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Index to Volume 47 (2006) Broadcasters o} presentation: The Question of C. Doerksen (R reativity in the Shadow of Pro- The American Skys« uction, D. Vesely (R) 659 Histories, R. Mo 1old, D., Spying from Space: Con- Anderson, J. D., J1 tructing Amer ica’s Satellite Com- The Wright Bi nand and Control Systems (R) 645 Predecessors R Benjamin, ed., Walter Benjamin Anderson, J. L. (R 1 Art (R) 698; Kemp, Leonardo Angel, S., The Tal 184 Odyssey of In akter: Industrin, vetenskapen och Angevine, R. The R de tekniska niitverken, S. Widmalm, State: War, Pol 702 in Nineteenth tifacts of Disaster: Creating the (R) 220; (R) 42 Smithsonian’s Katrina Collection,” ANTIQUITY: Lendo Shavt, D., 357 Ghosts: A Hist Artillery of the Dukes of Burgundy, ( ‘lassical Antiq | 363-1477, R. Smith and K. De Rochberg, The Divination, r H 1 of Ipswich: Craftsmanship Astronomy in \ unity in Colonial New Culture (R) 40% 1, R. Tarule (R) 417 APPROPRIATE TE is: Tarule, The Artisan of Ips- h: Craftsmanship and Com- Resourc es un 1 ogy, Environn tunity in Colonial New England (R) 819 Archigram: Archit Power, Knowledge, and Exper- Architecture, S tise in Elizabethan England (R) ARCHITECTURE: Day I88 cated Home R worth, W. (R) 188 Town House: : Rochberg, The Heavenly Material Lift Writing: Divination, Horoscopy, City, 1780 d Astronomy in Mesopotamian Capital’s Utop re (R) 409 sylvania, 1855 Day’s Close: Night in Times Past, Sadler, Archi \. Ekirch (R) 640 without Arcl Atomic City: A Labor Vesely, Archit il History of Oak Ridge, Divided Repre s lessee, R. Olwell (R) 447 tion of Creati thority of Everyday Objects: A Production tural History of West German Ray, eds., Ch Industrial Design, P. Betts (R) 234 Histories, Re OBILES AND AUTOMOBILITY: (R) 663; Werm Dofmann, Begrenzte Mobilitat: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Auto- Architect: Fron ica—Shaping thnen in der DDR (R) 858; Franz, ofa Republic g: Consumers Reinvent the ner School Muse Automobile (R) 436; Hyde, Architecture in th he Dodge Brothers: The Men, the TECHNOLOGY AND Index to Volume 47 (2006) The Nobel Laureate Who Launched ECHNOLOGY: Baillie and Casey, eds., the Age of Chemic ITs Human Nature Obsolete? Genet- 835; Copeland, ed ics, Bioengineering, and the Future Automatic Comp »f the luman Condition (R) 164 Master Codebreak Bleaching the Ethiopian’: Desegre- Build the Moder gating Race and Technology 460; Crowther-H through Early X-Ray Experiments,” Simon: The Bou le la Pena, C., 2— Modern Ameri Body in the Library: A Literary berg, Victor Reg nthology of Modern Medicine, vance of Photog Bamforth, ed. (R) 690 Avoiding Errors R) 200 Gutenberg and 436 Printing (R) 41 \ND DISTILLING AND WINI sistence ot Mem« KING: Unger, Beer in the Middle First Man: T} Ages and the Renaissance (R) 182 strong (R) 457 GES AND BRIDGE BUILDING: Haw, von Dyck Ld50 Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural tik, Technik u History (R) 847; Lupold and organisation an French, Jr., Bridging Deep South (R) 233; Hyde Rivers: The Life and Legend of The Men, the Horace King (R) 695 Legacy (R $35; Kem] Leonard Bri dging Deep South Rivers: The Life (R) 184; Lessing and Legend of Horace King, Karl Drais und J. | Lupold and T. French, Jr. (R) Anfange (R) 66 695 Mauch, eds., Ad srief Transit,” Greuther, M., 787 From German) Brimblecombe, P. (R) 665 Lupold and French, Jr., Bridging B N: Ash, Power, Knowledge, and Deep South Ri Expertise in Elizabethan England Legend of y Hora 695; R) 188; Bachrach, “Crossbows for MacLeod and Nuvolari, “The Pit the King, Part II: The Crossbow falls of Pros« pog! aphy: Inventors during the Reign of Edward I of in the Dictionar OT National Biog England (1272-1307),” 81; Mac- raphy,” 757; Roland, “The Worst Leod and Nuvolari, “The Pitfalls of Century