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Index to Volume 111-2001 and Supplements: 97-98 Laryngoscope’ FOUNDED IN 1896 Editor: Byron J. Bailey, MD Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 530 Wainut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Author/Title A Perennial Nasal Allergy—Fukazawa, K, Ogasawara, H, Tomofuji, S, a, Lpeoeedibeniaiecaaueiaabaanaet echidna Abraham, MT, Gonen, M, Kraus, DH: Complications of Type I Arunachalam, Ps, Kilby, D, “Meikle, D, Davison, T, ‘Johnson, JM: Bone- Thyroplasty and Aretenoid Adduction scr neipeigranbanasa wccasisnciaial aaa Anchored Hearing Aid Quality of Life Assessed by Glasgow Benefit Abraham, MT, Kuriakose, A, Sacks, PG, yee, H, Chiriboga, L, Bearer, RINE spcscaistsschscandindvsnacechsincadbsmslpsatashitedtatnip betueenivoetelinnnlaianidentreigiountea bees 1260 EL, Delacure, MD: Motility-Related Proteins as Markers for Head Arytenoid Appearance and Vertical Level Difference Between the and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer ......... ssoeess BOO Paralyzed and Innervated Vocal Cords—Hong, KH, Jung, KS .... 227 Accuracy of Acoustic Rhinometry Measure sments—C akmak, 0, Celik, H, Asher, BF, Seidman, M, Snyderman, C: State of the Art Review: Ergin, T,e t al .. ey Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Otolaryngology .... 1383 Acute Laryngotracheitis in the R: at Induced by Sen dai Virus: The Influx Asymmetry of the Ethmoid Roof: Analysis Using Coronal Computed of Six Different Types of Immunocompetent Cells Into the Laryngeal Tomography—Lebowitz, RA, Terk, A, Jacobs, JB, et al ............... 2122 Mucosa Differs Strongly Between the Subglottic and the Glottic Atacan, E, Sennaroglu, L, Genc, A, Kaya, S: Benign Paroxysmal Compartment—Jecker, P, McWilliam, A, Marsh, A, et al._.......... 1645 Positional Vertigo After Stapedectomy Adamcezyk, M, Antonelli, PJ: Selective Vestibular Ablation by KTP Laser Atypical Indications for OtoScan Laser-Assisted tatinantendieanedyJ P, in Endoly mph atic Hydrops eotetoceual 1057 April, MM, Ward, RF Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy and Epstein- Barr Vii rus in 1 Pes diatric Organ Autoimmune Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Young Patients: Transplant Recipients—Shapiro, NL, Strocker, AM _..................... 997 Exploratory Study—Tomasi, J-P, Lona, A, Deggouj, N, et al ..... 2050 Adenovirus Calcium Phosphate Coprecipitates Enhance Squamous Cell Autologous Fibrin Sealant Reduces Pain After Tonsillectomy—Gross, Carcinoma Gene Transfer—Yi, SMP, Lee, JH, Graham, S, et al CW, Gallagher, R, Schlosser, RJ, et al 259 ’ hbeiareesnenmesanatinesnbennibeinnsebeseteutns P . . 1290 Autologous Transplantation of Fascia Into the Vocal Fold: Long-Term Adhesion Molecules as _ Prognostic Factor rs in Nz asopha ryngeal Results of a New Phonosurgical Technique for Glottal Incompetence—Tsunoda, K, Baer, T, Niimi, S ; Carcinoma—Shnayder, Y, Kuriakose, A, Yee, H, et al ... 1842 Aesthetic Comparison of Wound Closure Techniques in a Porcine Azizzadeh, B, Yafai, S, Rawnsley, JD, Abemayor, E, Sercarz, JA, Model—tTritle, NM, Haller, JR, Gray, SD ...........eeccceeceeeeeeeeeeeees 1949 Calcaterra, TC, Berke, GS, Blackwell, KE: Radial Forearm Free Flap Ai, H, Barrera, JE, Meyers, AD, Shroyer, KR, Varella- Garcia, M: Pharyngoesophageal Reconstruction Chromosomal Aneuploidy Precedes Morphological Changes and Azizzadeh, B, Yip, HT, Blackwell, KE, Horvath, S, Calcaterra, TC, Buga, Supports Multifocally in Head and Neck Lesions GM, Ignarro, LJ, Wang, MB: Nitric Oxide Improves Cisplatin Alam, SA, Oshima, T, Suzuki, M, Kawase, T, Takasaka, T, Ikeda, Cytotoxicity in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma The Expression of ere Proteins in the Aged Cochlea of Mongolian Gerbils csieaaneinhesine soeee O28 Albright, JT, Karpati, R, Topham, AK, Spiegel, JR, Sat:a loff, RT: ‘Becnnd B Malignant Neoplasms in Patients Under 40 Years of Age with Laryngeal Cancer naan iannerseeaa ae Back, L, Palomaki, M, Piilonen, A, Ylikoski, J: Sleep-Disordered Alex, JC, Bhattacharyya, TK, Smyrniotis, G, O’Grady, K, ‘Konior, RJ, Breathing: Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation Is a sianeetine New Toriumi, DM: A Histologic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Versus Treatment Possibility Two-Dimensional Tissue Expansion in the Porcine Model ............. 36 Bailey, BJ: Editorial: Case of the Month: A New Feature “for The Alexiades, G, Roland, T, Jr, Fishman, AJ, Shapiro, W, Waltzman, SB, RINNE <xcicccncacciesetsacaraterincncate sctsabrdanooneepheduvoresneotabceseemmepasreaseaetabes 367 Cohen, NL: Cochlear Reimplantation: Surgical Techniques and Bailey, BJ: Invited Presidential Lecture: Max Goldstein, MD: His Functional Results .... sate ae Continuing Influences on Our Specialty .. 1675 Allegretti, JP, Panje, WR: Electroporation ‘Therapy for ‘Head and Neck Ballas, ZK: Immune Dysfunction in Refractory Sinusitis in a Tertiary Cancer Including Carotid Artery Involvement oe OR I PI ois saicossas hs oibbsb ikie cadiotica idiot casgukinvadetacicennceacuiegeianeneduneudins 233 All-trans-retinoic Acid Enhances the Effect of Adenovirus- Mediated Barki, G, Disant, F, Lehmann, W: Specificity of Parotid Sialendoscopy Wild-Type p53 Gene Transfer in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Nakashima, T, Sun, S-Y, Lotan, R, et al ................ 1459 , DM, Keyser, JS, Stallworth, C, McElveen, JT, Jr: Intratympanic Al-Serhani, AM: Mycobacterial Infection of the Head and Neck: Ste roid Injections for Intractable Méniére’s Disease . 2100 Presentation and Diagnosis : ; . 