dom and generosity.” President Kellyanne Conway, White House Women empowerment “Let us join together now to become their He affirmed that Kuwait “is an important He added that in the Middle East today, His Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sev- Meanwhile, the Ambassador’s wife, Rima voice so they can be heard, to become their strategic partner for the US in the Middle East Highness the Amir has been “a constant voice eral of the Congress members, a number of the Al-Sabah indicated that “this year alone,” over shield so they can find protection and to and our relationship is growing.” for reconciliation, dialogue, a bridge builder Gulf ambassadors to the US, including Saudi $1 million has been raised for UNHCR pro- become their safe haven so they may find hope He recalled His Highness the Amir’s meeting and a messenger for peace. “As the Syrian Arabia’s Ambassador Prince Khaled bin grams that empower women and girls. She said in the future,” she remarked. with Trump in September, re-emphasizing they people began to suffer from a horrendous sit- Salman and several of the Arab and foreign “that money will help refugee and displaced First Lady’s director of communications, had “an extraordinary, important and valuable uation, where the world was largely blind and ambassadors. — KUNA Zain holds internal event to raise awareness about early detection As part of #ZainGoesPink campaign KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunications company in Kuwait, held an internal event at the company’s main headquarters in Shuwaikh to raise awareness amongst its employees about early detection of breast cancer. The event came as part of the #ZainGoesPink annual campaign launched early October, and witnessed the presence of the executive management, including Scott Gegenheimer, Zain Group CEO-Operations, and Eaman Al-Roudhan, CEO of Zain Kuwait. Zain’s annual campaign, which went on for the past ten years, strongly reflects the company’s Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility strategy, and coin- cides with the globally celebrated month of breast cancer during October of every year. The campaign mainly aims at spreading positive awareness in the community about breast cancer prevention. The internal event featured a number of recreational activities centered around the message of early detection sages via Zain’s social media channels throughout October, healthcare providers, both public and private, such as the erated with the Ministry of Health, and partnered with the through mammogram tests and its importance in detecting including medical tips in collaboration with the Ministry of Ministry of Health’s National Mammography Screening Kuwaiti Red Crescent for several awareness campaigns breast cancer in its early stages. Zain’s campaign partner, Health’s National Mammography Screening Program. The Program and Al-Salam International Hospital, to enrich its related to the health sector. Al-Salam International Hospital, was present during the campaign also features the posting of exclusive videos fea- steps into informing the public through the expertise of these It is worth mentioning that Zain established Zain Hospital, event through a dedicated booth, where Zain female turing breast cancer survivor Hebah Al-Ansari, who shared organizations’ experts, specialists, and consultants. specializing in ear, nose, and throat treatment. The hospital employees exclusively benefited from a 40 percent dis- her journey into beating the disease with the public. The Zain’s solid Corporate Social Responsibility and was constructed and equipped by the company to address count on mammogram, osteoporosis, as well as ultrasound campaign also included a comprehensive awareness pro- Sustainability strategies primarily focus on the wellbeing of the needs of the patients in the country, giving them the tests. A medical team from the hospital was also present to gram targeted at Zain employees, which started with a visit the entire nation. For that reason, the company has main- opportunity to head to a state-of-the-art health institution offer free consultations, answering inquiries, and conduct to Hussain Makki Al-Jumma Center and Shaikha Badriya Al- tained its support to all kinds of initiatives that spread which is fully equipped with the latest medical equipment to free glucose and blood pressure tests. Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Center. awareness and help make a difference. Zain has previously serve their health issues. You can follow Zain’s Breast Cancer Zain’s campaign focuses on spreading informative mes- Zain was keen on strategically partnering with leading partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO), coop- Awareness campaign on #ZainGoesPink and #ZainCSR. 3 Established 1961 L o c a l Sunday, October 22, 2017 Public transport best solution for traffic problem: Official By A Saleh Tolls could be imposed later once our roads become more cooperation amongst various social sects helps execute and willing to help it succeed not those who want it to fail. secure and comfortable,” he reiterated. mega projects. Also in attendance were head of the gov- KUWAIT: Vice chairman of the Public Authority for Roads ernment performance follow-up apparatus Sheikh Ahmad Revenues and expenditure and Transport Saud Al-Naqi said the best solution for traf- Marginal labor Meshaal Al-Sabah, MSAL undersecretary Saad Al- Well-informed financial sources said a new method fic congestions is to develop public transportation. Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and Minister of Kharraz, MSAL assistant undersecretary for cooperation would be followed in calculating revenues and expenditure Chronic traffic jams have been the subject of much politi- State for Economic Development Hind Al-Sabeeh said the Sheikha Al-Adwani and the project’s coordinator general as well as waste through the new governmental financial cal debate as of late. A recent report indicated that the Civil Service Commission (CSC) will approve the man- Nouriya Al-Sadani. management system, which is expected to save consider- parliament’s interior and defense committee has approved power structural organization after merging it with the able amounts. The sources added that all government bod- a proposal by MP Safaa Al-Hashem to suspend issuing Manpower and Government Restructuring Program soon, Grilling motion ies will have to do all financial settlements of their assets new driver’s licenses to expatriates for one year, and limit adding that all the procedures needed for the merger In other news, MPs Mubarak Al-Hajraf, Al-Humaidi Al- before the end of the current fiscal year (2017-2018) and the number of vehicles a foreigner can own to one as a process had already been completed except one that is Subaei, Khaled Al-Otaibi and Nayef Al-Merdas will inten- provide auditors with copies of their budgets. They added temporary solution to the traffic problem. “Developing still being discussed by both sides. sify consultations over the coming days to put the final that all revenues will have to be deposited in those bodies’ public transport and building trust between these means Speaking on the sidelines of touring the new blood touches on a grilling motion they intend to file against accounts at the central bank before the end of May 2018. and users including citizens and residents, in addition to bank project in Adan along with Health Minister Jamal Al- Sabeeh. Parliamentary sources noted that only three of the using new means such as a metro or trains will help solve Harbi, Sabeeh said new decisions will be issued soon to four MPs will file the motion. They added that Hajraf, Bottled water the traffic congestion problem,” Naqi underlined, noting limit the number of marginal laborers, but did not elabo- Subaei and Otaibi had already held several preliminary Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) that the authority will set an integrated plan to resolve the rate on that. Sabeeh also expressed joy at having another meetings over the past two weeks before Subaei travelled Undersecretary Mohammed Boshehri hailed a decision by problem. Naqi said cooperation is in progress between the blood bank in Kuwait after only one had been operating and Merdas filled in. The sources said that the grilling the Minister of Commerce and Industry Khaled Al- municipality and special advisors to set the state’s struc- since 1965. motion will cover all the sectors under Sabeeh’s jurisdic- Roudhan to ban the export of locally produced bottled tural plan including suggested metro routes. Naqi stressed Meanwhile, Harbi said that the new bank would be tion in both ministries and it would probably be filed after water. Boshehri added that the state pays 90 percent of that imposing tolls on roads will not solve the problem and launched by the beginning of 2018. He also noted that the the inaugural session of the coming parliamentary term. commodity’s production cost, and stressed that it is illogi- that some advanced countries collect them only to pay for new building’s tender is currently being reviewed by the cal to export such a product, especially since the state those specific roads’ maintenance. “Those countries only Central Tenders Commission (CTC) before examination Negative phenomena pays KD 6 for 1,000 gallons. In addition, Boshehri stressed do this after providing alternative roads to be used free of by the State Audit Bureau. Harbi explained that the new Meanwhile, MP Mohammed Hayef announced plans to that Kuwait is ranked third worldwide in per capita con- charge,” he explained, noting that tolls could only be col- building will be built over an area of 16,400 sq m at a request the formation of the parliamentary negative phe- sumption of water - 5,000 liters per person daily. He lected on roads with special privileges such as Jaber total cost of KD 6 million. He added that the new blood nomena committee as one of the important temporary added that reports showed that around 20 million bottles Bridge, which is expected to cut the time needed to reach bank is close to the air ambulance center and includes 40 committees formed since the 2009 parliament. Hayef also were being exported monthly, ie 8-10 million gallons. He Sulaibiya. “We at the road authority have not been beds. Also speaking on the occasion, board chairman of noted that in case the parliament approves the formation, reiterated that it is illogical that state-subsidized water is appointed to collect money - we target developing roads. the executing company Hussein Al-Kharafi stressed that the committee members will only be those who support