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Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XI). The Afrotropical genus Mesonitys Schmidt, 1908 (Hemiptera: Fulogoromorpha, Eurybrachidae) PDF

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Preview Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XI). The Afrotropical genus Mesonitys Schmidt, 1908 (Hemiptera: Fulogoromorpha, Eurybrachidae)

BULLETIN DE L'TNSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE ENTOMOLOGIE, 77: 87-105, 2007 BULLETIN VAN HET KONTNKLlJK BELGISCI-J INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN ENTOMOLOGIE, 77: 87-105, 2007 Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XI) The Afrotropical genus Mesonitys 1908 SCHMIDT, (He1niptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae) by Jerome CONSTANT Abstract Introduction The Afrotropical genus of Eurybrachidae Mesonitys SCHMIDT, This paper is the eleventh of a series intended to revise 1908 is redescribed anti reviewed. One new species, M jletcheri, the family Eurybrachidae STAL, 1862 and the fourth one is described. The following taxa: Aspidonitys admirabi/is DISTANT, 1906, Mesonitys taeniata var. katangana LALLEMAND, 1950 and dealing with the Afrotropical fauna (CONSTANT, 2004, 2005a, b), the other ones dealing with the Australian Mesonitys choaspes FENNAH, 1957 are proposed as synonyms of Mesonitys taeniata (SCHMIDT, 1906); Mesonilys aedon FENNAH, (CONSTANT, 2005c, 2006a, b, c) and the Oriental faunas 1957 is proposed as a synonym of Mesonitys fue!leborni SCHMIDT, (CONSTANT, 2006d, 2007a, b). The study is aimed to 1908. The genus contains 6 valid species: M ephia/tes FENNAH, propose a more natural classlfication in the family 1957, M. ffetcheri n. sp., M. fuelleborni SCHMIDT, 1908, M. hecqi and a tentative understanding of its phylogeny and SCHMIDT, 1913, NI membranipicta SCllMIDT, 1912 and M. taeniala (SCHMIDT, 1906). The male genitalia are illustrated and photos of zoogeography. It starts with the one-by-one revision habitus, dish·ibution maps, biological data and identification key to and redefinition oftbe genera because many of them are the species are provided. Lectotypes are designated for Aspidonitys poorly defined and preliminary study of the material has admirabilis, A. taeniata, Mesonitys fuelleborni and M. taeniata var. revealed several synonymies as well as beterogenous katangana. An unusual case of sexual dimorphism in which the last genera that will need to be split. segment of the labium is strongly dilated in males is reported for the first time in the genus Mesonitys and in the closely related genus The present paper deals with one of the Aspidonitys KARSCH, 1895. 8 Afrotropical genera (CONSTANT, 2005a). The genus Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908 is presently placed in the Resume Platybrachyinae: Platybrachyini (SCHMIDT, 1908b; M ETCALF, 1956; FENNAH, 1957) and is closely related Le genre afrotropical d'Eurybrachidae Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908 est to the genus Aspidonitys KARSCH, 1895 from which it redecrit et revu. Une espece nouvelle, M ffetcheri, est decrite. Les differs mainly by the presence of a pad of microsetae taxa suivants: Aspidonitys admirabilis D1sTANT, 1906, Mesonitys on the first segment of the bind tarsus and the mainly tae11iala var. katangana LALLEMAND, 1950 et Jvlesonitys choaspes brownish red colomation in Mesonitys. FENNAH, 1957 sont proposes comme synonymes de Mesonitys tae11iata (SCl·IMIDT, 1906); Mesonitys aedon FENNAH, 1957 est propose commc synonyme de Mesonitys fi1e/leborni Sc1·1MlDT, 1908. Historical review Le genre contient done 6 especes valides: M ephialtes FENN AH, 1957, M.fletcheri n. sp., Mfi1elleborni SCHMIDT, 1908, M hecqi SCHMIDT, SCHMIDT (1908a) created the genus Mesonitys for 1913, M. membranipicta SCHMIDT, 1912 et M taeniata (SCl·IMIDT, 1906). Les genitalia r!; sont illustres et des photos d'habitus, des 3 species: Aspidonitys taeniata SCHMillT, 1906, cartes de repartition, des renseignements sur la biologie et une Aspidonitys admirabilis