2012 Base-of-Tongue Cancer: Survival, Function, and Quality of Life After Alternative Voice After Laryngectomy Using ¢ a . Sound- Producing Voice External-Beam Irradiation and Brachytherapy—Robertson, _ Prosthesis—van der Torn, M, de Vries, MP, Festen, JM, et al .... 336 Gleich, LL, Barrett, WL, et al Amatsu, M, Mohri, M, Kinishi, M: Significance of Retropharyngeal Node Bayazit, YA, Karakok, M, Ugak, R, Kanlikama, M: Cycline-Depe as Dissection at Radical Surgery for Carcinoma of the Hypopharynx Kinase Inhibitor, p27 (KIP1), Is Associated With Cholesteatoma and Cervical Esophagus .... ciianaane a . 1037 Ambulatory 24-Hour Double- Probe pH Monitoring: The Importance of Beasley, NJP, Walfish, PG, Witterick, I, Freeman, JL: Cause of Death in Manometry—Johnson, PE, Koufman, JA, Nowak, LJ, et al . 1970 Patients With Well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Amedee, RG, Dhurandhar, NR: Clinical State of the Art Review: Fine- Becvarovski, Z, Kartush, JM: Smoking and Tympanoplasty: Implications Needle Aspiration Biopsy aicslichainiaeledeanaiebin decked . 1551 for Prognosis and the Middle Ear Risk Index (MERI) . 1806 Amin, MR, Koufman, JA: Endoscopic Arytenoid ‘Rep ositioning for Bedside Tracheostomy in the Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Unilateral Arytenoid Fixation ...... conetee Randomized Trial Comparing Open Surgical Tracheostomy With Aminoglycoside Ototoxicity: A Human Te mporal Bone ‘Study—Hinojosa, Endoscopically Guided Percutaneous Dilational R, Nelson, EG, Lerner, SA, et al ... edesmnnlovaieoainioke . 1797 Tracheotomy—Massick, DD, Yao, S, Powell, DM, et al Anatomical Basis of the Abbé vite .p—Schulte, DL, Sherris, DA, Belafsky, PC, Postma, GN, Koufman, JA: Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Kasperbauer, JL ieaeildiesioaaieaenteisudasaturtblentasiecseleiseseac aa Symptoms Improve Before Changes in Physical Findings Anderson, TD, Feldman, M, “Weber, RS, Ziober, AF, Ziober, BL: Tumor Belafsky, PC, Postma, GN, Koufman, JA: The Validity and Reliability of Deposition of Laminin-5 and the Relationship With Perineural the Reflux Finding Score (RFS) BINNIE - sicxa ancianncctiencreseswensinbinnetiicwicusscdeiia sacusakaekelindssbiiasitetd oe Benecke, JE, Jr: Tympanic Membrane Grafting With AlloDerm ..... 1525 Anderson, TD, Mirza, N: Immediate Percutaneous “Medialize ation for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo After Stapedectomy—Atacan, E, Acute Vocal Fold Immobility With Aspiration ............................. 1318 Sennaroglu, L, Genc, A, et al Angioedema Associated With Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists: Benign Positional Vertigo Without Detectable Nystagmus—Tirelli, G, Challenging Our Knowledge of Angioedema and Its Etiology—Chiu, D’Orlando, E, Giacomarra, V, et al AG, Krowiak, EJ, Deeb, ZE_........... ; . 1729 Benoit, CM, Duncavage, JA: Combined External and Endoscopic Frontal Anterior and Posterior Medialization (APM) Thyroplasty—Hong, KH, Sinusotomy With Stent Placement: A Retrospective Review Kim, JH, Kim, HK - a . 1406 Bent, JP, April, MM, Ward, RF: Atypical Indications for OtoScan Laser- Antonelli, PJ, Ahmadi, A, Prevatt, A: Insecticidal Activity of ‘Common Assisted Myringotomy Reagents for Insect Foreign Bodies of the Ear t Bentsianov, BL: A Simplified Method of Micro-injecting Vasoconstricting Applebaum, EL: Presidential Address: Hermann von Helmholtz: A Giant Solution Into the Vocal Cord of Science Who Cast His Shadow on Otolaryngology sobeteteesatiine 937 Bergler, W, Huber, K, Hammerschmitt, N, Kérmann, K: Tonsillectomy Arango, P, Kountakis, SE: Significance of Comuted Tomography With Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC): Evaluation of Pain and Pathology in Chronic Rhinosinusitis ........ Losi ckemioe Hemorrhage Argon Plasma Surgery for the Inferior Turbinate of “Patients With Bergler, WF, Sadick, H, Hammerschmitt, N, Oulmi, J, Hérmann, K: Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2238 Long-Term Results of Inferior Turbinate Reduction With Argon Laryngectomy Results in Improved Quality of Life When Compared Plasma Coagulation With Total Laryngectomy— Bilateral Lateral Rhinotomy Incisions for Medial Maxillectomies in the Candidate’s Thesis: Osseous Tissue Engineering With Gene Therapy for Management of Pediatric Invasive Fungal Sinusitis—Malhotra, PS, Facial Bone Reconstruction—Lindsey, WH Danahey, D, Sidman, J Candidate’s Thesis: p53 and Ki-67 as Outcome Predictors for Advanced Bipolar Scissors Versus Cold Dissection Tonsillectomy: A Prospective Squamous Cell Cancers of the Head and Neck Treated With Randomized Multi-Unit Study—Raut, V, Bhat, N, Kinsella, J, et al Chemoradiotherapy—Lavertu, P, Adelstein, DJ, Myles, J, et al Bjordal, K, Ahlner-Elmqvist, M, Hammerlid, E, Boysen, M, Evensen, JF, Candidate’s Thesis: Potassium Recycling Pathways in the Human Bjorklund, A, Jannert, M, Westin, T, Kaasa, S: A Prospective Study Cochlea—Weber, PC, Cunningham, CD, III, Schulte, BA of Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Part II: Candidate’s Thesis: Therapeutic Efficacy of the Epley Canalith Longitudina! Data ..... Repositioning Maneuver—Ruckenstein, MJ Blitzer, A, Sulica, L: Clinical State of the Art Review: Botulinum Toxin: Candidate’s Thesis: Transtympanic Versus Sustained-Release Basic Science and Clinical Uses in Otolaryngology Administration of Gentamicin: Kinetics, Morphology, and Bloch, I, Behrman, A: Quantitative Analysis of Videostroboscopic Images Function—Hoffer, ME, Allen, K, Kopke, RD, et al SOE INS nsiscesncicassacdeqsecsvoveacnuse masaceseeesovintensetenuseresadiaiane . 