it exported. Palestinian comed Ghanem’s supportive stance and local spotlight his statements which shed light on the Israeli abuses against Palestinian people. President They agreed that Ghanem’s statements in Palestinian-Israeli the IPU session comes in line with the Kuwaiti government and people’s support praises conflict today and defense of the Palestinian rights in dif- ferent international events. Ghanem Arab conscious In the meantime, Palestinian Ambassador to Kuwait Rami Tahboub said RAMALLAH: Palestinian President that the speech by Ghanem, at the 137th By Muna Al-Fuzai Mahmoud Abbas heaped praise on Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly Kuwait’s National Assembly Speaker in Saint Petersburg, Russia, represents the Marzouq Al-Ghanem for his brave, firm and conscious of all Arab countries. supportive stance to the Palestinian cause. In a press release, Tahboub added that Ghanem’s response to the Israeli delega- The Palestinian official news agency [email protected] (WAFA) reported that President Abbas on tion at IPU, especially with regard to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, came as Friday sent a cable, on his and the a natural response to the Israeli occupa- Palestinian people’s behalf, to Ghanem to The words of Kuwait’s National Assembly Speaker thank him on his courageous and firm tion, describing the delegation as a legal Marzouq Al-Ghanem against the Israeli delegation at stance in the final session of the tool for the occupation. The ambassador noted that the the 137th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in International Inter-Parliamentary Union Palestinian state government and people the Russian city of St Petersburg, which lead to the congress which has been held recently in followed closely the reaction and the Israelis leaving the meeting hall, provoked different Russia. In his cable, the president speech by the Speaker at the session, not- reactions from supporters, conservatives and oppo- expressed appreciation of Ghanem’s state- ing that the speech revealed the true nature nents. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has many ments in response to that of the head of the of the so-called “only true democracy” in visions, differences and interests on the Arab and Israeli Knesset’s delegation and his high- the region, namely the Israeli legislative international levels. I am not here to repeat the words light the Israeli crimes against Palestinians. branch.The Ambassador also praised His of Ghanem as they are already on the Internet, but to “On this occasion, I am pleased to con- Highness the Amir in a letter to Ghanem, vey the gratitude of Palestinian people to talk about the Arab position on this issue today. which brings back all Arabs to the central- the State of Kuwait, His Highness the Amir It is unfortunate to say that we are no longer in the ization to Arab issues, mainly the Palestinian Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- 1950s and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is no longer case which all Arab countries should be Sabah, and to thank the Kuwaiti National the only Arab issue. The Arab world is facing a long united for. Tahboub also thanked His Assembly and government for their politi- list of suffocating issues, and this does not mean that Highness the Amir and expressed apprecia- the Palestinian cause is not important, but the Arabs cal and financial support to Palestinian tion and admiration for his sentiments and cause and people,” the president said in regards as a humanitarian leader and to the are preoccupied with several local, regional and the cable. Meanwhile, Palestinians of dif- National Assembly Speaker for represent- international issues in their homelands, such as sec- ferent political hues have greatly wel- ing the Kuwaiti people. — KUNA tarian strife, geopolitical changes and extremism. Moreover, the entry of the Arab world in a new phase in which they confront poverty, recurrent oil crises and internal conflicts among its leaders since the last Large amounts of drugs seized 30 years has forced them to stop thinking about the Palestinian issue and focus on their own troubles. in less than four months The most important question is: Have Arabs really forgotten the Palestine case, or are they wavering on the issue? I believe to answer this query, we need to be aware of two main elements. First, the Western world is good at prioritizing and pressing the issues of its own interest, but the Arab world is not. For example, when global warming is the issue of the hour, you will find Western leaders and media easily come together in harmony to discuss, decide and draw up action plans for implementation. On the other hand, look at the Arab world. When a call for a general meeting of the Arab League or a Gulf summit is sent, whether it is an urgent gathering or not, it will be swinging between approval and denial. Because there are countries that do not want to meet another or a subject that some do not want to discuss publicly because it causes embarrassment. This contradiction continues and exists during all the meetings to pollute the atmosphere and they often end with no agreement, no difference, no plans and no decision. KUWAIT: A vehicle is impounded during a recent This keeps all Arab issues on hold, including the police crackdown on traffic offenders. Palestinian decision. We should not blame the Arab people for being frustrated, as they live amid extrem- By Hanan Al-Saadoun Municipality ism, unemployment and poverty, because all their Jahra Municipality branch carried out a issues have no end with no decisions. What makes it KUWAIT: Interior Ministry Assistant campaign on Salmy Road to remove auc- worse in the Arab world is that most Arab countries Undersecretary for Criminal Security tions held illegally on state property in are engaged in military disputes and are safeguarding Affairs Maj Gen Khalid Abdullah Al- cooperation with the general cleanliness their internal security and borders due to threats from Dayeen said that criminal security sector and road occupancy department. Head of various powers and terror groups. This is sad but true. along with Drugs Control General the department Engineer Mohammad Al- When we were young, the Palestine-Israeli dispute Department and criminal detectives car- Aradhi said that 15 unlicensed auction sites ried out campaigns from July 1, 2017 to in addition to 104 cubic meters of leftovers was an important subject, and it was compulsory for October 14, 2017 during which they were were removed. every student to write about this matter as the only able to cease 15.506 kg of shabu, 13.118 kg issue of the Arabs. Today, the world is facing many of heroin, 14.032 kg of hashish, 21.100 kg Drill complex issues. The bloody terrorism that is taking of synthetic marijuana, 8,270 captagon Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD) place everywhere without any sign so far of a final tablets, 27,635 tramadol pills, 350g carried out an exercise in a high rise build- solution to be eradicated forever even by the coun- cocaine, 17,365 illicit tablets and 5,445 ing in which several teams participated. The tries that are affected by it is proof that there is no imported liquor bottles. A marijuana farm exercise was held in a 38-floor building quick ending for this case. We cannot blame the was busted with 1,000 seedlings inside, under construction in Sabah Al-Salem. The world for forgetting the Palestinian cause. It is the report adds. exercise aimed at using modern-day becoming a file that is kept within other files. In other news, the Interior Ministry’s equipment in fighting fire in high rise build- Globalization has overlapped the Arab and Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs ings and pumping water to the 37th floor. Western world in a wide technological space, which Maj Gen Fahad Al-Shuwaie supervised a Meanwhile, an advanced course for fighting has caused the Arabs cultural, social, political and comprehensive campaign carried out fires in which 30 individuals participated intellectual shocks and they forgot that scrutiny and around Kuwait and resulted in issuing was concluded on Thursday. The course prioritization are important for the future. The Arabs 3,720 traffic tickets and impounding 198 was held under the patronage and pres- have not forgotten the issue of Palestine, but the issue vehicles. Meanwhile, 13 juveniles were sent ence of Acting Assistant Undersecretary has become a complex one with no decision and no to concerned authorities, 55 people were for Special Security at the Interior Ministry imminent end. arrested while one person was sent for Maj Gen Shukri Al-Najjar. The course took deportation. place in three stages. 4 Established 1961 Sunday, October 22, 2017 L o c a l Photo of the Day KUWAIT: The sun sets over the horizon in Kuwait City Friday evening. —Photo by Islam Al-Sharaa Gulf Bank sponsors this event by showcasing their programs and activities through dedicated booths closing ceremony and had kids with special needs talking about these projects. of Kharafi Kids Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center pro- vides dedicated, safe and stimulating envi- Center’s program ronment that ensures the right to play for all children with diverse abilities all year round, filled with joyful, hopeful and adventurous atmosphere. In addition to KUWAIT: Gulf bank has recently spon- develop their physical, social, verbal and sored the closing ceremony of Al-Kharafi emotional abilities so that they are better Activity Kids Center’s Summer Program equipped to engage with the local commu- ‘Summer of Joy’, at the center’s premises in nity and events. Mishref area. The fun filled event was Gulf Bank is committed to support attended by children participated at the humanitarian causes through its corpo- thrilling summer program, parents, repre- rate social responsibility program and sentatives of charity driven organizations will continue to support activities and ini- and other guests. tiatives which aims at inspiring people The event included games, competitions and entertainment shows. Number of char- with special needs as an integral part of itable organizations have also taken part of the Kuwaiti society. 