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Sobolev spaces and Lagrange interpolation 2 1 B. Bojarski∗ 0 Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences 2 00-956 Warszawa, Poland n E-mail: b.bojarski@impan.pl a J January 24, 2012 3 2 ] P In this short paper the discussion of the pointwise characterization of func- A tions f in the Sobolev space Wm,p(Rn) given in the recent paper [6] is supple- mentedin§1byadirect,essentiallygeometric,proofofthenovelinequality(for . h m >1), appearing in [6] apparently for the first time, and involving the use of t a the m-th difference of the function f. m Moreover in §2 some additional comments to the text in [6] are given and a [ naturalclassofSobolevspacesindomainsGinRn is defined. §3containssome final remarks. 1 v 8 1 0 7 4 Let us recall [15], [19] that for an arbitrary integer l ≥0 and a real or complex . valued function f on Rn the expression 1 0 2 l l l l 1 ∆lhf(x):= (−1)l−j(cid:18)j(cid:19)f(x+jh)=(−1)l (−1)j(cid:18)j(cid:19)f(x+jh) (1.1) : Xj=0 Xj=0 v Xi is called the l-th difference of the function f at the point x ∈ Rn with step h, h ∈ Rn, h 6= 0. We set also ∆0f(x) := f(x) and ∆lf(x) := 0. As is classi- r h 0 a cally known, for y = x+lh, h = y−x, (1.1) has a beautiful interpretation as l the difference or error in approximating the function f(y) by its interpolating polynomial evaluated at y ∆lf(x;y)=∆lf(x)=f(y)−L(y;f;x ,...,x )≡(−1)l∆lf(x,y) h 0 l−1 (x =x), (1.2) e 0 where L(y;f;x ,...,x ) ≡ l−1 f(x )ℓ (y,x ,...,x ) is the Lagrange in- 0 l−1 j=0 j j 0 l−1 terpolating polynomial for thPe function f and the equidistant colinear nodes ∗Partially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science grant no. N N201 397837 (years 2009–2012) andtheAcademyofFinland. 1 x =x +ih, i=0,...,l−1, [19]. Here ℓ (y,x ,...,x ) stand for the funda- i 0 j 0 l−1 mental Lagrange polynomials in y. ∆l(x,y) is the notation used in [6]. Let us remark that all points x =x+jh, j =0,...,l−1, x =y, are situated on the j l e affine line R in Rn, joining x and y, which can be identified with the real line R1, making all the algebraic operations inherent in (1.2) meaningful. In the sequel we shall use for (1.2) the term Lagrange interpolation remain- der, or just Lagrange remainder, of order l at the point x evaluated at y, in analogy with the term Taylor–Whitney remainder centered at x, Rl−1f(x;y):=f(y)−Tl−1f(y), (1.3) x nowcommonitmathematicalliterature. In[6] ∆lf(x,y)wasalsocalledanl-th finite difference remainder of the function f at x evaluated at y. e For functions f ∈ Wm,p(Rn), p > 1, the fundamental novel inequality re- ferred to above reads as |∆mf(x;y)|≤|x−y|m[am(x)+am(y)] (1.4) f f for some a ∈Lp(Rn). b b f Weskiphereoverthe somewhatdelicatepointthattheSobolevfunctionsin general dbo not have pointwise values and the left hand side of inequality (1.4) is meaningful only up to subsets of measure zero. The right hand side may be infinite on a non-empty set of measure zero. The functional coefficients am(x) in (1.4) are not uniquely defined. They f are collectively called mean maximal m-gradients of the function f and play the role of a variable Lipschitzbcoefficient of f. Roughly speaking, they all can be majorizedby the localmaximalfunction ofthe generalizedSobolevgradient |∇mf|off ∈Wm,p(Rn)aswillbealsoseenfromtheconstructiveproofof (1.4) sketched below. Our proof is organizedin a series of lemmata. Lemma 1. For f ∈W1,p(Rn), 1<p<∞, the following inequality holds |f(x)−f(y)|≤|x−y| aδ(x)+aδ(y) , x,y ∈Rn (1.5) f f (cid:0) (cid:1) for some aδ ∈Lp (Rn), δ =|x−y|. f loc Proof. For arbitrary x,y ∈Rn we