2022 Carcinoma of the Larynx: Predictors of Diagnostic Delay—Habermann, Blomgren, K, Qvarnberg, YH, Valtonen, HJ: Prospective Study on Pros W, Berghold, A, DeVaney, TTJ, et al and Cons of Electrodissection Tonsillectomy ; Carr, MM: Improving the Orolaryngology Consultation Service in a Bolus Transit and Airway Protection Coordination in Older Dysphagic Teaching Hospital Patients—Kendall, KA, Leonard, RJ ............scccssesscessesseesseeseeseeeees 2017 Carr, MM, Poje, CP, Ehrig, D, Brodsky, LS: Incidence of Reflux in Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid Quality of Life Assessed by Glasgow Benefit Young Children Undergoing Adenoidectomy ................:c.s:se0000000 2170 Inventory—Arunachalam, PS, Kilby, D, Meikle, D, et al Carr, MM, Poje, CP, Kingston, L, Kielma, D, Heard, C: Complications in Boole, JR, Holtel, M, Amoroso, P, Yore, M: 5196 Mandible Fractures Pediatric Tracheostomies Among 4381 Active Duty Army Soldiers, 1980 to 1998 Carrau, RL, Snyderman, CH, Kassam, AB, Jungreis, CA: Endoscopic Briggs, RD, Vrabec, JT, Cavey, ML, Johnson, RF, Jr: Virtual Endoscopic and Endoscopic-Assisted Surgery for Juvenile Angiofibroma Evaluation of Labyrinthine Fistulae Resulting From Cholesteatoma Casiano, RR: Candidate’s Thesis: A Stepwise Surgical Technique Using the Medial Orbital Floor as the Key Landmark in Performing Broniatowski, M, Grundfest-Broniatowski, S, Tyler, DJ, Scolieri, P, UNMIS COMUNUIN CI i 5a idcci dc csssoceccacasicuyedcnsecsesecoveccaaocaccecscentens 964 Abbass, F, Tucker, HM, Brodsky, S: Dynamic Laryngotracheal Casiano, RR, Cohn, S, Villasuso, E, III, Brown, M, Memari, F, Barquist, Closure for Aspiration: A Preliminary Report E, Namias, N: Comparison of Antral Tap With Endoscopically Brook, I, Frazier, EH: The Microbiology of Mucopyocele Directed Nasal Culture Brown, KE, Whitney, SL, Wrisley, DM, Furman, JM: Physical Therapy Catten, MD, Murr, AH, Goldstein, JA, Mhatre, AN, Lalwani, AK: Outcomes for Persons With Bilateral Vestibular Loss 1812 Detection of Fungi in the Nasal Mucosa Using Polymerase Chain Brunger, JW, Matthews, AL, Smith, RHJ, Robin, NH: Genetic Testing Reaction .. 399 and Genetic Counseling for Deafness: The Future is Here 715 Cause of Death in Patients With Well-Differentiated Thyroid Buchwald, C, Lindeberg, H, Pedersen, BL, Franzmann, M-B: Human Carcinoma—Beasley, NJP, Walfish, PG, Witterick, I, et al Papilloma Virus and p53 Expression in Carcinomas Associated With Certain Anatomical Relations and the Precise Morphometry of the Sinonasal Papillomas: A Danish Epidemiological Study 1980-1998 Infraorbital Foramen—Canal and Groove: An Anatomical and Cephalometric Study—Kazkayasi, M, Ergin, A, Ersoy, M, et al .. 609 Building the Powerful 10-Minute Office Visit: Part II. Beginning a Cervicofacial Rhytidectomy After Head and Neck Tumor Removal—Lee, Critical Literature Review—Neely, JG, Hartman, JM, Wallace, MS JH, Sherris, DA a sauseusoieavdeeatens nig seaindonisigeianncctnedacetes aimee aasa) Raeiae bed nein 70 Chandra, RK, Maddalozzo, J, Kovarik, P: Histological Characterization Butler, JE, Hammond, TH, Gray, SD: Gender-Related Differences of of the Thyroglossal Tract: Implications for Surgical Management Hyaluronic Acid Distribution in the Human Vocal Fold. ............... 907 Chandy, B, Todd, J, Stucker, FJ, Nathan, C-AO: Teaching Case: Pott’s Puffy Tumor and Epidural Abscess Arising From Dental Sepsis: A Case Report C Changes in Serum Interferon-y, Interferon-4, and Interferon-12 Cytokine Levels in Anti-Histamine Type 2-Treated Allergic Rhinitis Cable, BB, Mair, EA: Radiofrequency Ablation of Lymphangiomatous Patients—Testa, B, Mesolella, C, Mosti, MR, et al Macroglossia 1859 Changes of Nasal Function After | Temperature-Controlled Cakmak, O, Celik, H, Ergin, T, Sennaroglu, L: Accuracy of Acoustic Radiofrequency Tissue Volume Reduction for the Turbinate—Rhee, annem UNI ac cartneusnescinoeseintceoonmainioneere y 587 C-S, Kim, D-Y, Won, T-B, et al Can Eustachian Tube Ventilatory Function Impairment After Oxygen Charous, SJ, Kempster, G, Manders, E, Ristanovic, R: The Effect of Diving Be Influenced by Application of Free Radical Scavenger Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Voice ..........ccccccccccsccsssssscssssccseossoseeees 2028 Vitamins C and E?—Mutzbauer, TS, Neubauer, B, Mueller, PHJ, et Chemoradiation for Metastatic SCCA: Role of Comorbidity—Hathawayv, al B, Johnson, JT, Piccirillo, JF, et al Canalis, RF, Zamboni, L: An Interpretation of the Structural Changes Chinpairoj, S, Feldman, MD, Saunders, JC, Thaler, ER: A Comparison of Responsible for the Chronicity of Rhinoscleroma..... 1020 Monopolar Electrosurgery to a New Multipolar Electrosurgical Cancer Induction in the DMBA Hamster Cheek Pouch: A Modified System in a Rat Model Technique Using a Promoter—Wani, MK, Yarber, RH, Ahmed, A, et Chiu, AG, Krowiak, EJ, Deeb, ZE: Angioedema Associated With WEI, scscor nevnceuteiaavacns toscana caibonssdataipecteseh deca aloiacet i dasheats vers “anieeteaedesmiaseceekl 204 Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists: Challenging Our Knowledge of Candidate’s Thesis: Antisense Cyclic Di Enhances Sensitivity to Head Angioedema and Its Etiology and Neck Cancer Cells to Cisplatin—Wang, MB, Y ip, HT, Srivatsan, Choufani, G, Ghanoon, R, Decaestecker, C, Delbrouck, K, Simon, P, II acadecetaetcnah Agnhae seasuueec beie enae cneeoe cru streerseans cmansc ceo uals 982 Schuring, M-P, Zick, Y, Hassid, S, Gabius, H-J, Kiss, R: Detection of Candidate’s Thesis: Delayed Reversible Hearing Loss Caused by Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in Human Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO)—Doyle, KJ Cholesteatomas and Functional Implications of Correlations to Candidate’s Thesis: Direct Evidence of Bacterial Biofilms in Otitis Recurrence Status and to Expression of Matrix Pe I sis wescneak veriet Senticnrocs Circenseniesices blaorecetualiaaneeaooenia t 2083 Metalloproteinases-3/9, Retinoic Acid Receptor-8, and