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360 Journal of Chromatography A Author Index Aceves, M. and Grimalt, J.O. Codony, R., see Parreno, M. 655(1993)89 Gas chromatographic screening of organic compounds Comellas, L., Lliberia, J.LI., Roca, A., Vallhonrat, R. and in urban aerosols. II. Changes in hydrocarbon Boronat, M. composition during storage 655(1993)133 Determination of organochlorine compounds in anion- Agiiera, A., Contreras, M. and Fernandez-Alba, A.R. exchange resins by UV irradiation and ion Gas chromatographic analysis of organophosphorus chromatography 655(1993)57 pesticides of horticultural concern 655(1993)293 Comellas, L., see Moliner, R. 655(1993)155 Albaiges, J., see Simo, R. 655(1993)301 Contreras, M., see Agtiera, A. 655(1993)293 Alcalde, P., see Ventura, R. 655(1993)233 Cramers, C.A., see Hendriks, P.J.M. 655(1993)325 Alzaga, R. and Bayona, J.M. Crovetto, G., see Martinez, B. 655(1993)45 Supercritical fluid extraction of tributyltin and its Daniel, F.B., see Reddy, T.V. 655(1993)331 degradation products from seawater via liquid—solid De Frutos, M., see Cifuentes, A. 655(1993)63 phase extraction 655(1993)51 De la Colina, C., Pena Heras, A., Dios Cancela, G. and Atienza, J., Jiménez, J.J., Bernal, J.L. and Martin, M.T. Sanchez Rasero, F. Supercritical fluid extraction of fluvalinate residues in Determination of organophosphorous and nitrogen- honey. Determination by high-performance liquid containing pesticides in water samples by solid phase chromatography 655(1993)95 extraction with gas chromatography and nitrogen— Baltes, W., see Bohnenstengel, F. 655(1993)249 phosphorus detection 655(1993)127 Barcel6, D., see Galceran, M.T. 655(1993)275 Diez-Masa, J.C., see Cifuentes, A. 655(1993)63 Barroso, C.G., see Guillén, D.A. 655(1993)227 Dios Cancela, G., see De la Colina, C. 655(1993)127 Bartolomé, B., Bengoechea, M.L., Galvez, M.C., Pérez- Dorsey, J.G., see Kumar, U.T. 655(1993)340 Ilzarbe, F.J., Hernandez, T., Estrella, 1. and Gomez- Escribano, E., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Cordovés, C. Escudero, A., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 Photodiode array detection for elucidation of the Estrella, I., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 structure of phenolic compounds 655(1993)119 Fernandez, A., see Moliner, R. 655(1993)155 Bayona, J.M., see Alzaga, R. 655(1993)51 Fernandez-Alba, A.R., see Agiiera, A. 655(1993)293 Bengoechea, M.L., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 Fernandez Correa, M.R., see Garcia Sanchez, F. Berenguer, M.J., see Rosell, M.G. 655(1993)151 655(1993)31 Bernal, J.L., see Atienza, J. 655(1993)95 Fernandez, P., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 Bioque, G., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 Fernandez-Sanchez, E., Fernandez-Torres, A., Garcia- Blanch, G.P., Herraiz, M., Reglero, G. and Tabera, J. Dominguez, J.A. and Lopez de Blas, E. Preconcentration of samples by steam distillation— Thermodynamic characterization of Superox 20M by solvent extraction at low temperature 655(1993)141 inverse gas chromatography 655(1993)11 Bohnenstengel, F., Soltani, N. and Baltes, W. Fernandez-Torres, A., see Fernandez-Sanchez, E. Headspace analysis with large sample volumes. 