5 Established 1961 Sunday, October 22, 2017 L o c a l CRIMES Al-Jarida Three hurt in wedding shooting Hong Kong Municipality KUWAIT: Three people were shot during a wed- office boy ding in Sabah Al-Salem by the groom’s uncle. The dispute started when a number of men insisted on entering the women’s hall with the groom. The injured men were rushed to Adan hospital. The By Hassan Al-Essa shooter surrendered at Bayan police station. According to Robert Rotberg’s ‘The Corruption Cure,’ Hong Kong had been full of corruption ever since its inception towards the end of the 19th cen- Naked tury when endless organized gangs and corruption prevailed. It was ruled by several British governors A Gulf national who escaped from a psychiatric but none of them managed to end corruption and facility was caught running naked in Saad Al- some of them even helped it spread. In 1974, Abdullah and was sent back to the hospital by Governor Murray MacLehose established the police. Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to fight and clean up corruption in the many departments of the Hong Kong government. Its aim Fugitive was to investigate all corruption cases without exceptions and was the largest in the region that commenced its work by interrogating 18,000 A citizen was sent to the civil implementation police officers over charges of corruption. department after he was caught in Jleeb Al- Shuyoukh while hanging a military uniform in his car to escape any police inspection. The arrest was made at a checkpoint when police checked his civil The will to fight Al-Jarida ID and discovered that he is wanted by authorities. corruption started with the ruling Drugs politicians Al-Anbaa A Kuwaiti man, Gulf national and a girl were arrest- GCC McCarthyism needed ed in Salmiya with shabu (meth) on them. They were sent to Drugs Control General Department. In 1980, ICAC shifted to investigating private Meanwhile, two Asians were arrested with 50 bot- sector corruption cases and had the authority to tles of homebrewed liquor in Khaitan. The two prosecute suspects and refer them to courts. Its By Salah Al-Sayer attempted to escape but police managed to put power expanded to spread the culture of fighting them under arrest. They were sent to the proper corruption amongst people. This means that it did The term McCarthyism developed during World ple still practice mental manipulation, superficial authorities to be held pending deportation. not settle at receiving complaints but went beyond War II. The name came from Senator Joseph handling of various problems and ignoring the dan- — Translated from the Arabic press that to willingly get rid of corruption. It studied McCarthy who led a campaign to immune America ger of political Islam. In addition, some GCC gov- about corruption in traffic and education. Thanks to against communist penetration and thus called for ernments still fear illusionary human right organiza- its vast powers the severity of its penal measures prosecuting communist sympathizers amongst pub- tions who have been using fake slogans and mottos. and the neutrality of its officials, Hong Kong was lic servants and intellectuals, which led to imprison- All this paved towards creating a haven for evil ranked 12th worldwide in terms of cities with the ing many innocent people and costing many others ideas just like the horse of troy waiting to attack. least amount of corruption in the period of 1995- their jobs because of exag- Considering such critical KFH lecture on 2005. When China took over the city in 1997, the gerated accusations of trea- situations, one has to ini- people of Hong Kong had already detested corrup- son. Thus, and according to tially admit that we are tion and the city was the best in levels of integrity. political terminology, the All this paved going through a cold war breast cancer Corruption fighting measures were very severe term ‘McCarthyism’ meant towards creating with so many enemies in both Hong Kong and Singapore without any dis- ‘intellectual terrorism’ as including ones we already crimination or leniency with suspects. Corruption most of those subjected to a haven for know and others we cannot fighting started from the top as they realized that it were artists, writers and evil ideas even identify. The next step ladders should be cleaned from top downwards. media figures who had would be establishing the They never blamed the municipality office boys of highlighted the negative principle of ‘either with or corruption in Hong Kong or Singapore. ICAC did sides of McCarthyism and against me’ because not demand a nice piece of land overlooking the ignored its importance in protecting US homeland nations’ safety requires patriotic discipline and ter- seafront to build its headquarters. No law was set and promoting patriotism. mination of intellectual luxuries and political oppor- to grant its officials salaries in astronomical figures. Here in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, tunism. Most importantly, we need a GCC The will and determination to fight all forms of cor- we need an improved ‘GCC McCarthyism’ because, McCarthyism that calls for smart coordination ruption started with the ruling politicians. Is it too in addition to the ‘hot’ wars going on around us, our amongst affected countries to detect ill practices hard for those in our case to learn the lesson from countries are experiencing fierce domestic cold and blacklist those spiteful ‘dreamers’ who are dis- Hong Kong or Singapore? wars that have been penetrating our societies with loyal to their GCC home countries. — Translated by Kuwait Times the excuse of ‘freedom of speech’ while some peo- — Translated by Kuwait Times ‘Discover America’ KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) organized an awareness lecture on Breast Cancer themed ‘Make Your Life Rosy,’ as part of the bank’s social responsibility event kicks off and efforts to increase awareness about breast cancer. The lecture was part of the campaign that coincides with the World Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The campaign included a variety of awareness events and special discussion sessions to spread awareness among By Ben Garcia women in the society. Moreover, KFH presented a num- ber of awareness programs in social media platforms. KUWAIT: The 10-day ‘Discover America’ activities It is worth noting that KFH takes part in all relevant commenced yesterday with a fun-run at the Boulevard awareness campaigns such as diabetes and heart dis- Park in Salmiya. The fun-run event saw numerous health eases. The bank inks agreement with respective bodies conscious individuals from various nationalities, and locally and globally in a bid to coordinate and bolster was inaugurated by the US Ambassador to Kuwait People take part in a fun-run event held as part of the ‘Discover efforts that aim at preventing Kuwait society from the America’ activities. Lawrence Silverman. “In the next ten days, the US serious impact of these diseases. Embassy will organize many programs promoting what the United States has to offer as a venue for Kuwaitis to (the Avenues, Boulevard Mall, Sharq Mall, Marina Mall) visit business that provides opportunities from which in addition to the Sultan Center, Kuwait Chamber of Kuwaitis and Americans can benefit and get quality Commerce and Industry, Amricani Cultural Center, university education in every subject imaginable,” Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel and Spa, The Scientific Silverman said in a speech. Center, and other locations. The envoy also highlighted some forthcoming activi- “I am pleased to see you all enjoying the beautiful ties including festivals for food, fashion, music, film, weather and exercising. In the next six months, we will automobiles and healthcare. The scheduled activities be enjoying the beautiful weather and one of the best can be viewed at the US Embassy’s website, Twitter ways to stay healthy and promote healthy lifestyle is to and Facebook account. Discover America is organized exercise and eat healthy food,” Silverman enthused. For by the US Foreign Commercial Service Office in collab- the fun-run event, Ambassador Silverman thanked oration with the Public Affairs Section of the US sponsors Ali Abduwahab Company and Pro-Vision for Embassy in Kuwait. The events take place at venues providing refreshments including prizes for the six win- throughout Kuwait City, including shopping centers ners in both male and female categories. KUWAIT: US Ambassador to Kuwait Lawrence Silverman delivers a speech dur- A winner recieves his award. ing the event. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat International Established 1961 SUNDAY, OCTOBER22, 2017 Inspired by Catalans, Families of jailed Morocco protesters face long road UK’s island demands split from mainland Page 7 Page 8 ANKARA: Teacher Semih Ozakca lies on a stretcher inside an ambulance after he was released on parole from the Sincan prison. A Turkish court has ordered the release on parole of a teacher on hunger strike since March to protest his dismissal in a crackdown after last year’s failed coup. — AFP Political row hits Turkish schools Tens of thousands of teachers sacked in crackdown ANKARA: A radically changed curriculum. Teachers yet to present the replacement, within weeks overhauled however, there had been no “disruptive” impact to edu- evolution was too complicated for the young. “You put who vanished from one year to the next. And a greater the university entrance exam after Erdogan hinted at fur- cation. But he acknowledged Turkey needed to hire more in young children’s minds and schoolbooks this idea of emphasis on religion. Turkish schoolchildren went back ther changes to it last month. teachers. Education Minister Ismet Yilmaz has said he war for religion, then you say this is a meaning of it, but to their classes last month not just facing the daily pres- was addressing the gap with nearly 20,000 more teach- there is also a second, a third meaning. “(But) you say sures of learning but changes that have ignited a bitter Teachers sacked ers by 2018. Kurdish provinces in the southeast have explaining evolution is too hard, ‘we’re taking it out, it political row. Evolution theory was dropped from school Over 33,000 teachers have been sacked in the purge been “intensely” affected by the purges, HDP MP Sancar can’t be explained’!” she said. Ozturk said headteachers textbooks, tens of thousands of teachers sacked in the that followed the failed coup, with critics arguing many said. “Many experienced teachers have been sacked.” were speaking to teachers and telling them “your duty is crackdown that followed the 2016 failed coup and the were punished for leftist or Jihad in, evolution out? to put the curriculum into practice, not to criticize it”. Muslim concept of jihad introduced to some classes. pro-Kurdish sympathies The Islamic-rooted Secular unions and teachers worry education will be less rather than any link to the AKP government is ‘New regime, new