have 1 f(x)−f(y)= h∇f(x+ht),hidt, h=y−x, (1.6) Z 0 hence 1 |f(x)−f(y)|≤|x−y| |∇f|(x+ht)dt. (1.7) Z 0 Let B(x,r) be the ball of radius r centered at x, and Σ (x,y) the spherical r segment Σ =B(x,r)∩B(y,r), r =|x−y|. r 2 For an arbitrary z ∈Σ r |f(x)−f(y)|≤|f(x)−f(z)|+|f(z)−f(y)|. (1.8) Since |x−z|≤|x−y|, |y−z|≤|x−y|, averaging (1.8) over z ∈Σ we get r |f(x)−f(y)|≤ −|f(z)−f(x)|dσ + −|f(z)−f(y)|dσ z z Z Z Σr Σr |B(x,r)| ≤ − |f(z)−f(x)|dσ + − |f(z)−f(y)|dσ , (1.9) z z |Σr| (cid:16) Z Z (cid:17) B(x,r) B(y,r) where the notation |G| for a subset G in Rn is used for the volume of G, |B(x,r)| =|B(y,r)|. Byelementarygeometrytheratio |B(x,r)| isaconstantdependingonlyonn, |Σr| |B(x,r)| = C(n), and, as is well known, the average − |f(z)−f(x)|dσ is |Σr| B(x,r) z estimated by the localHardy-Littlewoodmaximal fuRnction at x of the gradient |∇f|,Mδ(|∇f|)(x),[42],[43]. Heretheinequality(1.7)isused. Thusin(1.5)the functionaδ(x)iscontrolledbyMδ(|∇f|)(x): infactaδ(x)≤C(n)Mδ(|∇f|)(x). f f The proof above, without changes, works for vector valued functions. This proofshouldbecomparedwiththeproofofthebasicpointwiseinequality(1)in our paper with P. Hajl asz from 1993 [7]. Notice that it does not refer to Riesz potentials and Hedberg lemma as in [7]. When combined with Reshetnyak’s trick [36] used in [7], it can be used to deduce, in a direct way, a new and simplified proof of the basic pointwise inequalities in [2, 7, 8]. Let f ∈Wk,p(Rn). For l =0,1,...,k−1, h∈Rn, consider the functions 1 1 l gl(x)= ··· ∇lf x+ t h (h,...,h)dt ...dt , (1.10) h i 1 l Z0 Z0 (cid:16) Xi=1 (cid:17) l times | {z } where ∇lf is the l-th gradient of f considered as an l-polylinear form on Rn. Lemma 2. gl(x) as a function of x∈Rn is in the class Wk−l,p(Rn). h Proof. Obvious. In particular, g0(x)≡f(x), h 1 1 n ∂f g1(x)= h∇f(x+th,hidt≡ (x+ht)h dt, etc. h Z0 Z0 Xi=1 ∂xi i 3 Lemma3. Thefunctiongl(x)forl=0,...,k−1hastheintegralrepresentation h l l gl(x)= (−1)l f(x+jh) h (cid:18)j(cid:19) Xj=0 1 1 l = ··· ∇lf x+ t h (h,...,h)dt ...dt . (1.11) i 1 l Z0 Z0 (cid:16) Xi=1 (cid:17) l times | {z } Proof. This is the well known formula of finite difference calculus [15, 19]. For l=k it is also used in the paper [11] of R. Borghol. Lemma 4. For l=k−1 we have the formula k k−1 gk−1(x)−gk−1(x+h)= (−1)l−1 f(x+(l−1)h)−f(x+lh) h h (cid:18)l−1(cid:19) Xl=1 (cid:2) (cid:3) k k y−x ≡ (−1)j f(x+jh)=∆kf(x,y)=(−1)k∆kf for h= , (1.12) (cid:18)j(cid:19) k Xj=0 e in the notation of [6]. Proof. By Lemma 3 k k−1 gk−1(x)= (−1)l−1 f(x+(l−1)h). (1.13) h (cid:18)l−1(cid:19) Xl=1 Hence for h= y−x k ∆kf(x)=gk−1(x)−gk−1(x+h) h h h k k−1 = (−1)l−1 [f(x+(l−1)h)−f(x+lh)] (cid:18)l−1(cid:19) Xl=1 k−1 k k−1 k−1 = (−1)j f(x+jh)+ (−1)l f(x+lh) (cid:18) j (cid:19) (cid:18)l−1(cid:19) Xj=0 Xl=1 k−1 k−1 k−1 =f(x)+(−1)kf(x+kh)+ (−1)j + f(x+jh) Xj=1 h(cid:18) j (cid:19) (cid:18)j−1(cid:19)i =(−1)k∆kf(x,y)=∆kf(x,y). (cid:3) (1.14) e Formulas (1.10)–(1.14) are examples of a series of formulas of finite differ- ences[15],[19]whichconnecttheoperationsofvectordifferentialoperators∇lf with finite difference operators ∆kf for various values of the parameters l,k h andh. Theyallowtoreducetheestimatesofhigherorderdifferenceremainders 4 of functions to lower order remainders of higher order gradients of these func- tions. TheyareanaloguestotheoperationsinTaylor–Whitney’salgebraswhich played an important role in the development and applications of pointwise in- equalities in [4], [5], [6], [8] andin the Whitney–Glaeser–Malgrangetheory [20], [23], [31], [49], of smooth functions on arbitrary closed subsets of Rn. Deep and important papers of Glaeser [21], [22], [23] in this theory seem to be so far waiting for better understanding and exploitment. Now, combining Lemmata 1–4 we obtain the estimate (1.4), with a (x) f controlled by the maximal function of the vector gradient ∇kf as required. For convenience we summarize our discussion in the following b Proposition 5. Let f ∈ Wm,p(Rn), 1 < p ≤ ∞. Then there exists a function a ∈L (Rn) such that the inequality (1.4) holds for almost all points x,y ∈Rn. f p Thefunctiona ismajorizeda.e.bythelocalmaximalfunctionofthegeneralized f bSobolev gradient |∇mf|∈L (Rn)|. p b As formulated above Proposition 5 is the “necessary part” of the main the- orem in [6] for the case of Lagrange interpolation remainders. The proof of the “sufficiency part” of the theorem is left unchanged and proceeds along the argument sketched in [6]. ThesketchoftheproofofProposition5presentedaboveisintheconvention that we workin the class of smoothfunctions where all the operationsinvolved areclassicallymeaningful. Theclueofthe storyisthattheconstantsappearing inthe estimatesdepend onthe parametersn andponly. Thisfundamentalfact comes up again in §2 below where the pointwise inequality appears as “stable” under smoothing by convolution. 2 One of the advantagesof the Lagrangeinterpolationcalculus and the Lagrange remainders over the Taylor–Whitney remainders is that they interact very well with convolutions. This is immediately seen for the remainders ∆1f(x;y) = f(y)−f(x). Indeed, for a normalized mollifier ϕ (x), ϕ ≥0, ϕ (x)dx=1, we have ε ε ε R f (x)≡f ∗ϕ (x)= f(x−η)ϕ (η)dη ε ε ε Z and f (y)−f (x)= f(y−η)−f(x−η) ϕ (η)dη, ε ε ε Z (cid:2) (cid:3) hence |f (y)−f (x)|≤|x−y| a(x−η)ϕ (η)dη+ a(y−η)ϕ (η)dη ε ε ε ε (cid:16)Z Z (cid:17) or b b |f (y)−f (x)|≤|x−y| a (x)+a (y) . (2.1) ε ε ε ε (cid:0) (cid:1) b b 5 This elementary though basic fact, already formulated in our paper [7] and even earlier and repeated later in many seminar talks, holds for the higher order remainders ∆mf(x;y) as well. Indeed, e.g. for m=2 we have f (x)−2f (x+y)+f (y)= f(x−η)−2f(x+y −η)+f(y−η) ϕ (η)dη ε ε 2 ε Z 2 ε (cid:2) (cid:3) ≤|x−y|2 a (x−η)+a (y−η) ϕ (η)dη =|x−y|2 a (x)+a (y) f f ε f,ε f,ε Z (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) and the same calbculation worbks for m>2. b b Pointwiseinequalitiesforthe Lagrangeremainders∆mf(x,y)appearedalso in the recent papers of H. Triebel and his school [26], [45]. When the paper [6] was written the papers of Triebel [45] and Haroske–Triebel [26] were unknown totheauthor. Geometricallyform>1theydifferfromoursbyintroducingthe intermediatenodesx =x+ih, i=1,...,m−1,inthe righthandsideof (1.4). i For arbitrary0<p≤∞, s>0 and m∈N with s≤m in [45] is introduced the class Ls,m(Rn) of all f ∈ L (Rn) for which there exists a nonnegative p p function g ∈L (Rn) such that for all h∈Rn, 0<|h|≤1 the inequality p m |∆mf(x)|≤|h|s g(x+lh) a.e. in Rn (2.2) n Xl=0 holds. With the norm kfks,m,p =kfkLp(Rn)+infkgkLp(Rn), where the infimum is takenoverall g admissible in (2.2), the space Ls,m(Rn) is p a quasi-Banachspace [45]. Fors=m,p≥1,theinequality(2.2)isstrongerthan(1.4),i.e.