Anti-Apoptotic Candidate’s Thesis: Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions and Galectin-3 : hAameeamnpadas el tea aat ttaaed r i Cochlear Microphonics: Relationships in Patients With and Without Chromosomal Aneuploidy Precedes Morphological Changes and Supports Endolymphatic Hydrops—Fetterman, BL Multifocally in Head and Neck Lesions—Ai, H, Barrera, JE, Meyers, Candidate’s Thesis: Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible for Airway AD, et al Obstruction in Children—Sidman, JD, Sampson, D, Templeton, B Chronic Otitis Media Sequelae in Skeletal Material From Medieval Denmark—Qvist, M, Grontved, AM Candidate’s Thesis: Early Oral Feeding Following Total Classification of Cilio-Inhibiting Effects of Nasal Drugs—Merkus, P, Laryngectomy—Medina, JE, Khafif, A 368 PERIL Tans, RINNE, OIE eis acsssicucsccncessassvacospuccsareussvsneepnoueeceuns 595 Candidate’s Thesis: Electrosurgery in Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Clinical Assessment of Intralaryngeal Ultrasonography—Tamura, E, Surgery: Principles, Advances, and Complications—Smith, TL, Kitahara, S, Kohno, N Smith, JM .. 769 Clinical Features of Functional Dysphonia—Sama, A, Carding, PN, Candidate’s Thesis: Homologous Collagen Substances for Vocal Fold Price, S, et al 458 Augmentation—Courey, MS Clinical State of the Art Review: Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Current Candidate’s Thesis: Laryngeal Preservation With Supracricoid Partial Theories and Management Strategies—Marple, BF 1006 Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2239 ‘linical State of the Art Review: Botulinum Toxin “es Science and D Clinical Uses in Otolaryngology—Blitzer, A, Sulica, L cactecomced ae ‘linical State of the Art Review Fine-Nee a Aspiration Danner, CJ, Dornhoffer, JL: Primary Intubation of Cartilage Biopsy—Amedee, RG, Dhurandhar, NR Sedans espscaucraes a Tympanoplasties .... peeeaaieeeas ae ‘linical State of the Art Review: Melanoma of the Head and Neck: Dawson, GS, Seidman, P, Ramadan, HH: Improved Postoperative Pain Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management—Lentsch, EJ, Control in Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy With Dextromethorphan Myers, JN , 1209 abs stesdecanageetedocate ae ; -- 1223 ‘0. Laser Treatment in 244 £42Patients With Respiratory Day, KV, Li, D, Liu, §S, Guo, M, O'M: alley, BW, Jr: Gr:a nulocyte- Papillomas—Dedo, HH, Yu, KCY = 1639 Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor in a Combination Gene ‘ochlear Implantation in Healthy and Otitis-Prone Children: A Therapy Strategy for Head and Neck Cancer ....... canoe Prospective Study—Luntz, M, Teszler, CB, Shpak, T, et al 1614 Dean Lierle Residents Award: The Role of Copper Suppre ssion as an ‘ochlear Implants in Five Cases of Auditory Neuropathy: Postoperative Antiangiogenic Strategy in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Findings and Progress—Shallop, JK, Peterson, A, Facer, GW, et al Carcinoma—Cox, C, Teknos, TN, Barrios, M, et al ---» 696 555 Decreased Cochlear DNA Receptor Staining in MRL. MpJ-Fas/?’ ‘ochlear Reimplantation: Surgical Techniques and _ Functional Autoimmune Mice With Hearing Loss—Kaylie, DM, Hefeneider, SH, Results—Alexiades, G, Roland, T, Jr, Fishman, AJ, et al 1608 PEE EEL TROIRD Gataccscsncusisencormniencmedonanmatenas seiaiteedeesnepen ‘ochlear Structures After Implantation of a Perimodiolar Electrode Dedo, HH, Yu, KCY: CO, Laser Treatment in 244 Patients — Array—Richter, B, Jaekel, K, Aschendorff, A, et al ... 837 Respiratory Papillomas ...... etieaediers : .... 1638 ‘ombination Nonviral Cytokine Gene Therapy for Head and Neck Degranulation of Mast Cells Provokes ‘a Massive Infl: ammatory Reaction Cancer—Li, D, Zeiders, JW, Liu, S, et al ; . 815 in the Tympanic Membrane—Eriksson, PO, Hellstrém, S voces AOS ‘ombined External and Endoscopic Frontal Sinusotomy With Stent Delayed Regional Metastases, Distant Metastases, and Second Primary Malignancies in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Larynx and Placement: A Retrospective Review—Benoit, CM, Duncavage, JA Hypopharynx—Spector, JG, Sessions, DG, Haughey, BH, et al . 1079 1246 commentary: Rise of Medical Specialization and Organizations Affecting Dendritic Cells Pulsed With Apoptotic Squamous Cell Carcinoma Have Anti-Tumor Effects When Combined With Interleukin-2—Son, Y-I, Otolaryngology—Goldstein, JC , dchtenics Mailliard, RB, Watkins, SC, et al... cxncecés STO ‘omparison of Antral Tap With Endoscopically Directed Nasal Deng, Y-F, Tian, F, Lu, Y-D, Chen, Z-C, Xie, D-H, Yang, x. M, Shao, X-Y: Culture—Casiano, RR, Cohn, S, Villasuso, E, III, et al «eee 1333 Mutation and Abnormal Expression of the Fragile Histidine Triad somparison of Monopolar Electrosurgery to a New Multipolar Gene in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma ........... Sdorlaceterecssia teen Electrosurgical System in a Rat Model—Chinpairoj, S, Feldman, MD, Derkay, CS: Recurrent Re spiratory Papillomatosis . ent PRs! | Saunders, JC, et al 213 Desyatnikova, S, Winslow, C, Cohen, JI, Wax, MK: Effect of Anemia on Somparison of Wound Healing Using the CO, Laser at 10.6 wm and 9.55 the Fasciocutaneous Flap Survival in a Rat Model ....................... 572 um—Converse, GM, IV, Ries, WR, Reinisch, L .. : nisndernsce a Detection of Fungi in the Nasal Mucosa Using Polymerase Chain ‘omplications Associated With the Sistrunk Procedure—Maddalozzo, J, Reaction—Catten, MD, Murr, AH, Goldstein, JA, et al veeee O99 Venkatesan, TK, Gupta, P : a Detection of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in Human omplications in Pediatric Tracheostomies—Carr, MM, Poje, CP, Cholesteatomas and Functional Implications of Correlations to Kingston, L, et al ae etijatseveesconinn Recurrence a and to Expression of Matrix complications of Static Facial Suspensions With Expanded Mets alloprote inases-3/9, Retinoic Acid Receptor-8, and Anti-Apoptotic Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)—Constantinides, M, Galli, SKD, Galectin-3—C wae eg G,G hanoon, R, Decaestecker, C, et al .... 