education’ scientific and more religious, but the government argues plot. Feray Aytekin often accused of work- Even before the current controversy, critics had the changes are needed to prepare the new generation Aydogan, head of secular Evolution theory ing towards raising the accused the government of undermining the secular for the modern republic’s 100th year anniversary in 2023. and opposition teachers’ “pious generation” spo- foundations of education in Turkey and paying less President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared at the start union Egitim-Sen, said the dropped from ken of by Erdogan in attention to the founder of the modern republic Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The last years have seen a boom in the of the new school year his objective was to raise stu- dismissals led to “anxiety” past speeches. This dents “at peace with their national and spiritual values, among teachers currently school textbooks summer, Yilmaz growth of Imam Hatip schools which specialize in reli- gious education combined with a modern curriculum. patriotic, qualified, free”. Burhanettin Uysal, deputy head working in schools.”Our announced that children Erdogan himself went to such a school. of the parliamentary commission for education, said the job security has been tak- at religious schools Under the AKP’s rule since 2002, the number of Imam reforms were to “simplify” the education program. “It en away from us,” she told which follow the nation- Hatip students has risen from 23,000 to over 1.1 million would not have been possible to keep up with the world AFP. “Who will fill those al curriculum would be at the start of the 2017 academic year. Most Imam Hatip today with the curriculum from five, 10 years ago,” said staff places?” Betul taught the concept of schools had been shut down after the 1997 ousting of the Uysal, a ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Ozturk, a primary school jihad. A storm of contro- then Islamist government by the military. But the AKP’s lawmaker. teacher in Ankara, said teachers were “under siege” in versy then raged after education ministry officials said Uysal denied his party had a problem with Ataturk. “We Pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) law- schools from special interest groups, including religious they would also remove evolution theory because it was continue to fight for our youth to understand Ataturk maker Mithat Sancar hit back that the changes reflected organizations. “Many students have been left without too complex for children under the age of 18. Jihad is better,” he said. Aydogan claimed “serious problems” in the “religious and nationalist ideology of the AKP” that teachers, teachers left without work,” Ozturk said. usually translated in the West as a religious war. But its the education system began after 2012 changes that saw has “largely been incorporated into school textbooks”. “(Teachers) do their job with the fear of losing it at any meaning in Islam refers to one’s struggle, internal and the Turkish parliament extend compulsory education for Just days before pupils were back at their desks in moment.” otherwise. four years. “They are trying to create a new Turkey, the September, Erdogan called for the high school entrance Latif Selvi, deputy head of the conservative union Aydogan accused the government of hypocrisy by construction of a new regime with a new education sys- school exam to be scrapped. The government, which has Egitim-Bir-Sen, Turkey’s biggest teachers’ union, said, insisting on the nuanced concept of jihad while claiming tem,” she said.— AFP Prayers turn to a moments earlier, while blood stained the walls and ceiling of the room. Dozens of copies of the Quran, floor cushions and nightmare in Kabul colorful prayer beads were scattered across the hall. Ali said he suffered burns and shrapnel wounds to his mosque bombing face, hands and legs, and he could no longer hear properly due to the intensity of the explosion. His two sons, aged 12 and 17, were also wounded in the attack and are being treated at a different hospital. KABUL: After finishing work on Friday Jan Ali took “I don’t have any news from them about how seriously his two sons to their local Shiite mosque in Kabul to they are wounded,” Ali said in a frail voice. “Everyone worship, along with dozens of other ordinary Afghans. panicked after the blast. It was a terrible, horrifying Despite the growing threats of violence against Shiite and dreadful day.” The interior ministry said at least sites in Afghanistan, the 47-year-old mason took his 72 people were killed and 55 others wounded in the place among the 150-strong faithful at the Imam assault claimed by the Islamic State group-one of two Zaman mosque where he is a regular. deadly mosque attacks in Afghanistan on Friday. It But the evening prayer session soon turned into a capped one of the deadliest weeks in Afghanistan in bloody nightmare when a suicide bomber posing as a recent memory, with around 200 people killed in the worshipper blew himself up, causing devastation inside two mosque attacks and a spate of Taliban suicide the cavernous room. The force of the deafening explo- assaults on security forces. sion threw slimly built Ali to the floor where he lay on Ali said the lone suicide bomber detonated his shards of glass and debris, unable to get up due to the explosives among the crowd of worshippers half way severity of his wounds. Scattered around him on the through the prayers. There is speculation the attacker mosque’s now blood-soaked red carpet were dozens may have worn a veil and slipped through the women’s of dead and wounded, including women and children, howling for help. entrance to the mosque to avoid being body searched “It was a chaotic scene. Everyone was shouting and by security guards. “We were busy in the middle of screaming for help and yelling for their loved ones,” Ali our evening prayers when suddenly a big blast took said yesterday from his hospital bed, both of his hands place,” Ali said, adding he had gone to the mosque in and thighs strapped with white bandages. Broken win- the hope of earning “more rewards”. “It was a very dow panes, chunks of white plaster and dust covered loud blast and afterwards there were dead and wound- KABUL: Afghan residents look inside the Imam Zaman Shiite mosque which was the site of a suicide attack dur- the floor where worshippers had been praying ed bodies scattered all over the mosque.”— Agencies ing evening prayers yesterday. — AFP 7 Established 1961 Sunday, October 22, 2017 I n t e r n a t i o n a l In Kirkuk, Kurds’ joy turns to fear after the army takeover Turkmen and Arab residents feel safer now KIRKUK: Turkmen and Arab shoppers stroll through an was opposed by international allies, Kurdistan Regional open-air food market in an ethnically mixed area of Government (KRG) President Massoud Barzani was confi- Kirkuk, haggling over the price of tomatoes and gossiping dent its outcome would give his government leverage to about their neighbors. Ostensibly, it’s a normal day in the negotiate secession. Kirkuk is seen by many Kurds as the city of 1 million in northern Iraq. But nearby stand Iraqi future capital of an independent Kurdish state. Including it Army soldiers, sent by the central government in Baghdad in the referendum was widely seen as a unilateral move to this week to wrest control of the city from Kurds after consolidate Kurdish control. their vote for independence on Sept 25. Peshmerga fighters seized Kirkuk in 2014 after Iraqi The army’s recapture of oil-producing Kirkuk province security forces fled, leaving the region’s oilfields vulnerable and other territory across northern Iraq has dismayed the to Islamic State militants who had swept across northern city’s Kurds but brought comfort to residents from other Iraq. But any notion of consolidated Kurdish power was ethnic groups. “Of course things are better now that the quashed on Monday when Kurdish forces quietly with- Iraqis have taken back the city,” said Mohammad, a drew, allowing the Iraqis to retake the city and other dis- Turkmen butcher grinning over a large pile of ground puted territories claimed by both the central government meat. “We’re all brothers, in Baghdad and the but at the end of the day, Kurds. Kurdish flags used Kirkuk is not for the to hang from street lamps Kurds. It’s for Iraq.” Kurds in and buildings across the An Arab couple who whole city but are now have seen Kirkuk change Kirkuk afraid, seen only in Kurdish hands several times before areas. Roadside vendors said they now feel safer feel let down now sell the flags of the and more comfortable. Iraqi army and Shiite “This is our city after all,” by leaders paramilitary forces. said the elderly Hajji “Kirkuk has been lost for- Ahmed. Across the street in ever,” said a Kurdish resi- a Kurdish-owned restau- dent of the Shorja district. rant, the mood is different. “None of my Kurdish regu- Feelings of betrayal lars want to come to eat here anymore, they don’t feel safe,” Kurds in Kirkuk feel betrayed by their political leaders ALTUN KUBRI, Iraq: Peshmerga fighters gathering at the Altun Kubri checkpoint, 40kms said the owner, who asked not to be named for fear of retal- and humiliated by Baghdad, which forcibly displaced them from Kirkuk. Iraqi forces clashed with Kurdish fighters as the central government said it iation. “We’re all afraid because our fate in the city is from the city under late dictator Saddam Hussein. Some wrestled back control of the last area of disputed Kirkuk province in the latest stage of a unknown.” Thousands of people fled Kirkuk after rumors of civilians are now deployed along the highway to the lightning operation following a controversial independence vote. —AFP looting and violence against Kurds spread on social media, regional capital, Erbil, with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters. though residents said many later returned. No one Reuters “We brought our guns to defend against the Iraqi spoke to had witnessed or suffered any aggression. invaders,” said one, a retired Peshmerga fighter. “We were attack them ferociously. We have to protect our people,” flag has been scribbled over. “I’ve been up every night betrayed, even by our own political leaders. So we had to Bakr Razgai, a local commander, said before clashes in since Monday, afraid for my life,” said Abdullah, a ‘Lost forever’ come with our weapons to fight.” The men have built the area on Friday morning. Such bravado was hard to Kurdish clothes salesman. A friend said this was because The scenes now are a far cry from the Kurds’ jubilation berms and road blocks to slow traffic into the small town find in Kirkuk. In the Kurdish neighborhood of Shorja, a of propaganda on social media and asked him if he had on the day of the independence referendum, when they of Altun Kupri, or Perde in Kurdish. “Now we only have poster hanging in front of the main market and showing seen anything bad happen. Abdullah had not. “But I’m still danced and sang in the streets. Though the referendum orders to defend. But if they try and come to Erbil, we will late Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani’s face next to a Kurdish afraid,” he said.