DISTANT, 1906 and Mesonitys cle d'identification des especes soot donnes. Des lectotypes sont .fiilleborni SCHMIDT, 1908. He placed the genus in the designes pour Aspidonitys admirabilis, A. taeniata, Mesonitys tribe Platybracbyini (SCHMIDT l 908b ). In 1912, SCHMIDT Ji1e!leborni et M. taeniata var. katangana. Un cas inhabituel de added M membranipicta to the genus and in 1913, dimorphisme sexuel dans lequel le dernier segment du labium est fortement dilate chez les males est rapporte pour la premiere fois M hecqi. dans le genre Mesonitys et dans le genre proche Aspidonitys KARSCH, JACOBI (1936) redescribed M taeniata and proposed 1895. M .fiilleborni, M admirabilis, M membranipicta and M hecqi as potential synonyms of M taeniata. Key words: Afrolropical region, Eurybrachidae, revision, Mesonitys, sexual dimorphism. LALLEMAND (1950) described the variety katangana 88 Jerome CONSTANT of M taeniata on the basis of colour variation. boiling has been done as the specific stuctures on the In his catalogue of the Eurybrachidae, METCALF phallic complex are directly visible after setting aside (1956) followed ScHMJDT (1908b) in p]acing Mesonitys the gonostyli. The genitalia have been placed under in the subfamily Platybrachyinae, tribe Platybrachyini. the specimen, dry (in a gelatin capsule or glued on a FENNAH (1957) described the species M aedon, cardboard label) or in glycerin. o M choaspes and M ephialtes and illustrated the The description of the female genitalia follows genitalia of these new species and of taeniata. This work BOURGOIN ( 1993) with additions from the studies by FENNAH is unclear, contains many contradictions and of SOULIER-PERKINS (1997) and SOULIER-PERKINS & is based on a superficial study of the material, especially BouRGOJN (1998) on the family Lophopidae. the types that had apparent1y not been examined (see Lectotypes have been designated when necessary note infra). and for the valid species described only on females, Several synonymies within the genus were one male specimen has been chosen as reference for hypothetized (JACOBI, 1936; LALLEMAND, 1950) or the species. Although the term has no value under proposed (FENNAH, 1957) but have to be clarified. taxonomic rules, we follow MEDLER (1999) in labelling FENNAH (1964) proposed a key to the genera of those reference specimens as «PLESIOTYPE» with blue Platybracbyini and CONSTANT (2005), a key to the labels. The useful aspect of those designations seems Afrotropica] genera of Eurybrachidae that both include evident. Mesonitys. Each species is redescribe<l and the genitalia as well as any attributes useful for identification are :figured. Note: FENNAH (1957) illustrated the male genitalia of Distribution maps produced by the software CFF 4 species: M aedon, M choaspes, M ephiaLtes and (BARBIER & RASMONT, 2000) and photos of habitus are M taeniata. After checking all the material studied by also provided. The few indications about the biology of Fennah for that work, the following precisions appear to the species are provided, as well as identification keys. be necessary: the pygofer, anal segment and genital style If necessary, the cmrent name of the locality is (= gonostyli) illustrated for M taeniata match well what mentioned in parentheses after the one transcribed from has been observed for this species whi1e the aedeagus is the label. For the labels of the types, the wording on curled postero-ventrally in a way that has regularly been each single label is given within square brackets. observed after KOH boiling; the genital style illustrated The following acronyms are used for the for M choaspes is more narrow than in reality and the measmements (measurements are taken as in CONSTANT, aedeagus is nearly not deformed; the gonostyli and the 2004): BF, breadth of the frons - BT, breadth of the dorsal half of the pygofer illustrated for M aedon are thorax - BTg, breadth of the tegmina - BY, breadth too narrow. Fmiherrnore, Mesonitys fulleborni (sic!) of the vertex - LF, length of the frons - LM, length of is synonymised with M taeniata without