1656 Miller, PJ ; ee Determination of Ototoxicity of Common Otic Drops Using Isolated Yomplications of Type I ‘hyroplasty and Aretenoid Cochlear Outer Hair Cells—Jinn, TH, Kim, PD, Russell, PT, et al Adduction—Abraham, MT, Gonen, M, Kraus, DH eens ae . inechanioncies 2105 ‘omputed Tomographic and Anatomical Analysis of the Basal Lamellas Diagnosis of a (Y onductive Olfactory Loss—Seiden n, “AM, Duncan, HJ 9 in the Ethmoid Sinus—Kim, S-S, Lee, J-G, Kim, K-S, et al ......... 424 Differentiation of Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Skull Base ‘omputer-Assisted Anatomical Study of the Nasofrontal Osteoradionecrosis by Epstein-Barr Virus-Derived Latent Membrane Region—Landsberg, R, Friedman, M .. 2125 Protein-1 Gene—Hao, S-P, Tsang, N-M, Chang, K-P .................... 650 Sonnection Between the Inner Ear and the L — atic System— Yimts 1€, DiHA (Dextronomers in Hyaluronan) Injections for Treatment of K, Song, H, Billings, P, et al Sihenicona ae Insufficient Closure of the Vocal Folds: Early Clinical onstantinides, M, Galli, SKD, Miller, PJ: Complications of Static Facial Experiences—Hallén, L, Testad, P, Sederholm, E, et al. ............. 1063 Suspensions With Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) .. 2114 Dinces, EA, Yang, S, Balogun, AO: Pediatric Fluctuating Sensorineural Sonverse, GM, IV, Ries, WR, Reinisch, L:C omparison of Wound Healing Hearing Loss: Problems in Medical Managment Re ee ere 21 Using the CO. Laser at 10.6 um and 9.55 pm <onisevnc Ge Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions and Glycerol Testing in ‘ook, SP, Brodsky, L, Reilly, JS, Deutsch, E,W aner, M, Brookhouser, P, Endolymphatic Hydrops—Magliulo, G, Cianfrone, G, Triches, L, et al Pizzuto, M, Poje, C, Nagy, M, Shaba, SH, Chait, D, Bower, C Effectiveness of Adenoidectomy and Laser —— Membrane Do Steroids Reduce Morbidity of Tonsillectomy? 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So OAL ENE es Oe om . 1871 Hao, S-P, Tsang, N-M, Chang, K-P: Differentiation of Recurrent Gadre, AK, Hammerschlag, “PE: Teaching Case: Labyrinthine Fistula: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Skull Base Osteoradionecrosis by An Unreported Complication of the Grote Prosthesis Epstein-Barr Virus-Derived Latent Membrane Protein-1 Gene ... 650 Gastroesophageal Reflux and Obstructive Sleep Apnea—Senior, BA, Hardillo, J, Vanclooster, C, Delaere, PR: An Investigation of Airway Khan, M, Schwimmer, C, et al sndicaalsidh’ceabitaeleebeewmmnenebadaled penienoedears 2144 Wound Healing Using a Novel in vivo Model .............................. 1174 Gedikli, O, Dogru, H, Aydin, G, Tiiz, M, ‘Uygur, K, Sari, A: Har-E], G: Endoscopic Management of 108 Sinus Mucoceles ... 2131 Histopathological Changes of Chorda Tympani in Chronic Otitis Hartnick, CJ, Lacy, PD, Myer, CM, III: Endoscopic Evaluation of the RE: -sisievcdicancentene Served ; sesaplaelioadip adeseialiasinavibesiaedtsiaatealesialaies aa Infratemporal Fossa siti aveo aia tala peaenemanniarene cee Genden, EM, Mackinnon, SE, Yu, S, Hunter, DA, Flye, MW: Hartnick, CJ, Rudolph, C, Willging, JP, Holland, SK: "Functional Pretreatment With Portal Venous Ultraviolet B Irradiated Donor Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pediatric Swallow: Imaging the Alloantigen Promotes Donor-Specific Tolerance to Rat Nerve Cortex and the Brainstem anes AE PETE sctcinnatentsccatabsinauenmmcaemnneis —_ .. 439 Hathaway, B, Johnson, JT, Piccirillo, JF, Snyderman, C H, Wi agner, RL, Gender-Related Differences of Hyaluronic “Acid Distribution in the Labriola, S, Myers, EN: Chemoradiation for Metastatic SCCA: Role Human Vocal Fold—Butler, JE, Hammond, TH, Gray, SD. .......... 907 of Comorbidity Genetic Testing and Genetic Counseling for Deafness: The Future Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Laryngeal Cancer: A Here—Brunger, JW, Matthews, AL, Smith, RHJ, et al Post-Treatment Comparison of Different Modes of Gessler, EM, Hart, KE, Dunlevy, TM, Greinwald, JH, Jr: Optimal Communication—Finizia, C, Bergman, B ............. 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Part I: At Diagnosis . 1465 Han, JK, Smith, TL, Loehrl, T, Toohill, RJ, Smith, MM: An Evolution in Huang, H-M, Liu, C-M, Lin, K-N, ant Ethmoid Osteoma Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2242 With Orbital Extension, a Nasoendoscopic Approach Using an Syndrome ¢ Intranasal Drill ‘ Isshiki, N, Haji, T, Yamamoto, Y, Mahieu: Thyroplasty for Adductor Huber, AM, Schwab, C, Linder, T, Stoeckli, SJ, Ferrazzini, M, Dillier, N, Spasmodic Dysphonia: Further Experiences Fisch, U: Evaluation of Eardrum Laser Doppler Interferometry as a Ito, I, Imada, M, Ikeda, M, Sueno, K, Arikuni, T, Kida, A: A RE I soins caccsvs creen cancayenpiaid dps nensd cosines seccieteaenciakederinsebuis 501 Morphological Study of Age Changes in Adult Human Auricular Human Papilloma Virus and p53 Expression in Carcinomas Associated Cartilage With Special Emphasis on Elastic Fibers : With Sinonasal Papillomas: A Danish Epidemiological Study 1980—1998—Buchwald, C, Lindeberg, H, Pedersen, BL, et al ... 