— Reuters Families of imate complaints. The protests were peaceful but they were accused of being jailed Morocco separatists,” said Ahbbad. Student dreams ‘Major injustice’ protesters face After 49 of those behind bars were shattered by war transferred to Casablanca in western Morocco, their relatives have been forced long road to make the punishing journey to see them during the two hours of visiting time RAQQA: They once dreamt of becoming engineers, allowed each Wednesday. On Tuesday teachers or other professionals, but for tens of thou- evenings, a bus laid on by the National sands of Syrian students those hopes were cut short CASABLANCA: A 1,200-kilometre round Council for Human Rights, an official by the war in their homeland. While some have man- bus trip taking about 22 hours: that is the organization, sets off on the road from the aged to rebuild their lives overseas and others remain weekly grind faced by families of activists Rif region’s main town Al-Hoceima towards stranded in refugee camps, there are those who trans- arrested over a protest movement in north- Casablanca, stopping to pick up passen- formed themselves in the chaos of the conflict into ern Morocco if they want to see their loved gers along the way. fighters or journalists. ones jailed in Casablanca. “The families of The political crackdown on the pro- those detained are exhausted, every week testers has attracted the attention of Here are the stories of two of them: it’s the same ordeal,” complained Rachid rights activists and sparked a sit-down Delbrin Sadeq, a chemist battling IS- A year before Ahbbad, as he visited his 19-year-old son protest in front of the Oukacha prison, jihadists from the Islamic State group turned Raqqa Bilal who was jailed in June. “Why do they Morocco’s largest, in solidarity with the into their Syrian capital, Kurdish student Delbrin make us go through this suffering?” The visiting relatives. “The families need Sadeq was studying pure and applied chemistry at the Rif region of northern Morocco, a predom- support,” said Amine Abdelhamid, a vet- CASABLANCA: Relatives of imprisoned members of Morocco’s Al- city’s university. “When IS arrived in 2014 and forced inantly Berber area, was gripped earlier eran rights activist and member of the Hirak Al-Shaabi movement leave a bus after visiting them at the women to wear black, I left Raqqa,” the 26-year-old this year by months of angry demonstra- committee backing those arrested in the Oukacha prison in Casablanca. — AFP said. Sadeq then traded books for bullets as she took tions calling for jobs, development and an Al-Hirak Al-Shaabi protest movement. As the decision to sign up with the all-female Women’s end to corruption in the North African Ahmed Zefzari emerged from the prison, conditions of their detention and demand destabilize the country, the protesters face Protection Units (YPJ) and fight alongside male com- kingdom. he gave the latest news on his 39-year- freedom. “My son has lost a lot of weight, up to 20 years in prison if convicted. That rades from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units. The Originally sparked by the death of a old son Nasser, who became a flagbearer he is pale and speaks with difficulty,” said threat has left the families in despair. “We YPJ was involved in some of the fiercest battles fisherman crushed in a rubbish truck as he for the demonstrations with his diatribes the mother of inmate Mohammed Jelloul, want them to be freed, they did nothing but against IS as the Kurds fought a life-or-death struggle tried to salvage his confiscated catch, the to keep the jihadists at bay. against corrupt officialdom. “Suffering who had decided to push on with the demand their rights,” protested the mother demonstrations snowballed from griev- Eventually the Kurdish fighters became the spear- destroys,” he said. strike. “I tried to convince him to start eat- of detainee Nabil Ahamjik. ances over local poverty into a major chal- A little later, the rest of the families ing but he refuses.” For now, however, the long journey to head of a US-backed force to oust IS from its strong- lenge to the authorities. In response, secu- came out through the imposing doors of and from the prison must continue. holds-with Raqqa the ultimate goal. After four months rity forces launched a crackdown, slinging the penitentiary. Soufiane El-Hani, who was ‘They did nothing’ Eventually the families board the bus for of ferocious urban combat Sadeq and her comrades the alleged leaders of the mainly young visiting her brother, said that around half of Charged with “undermining the internal the return trip home, flicking victory signs finally took full control of Raqqa on October 17. “It protesters in jail in May and June. “Our a group of 38 detainees had called off a security of the state”, “attempted sabotage, at the activists supporting them through was only the battle to recapture the city that brought youths took to the streets because of legit- hunger strike they launched to protest the murder and looting” or “conspiracy” to the windows as they leave.— AFP me back,” Sadeq said. The university where she stud- ied was the scene of fierce fighting. As Sadeq toured its bombed-out buildings, her hair in plaits and a gun slung over her shoulder, the rifle-carrying rebel remi- Niger raid highlights nisced about her past life. “When I walk around here now I believe I can still see my classmates,” she said. “I don’t know what hap- US forces’ growing pened to them, but I hope they are well.” Despite the pain she feels for everything that she lost, Sadeq is role across Africa adamant that she does not regret her fate. “I like mili- tary life, I will not quit it as long as there is a war going on,” she said. As for her studies, if she gets the chance Sadeq would start again. “If I could resume my WASHINGTON: The killing of four American special studies while remaining a fighter, I would do that,” she operations soldiers in Niger has highlighted the increasing said. “Life continues and education continues.” role elite units are playing across Africa, which is rapidly Ahmad Khatib, engineer to reporter - Ahmad becoming a major center of US military action. Their mis- Khatib was a third year civil engineering student at sion is to counter the advances of a slew of jihadist move- Tishreen University in the coastal city of Latakia when ments across the continent, including Al-Shabaab in the revolt against President Bashar Al-Assad’s rule Somalia, affiliates of the Islamic State group in the Sahel broke out across Syria in March 2011. “It was my region and Boko Haram in Nigeria. Of the 8,000 special uncle who inspired me because he was an engineer but forces “operators” deployed globally this year, more than he always said I should study journalism,” Khatib, 28 1,300 are in Africa, according to officials from the US said. “I told him that the media in Syria was under tight Special Operations Command (SOCOM), which is based in control, and that is why I chose civil engineering.” Tampa, Florida. It would take the heady days of protests against Another 5,000 or so are in the Middle East. In five Assad and the bloodshed of Syria’s ensuing civil war years, the number of US commandos in Africa has tripled to eventually push Khatib into journalism. Security from only 450 in 2012. “The war is morphing,” Republican forces found out about his involvement in the early Senator Lindsey Graham, who sits on the Senate Armed demonstrations against the regime and in November Services Committee, told reporters Friday. “We’re going to 2011 he was arrested at a checkpoint while travelling see more actions in Africa, not less. You’re going to see in the northwestern Idlib province. “I was in detention more aggression by the United States towards our enemies, for 22 days in Idlib then sent before a court in not less,” he told reporters, adding that US forces would be Damascus on accusations of ‘undermining the authori- THIES, Senegal: US soldiers of 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry getting greater leeway in their rules of engagement. ty of the state’,” Khatib recounted. Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division take position near a hut during a combined Typically, the highly trained and well-armed comman- “They wanted to torture me into admitting that I training exercise with Senegalese 1st Paratrooper Battalion in Thies. —AFP dos are grouped in teams of about a dozen, who work for was an armed rebel, but I wasn’t.” Eventually he was two or three months as instructors to classes of about 300 released and handed a pass that was supposed to let soldiers from an African nation. On any given day, the the United States only has one military base in Africa- have persistent facilities that we conduct engagements in him travel through regime checkpoints. But when he operators are deployed across about 20 nations, SOCOM Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti. But special forces outfits, and when one team leaves, the next comes in to the same tried to use it to return to university pro-regime militi- said, though it did not provide a list of nations or the num- including the Green Berets, the Navy SEALs and Marine location,” the official said on condition of anonymity. “But amen confiscated the document and warned him to bers of troops concerned. and Air Force commandos, also use an air base at Moron all this is done at the request of those nations. It’s done in quit university and never show his face again. Left According to a report to Congress by General Thomas in southern Spain for Africa operations. support of the host nation, at the invitation of those devastated by seeing his dream of becoming an engi- Waldhauser, who heads the US Africa Command nations and it’s done in coordination with our partners.” neer shredded, the straight-A student rejected the (AFRICOM), American forces have a notable presence in ‘Persistent facilities’ The official said the goal is not to conduct unilateral oper- chance to take up arms and instead