Ever: W Prosopography: Inventors in the Bullet’s Song: R Dictionary of National Biography, and Utopia,’ 59 757; Weightman, London’s Thames: The Life of Wert [he River that Shaped a City and 455; Watts, T/ Its History (R) 846 Henry Ford and the American The Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural His- Century (R) 433; Wermiel, “Adolf tory, R. Haw (R) 847 Cluss, Architect rom Germany to Brooks, T., Lost Sounds: Blacks and the America—Shaping a > CaCnaiptttaall CiCtiyt v Birth of the Recording Industry, Worthy of a Rep ublic, at the Charles 1890-1919 (R) 651 Sumner School Museum,” 570; Brown, A. (R) 867 Williams, Grace Hopper: Admiral Brown, E., The Corporate Eye: Photog- of the Cyber Sea (R) 462 raphy and the Rationalization of TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE Index to Volume 47 (2006) CHEMICAL ENGINE] lypse,” 108; Shallat, “Holding oy: Aldrich, “I re n Louisiana,” 102 servation to Ma reservation: Civil War Time: Temporalitayn d invention and D on of Wood Identity in America, 1861-1865, Preserving Tec! 1939,” 311; Char faster N g as Material Culture, S. Kiichler The Rise and ! tz H id | ler, eds. (R) 824 the Nobel Lau | ( 1 ( 1d 46; (R) 840 the Ageo f Ch fi Code aborative Ownershiapn d 835; Murman ge ani Digital EconoR.m Gyho,sh , ( ompetitive evolution of ogde .. Eugenic Design: Stream- l and Nationa I gAl 1 in the 1930s (R and P. Ollerenshaw, eds., ‘ides and Post e European Linen Industry in World War II § 152 ul listorical Perspective (R) 193 mann, Knoi nj en, C., “The Rusting of the Chem- Advantage: I 1 r idor, 95 Firms, Tecl ( ( ng oO und, D. Gomery Institutions Mosquito We VM ng to Terms with the Future quito Cont R) 449 He Foresaw: Marshall McLuhan’s Chicago Architect derstanding Media,’ Mullen, M., ions, Alternat and K. Ray, ed ( cations: An International Children of the Su f listory of the Formative Years, Humanity | Appetit R. Burns (R) 463 for Energy, A R) 6 npanion to American Technology, INA: Chow, | ND TECHNOI 92; Perdue t ih 5 lin, Engineering Com Problematic | ‘ ( inism w Two Americans Civilisati Volume 7 Spied talin and Founded th Part 2,” 175 +t Silicon Valley (R) 676 Chow, K., Publis ( ( NbDUSTRY: Berlin, The Man Power in Ear i rll? d the Mic rochip: Robert Noyce (R) 192 d the Invention of Silicon Valle} ioc, M. (R) 86 R) 678; Chandler, Jr., Inventing the Gin ditt t n Frontier ctronic Century: The Epic Story Sorting the Ne eenth-Ce f the Consumer Bec tronics and tury City, D.S R omputer Industr(Ri)e 6s8 0 ty, Country, Em dscapes nputers and Commerce: A Study of Environmental | |. Diefen Technology and Management at dorf and K. D¢ ls. (R) 862 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Com- CIVIL ENGINEERING: Constant rtal pany, Engineering Research Assoc- ties of Very Low Probability, iates, and Remington Rand, 1946- Kolb, “Crescent City, Post-Apoca 1957, A. Norberg (R) 682 TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE Index to Volume 47 (2006) Crosby, A., Children of the Sun: A His ID alrymple, D. (R) 201 tory of Human D J AM BUILDING: Righter, The z Appetite for Ene Battle over Hetch Hetc h y: America’s 190; (R) 640 Vost Controversial Dam and the “Crossbows for the k th of Modern Environmentalism I he Crossbow ( € g 144 of Edward I of dq - Daniel, P., Toxic Drift: Pesticides and 1307),” Bachrac rea th in the Post-World War II Crouch, T. (R>) 455 R) 452 Crowther-Heyck d Dibner, 1927-2005,” Roland, The Bounds of America (R) 8 SULTURAL AND § ‘fabricated Home At Day’s Close Past (R) 640 Electric Dawson, V. (R) 866 Dreams: Com D. (R) 645 Culture (R) 87 vadarevian, S. and N. Hopwood, son, Hubris « ds., Models: The Third Dimension tural Histor} ice (R> ) 468 Science (R Bleaching the Ethi- phone: The S opian’: Desegregating Race and Most Mobile inology through Early X-Ray Has Transfor