1104 Hyperthermic Supersaturated Humidification in the Treatment of J Xerostomia—Criswell, MA, Sinha, CK o...........ccceceeeeescesseeessecesseeees 992 Hypopharyngeal Reconstruction Using Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap and Pre-Vertebral Fascia—Spriano, G, Piantanida, R, Pellini, R Jecker, P, McWilliam, A, Marsh, A, Holt, PG, Mann, WJ, Pabst, R, Westermann, J: Acute Laryngotracheitis in the Rat Induced by Sendai Virus: The Influx of Six Different Types of immunocompetent Cells Into the Laryngeal Mucosa Differs Strongly Between the I Subglottic and the Glottic Compartment Jinn, TH, Kim, PD, Russell, PT, Church, CA, John, EO, Jung, TTK: Determination of Ototoxicity of Common Otic Drops Using Isolated Ihm, PS, Dray, T, Sofferman, RA, Nathan, M, Hardin, NJ: Parathyroid Cochlear Outer Hair Cells Cysts: Diagnosis and Management Johns, MM, Urbanchek, M, Chepeha, DB, Kuzon, WM, Jr, Hogikyan, llicali, OC, Keles, N, Deger, K, Sagun, OF, Giildiken, Y: Evaluation of ND: Thyroarytenoid Muscle Maintains Normal Contractile Force in the Effect of Passive Smoking on Otitis Media in Children by an Chronic Vocal Fold Immobility Objective Method: Urinary Cotinine Analysis .......................:00000- . 163 Johnson, PE, Koufman, JA, Nowak, LJ, Belafsky, PC, Postma, GN: Immediate Mobilization Following Fixation of Mandible Fractures: A Ambulatory 24-Hour Double-Probe pH Monitoring: The Importance Prospective Randomized Study—Kaplan, BA, Hoard, MA, Park, SS of Manometry 1520 Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: Management Immediate Percutaneous Medialization for Acute Vocal Fold Immobility Therapy—Scholtz, AW, Appenroth, E, Kammen-Jolly, K, et al With Aspiration—Anderson, TD, Mirza, N Immune Dysfunction in Refractory Sinusitis Tertiary Care Setting—Ballas, ZK Imola, MJ, Gapany, M, Grund, F, Djalilian, H, Fehling, S, Adams, G: K Technetium 99m Single Positron Emission Computed Tomography Scanning for Assessing Mandible Invasion in Oral Cavity Center Kahn, JB, Gliklich, RE, Boyev, P, Stewart, MG, Metson, RB, McKenna, coliiinnnis . 373 MJ: Validation of a Patient-Graded Instrument for Facial Nerve Implementation of a Clinical Pathway in Management of the PUMNMRMRINS SY ANG RID a sciceniscccasiecse us xucdecccensivcotvacavicavesmierermeeabinne 387 Postoperative Vestibular Schwannoma Patient—Stidham, KR, Kaplan, BA, Hoard, MA, Park, SS: Immediate Mobilization Following Roberson, JB Fixation of Mandible Fractures: A Prospective Randomized Study Improved Postoperative Pain Control in Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy With Dextromethorphan—Dawson, GS, Seidman, P, Ramadan, HH Kaplan, DM, Marais, J, Ogawa, T, Kraus, M, Rutka, JA, Bance, ML: sedkontnbebbeautubiu nesen idisehamigtianncabeteneserthasdeldberenstesaeitsecantaaaiianciemsgiintedl 1223 Does High-Frequency Pseudo-random Rotational Chair Testing Improving the Orolaryngology Consultation Service in a Teaching Increase the Diagnostic Yield of the ENG Caloric Test in Detecting Hospital—Carr, MM Bilateral Vestibular Loss in the Dizzy Patient? ... 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MpJ-Fas’”” Autoimmune Mice With Hearing Loss Incidence of Reflux in Young Children Undergoing ee .. 1275 Adenoidectomy—Carr, MM, Poje, CP, Ehrig, D, et al ..........00..... 2170 jas rsoy, M, Bengi, O, Tekdemir, I, Elhan, A: Inhibition of Motor Nerve Regeneration in a Rabbit Facial Nerve Certain Anatomical Relations and the Precise Morphometry of the Model—Yian, CH, Paniello, RC, Spector, JG Infraorbital Foramen—Canal and Groove: An Anatomical and Inner Ear Decompression Sickness in Sport Compressed-Air Cephalometric Study : Diving—Nachum, Z, Shupak, A, Spitzer, O, et al 851 Kelly, G, Lee, P: A New Technique for the Insertion of a Silastic Button Insecticidal Activity of Common Reagents for Insect Foreign Bodies of Oe ne NII ky cacctss rn issisis vanecpsvkonsesbenuss euvneebatauncnvconcausieicneatic nee the Ear—Antonelli, PJ, Ahmadi, A, Prevatt, A Kendall, KA, Leonard, RJ: Bolus Transit and Airway Protection Interpretation of the Structural Changes Responsible for the Chronicity Coordination in Older Dysphagic Patients 2017 of Rhinoscleroma—Canalis, RF, Zamboni, L Kennedy, TL, Whitaker, M, Pellitteri, P, Wood, WE: Cystic Intraoperative Gamma Probe Localization Parathyroid Hygroma/Lymphangioma: A Rational Approach to Management Adenomas—Sullivan, DP, Scharf, SC, Komisar, A ..............e 912 Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Skull Base Kertesz, TR, Shelton, C, Wiggins, RH, Salzman, KL, Glastonbury, CM, Surgery—Dort, JC, Sutherland, GR Harnsberger, R: Intratemporal Facial Nerve Neuroma: Anatomical Intratemporal Facial Nerve Neuroma: Anatomical Location and Location and Radiological Features Radiological Features—Kertesz, TR, Shelton, C, Wiggins, RH, et al Khabie, N, Savva, A, Kasperbauer, JL, McGovern, R, Gostout, B, Strome, SE: Epstein-Barr Virus DNA Is Not Increased in Tonsillar Intraty mpanic Steroid Injections for Intractable Méniére’s Carcinoma Disease—Barrs, DM, Keyser, JS, Stallworth, C, et alo... 2100 Khafif, A, Lopez-Garza, JR, Medina, JE: Dissection of Level IV Inverted Papilloma: A Review of 53 Cases—Thorp, MA, Oyarzabal- Necessary in Patients With T1-T3 NO nt Cancer? 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Kim, KS, Kim, HU, Chung, IH, Lee, JG, Park, IY, Yoon, J-H: Surgical Head and Neck Malignancies?—Ferlito, A, Devaney, KO, Rinaldo, A Anatomy of the Nasofrontal Duct: Anatomical and Computed sibiinbiinecinteociiatavieiaesaatanisalineicilebllciiiaibiaipeip tnaa imeininulithaiaabeaiionaiadgneiaiaamaiiliit 185 Tomographic Analysis Is hiyama, A, Canalis, RF: Otological Manifestations of Churg-Strauss Kim, S-S, Lee, J-G, Kim, K-S, Kim, HU, Chung, IH, Yoon, J-H: Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2243 Computed Tomographic and Anatomical — of the Basal the OR and at the Bedside, With Percutaneous Tracheotomy ... 