turned to report- Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, And the United States has “persistent facilities” in host ations. “We are not going out and doing stuff without the ing the horrors engulfing his homeland. —AFP Somalia, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda and Kenya. Officially, countries, according to an AFRICOM official. “We do support of those nations,” the official added. —AFP 8 Established 1961 Sunday, October 22, 2017 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Laptops in checked bags pose fire, explosion risk Airlines urged to ban large, personal electronic devices WASHINGTON: The US government is urging the world Other tests of laptop batteries packed with potentially airline community to ban large, personal electronic devices dangerous consumer goods that are permitted in checked like laptops from checked luggage because of the potential baggage like nail polish remover, hand sanitizer and rub- for a catastrophic fire. The Federal Aviation Administration bingalcohol also resulted in large fires, although no explo- said in a paper filed recently with a UN agency that its tests sions. As a result, the paper recommends that passengers show that when a laptop’s rechargeable lithium-ion battery shouldn’t be allowed to pack large electronic devices in overheats in close proximity to an aerosol spray can, it can baggage unless they have specific approval from the airline. cause an explosion capable of disabling an airliner’s fire The paper says the European Safety Agency, the FAA’s suppression system. The fire could then rage unchecked, counterpart in Europe; Airbus, one of the world’s largest leading to “the loss of the aircraft,” the paper said. makers of passenger airliners; the International Federation The UN agency, the International Civil Aviation of Airline Pilots’ Association, and the International Organization, sets global aviation safety standards, Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association, although member coun- which represents aircraft tries must still ratify them. makers, concurred in the The proposed ban is on recommendation. the agenda of a meeting The paper doesn’t of ICAO’s panel on dan- address whether the ban gerous goods being held Overheat should extend to domestic this week and next week flights, but points out the in Montreal. The FAA has can cause risk that baggage contain- conducted 10 tests involv- ing a large electronic ing a fully-charged laptop explosion device could be transferred packed in a suitcase. A from one flight to another heater was placed against without the knowledge of the laptop’s battery to the airline. The FAA said it force it into “thermal run- believes most devices larg- NEW JERSEY: Image frame grab shows a test at the FAAs technical center in Atlantic City, NJ. The US govern- away,” a condition in er than a smartphone are ment is urging that large, personal electronic devices like laptops be banned from airline checked luggage which the battery’s tem- already being carried by because of the potential for a catastrophic fire. —AP perature continually rises. passengers into the cabin, rather than put in checked bags. In one test, an 8-ounce aerosol can of dry shampoo - Rechargeable lithium batteries are used in consumer which is permitted in checked baggage was strapped to products ranging from cellphones and laptops to electric Earlier this year, the US imposed a ban on laptops in Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has now decided the laptop. There was a fire almost immediately and it grew cars. Manufacturers like them because they pack more the cabins of planes coming into the country from 10 to put PHMSA back in charge at future ICAO dangerous rapidly. The aerosol can exploded within 40 seconds. The energy into smaller packages, but the batteries can self- Middle Eastern airports for security reasons. The ban was goods deliberations, Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., said test showed that because of the rapid progression of the ignite if they have a manufacturing flaw, are damaged, fully lifted in July after US officials said airports in the Thursday. Both agencies are part of the Transportation fire, Halon gas fire suppressant systems used in airline car- exposed to excessive heat, overcharged or packed too region had taken other steps to increase security. The Department. DeFazio called the decision “inexplicable” in go compartments would be unable to put out the fire closely together. The fires can burn up to 1,100 degrees Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration a letter to Chao. “I strongly believe it has the potential to before there was an explosion, the FAA said. The explo- Fahrenheit, close to the melting point of the aluminum used formerly led the US negotiations on the regulation of dan- put the lives of airline passengers and crews at serious sion might not be strong enough to structurally damage in aircraft construction. Since 2006, three cargo jets have gerous goods at ICAO meetings. But the Obama adminis- risk,” he said. Chao didn’t immediately respond to a the plane, but it could damage the cargo compartment and been destroyed and four pilots killed by in-flight fires that tration put the FAA in charge in 2009 after congressional request for comment. Lobbyists for lithium battery makers allow the Halon to escape, the agency said. Then there investigators say were either started by batteries or made Democrats accused high-level officials at PHMSA of being and companies that use the batteries in their products would be nothing to prevent the fire from spreading. more severe by their proximity. too cozy with the industries they regulate. have previously urged the change.—AP News in brief Inspired by Catalans, Copter plunges into lake UK’s island demands NAIROBI: A helicopter with five people on board split from mainland plunged into a lake in Kenya’s Rift Valley and it’s likely that no one survived, officials said yesterday. The crash in Lake Nakuru occurred shortly after takeoff from a nearby hotel. Early indications showed there were no CANVEY ISLAND: A small island community in the survivors, said Gilbert Kibe, director general of the Thames Estuary that voted massively for Brexit is now Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. The helicopter was tak- drawing inspiration from distant Catalonia for its own ing part in campaigns for Kenya’s fresh presidential plans to gain independence from authorities on the election on Thursday, Nakuru county commissioner mainland. Just 40,000 people live on Canvey Island in Joshua Nkanatha said. A search-and-rescue mission Essex, a 40-minute train ride from London but a world was underway, said Pius Mwachi, a national disaster apart from the British capital. “We are surrounded by management official. Lake Nakuru, located 170 kilo- sea, I suppose it gives us that feeling of independence,” meters northwest of the capital, Nairobi, is famous for said Edward Parkin, 39, who works at the waterfront flamingo colonies that turn the shoreline pink at their arcade Parkins Palladium. Just two roads connect the peak. Environment degradation has threatened the lake area to the mainland and there has been resentment that and its wildlife. decisions are being taken on the other side of the water which affect the community. “It is always the mainland that decides. People are fed Munich knife attack up,” said Dave Blackwell, whose frustration with the sit- uation led him to create the Canvey Island Independent MUNICH: A man injured four people with a knife in Party (CIIP). The latest move seen as unacceptable by the German city of Munich yesterday and police Blackwell is a proposal to turn a community centre into detained a suspect matching descriptions by witnesses. housing, following a decision by Castle Point borough Police had urged people in the Bavarian capital to stay council-which governs Canvey. The septuagenarian has home after a man on a black bicycle injured the four announced a petition on independence and, inspired by and attempted to stab two others. Five men and one Catalonia, a referendum for Canvey to separate from woman were attacked, Munich police spokesman Castle Point and run its own affairs. CANVEY ISLAND: A man crosses the road on a mobility scooter on Canvey Island, Essex. A small island com- Marcus da Gloria Martins told reporters. “We have “If we’d have a referendum tomorrow, 80 percent of munity in the Thames Estuary that voted massively for Brexit is now looking to distant Catalonia as inspira- arrested a person who very strongly resembles the the people would be in favor of independence,” he said. tion for its own plans to separate from the mainland. — AFP description by witnesses, but we cannot confirm that Islanders have already tested their breakaway views at he is the attacker,” Martins said. Police had described the polls, with the area voting by 72.7 percent in favor the suspect as a corpulent, unshaven man around 40 to leave the European Union in last year’s referendum- island,” he said. “I am hopeful that we can quickly get good thing for the people of Canvey; they could years old with medium-blonde hair. Martins added that one of the highest proportions in the country. Blackwell, back to business.” make decisions for themselves and have a say.” It has police were not sure what the attacker’s motive was and who started his party 14 years ago, sees his ongoing bid been more than 40 years since the creation of Castle that they would only name the detained suspect once for independence as similar to Brexit. “We have done Money for the island Point borough council, in 1974. they had determined that he was behind the attack. campaigning for independence in the past. It grew,” he On Canvey Island, however, residents are already Blackwell believes the case of Catalonia could act as Police believe the man, who seemingly randomly attacked said. “People are fed up with mainstream parties and coming up with ways to spend the council’s budget if a catalyst for change. “They want self-determination people at several different locations, acted alone. want to be able to determine their own future.” autonomy is returned. Ideas include a third road to the like we do,” he said of Catalans, who earlier this month Nine out of the 11 Canvey Island town councilors mainland to relieve congestion, a new drainage system held their own independence referendum. Blackwell 3rd suspicious death have already been convinced to join CIIP, along with to protect the island from flooding, or more toilets along thinks it unlikely that if Canvey holds its own vote, 15 of 17 councilors