xperiments, 27 687; Nye, An onnage industriel a la veille tion: Tec hp O ique, M. Cotte | R) 839 New Begin 864 Technology a The Ottawa River and Modernit) s Nuclear Adventure, 1890—1945 (R “Culture and Tecl The Historical Debate From Philosoy s Mission, W. Kay STS,” C. Mit goetxea, 607 ’s Scientific Enterprise: Cultures in Orbit Ike Faculty and the Televisual, L. 1¢ Rise of American Science, M. Levin Cutcliffe, S. (R “Cybernetics, Mat cienc Delta Bl Disco, C., 341 and Technol The Authority of Every gence of ‘Inf { Cultural History of as a Keyword nan Industrial Design (R) BR... 5t3 234; Cogdell, Eugenic Design: America in the 1930s Daemmrich, A., ) 381; Hocker and Ward, eds., Regulation in tilosophy of Shipbuilding: Germany (R) 2 ( mceptual Approaches to the Study Dahlberg, L., Victor Regnault and th of Wooden Ships (R) 426; Katz, Advance of P t Intelligent Design,” 381; Lefevre, of Avoiding I 1., Picturing Machines, 1400-1700 ed., Dalley, S. (R) 409 R) 186; Thackara, In the Bubble: 889 TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE \pproaches and tl al Issues,” 536; Jacob ( 1687 turing Machines, 00-1700 (R)) 186; Mukerji, “Tacit Knowledge and Classical Tech que in Seventeenth-Century Hydraulic Cement as a Index to Volume 47 (2006) Living Practice among Masons and International History of the Forma- Military Engineers,” 713; Wilson, tive Years (R) 463 The World in Vi and Early Moder intments of Technology, 842 Bailey (R) 816 Earth Repair: A Trans rosby, Children of the Sun: f Environmenta \ History of Humanity’s Unappeas- M. Hall (R) 860 able Appetite for Energy (R) 638; ECONOMIC DEVELOP! Nelson, Tech tandall, United States Foreign Oil nology, Institutic since World War I: For Profits Growth (R) 817 d Security (R) 670 ECONOMIC HISTOR g Communism: How Two Carlson, Willia ‘ in and Americans Spied for Stalin and the Birth of Ler i nor Founded the Soviet Silicon Valley, (R) 201 S Usdin (R) 676 Edensor, T., Industri par gineering in a Land-Grant Context: Aesthetics, and M ality ) The Past, Present, and Future of EDUCATION: Gouzeéy 1 Idea, A. Marcus, ed. (R) 42 Karvar, eds., I ND ENGINEERING: Calabro, nieurs en perspe Modeles de La Passione dell’ invenzione: Enrico référence et réseat ] , ingegnere e aeronauta XVITe—XXe siécl 158; Gouzévitch, Grelon, and Hashagen, Walt! r, eds., La formation des ingé- 1856—1934): M urs en perspe ctive: Modeles de und Wissenschal f ence et réseaux de médiation, der TH Miincl t) 233; Levir \ VIJe—XXe siécles (R) 198; Katz, Defining Wom ‘Intelligent Design,” 381; Lefevre, prise: Mount H e Faculty and »d., Picturing Machines, 1400-1700 the Riseo f Americ science (KR R 186; Marcus, ed., Engineering 697; Marcus, ed a Land-Grant Context: The Past, a Land-Grant ¢ nt, and Future of an Idea (R) Present, and Fu 428; Schatzberg nik Comes M., Designing America’s Waste » America: Cha g Meanings Landscapes (R) 224 of Technology before 1930,” 486 nsmenger, N. (R) 680 “Efficiency and Pathology: Mechanical YNMENT: Allen, “Cradle of a Discipline and Efficient Worker Revolution? The Industrial Trans- Seating in Gern formation of Louisiana’s Lower Alexander, J Mississippi River,” 112; Buhs, The Ehrhardt, K., European Metals i ive Fire Ant Wars: Nature, Science, and Hands: Rethink echnological Public Policy in Twentieth-Century Change, 1640-1 America (R) 451; Colten, “The Ekirch, A., At Day’s ( Rusting of the Chemical Corridor,” Times Past (R) 640 95; Constant, “Certainties of Very Electric Dreams: Computers in American Low Probability,” 249; Daniel, Toxic Culture, T. Friedma Drift: Pesticides and Health in the ELECTRONICS INDl Post—World War II South (R) 452; ocy: Burns, Con {nNicartf ions: . Diefendorf and Dorsey, eds., City, TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE

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