(1.4)implies (2.2). Nowit is clearthat oneofimmediate conclusionsfromthe main theorem in [6] is that for these values of s and p (1.4) is equivalent to (2.2). Thus we conclude that the intermediate nodes in (2.2) can be discarded. For a while, let us introduce the notation: Wm,p(Rn) is the class of all functionsf ∈L (Rn)forwhichthereexistsana ∈L (Rn)suchthatinequality p f p (1.4) holds a.e. in Rn. In the general context of (1.4) and (2.2) webhave the following Proposition 6. For f ∈Wm,p(Rn) the mollified function f =f ∗ϕ is in the ε ε class Wm,p(Rn) and |∆mf (x;y)|≤|x−y|m am (x)+am (y) (2.3) ε f,ε f,ε (cid:0) (cid:1) with amf,ε(x)=amf ∗ϕε. b b Moreover, bytheknownproperties of convolutions theL -norms ofthemean p maximbal gradiebnts am are uniformly controlled by the L -norms of mean max- f,ε p imal gradients of f: b kamf,εkLp(Rn) ≤kamf kLp(Rn) (2.4) for all ε>0. b b 6 In particular, we conclude that smooth functions are dense in Wm,p(Rn). For the same values of the parameters s,m,p as for Ls,m(Rn) we can also p consider the class Ls,m(Rn) defined by the pointwise inequality p |∆mfb(x;y)|≤|x−y|s(g(x)+g(y)), y =x+mh, (2.5) for some g ∈L (Rn). p In [45] the quasi-Banach spaces Ls,m(Rn) are used to identify some Besov p spaces Bsθ(Rn), 0 < θ < 1, 0 < q ≤ ∞, as real interpolation spaces ([45], p,q the main theorem). For s = m in [6], as well as in the paper [45], the spaces Wm,p(Rn) are identified with classical Sobolev spaces Wm,p(Rn). The natural interesting question is to characterize the spaces Ls,m(Rn), for p s not integer, as some Sobolev–Besov type spaces. b Proposition 6 and its proof are also valid for the class Ls,m(Rn). Thus p smooth functions are also dense in Ls,m(Rn). p b ThedescribedcharacterizationofSobolevspacesWm,p(Rn),p>1,bypoint- b wise inequalities (1.4) obviously holds for open subdomains G ⊂ Rn as well, if they have sufficiently regular boundary, e.g. for extension domains [38]. How- ever this characterization is definitely not true for arbitrary subdomains. In this contextitseemslegitimateto introducethe (maximal)classofsubdomains which admit global pointwise characterization. Definition 7. An open subdomain G ⊂ Rn is called a natural Sobolev (p,s), 1<p≤∞, s>0, domain if the pointwise inequality |∆mf(x,y)|≤|x−y|s(a(x)+a(y)), s≤m, (2.6) for all pairs of points x,y ∈ G such that the segment [x,y] ⊂ G, defines a Sobolev type Banach space Ws,p(G). Fors≤m,0<p≤∞arfelatedclassofspacesLs(Rn)m hasbeenintroduced p by H. Triebel in [45] and identified with subspaces of Besov spaces Bs (Rn) p,∞ for G=Rn. ItisnaturaltoaskinparticularinwhatsenseourSobolev–Besovtypespaces coincide with Triebel–Besov spaces in [45]. More generally we can ask in what senseandforwhatsubdomainsthespacesWs,p(G)coincidewithBesov–Sobolev type spaces for non-integer s. f 3 The pointwise inequality (1.4) actually can be used to characterize rather the homogeneousSobolev spaces W˙ m,p(G) for a subdomain G⊂Rn with the semi- norm k∇mfk . The classical inhomogeneous Sobolev spaces arise then as Lp(G) subspaces of Lp(G). For the model case G = Rn various delicate phenomena are related to the asymptotic behavior of functions in W˙ m,p(Rn) for |x| → ∞ 7 which seem to be so far only partially understood (see [3] and numerous other references. See also [1] for the case n=1, i.e. on the line R1). In our presentation here the pointwise inequality (1.4) as well as some- whatmoresophisticatedinequalityforTaylor–WhitneyremaindersRm−1f(x;y) shouldbeconsideredaselementary,thoughfundamental,factsappearingatthe first steps of any discussion of Sobolev spaces. WhatseemstobestilllackinginthiselementarydiscussionofSobolevspace theory,isthedeeper,geometricandanalytical,understandingofthetrace(pro- jection) operator Wm,p(Rn) → Ws,p(Rk) for the corresponding values of the parameterss,p. As isclassicallyknown,this questionledto the introductionof Sobolev fractionalspaces, Ws,p(Rn), s — real, Hs,p(Rn) and Besov spaces ([3], [42], [43] and many references therein). It seems also that special attention should be directed to “les sch´emas d’interpolation” of G. Glaeser [20], [23], [27], [34], and their