655(1993)11 Influence of sampling device volume, analyte Ferreira, V., Escudero, A., Salafranca, J., Fernandez, P. concentration and sample matrix 655(1993)249 and Cacho, J. Boronat, M., see Comellas, L. 655(1993)57 Matrix effects and solute discrimination when injecting Borrull, F., see Ruana, J. 655(1993)217 dirty samples in capillary columns. Comparative study Brosa, J., see Rosell, M.G. 655(1993)151 between classical split and splitless injections Cabezudo Ibanez, M.D., see Garcia Romero, E. 655(1993)257 655(1993)111 Figueruelo, J.E., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)3 Cacho, J., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 Figueruelo, J.E., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)191 Calpena, A.C., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Font, G., see Viana, E. 655(1993)285 Campos, A., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)3 Freixas, J., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Campos, A., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)191 Galceran, M.T., Pais, P. and Puignou, L. Caruso, J.A., see Kumar, U.T. 655(1993)340 High-performance liquid chromatographic Casademont, G., see Garcia Regueiro, J.A. 655(1993)73 determination of ten heterocyclic aromatic amines with Castellote, A.I., see Parreno, M. 655(1993)89 electrochemical detection 655(1993)101 Chang, L.W., see Reddy, T.V. 655(1993)331 Galceran, M.T., Santos, F.J., Barcel6, D. and Sanchez, J. Cifuentes, A., De Frutos, M., Santos, J.M. and Diez- Improvements in the separation of polychlorinated Masa, J.C. biphenyl congeners by high-resolution gas Separation of basic proteins by capillary chromatography. Application to the analysis of two electrophoresis using cross-linked polyacrylamide- mineral oils and powdered milk 655(1993)275 coated capillaries and cationic buffer additives Galvez, M.C., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 655(1993)63 Garcia-Dominguez, J.A., see Fernandez-Sanchez, E. Claessens, H.A., see Hendriks, P.J.M. 655(1993)325 655(1993)11 Closa, D., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 360 Journal of Chromatography A Author Index Aceves, M. and Grimalt, J.O. Codony, R., see Parreno, M. 655(1993)89 Gas chromatographic screening of organic compounds Comellas, L., Lliberia, J.LI., Roca, A., Vallhonrat, R. and in urban aerosols. II. Changes in hydrocarbon Boronat, M. composition during storage 655(1993)133 Determination of organochlorine compounds in anion- Agiiera, A., Contreras, M. and Fernandez-Alba, A.R. exchange resins by UV irradiation and ion Gas chromatographic analysis of organophosphorus chromatography 655(1993)57 pesticides of horticultural concern 655(1993)293 Comellas, L., see Moliner, R. 655(1993)155 Albaiges, J., see Simo, R. 655(1993)301 Contreras, M., see Agtiera, A. 655(1993)293 Alcalde, P., see Ventura, R. 655(1993)233 Cramers, C.A., see Hendriks, P.J.M. 655(1993)325 Alzaga, R. and Bayona, J.M. Crovetto, G., see Martinez, B. 655(1993)45 Supercritical fluid extraction of tributyltin and its Daniel, F.B., see Reddy, T.V. 655(1993)331 degradation products from seawater via liquid—solid De Frutos, M., see Cifuentes, A. 655(1993)63 phase extraction 655(1993)51 De la Colina, C., Pena Heras, A., Dios Cancela, G. and Atienza, J., Jiménez, J.J., Bernal, J.L. and Martin, M.T. Sanchez Rasero, F. Supercritical fluid extraction of fluvalinate residues in Determination of organophosphorous and nitrogen- honey. Determination by high-performance liquid containing pesticides in water samples by solid phase chromatography 655(1993)95 extraction with gas chromatography and nitrogen— Baltes, W., see Bohnenstengel, F. 655(1993)249 phosphorus detection 655(1993)127 Barcel6, D., see Galceran, M.T. 655(1993)275 Diez-Masa, J.C., see Cifuentes, A. 655(1993)63 Barroso, C.G., see