1169 Lamellas in the Ethmoid Sinus a cel ame , D, Zeiders, JW, Liu, S, Guo, M, Xu, Y, Bishop, JS, O’Malley, BW: Kirse, DJ, Roberson, DW: Surgical Management o Retre »pharyngeal Combination Nonviral Cytokine Gene Therapy for Head and Neck Space Infections in Children ; - censduabeteesonienee RIE enseetisctecltscbaipant es-daciemnudicaieltetoesaskcht naratecivsininissitadlui snataiennioie onaianaoiaaesato e 815 Kitajiri, S-i, Tabuchi, K, Hiraumi, H, Kaetsu, H: Relief of Post- , KK, Troell, RJ, Riley, RW, Powell, NB, Koester, U, Guilleminault, C: Tonsillectomy Pain by Release of Lidocaine From Fibrin Glue .... 642 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Maxillomandibular Advancement, and Klenoff, JR, Lowlicht, RA, Lesnik, T, Sasaki, CT: Mandibular and the Velopharynx Temporomandibular Joint Arthropathy in the Differential Diagnosis Liktor, B, Csokonai, LV, Gerlinger, I: A New Endoscopic Surgical of the Parotid Mass —e , sepihiianes ; a 2162 Method for Unilateral Choanal Atresia ..............:..:cccsccessesseeseeeeeees 364 Klotz, DA, Howard, J, Hengerer, AS, Slupchynskj, O: Lipoinjection Lin, C-D, Tan, C-T, Cheng, Y-K: Ventilation Silicone T-Shaped Tube Augmentation of the Soft Palate for Velopharyngeal Stress Insertion ... 361 Incompetence ; ‘cadena ... 2157 Lin, H-S, Ibr: shim, HZ, Kheng, JW, Fee, WE, Terris, DJ: Percutaneous Kloutsos, G, Balatsouras, DG, Kaberos, AC, Kandiloros, D. 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1760 Mandell, DL: Historical Vignette: Jazz and Otolaryngology: The Death of Levels of Expression of Galectin-3, But Not of G: alectin- 1 and Galectin- 8, Guitarist Eddie Lang Correlate With Apoptosis in Human Cholesteatomas— Mandibular and Temporomandibular Joint Arthropathy in the Sheikholeslam-Zadeh, R, Decaestecker, C, Delbrouck, C, et al .. 1042 Differential Diagnosis of the Parotid Mass—Klenoff, JR, Lowlicht, Levin, R, Trivikram, L: Cost/Benefit Analysis of Open Tracheotomy, in Pe Ns CIN UUE > oases icpcspercsvaccndneedrntveccbeseebacseiencertemneeinae 2162 Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2244 Marple, BF: Clinical State of the Art Review: Allergic Fungal DDS ceacecsctcs shaseclenpctcc abecreeokcw ria ln eae ces ee patente . 1603 Rhinosinusitis: Current Theories and Management Strategies . 1006 Neely, JG, Hartman, JM, Wallace, MS: Building the Powerful 10-Minute Massick, DD, Yao, S, Powell, DM, Griesen, D, Hobgood, T, Allen, JN, Office Visit: Part I]. 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Classification for Usher’s Syndrome Based on a Nakagawa, T, Asada, M, Takashima, T, Tomiyama, K: Sellar Reconstruction After Endoscopic Transnasal Hypophysectomy . 2077 New Subtype of Usher’s Syndrome Type I Nakashima, T, Sun, S-Y, Lotan, R, Fujiwara, T, Yasumatsu, R, Outcome Analysis of Cochlear Implant Reimplantation in Komiyama, S, Clayman, GL: All-trans-retinoic Acid Enhances the Children—Parisier, SC, Chute, PM, Popp, AL, et al .........:ceeeeeees 26 Effect of Adenovirus-Mediated Wild-Type p53 Gene Transfer in Head Outcomes and Patient-Based Hearing Status in Conductive Hearing and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Loss—Stewart, MG ... Supplement No. 98 Nasal Ciliary Function and Ultrastructure in Down Syndrome—Piatti, Overexpansion of p53-Related Proteins Predicts Rapid Growth Rate of G, Allegra, L, Ambrosetti, U, et al Head and Neck Cancer—Edstrém, S, Cvetkovska, E, Westin, T, et al Nasal Nitric Oxide and the Nasal Cycle—Qian, W, Sabo, R, Ohm, M, et Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2245 P Preoperative Differences Between Male and Female Patients With Sleep Apnea—Walker, RP, Durazo-Arvizu, R, Wachter, B, et al Pak, MW, To, KF, Leung, SF, van Hasselt, CA: In Vivo Diagnosis of Preoperative Functional Assessment of Auditory Cortex in Adult Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Using Contact Rhinoscopy 5 Cochlear Implant Users—Roland, PS, Tobey, EA, Devous, MD, Sr Palacios, SD, Oehl, HJ, Rivkin, AZ, Aletsee, C, Pak, K, Ryan, AF: Growth Factors Influence Growth and Differentiation of the Middle Presidential Address: Hermann von Helmholtz: A Giant of Science Who Ear Mucosa : ela Cast His Shadow on Otolaryngology—Applebaum, EL. ................. 937 Parathyroid Cysts A Cca se Report and _ Review Pretreatment With Portal Venous Ultraviolet B Irradiated Donor Literature—Fortson, JK, Patel, VG, Henderson, VJ ................... 1726 Alloantigen Promotes Donor-Specific Tolerance to Rat Nerve Parathyroid Cysts: Diagnosis and Management—Ihm, PS, Dray, T, Allografts—Genden, EM, Mackinnon, SE, Yu, §S, et al Sofferman, RA, et al 1576 Prevalence of Occult Carotid Artery Stenosis in Patients With Head and Paredi, P, Kharitonov, SA, Hanazawa, T, Barnes, PJ: Local Vasodilator Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Cote, CT, Goff, J, Barry, P, et al Response to Mobile Phones dusieibekentanatinebabiladaneneaucknipnsintattaisatds 159 ssectectives 2214 Parisier, SC, Chute, PM, Popp, AL, Suh, GD: Outcome Analysis of Prevention of Vomiting After Tonsillectomy in Children: Granisetron Cochlear Implant Reimplantation in Children 5 Versus Ramosetron—Fujii, Y, Saitoh, Y, Kobayashi, N Parsons, DS, Bothwell, MR: Powered Instrument Papilloma Excision: An Primary Intubation of Cartilage Tympanoplasties—Danner, Alternative to Laser Therapy for Recurrent Respiratory Papilloma Dornhoffer, JL , 1494 Prognostic Factors in Major Salivary Gland Cancer—Hoecwald, E, Partial Frontolate ral Laryngectomy ‘With ‘Epiglottic Reconstruction for Korkmaz, H, Yoo, GH, et al Progressive Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children With Mitochondrial Management of Early-Stage Glottic Carcinoma—Giovanni, A, Encephalomyopathies i ili i Ue secsesencoanenavesrieh 515 Guelfucci, B, Gras, R, et al Be Paydarfar, JA, Paniello, RC: Functional Study of Four