role in the the- ory of Sobolev spaces, see also [37], [38]. As already remarked in [6], and earlier even in [4], [7], [8], the pointwise in- equality(1.4)above,togetherwiththerelatedinequalityfortheTaylor–Whitney remainder Rm−1f(x;y) (precisely, inequality (1.2) in [6]) may serve as natural starting points and effective tools in the study of fundamental structural prop- erties of Sobolev functions. Let us briefly recall some of them without going here into details (postponed to the activity and exposition plan foreseen in the last lines of [6]). a) Lusin’s approximation of Sobolev functions, i.e. interpolation by smooth functions on closed subsets, up to open complements of arbitrary small measure. b) Stability under the convolution with compactly supported C∞ kernels; density of subspaces of smooth, C∞ functions. c) S. M. Nikolskii’s [3] fundamental theorems describing the characteriza- tionofSobolevfunctions bytheir behaviorontypical(almostall,in some natural sense) hyperplanes of positive codimensions less than n. The in- equalities (1.4) reduce the characterization of Sobolev functions to their behavior on affine segments in their domain of definition. In particular the functions in Wm,p(Rn) for p > 1 are Ho¨lder continuous on a.e. hy- perplanes Rk ⊂Rn, k <p, the only global condition binding the variable Lipschitz coefficients on hyperplanes is the Fubini theorem for Lebesgue spaces Lp(Rn) and the factorizations Rn ∼Rn−k×Rk. d) Characterization of compact subsets of Wm,p(Rn) by some conditions on the corresponding variable Lipschitz coefficients. e) DifferentiabilitypropertiesofSobolevfunctions,Caldero´ndifferentiability theorems, approximate and Peano differentiability, [3], [7], [8], [13], [14], [25], [33], [35], [44]. 8 f) Extension of Hajl asz–Sobolev imbedding theorems of Sobolev spaces into higher exponent Lebesgue spaces: Wl,p(G) ⊂ Lq(G), q > p, l > 1, for suitable values of the parameters l,p,q and dimG=n, as in the classical Sobolev theory, modeled on Hajl asz’s proof for measure metric spaces, [24]. g) Extension of the classical Hermite interpolation formulas [15], [19] to the general multidimensional context of “multiple” nodes as a theory inter- mediate between the Taylor–Whitney and Lagrange (“simple” nodes) in- terpolation theory ([20], [23], [31]). h) If instead of the colinear equidistant nodes other configurations of inter- polation nodes are used, more complicated algebraic and geometric phe- nomenaoccur,e.g.inthecaseofcolinearnotequidistantsimplenodesthe classicaldivideddifferencecalculuscomesup[14], [18]. Newinterpolation concepts appear in the Glaeser papers [20], [22], and, more recent, [24], [31]. Combining these ideas with the Sobolev’s averagingprocedure, [39], [40], [41], defines an apparently new interesting researchdirection. i) Also the natural inclusions, e.g. Wm+1,p(Rn) ⊂ Wm,p(Rn) when inter- preted in terms of pointwise inequalities (1.4) suggest direct implications between inequalities (1.4) for various admissible values of the parameters (m,p). These lead to interesting and non-trivial arguments of geometric and analytic character. Probably the first beautiful example of this type of argument was given by Y. Zhou [53]. Let us remark at last that the “pointwise” approach to the Sobolev space theory seems to bring out more clearly than usually presented in the literature (e.g.[30],[32],[33],[15],[13])closeandnaturalconnectionsbetweenthegeneral concepts of functionalspaces and approximationtheory on the realline R1 and in n-dimensional, n>1, euclidean spaces. 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