Guillén, D.A. 655(1993)227 Dios Cancela, G., see De la Colina, C. 655(1993)127 Bartolomé, B., Bengoechea, M.L., Galvez, M.C., Pérez- Dorsey, J.G., see Kumar, U.T. 655(1993)340 Ilzarbe, F.J., Hernandez, T., Estrella, 1. and Gomez- Escribano, E., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Cordovés, C. Escudero, A., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 Photodiode array detection for elucidation of the Estrella, I., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 structure of phenolic compounds 655(1993)119 Fernandez, A., see Moliner, R. 655(1993)155 Bayona, J.M., see Alzaga, R. 655(1993)51 Fernandez-Alba, A.R., see Agiiera, A. 655(1993)293 Bengoechea, M.L., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 Fernandez Correa, M.R., see Garcia Sanchez, F. Berenguer, M.J., see Rosell, M.G. 655(1993)151 655(1993)31 Bernal, J.L., see Atienza, J. 655(1993)95 Fernandez, P., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 Bioque, G., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 Fernandez-Sanchez, E., Fernandez-Torres, A., Garcia- Blanch, G.P., Herraiz, M., Reglero, G. and Tabera, J. Dominguez, J.A. and Lopez de Blas, E. Preconcentration of samples by steam distillation— Thermodynamic characterization of Superox 20M by solvent extraction at low temperature 655(1993)141 inverse gas chromatography 655(1993)11 Bohnenstengel, F., Soltani, N. and Baltes, W. Fernandez-Torres, A., see Fernandez-Sanchez, E. Headspace analysis with large sample volumes. 655(1993)11 Influence of sampling device volume, analyte Ferreira, V., Escudero, A., Salafranca, J., Fernandez, P. concentration and sample matrix 655(1993)249 and Cacho, J. Boronat, M., see Comellas, L. 655(1993)57 Matrix effects and solute discrimination when injecting Borrull, F., see Ruana, J. 655(1993)217 dirty samples in capillary columns. Comparative study Brosa, J., see Rosell, M.G. 655(1993)151 between classical split and splitless injections Cabezudo Ibanez, M.D., see Garcia Romero, E. 655(1993)257 655(1993)111 Figueruelo, J.E., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)3 Cacho, J., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 Figueruelo, J.E., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)191 Calpena, A.C., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Font, G., see Viana, E. 655(1993)285 Campos, A., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)3 Freixas, J., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Campos, A., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)191 Galceran, M.T., Pais, P. and Puignou, L. Caruso, J.A., see Kumar, U.T. 655(1993)340 High-performance liquid chromatographic Casademont, G., see Garcia Regueiro, J.A. 655(1993)73 determination of ten heterocyclic aromatic amines with Castellote, A.I., see Parreno, M. 655(1993)89 electrochemical detection 655(1993)101 Chang, L.W., see Reddy, T.V. 655(1993)331 Galceran, M.T., Santos, F.J., Barcel6, D. and Sanchez, J. Cifuentes, A., De Frutos, M., Santos, J.M. and Diez- Improvements in the separation of polychlorinated Masa, J.C. biphenyl congeners by high-resolution gas Separation of basic proteins by capillary chromatography. Application to the analysis of two electrophoresis using cross-linked polyacrylamide- mineral oils and powdered milk 655(1993)275 coated capillaries and cationic buffer additives Galvez, M.C., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 655(1993)63 Garcia-Dominguez, J.A., see Fernandez-Sanchez, E. Claessens, H.A., see Hendriks, P.J.M. 655(1993)325 655(1993)11 