representing the island in Castle the beachfront. Dave Taylor, tucking into a plate of locals will face the same crackdown by authorities seen Point council. But the leader of Castle Point council, bacon and mushrooms on toast at Sue’s Cafe, said inde- in Catalonia. “We won’t get the riot police come to TAMPA:Police believe the fatal shooting of a 20-year- Colin Riley, is firmly against the idea and argues the pendence “would be a very good idea”. Canvey Island, that’s for sure.” While the outcome for old autistic man who took the wrong bus home from talk of separatism is taking away from the “wonderful “The money will be spent on the island, not else- separatists in Catalonia and Canvey remains uncertain, work is linked to two other suspicious deaths in a sense of community” within the area. “At a time when where,” said the 74-year-old, noting unhappily that it Blackwell is at least grateful to his distant southern Florida neighborhood. The deaths, which took place in all councils are facing increasing pressures on budgets was left to volunteers to clean Canvey’s beach and neighbors for giving his community a boost. “Nobody the same neighborhood over the past 10 days, prompt- and are looking at ways of working together it would repair the island’s benches. Cafe owner Sue Thomas, could put Canvey Island on the map before. Now they ed Tampa police to warn residents in the Seminole be contrary to promote independence for Canvey donning a blue apron, agreed: “I think it might be a do,” he said. —AFP Heights neighborhood not to walk alone at night. And they’ve asked residents to leave porch light and other external lights on at night. “Now we have someone ter- rorizing the neighborhood,” Interim Tampa police Catalan leaders vocal about Catalonia’s right to hold a declaring immediate independence, even quarters in the region. The company’s Chief Brian Dugan said during a Friday news confer- secession referendum. Its supporters if ERC has a harder line than PDeCAT. president, Victor Grifols, is one of the ence. He said the three victims have no ties to one regularly chant “Independence” at But the tiny anti-capitalist CUP party, few major Catalan entrepreneurs to have pressured from another. Dugan asked the public to look at surveillance matches at its Camp Nou stadium and their ally which holds the balance of spoken out in favor of independence. In video of a man who was walking in the area on Oct 9 during Barcelona’s Champions League power in the assembly, is pressuring 2014 he urged Puigdemont’s predeces- when Benjamin Mitchell, 22, was killed. On Oct 13, all sides match against Olympiakos on Puigdemont to move faster towards an sor, Artur Mas, to keep pushing towards Monica Caridad Hoffa, 32, was found dead in a vacant Wednesday fans held up a nearly 50- independence declaration. Pro-unity independence. lot. On Thursday night, officers were patrolling in the metre banner that pleaded for “Dialogue, parties are also divided. Ciudadanos, the area when they heard gunshots. Respect, and Sport” Barcelona’s main opposition party in Catalonia, along Associations BARCELONA: The battle between crosstown rivals Espanyol refused to with the Socialists and the conservative The leaders of Catalonia’s two major Spain’s central government and the sepa- take a public stand but have said that Popular Party back the suspension of grassroots independence associations, Israel hits Syria artillery ratist leaders of Catalonia escalates day “today, being brave means to not stir up some of Catalonia’s powers to stop inde- Jordi Cuixart of Omnium Cultural and after day, forcing Catalan society to take the conflict in Catalan society.” Like pendence. But the left-wing coalition Jordi Sanchez of the Catalan National JERUSALEM: The Israeli army attacked Syrian gov- a stand. Political parties, football clubs, Barcelona, Girona, another Catalan club “Catalunya si que es pot” maintains that Assembly, were remanded in custody on ernment artillery yesterday after fire across the businesses and civic society groups have in the Spanish first division, backs dialogue is the way out of the crisis. October 16 by a court investigating them armistice line hit the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights picked their side-for or against inde- Catalonia’s right to hold a referendum. for “sedition”. They are accused of and warned it would step up such retaliation in the pendence, for or against holding a refer- Companies encouraging protesters to block officers future. The Syrian government controls only party of endum-and they are all trying to con- Political parties Nearly 1,200 firms have moved their from Spain’s Guardia Civil police from the territory on the other side of the line, with the rest vince Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont. During the last regional election in legal headquarters out of Catalonia since leaving a Catalan government building in the hands of rebel groups, one of them affiliated to Catalonia in September 2015, three sep- the beginning of the month when a last month in an operation aimed at stop- the Islamic State group. But the Israeli army said it Football clubs aratist parties won a majority of seats in banned independence referendum took ping the referendum on October 1. would retaliate against the Syrian army, regardless of FC Barcelona, one of the world’s most the regional assembly. But they are very place, including several listed multina- Another association, the Sociedad Civil who was responsible for any fire and of whether it popular football teams whose motto is different. Puigdemont’s conservative tionals. Of the seven Catalan firms that Catalana, says it represents the “silent was intentional or not. The Syrian defense ministry “more than a club”, has long been a sym- business-friendly PDeCAT party ran were part of Spain’s Ibex-35 index of majority” of Catalans that want to remain said that rebels had deliberately fired the rounds into bol of Catalan nationalism. The club says together with the left-wing ERC party in most traded shares before the crisis in Spain. It staged a massive demonstra- Israeli-held territory to provoke the response against it is neutral on whether Catalans should a coalition called “Together for Yes”. started, only one-biopharmaceuticals tion in favour of Catalan unity in its forces. chose independence but it has been Both are moderate and cautious on manufacturer Grifols-has kept its head- Barcelona on October 8. —AFP 9 Established 1961 Sunday, October 22, 2017 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Philippine soldiers comb Marawi, hunt militants FBI tests confirm that man killed was ‘emir’ of IS MARAWI CITY: The Philippines is preparing to declare by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation had confirmed the end of fighting in a southern city seized for five months that the man killed was Hapilon. The United States has by pro-Islamic State rebels, a top military commander said provided technical support to treaty ally the Philippines, yesterday, as troops continued a phased withdrawal from including surveillance drones. The deaths of the leaders the devastated lakeside city. Only 20 insurgents remained could slow down any effort by Islamic State to establish a in a small area in Marawi City, including five “significant” presence in Mindanao, a vast island with a history of figures, and three battalions of troops were closing in on rebellion and home to the predominantly Roman Catholic their positions, said Lieutenant-General Carlito Galvez. nation’s Muslim minority. “Most probably tomorrow, we can do it,” Galvez told The organization and combat capability of the rebels has reporters when asked when the military can declare fight- stunned the military. Some experts see the siege as a prelude ing is over. “We can to a more ambitious bid by declare it is totally com- Islamic State loyalists to plete.” Galvez said troops exploit Mindanao’s poverty are zeroing in on three and use its jungles and High-value sons of Isnilon Hapilon, the mountains as a base to slain “emir” of Islamic train, recruit and launch targets among State in Southeast Asia, attacks in the region. and two Malaysians, Galvez, head of the Western about 20 rebels including Amin Baco, who Mindanao Command, has been central to facili- inspected troops in Marawi remaining tating the movement of and sent off a battalion of foreign fighters in the marines central to military region. “We cannot say operations . It was the sec- our mission is totally ond unit to leave the con- accomplished or complet- flict area. ed if the five persons are still there,” he said, adding the The military declined to divulge the number of troops remaining militants are “struggling to survive” and to pro- remaining in Marawi. Elite commandoes were leading the tect their shrinking position. assault, with army infantry battalions and police com- Another general ssaid they were also looking for a mandoes securing safe areas. The military said eleven prominent Indonesian militant. The military is concerned hostages were “processed” yesterday to determine Hapilon’s sons and these foreign fighters could succeed whether they were really captives or militant members core leaders of the alliance killed this week. Hapilon and and sympathizers trying to slip away. Galvez said rehabil- Omarkhayam Maute were killed by commandoes on itation, including retrieval of the dead, would start after Monday. Malaysian Mahmud Ahmad, who experts say may the end of hostilities is declared. The Philippines esti- have funded the Marawi siege, was also dead, according to mates the rebuilding of areas battered by months of gov- MANILA: A child holds the gun of his father, one of the Philippine soldiers that returned a freed hostage, but his body has yet to be found. ernment air strikes could cost at least 50 billion from Marawi, at Villamor Airbase in Manila. — AFP The defense ministry said yesterday that forensic tests Philippine pesos ($971 million).