Neurotoxins as Proportion of Heritable Paraganglioma Cases and Associated Clinical Characteristics—Drovdlic, CM, Myers, EN, Peters, JA, et al 1822 Inhibitors of Post-traumatic Nerve Regeneration Prospective Comparison of Scalpel Versus Bipolar Scissors in the Pediatric Adenoidectomy Under Vision — Suction-Diathermy Ablation—Walker, P sacateienmeniatened ; sentessiaenes ae Elevation of Radial Forearm Fasciocutaneous Free Flaps—Wax, MK, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disordero rs ‘and Streptococcal Winslow, C, Desyatnikova, S, et al 568 Prospective Study of p53 Expression and Its Correlation With Clinical Infections: Role of Prantanciteetetcssitiinecdenaias LJ, Slattery, MJ duststiciecocripliennccei laclaliani rensunteiakoueenelane 1515 Response of Radiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma—Ho, K-Y, Pediatric Fluctuz ating §S ensorine ural Hearing Loss: Problems in Medical Kuo, W-R, Chai, C-Y, et al Managment—Dinces, EA, Yang, S, Balogun, AO. ............... 21 Prospective Study of Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. 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Prospective Study on sf Cons of Electrodissection Perez, R, Ziv, E, Freeman, S, Sichel, J-Y, Sohmer, H: Vestibular End- Tonsillectomy—Blomgren, K, Qvarnberg, YH, Valtonen, HJ 7 Organ Impairment in an Animal Model of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Prosthetic Management of Pharyngocutaneous Fistula by Means of a Salivary Conduit—Zaki, HS, Kharchaf, M, Carrau, RL ................ 548 Pham, TH, Wong, BJF, “Allison, G: Teaching Case: Prosthetic Obturation of Tracheoesophageal Fistula—Zaki, HS, Studer, Arteriovenous Malformation of the External Ear in an Adult: Report a of a Case and Approach to Management Pseudotumor of Infancy and Congenital Muscular Torticollis: 170 Phonoscopy—A Valuable Tool for Otolaryngologists and Speech- Cases—Wei, JL, Schwartz, KM, Weaver, AL, et al Language Pathologists in the Management of Dysphonic Pulsed-Dye Laser and Retinoic Acid Delay Progression of Oral Patients—Leonard, R, Kendall, K Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Murine Model—Shah, RK, Valez, TA, Phonosurgical Reconstruction of Early Glottic Cancer—Zeitels, SM, Wang, Z, et al ‘ Jarboe, J, Franco, RA Photofrin-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy for Treatment of Aggressive Head and Neck Nonmelanomatous Skin Tumors in Elderly Patients—Schweitzer, VG Q Physical Therapy Outcomes for Persons With Bilateral Vestibular Loss—Brown, KE, Whitney, SL, Wrisley, DM, et al Qian, W, Sabo, R, Ohm, M, Haight, JSJ, Fenton, RS: Nasal Nitric Oxide Piatti, G, Allegra, L, Ambrosetti, U, De Santi, MM: Nasal Ciliary and the Nasal Cycle Function and Ultrastructure in Down Syndrome Quality of Life After Treatment for Advanced Laryngeal and Piot, B, Rousset, N, Lenz, P, Eléouet, S, Carré, J, Vonarx, V, Bourré, L, Hypopharyngeal Cancer—Major, MS, Bumpous, JM, Flynn, MB, et Patrice, 7 Enhancement of Delta Aminolevulinic Acid—Photodynamic Therapy In Vivo by Decreasing Tumor pH With Quantitative Analysis of Mucin and Lectin in Maxillary Sinus Fluids in INN RR II ccctichostsoniexasstvevnevactacestaphemenstinncasendeisionsetiionelinnss 2205 Patients With Acute and Chronic Sinusitis—Shinogi, J, Harada, T, Post, JC: Candidate’s Thesis: Direct Evidence of Bacterial Biofilms in INN, I aocesc aec eestarieccsiecisitaraicuiiacaudccsanibesactatenenisninceoutantoce 240 REEL ENO EE ee Se, Quantitative Analysis of Videostroboscopic Images in Post-Tonsillectomy Bleeding: A Meta-Analysis—Krishna, P, Lee, D Presbylarynges—Bloch, I, Behrman, A 22 Qvist, M, Grontved, AM: Chronic Otitis Media Sequelae in Skeletal —— NB, Schechtman, KB, Riley, RW, Li, K, Troell, R, Guilleminault, Material From Medieval Denmark >: The Road to Danger: The Comparative Risks of Driving While ane Sosai eniadendaesie Powell, NB, Zonato, ‘AL Weaver, EM, K, Troell, R, Riley, RW, Guilleminault, C: Radiofrequency Treatment of Turbinate R Hypertrophy in Subjects Using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Pilot Trial Radial Forearm Free Flap Pharyngoesophageal Reconstruction—Azizzadeh, B, Yafai, S, Rawnsley, JD, et al Powered Instrument Papilloma Excision: An Alternative to Laser Radiofrequency Ablation of Lymphangiomatous Macroglossia—Cable, Therapy for Recurrent Respiratory Papilloma—Parsons, DS, BB, Mair, EA Bothwell, MR ; Radiofrequency Is a Safe and Effective Treatment of Turbinate Predicting Fall Risks in an ” Elderly Population: Computer Dynamic Hypertrophy—Coste, A, Yona, L, Blumen, M, et al Posturography Versus Electronystagmography Test Radiofrequency Treatment of Turbinate Hypertrophy in Subjects Using Results—Girardi, M, Konrad, HR, Amin, M, et al Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: A Randomized Double-Blind Predictive Value of Serum Interleukins in Recurrent Respiratory Placebo-Controlled Clinical Pilot Trial—Powell, NB, Zonato, Papillomatosis: A Preliminary Study—Snowden, RT, Thompson, J, Weaver, EM, et al Horwitz, E, et al Rahal, A, Abela, A, Arcand, PH: Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Adenitis Preoperative Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Non-Recurrent of the Head and Neck in Children: Experience From a Tertiary Care Inferior Laryngeal Nerve—Watanabe, A, Kawabori, S, Osanai, H, et Pediatric Center al = Ramadan, HH: Timing of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Children: Is Preoperative Computed Tomography Scans Parotid Tumor There an Impact on Outcome? Evaluation—Urquhart, A, Hutchins, LG, Berg, RL Rasgon, BM: Use of Low-Dose Technetium Tc 99m Sulfur Colloid to Laryngoscope 111: December 2001 Author/Title 2246

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