Closa, D., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 Author Index Garcia, R., Porcar, I., Campos, A., Soria, V. and Igimi, H., see Nakamura, Y. 655(1993)355 Figueruelo, J.E. Janak, J. Solution properties of polyelectrolytes. IX. Process gas chromatography—Fundamentals and Quantitative dependence on eluent ionic strength of applications (by R. Annino and R. Villalobos) (Book elution volumes in aqueous size-exclusion Review) 655(1993)359 chromatography 655(1993)3 Javerbaum, A., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 Garcia, R., Porcar, I., Campos, A., Soria, V. and Jiménez, J.J., see Atienza, J. 655(1993)95 Figueruelo, J.E. Jonsson, J.A., see Grénberg, L. 655(1993)207 Solution properties of polyelectrolytes. VHI. A Kopycki, W., see Kudzin, Z.H. 655(1993)346 comparative study of the elution behaviour on two Kudzin, Z.H., Sochacki, M. and Kopycki, W. organic-based packings 655(1993)191 Orthoformates as reagents for derivatization of Garcia Regueiro, J.A., Pérez, B. and Casademont, G. aminoalkanephosphonic acids for characterization by Determination of clenbuterol and salbutamol in urine gas chromatography—mass spectrometry 655(1993)346 by capillary gas chromatography with capillary columns Kumar, U.T., Vela, N.P., Dorsey, J.G. and Caruso, J.A. of 100 wm 655(1993)73 Supercritical fluid extraction of organotins from Garcia Romero, E., Sanchez Munoz, G., Martin Alvarez, biological samples and speciation by liquid P.J. and Cabezudo Ibanez, M.D. chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass Determination of organic acids in grape musts, wines spectrometry 655(1993)340 and vinegars by high-performance liquid Lazaro, M., see Moliner, R. 655(1993)155 chromatography 655(1993)111 Legaz, M.E. and Pedrosa, M.M. Garcia Sanchez, F., Navas Diaz, A. and Fernandez Separation of acidic proteins by capillary zone Correa, M.R. electrophoresis and size-exclusion high-performance Image analysis of photochemically derivatized and liquid chromatography: a comparison 655(1993)21 charge-coupled device-detected phenothiazines Li, L., see Guan, Y. 655(1993)243 separated by thin-layer chromatography 655(1993)31 Lin, E.L., see Reddy, TV. 655(1993)331 Garcia Sanchez, F., see Navas Diaz, A. 655(1993)39 Ling, D.-K., see Zhang, C.-X. 655(1993)309 Gelpi, E. and Grimalt, J.O. Liska, I. Foreword 655(1993)1 On-line versus off-line solid-phase extraction in the Gelpi, E., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 determination of organic contaminants in water. Gimeno, M.A.F., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 Advantages and limitations 655(1993)163 Gomez-Cordovés, C., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 Lliberia, J.LI., see Comellas, L. 655(1993)57 Gonzalez, E., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 L6épez, F., see Rosell, M.G. 655(1993)151 Gonzalez-Lara, R., see Gonzalez, L.M. 655(1993)336 Lépez de Blas, E., see Fernandez-Sanchez, E. Gonzalez, L.M. and Gonzalez-Lara, R. 655(1993)11 Solid-phase extraction of soluble proteins in grape Lukkari, P., Vuorela, H. and Riekkola, M.