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Tectonophysics, 218 (1993) 395-396 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam CONTENTS Tectonophysics Volume 218 Special Issue: New Horizons in Strong Motion: Seismic Studies and Engineering Practice (edited by F. Lund) Preface Earthquake rate analysis J.G. Anderson, M. Ellis and C. DePolo (Reno, NV, USA) Seismic design of industrial facilities E. Arze (Santiago, Chile) Strong motion seismology in Mexico S.K. Singh and M. Ordaz (Coyoacan, Mexico) Rupture mechanism and interface separation in foam rubber models of earthquakes: a possible solution to the heat flow paradox and the paradox of large overthrusts J.N. Brune (Reno, NV, USA), S. Brown (Albuquerque, NM, USA) and P.A. Johnson (Reno, NV, USA) Revision of attenuation formula considering the effect of fault size to evaluate strong motion spectra in near field S. Ohno, T. Ohta, T. Ikeura and M. Takemura (Tokyo, Japan) Advancement in strong motion analysis by the use of evolutionary power spectra R.J. Scherer (Karlsruhe, Germany) Local site effects on weak and strong ground motion K. Aki (Los Angeles, CA, USA) Topographic effects for incident P, SV and Rayleigh waves F.J. S€nchez-Sesma (México D.F., Mexico) and M. Campillo (Grenoble, France) Ground motion in Mexico City during the April 25, 1989, Guerrero earthquake F.J. Sanchez-Sesma, L.E. Pérez-Rocha and E. Reinoso (México D.F., Mexico) Future ground motions in Mexico City M. Ordaz, E. Rosenblueth and E. Reinoso (México D.F., Mexico) The rupture process of the 1980 Irpinia, Italy, earthquake from the inversion of strong motion waveforms M. Cocco and F. Pacor (Rome, Italy) Source effects on strong-motion records and resolving power of strong-motion arrays for source inversion M. lida (Tokyo, Japan) Engineering applications of strong ground motion simulation P. Somerville (Pasadena, CA, USA) Analysis of the January 26th, 1985, Mendoza (Argentina) earthquake effects and of their possible correlation with the recorded accelerograms and soil conditions J.L. Zamarbide and J.C. Castano (San Juan, Argentina) Study of the effects of tsunami on the coastal cities of the region of Tarapaca, north Chile J. Monge and J. Mendoza (Santiago, Chile) Generation of inhomogeneous P waves in a layered medium J.L. Mateos, J. Flores, O. Novaro and J.M. Alvarez-Tostado (México D.F., Mexico) and T.H. Seligman (Cuernavaca Mor., Mexico) Relationship of seismic hazard studies to seismic codes in the United States N. Donovan (San Francisco, CA, USA) A study of site amplification effects on ground motions in Santiago, Chile E. Cruz and R. Riddell (Santiago, Chile) and S. Midorikawa (Yokohama, Japan) The seismic hazard at Tehri dam J.N. Brune (Reno, NV, USA) Semi-empirical estimation of peak ground acceleration from large earthquakes S. Midorikawa (Yokohama, Japan) Research papers The thermal blanketing effect of sediments on the rate and amount of subsidence in extension Y.K. Zhang (Beijing, People’s Republic of China) 396 Vertical crustal movement in the Boso peninsula, South Kanto, Japan, as deduced from the adjustment of a geodetic network with signals Y. Fujii (Mito, Japan) Tectonometamorphic evolution of Ghana, Togo and Benin in the light of the Pan-African / Brasiliano orogeny C. Castaing (Orleans, France), C. Triboulet (Paris, France), J.L. Feybesse and P. Chévremont (Orleans, France) .... Seismicity of the Adriatic microplate R. Console, R. Di Giovambattista and P. Favali (Rome, Italy), B.W. Presgrave (Denver, CO, USA) and G. Smriglio (Rome, Italy) Geophysical evidence for the subsurface distribution and mode of emplacement of ophiolites in the Eastern Rhodope region, N. Greece F. Maltezou and M. Loucoyannakis (Athens, Greece) Letter section The sliding-scale Mohr diagram C.W. Passchier (Utrecht, The Netherlands) Microearthquakes at the main boundary thrust in Eastern Himalaya and the present-day tectonic model J.R. Kayal, R. De and P. Chakraborty (Calcutta, India) Ocean-continent boundary in the Iberia Abyssal Plain from multichannel seismic data M.-O. Beslier, M. Ask and G. Boillot (Villefranche-sur-Mer, France)

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