— Reuters Abe heads to poll High fives, bows: in a pole position electioneering TOKYO: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe yesterday vowed to and Japan style protect the Japanese people as he wrapped up an election campaign dominated by threats from North Korea. Polls show Abe and his conservative Liberal Democratic Party TOKYO:From campaign mini-vans staffed by “warbler (LDP) are clear favorites to win today’s election, handing birds” to “gutter lid” politics, a Japanese election has him a fresh mandate for his hardline stance on North many quirks. Here are five good ways to win votes in Korea and “Abenomics” growth strategy. Abe’s coalition is the world’s number three economy: on track to win around 300 seats in the 465-seat lower house of parliament, according to a projection published He who bows, wins by the Nikkei daily. If the polls are correct, 63-year-old To an outsider, Japanese bow a lot at the best of Abe is on course to be the longest-serving premier in times and rarely more often or deeper than when post-war Japan, the world’s third-biggest economy and politicians are looking for votes. Campaigners bob up key US ally in Asia. and down in campaign speeches, seeking to demon- “It has been a very tough election,” Abe told crowds strate the proper democratic deference towards vot- that braved the rain in central Japan, as a typhoon bar- ers. And when the big boss comes to town, there’s no relled towards the country. “The ruling bloc... is the one limit to the back-breaking amount of bowing. A 41- that can protect people’s lives and defend our happy way TOKYO: Supporters of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party display posters while waiting for Japan’s Prime year-old candidate who had the good fortune to have of life,” he said, in a clear reference to North Korea, which Minister Shinzo Abe to arrive for his last stumping tour for the October 22 general election. _—AFP Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stump for him took to bow- has threatened to “sink” Japan into the sea and fired two ing deeply every time his name was mentioned. But missiles over the country. Abe has stuck to a hawkish few took it as far as Mayuko Toyota, who was forced stance on North Korea, stressing that maximum pressure ‘Koike’s gambit’ prime minister and she would have been it but then she to resign after an audio tape emerged of her violently should be exerted on the regime and backing the US line Aside from North Korea, many voters regard the econ- walked away and it is a ship that suddenly has no captain,” attacking a male secretary. She decided to run anyway that “all options” are on the table. Throughout the short omy and reforming the costly social security system as Michael Cucek from Temple University said. Another as a candidate but took to standing outside a station 12-day campaign, the premier has railed against their priority concerns, as Abe has not quite fully revived brand-new party, the centre-left Constitutional Democrats, every day, bowing deeply to commuters in apology. Pyongyang, telling a crowd recently: “At a time like this... the once world-beating Japanese economy after five years appears to have some momentum going into the poll and we cannot waver. Everyone, we must not yield to the in power. Abe says his trademark “Abenomics” strategy of could do better than expected. Beer crates, sake, tuna threat of North Korea!” ultra-loose monetary policy and big fiscal spending is the With little suspense over the overall outcome, the main To project an image of humility towards the voters, Abe enjoys only lukewarm public support but the weak best way to pep up the economy, which is weighed down tension is over whether Abe and his junior coalition part- many candidates in Japan improvise a stage to make and fragmented opposition has been unable to make by debt and struggling with deflation. He has also pledged ner Komeito will retain their two-thirds majority in the their campaign stump speeches. Yukio Edano, 53, inroads into his poll lead during the short 12-day cam- to use part of the proceeds from a planned sales tax hike lower house of parliament. This is significant because it leader of the new centre-left Constitutional paign. The two main opposition parties-the “Party of to fund free childcare in a bid to get more women into the would enable Abe to propose changes to the US- Democratic Party, stood on two overturned beer crates Hope” created by the media-savvy Tokyo Governor Yuriko workplace. Koike wants to scrap the tax hike, arguing it imposed Constitution, which effectively limits the military to address supporters. Abe himself chose to make his Koike and the new centre-left Constitutional Democratic would throttle a recovery that has seen Japan’s longest to a self-defense role and forces Japan to “renounce first campaign speech in the middle of a bucolic field in Party-are trailing far behind, predicted to win around 50 stretch of growth in a decade. war”. One less predictable factor in the election is the the eastern province of Fukushima, brandishing a seats each. “You must not stick to the status quo of flaccid But after a blaze of publicity when Koike created her weather as a typhoon spirals towards Japan, expected to locally made sake bottle in one hand and a microphone politics, which has failed to carry out drastic and necessary new “Party of Hope”, the bubble appears to have burst for dump heavy rains on most of the country on polling day. in the other. A few days later, he switched to seafood, reforms,” Koike said in a last-ditch appeal to voters yester- the popular 65-year-old former newscaster, partly This could weigh on turnout, with a lower participation drawing cheers from a crowd in a fishing port every day. “If we do not use this opportunity (to oust Abe), major because she declined to run herself for prime minister. rate seen as beneficial for Abe, whose supporters are time he mentioned the local canned tuna. reforms that are truly needed will be delayed,” she said. “Every party has to have, to be credible, a candidate for more committed.—AFP Warbler birds An inescapable feature of an election in Japan are the so-called “warbler birds”. These are employed from Communism is ‘beyond’ 8:00 am to 8:00 pm to travel around constituencies in a mini-van with loudspeakers, endlessly repeating candi- dates’ names and pleading voters to plump for them. them, but the Chinese Parties pay good money for the services of the “warbler birds”-so named after their melodious voices-up to 15,000 yen ($133) per day under election law. The job still flock to the party is mainly done by women, but men can also be employed-in which case they are known as “crows”. And this being Japan, one of the world’s politest coun- tries, in between stumping for a candidate, the warbler birds apologize for making such a racket. BEIJING: Marx might struggle to recognize against his own cadres-and sweeping pro- his heirs among the billionaires, skyscrapers market economic reforms. Throughout, High fives, handshakes and stock exchanges of modern China. But Chinese people have continued to join the A veteran Japanese politician Shigeru Ishiba once as the country’s ruling Communist Party CCP in great numbers, with today’s mem- said: “You get the same amount of votes as the number meets for its twice-a-decade congress this bership making it one of the largest politi- of hands you have shaken.” This has given rise to a cam- week, it boasts an 89 million-strong mem- cal organizations in the world, alongside paign strategy called “dobuita”, or “gutter lids”, which bership that still attracts people motivated India’s Bharatiya Janata Party. The means candidates try to visit every corner of a district, by ideology-and self-interest. Communist Party’s membership comprises as if they were stepping on every gutter. Political blue- “When I was younger, in the 1960s, we 6.5 percent of China’s population of almost blood Abe is by no means above this, rushing from his were told in school that being in the party 1.4 billion people. But young recruits do not prime ministerial car to grab supporters’ hands and signified being someone good,” 53-year- hide their intentions. They join the party not old Liu Shimin, a former employee at a only to participate in national development, BEIJING: This combo shows several ranks of security during the Communist touring every corner of Japan to drum up votes. state-owned enterprise and long-standing but also out of their own self-interest. Party’s 19th Congress in Beijing yesterday. From a volunteer, a security guard, a party member said. “At the time, you would policeman in uniform and plain clothes and military guards. — AFP Bags of cash Running for office in Japan costs a lot of money. It is join it to stand up for socialism.” “Today, Joining the ‘elite’ often said that candidates must have “kaban”-a the ideological side of it is a little beyond “At first, I never imagined joining the it’s almost obligatory to be in the party,” high education level, political reliability, or Japanese word which means “a bag” but in this case me. Communism is so vague, no one can CCP. I only started thinking about it after Xiao said. “It’s like a diploma. It opens ability to bring something extra to the table. implies a bag filled with money. Candidates running in say if it will come true.” The Chinese university, when I had to find a job,” said doors.”Not just anyone can join: candi- Some are flattered to have received an invi- seats decided by proportional representation have to Communist Party was clandestinely found- Xiao Wei, a 30-year-old Beijinger. Xiao is dates must apply or be recommended, tation to join-recognition that they belong stump up a deposit of as much as six million yen (more ed in 1921 by about a dozen revolutionaries employed by the CCP in a residential area. most often by a university professor or to the “elite”. “Today, some join the party to than $50,000). They get the cash back if they win a in Shanghai. Her work includes relaying instructions; their company’s party cell. enter the civil service, to have a better job certain number of votes but otherwise the electoral Since coming to power in 1949, the CCP organizing public campaigns on fire safety, Then, a long selection process begins: or to gain respectability. There’s no doubt commission keeps it. There is an upper limit on cam- has survived near-destruction during the the environment and health matters; and courses, dissertations, exams, interviews about it,” prominent pundit Sima Nan told decade of the Cultural Revolution-which putting party slogans on display. “To be a and a probationary period.At the end, the AFP in front of a portrait of Mao hung in paign expenses — 19.1 million yen plus 15 yen for regime founder Mao Zedong launched civil servant or work in a state enterprise, CCP chooses candidates based on their his spacious Beijing apartment. — AFP every voter in the constituency. —AFP

Trump for her humanitarian services, the US presi- such as Mosul and lend their backing to Iraqi Prime mobiles, education, and tourism. the Minister of Commerce and Industry Khaled Al- in which they confront poverty, recurrent oil crises When we were young, the Palestine-Israeli dispute.
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