-L. musts 655(1993)336 Effects of organic mobile phase modifiers on elution Grimalt, J.O., see Aceves, M. 655(1993)133 and separation of B-blockers in micellar electrokinetic Grimalt, J.O., see Gelpi, E. 655(1993)1 capillary chromatography 655(1993)317 Grimalt, J.O., see Simo, R. 655(1993)301 Madaj, J., Wisniewski, A., Skorupowa, E. and Gronberg, L., Shen, Y. and Jénsson, J.A. Sokotowski, J. Ion chromatographic determination of carboxylic acids Capillary gas chromatographic separations of a multi- in air with on-line liquid membrane pretreatment component mixture of polyalcohol compounds 655(1993)207 655(1993)267 Guan, Y., Zhu, D., Zhou, L. and Li, L. Manes, J., see Viana, E. 655(1993)285 Design and use of a thermal conductivity detector at Martin, M.T., see Atienza, J. 655(1993)95 reduced pressure for temperature-programmed Martin Alvarez, P.J., see Garcia Romero, E. capillary gas chromatography 655(1993)243 655(1993)111 Guardino, X., see Rosell, M.G. 655(1993)151 Martinez, B., Orte, J.C., Miré, M., Crovetto, G. and Guillén, D.A., Barroso, C.G. and Pérez-Bustamante, J.A. Thomas, J. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of Thin-layer chromatography of N,N-disubstituted polyphenolic compounds predominating in sherry dithiocarbamates of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) musts 655(1993)227 655(1993)45 Guirado Paniagua, A., see Navas Diaz, A. 655(1993)39 Martorell, C., Calpena, A.C., Escribano, E., Poblet, J.M. Hendriks, P.J.M., Claessens, H.A., Verhoeven, J.T.H., and Freixas, J. Noij, T.H.M. and Cramers, C.A. Influence of the chromatographic capacity factor (log Isotachophoretic desorption of anionic compounds k') as an index of lipophilicity in the antibacterial from solid-phase adsorbents 655(1993)325 activity of a series of 6-fluoroquinolones. Relationship Hernandez, T., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 between physico-chemical and structural properties and Herraiz, M., see Blanch, G.P. 655(1993)141 their hydrophobicity 655(1993)177 Hotter, G., Rosellé-Catafau, J., Closa, D., Bioque, G., Mir6, M., see Martinez, B. 655(1993)45 Gelpi, E., Javerbaum, A., Gonzalez, E. and Gimeno, Moliner, R., Lazaro, M., Fernandez, A., Ibarra, J. and M.A.F. Comellas, L. Liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay method Evidence obtained by gas chromatography—mass for the determination of prostaglandins E, and E, in spectrometry of conversion of alkanes into aromatic rat embryo incubates 655(1993)85 compounds during coal pyrolysis 655(1993)155 Ibarra, J., see Moliner, R. 655(1993)155 Molt6, J.C., see Viana, E. 655(1993)285 362 Author Index Morcillo, M.A. and Santamaria, J. Rosell6-Catafau, J., see Hotter, G. 655(1993)85 Separation and characterization of rat kidney iso Ruana, J., Urbe, I. and Borrull, F. metallothioneins induced by exposure to inorganic Determination of phenols at the ng/I level in drinking mercury 655(1993)77 and river waters by liquid chromatography with UV Mori, S. and Naito, M. and electrochemical detection 655(1993)217 Elution behaviour of styrene—acrylonitrile copolymers Salafranca, J., see Ferreira, V. 655(1993)257 in high-performance liquid chromatography with Sanchez, J., see Galceran, M.T. 655(1993)275 mixtures of chloroform and n-hexane as mobile phases Sanchez Munoz, G., see Garcia Romero, E. 655(1993)111 655(1993)185 Sanchez Rasero, F., see De la Colina, C. 655(1993)127 Nadal, T., see Ventura, R. 655(1993)233 Santamaria, J., see Morcillo, M.A. 655(1993)77 Naito, M., see Mori, S. 655(1993)185 Santos, F.J., see Galceran, M.T. 655(1993)275 Nakamura, Y., Igimi, H., Takase, H., Nomura, Y., Santos, J.M., see Cifuentes, A. 655(1993)63 Takahashi, S. and Uchida, K. Segura, J., see Ventura, R. 655(1993)233 Trifluoroacetylation of muricholic acids and hyocholic Shen, Y., see Grénberg, L. 655(1993)207 acids 655(1993)355 Shibukawa, M. Navas Diaz, A., Guirado Paniagua, A. and Garcia Dependence of retention of ionic solutes on the Sanchez, F. composition of the mobile phase electrolytes