DP 269.8 .R4 L68 2010 Lowe, Sid. Catholicism, war and the foundation of Francoism Catholicism, War and the Foundation oi Francoism The Catiada Blanch | Sussex Academic Studies on Contemporary Spain GeneralEditor: Professor Paul Preston, London School ofEconomics Published Michael Eaude, TriumphatMidnight in the Century: A CriticalBiography of Arturo Barea. SoledadFox,ConstanciadelaMorain WarandExile:InternationalVoiceforthe SpanishRepublic. GabrielJackson,Juan Negrin: Physiologist, Socialist, andSpanish Republican WarLeader. Sid Lowe, Catholicism, WarandtheFoundation ofFrancoism: TheJuventudde AcciénPopularinSpain, 1931-1939. Cristina Palomares, The Questfor Survivalafter Franco: Moderate Francoism andtheSlowJourneyto thePolls, 1964-1977. Isabelle Rohr, TheSpanishRightandtheJews, 1898-1945:Antisemitismand Opportunism. Gareth Stockey, Gibraltar: “A Daggerin theSpineofSpain?” RamonTremosa-i-Balcells,Catalonia—AnEmergingEconomy: TheMostCost- EffectivePorts in theMediterraneanSea. Richard Wigg, Churchill and Spain: The Survival of the Franco Regime, 1940-1945. Forthcoming Olivia Mufioz-Rojas, Ashes andGranite: Destruction andReconstruction in the Spanish Civil Warandlis Aftermath Dacia Viejo-Rose, Reconstructing Spain: Cultural Heritage and Memory after Civil War Publishedby the Canada Blanch Centrefor Contemporary Spanish Studies in conjunction with Routledge | Taylor &Francis 1 Francisco J. Romero Salvad6é, Spain 1914-1918: Between War and Revolution. DavidWingeate Pike,SpaniardsintheHolocaust:Mauthausen, theHorror on theDanube. HerbertRutledgeSouthworth,ConspiracyandtheSpanishCivilWar: The BrainwasbingofFrancisco Franco. Angel Smith (editor), Red Barcelona: Social Protest and Labour Mobilization in the Twentieth Century. AngelaJackson, British WomenandtheSpanish Civil War. Kathleen Richmond, WomenandSpanish Fascism: The Women’sSection of theFalange, 1934-1959. Chris Ealham, Class, CultureandConflictin Barcelona, 1898-1937. Julidn Casanova, Anarchism, the Republic and Civil War in Spain 1931-1939, Montserrat Guibernau, Catalan Nationalism: Francoism, Transition and Democracy. 10 Richard Baxell, British Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War: The British Battalion in theInternationalBrigades, 1936-1939. 11 Hilari Raguer, TheCatholicChurchandtheSpanish Civil War. 12 Richard Wigg, ChurchillandSpain: The Survival ofthe Franco Regime, 1940-45. 13 Nicholas Coni, MedicineandtheSpanish Civil War. 14 Diego Muro, Ethnicity and Violence: The Case of Radical Basque Nationalism. 15 FranciscoJ. Romero Salvad6, Spain’sRevolutionary Crisis, 1917-1923. 16 Peter Anderson, The Francoist Military Trials. Terror and Complicity, 1939-1945. To my Dad. ST. MARY’S SEMINARY CARDINAL BERAN LIBRARY Catholicism, War and the Foundation oi Francois The Juventud de Accion Popular in Spain, 1931-1939 DP QEq.2 4 6e n ) i Published bySussex Academic Press in collaboration with L’instituciédAlfons el Magnanim de Valéncia and the Cafiada Blanch Centrefor Contemporary Spanish Studies Cafiada BlanchCentre forContemporaryAX SpanishStudies sussex ACADEMIC 60 ANIVERSARI PRESS Brighton e Porthinde Fforonte ' Copyright © SidLowe, 2010. TherightofSidLowetobeidentifiedasAuthorofthisworkhasbeenassertedin accordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct 1988. 24681097531 Firstpublishedin2010inGreatBritainby SUSSEXACADEMICPRESS POBox 139 EastbourneBN249BP andintheUnitedStatesofAmericaby SUSSEXACADEMICPRESS 920NE 58thAve Suite300 Portland,Oregon97213-3786 andinCanadaby SUSSEXACADEMICPRESS(CANADA) 90ArnoldAvenue,Thornhill,OntarioL4J 1B5 Publishedincollaborationwith LiInstituciéAlfonselMagnanimdeValénciaandthe CajiadaBlanchCentreforContemporarySpanishStudies. Allrightsreserved. Exceptforthequotationofshortpassagesforthepurposesofcriticism andreview,nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying, recordingorotherwise,withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Lowe,Sid. Catholicism,warandthefoundationofFrancoism : theJuventuddeAccién PopularinSpain, 1931-1939/SidLowe. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-84519-373-7 (h/c :alk. paper) 1. Spain—History—CivilWar, 1936-1939—Religiousaspects. 2. Spain—History—Republic, 1931-1939. 3. Spain—Politicsand government—1931—-1939. 4. JuventuddeAcciénPopular(Spain)— History. 5. CatholicChurch—Spain—History—20thcentury. 6. Church andstate—Spain—History. I.Title. DP269.8.R4L68 2010 946.081'1—dc22 2009050520 Papers used bySussex Academic Pressarecertified inaccordancewith the rulesof the ForeseStewardshipCouncil. Printed on acid-free paper. ‘Typeset & designed by Sussex Academic Press, Brighton & Basthourne. Peunted by TJ Titernational, Padstow,Corrwall, Contents The Catiada Blanch Centrefor Contemporary Spanish Studies ix Series Editor's Preface xii Acknowledgements xiv GlossaryandAbbreviations xvii ListofUlustrations xix Introduction: ‘Immense shame, physical repugnance’: Responding 1 to the Republic TheSpanishRightandtheJAPafter 1931 I ‘The youth ofthe new Spain’: The Crusade to Save the Fatherland 15 TheJAPuntilOctober 1934 II ‘Aniron fist against the anti-Spain’: Bringing in the New State 47 TheJAPfrom October 1934 toDecember 1935 III ‘To win or to die’: The General Elections 76 TheJAPfromDecember 1935 toFebruary 1936 IV ‘We'll become Nazis ifwe have to’: The Ominous Spring 109 TheJAPfrom February toJuly 1936 V_ ‘Selfless auxiliaries, enthusiastic servants’:Joining the Rising 154 TheJAPfromJuly to December 1936 VI ‘Militias ofsacrifice’: The Crusade for God, Spain and 190 the New Strate TheJAPatwaruntilApril 1937 Conclusion: ‘A magnificent harvest’: The Destruction of 229 Democracy in Spain TheJAP, the RightandFascismfrom 1931 to 1937