in Thin-layer chromatography and fibre-optic fluorimetric partition chromatography 655(1993)199 quantitation of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin Simo, R., Grimalt, J.O. and Albaiges, J. 655(1993)39 Field sampling and analysis of volatile reduced sulphur Navas Diaz, A., see Garcia Sanchez, F. 655(1993)31 compounds in air, water and wet sediments by Noij, T.H.M., see Hendriks, P.J.M. 655(1993)325 cryogenic trapping and gas chromatography Nomura, Y., see Nakamura, Y. 655(1993)355 655(1993)301 Obiols, J., see Rosell, M.G. 652(1993)151 Skorupowa, E., see Madaj, J. 655(1993)267 Orte, J.C., see ‘Martinez, B. 655(1993)45 Smith, M.K., see Reddy, T.V. 655(1993)331 Pais, P., see Galceran, M.T. 655(1993)101 Sochacki, M., see Kudzin, Z.H. 655(1993)346 Parreno, M., Castellote, A.I. and Codony, R. Sokotowski, J., see Madaj, J. 655(1993)267 High-performance liquid chromatographic Soltani, N., see Bohnenstengel, F. 655(1993)249 determination of plasma triglyceride type composition Soria, V., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)3 in a normal population of Barcelona. Relationship Soria, V., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)191 with age, sex and other plasma lipid parameters Sun, Z.-P., see Zhang, C.-X. 655(1993)309 655(1993)89 Tabera, J., see Blanch, G.P. 655(1993)141 Pascual, J.A., see Ventura, R. 655(1993)233 Takahashi, S., see Nakamura, Y. 655(1993)355 Pedrosa, M.M., see Legaz, M.E. 655(1993)21 Takase, H., see Nakamura, Y. 655(1993)355 Pena Heras, A., see De la Colina, C. 655(1993)127 Thomas, J., see Martinez, B. 655(1993)45 Pérez, B., see Garcia Regueiro, J.A. 655(1993)73 Uchida, K., see Nakamura, Y. 655(1993)355 Pérez-Bustamante, J.A., see Guillén, D.A. 655(1993)227 Urbe, I., see Ruana, J. 655(1993)217 Pérez-Ilzarbe, F.J., see Bartolomé, B. 655(1993)119 Vallhonrat, R., see Comellas, L. 655(1993)57 Poblet, J.M., see Martorell, C. 655(1993)177 Vela, N.P., see Kumar, U.T. 655(1993)340 Porcar, I., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)3 Ventura, R., Nadal, T., Alcalde, P., Pascual, J.A. and Porcar, I., see Garcia, R. 655(1993)191 Segura, J. Puignou, L., see Galceran, M.T. 655(1993)101 Fast screening method for diuretics, probenecid and Reddy, G., see Reddy, TV. 655(1993)331 other compounds of doping interest 655(1993)233 Reddy, T.V., Wiechman, B.E., Lin, E.L., Chang, L.W., Verhoeven, J.T.H., see Hendriks, P.J.M. 655(1993)325 Smith, M.K., Daniel, F.B. and Reddy, G. Viana, E., Moltd, J.C., Manes, J. and Font, G. Separation and quantitation of nitrobenzenes and their Clean-up and confirmation procedures for gas reduction products nitroanilines and chromatographic determination of pesticide residues in phenylenediamines by reversed-phase high- contaminated waters. Part I 655(1993)285 performance liquid chromatography 655(1993)331 Vuorela, H., see Lukkari, P. 655(1993)317 Reglero, G., see Blanch, G.P. 655(1993)141 Wiechman, B.E., see Reddy, T.V. 655(1993)331 Riekkola, M.-L., see Lukkari, P. 655(1993)317 Wisniewski, A., see Madaj, J. 655(1993)267 Roca, A., see Comellas, L. 655(1993)57 Zhang, C.-X., Sun, Z.-P. and Ling, D.-K. Rosell, M.G., Obiols, J., Berenguer, M.J., Guardino, X., Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography theory Lopez, F. and Brosa, J. based on conventional chromatography 655(1993)309 Determination of chlorinated insecticides in blood Zhou, L., see Guan, Y. 655(1993)243 samples of agricultural workers 655(1993)151 Zhu, D., see Guan, Y. 655(1993)243

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