referring to the mesonotum- LP, length of the pronotum- LT, total the type material and the three newly described species length - LTg, length of the tegmina - LY, length of the (M aedon, M choaspes and M ephialtes) are said to be vertex. «generally (ve1y) similar to M .fUlleborni». Acronyms used for the collections (name of the cmator in parentheses). Materials and methods AMNH: American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A. (R.T. Schuh) The types of all described species have been studied and BMNH: The Natural Histo1y Museum, London, United as much material as possible has been examined. The Kingdom (M. Webb) genitalia of all the males have been checked. CAS: California Academy of Sciences, San The dissection of the genitalia is done after boiling Francisco, California, U.S.A. (N. D. Penny) the abdomen in glacial acetic acid for a few minutes. CCZM: Department of Biology, Chancellor College, The pygofer is then separated from the abdomen Zomba, Malawi (C. Dudley) and placed for about one hour in a 10% solution of DEI: Deutsches Entomologiscbes lnstitut, potassium hydroxyde (KOH) at about 100°C. When Eberswalde Finow, Germany (E. Groll) contrasting of the organs is necessmy, some drops of FSAG: Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques de saturated aquous Cblorazol black solution are added. It Gembloux (coll. Lallemand), Gembloux, is then placed in glycerin. Belgium (S. Patiny) For routine identification, only the acetic acid IRSNB: Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Eurybrachidae (XI). Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908 (Hemiptera) 89 Belgique, Brussels, Belgium (P. Grootaert) Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: FENNAH, 1964: 159. MMBC: Moravske Museum (coll. Melichar), Brno, Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: CONSTANT, 2005a: 38. Czech Republic (I. Malenovsky) MNHN: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Note: FENNAH (1957) erroneously gave as type of the Paris, France (T. Bourgoin) genus, Mesonitys fallebOrni (sic!) ScHMmT. SCHMIDT MR.AC: Musee royal de l' Afrique centrale, Tervuren, (1908a) clearly designates Mesonitys taeniata ScHMmT Belgium (U. Dall' Asta) as type-species for his genus. NCSU: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, US.A. (B. Blinn) ETYMOLOGY: mesos (Greek) = in the middle of; itys NHRS: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, (Greek) =border. The name Mesonitys is assumed to Sweden (B. Viklund) refer to the projection at the middle of the lateral margin NMSA: Natal museum, Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu of the frons. Natal, South Africa (C. Conway) OUMNH: Oxford University Museum of Natural DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: The genus is recognizable by History, Oxford, United Kingdom (D. Mann the following combination of characters: (1) medium and Z. Simons) sized; (2) colour mainly reddish brown; (3) no infra SAMC: South african Museum, Cape Town, South ocular spine; ( 4) first segment of hind tarsi with pad Africa (M. Cochrane) of microsetae; (5) apex of tegmina and hindwings SANC: South African National Collection of rounded; (6) clavus closed; (7) hindwings dark brown Insects, Pretoria, South Africa (M. Stiller) to black; (8) apical segment of labium strongly dilated SMTD: Staatliches Museum fiirTierkunde, Dresden, in males; (9) distribution restricted to the Afrotropical Germany (R. Emmrich) region. USNM: National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., US.A. (D. Furth & S. DESCRJPTrON: Colour: mainly reddish brown with hind McKamey) wings mainly dark brown to black. Tegmina brownjsh ZMHB: Museum flir Naturkunde der Humboldt red with black markings and often with white transverse Universitat, Berlin, Germany (J. Deckert) band at basal third; subapical row of black spots parallel ZMPA: Polish Academy of Sciences, Museum of to apical margin. the Institute of Zoology, Warsaw, Poland (J. Head: eyes included, wider than pronotum in dorsal Szwedo & A. Stroinski) view; vertex very short, about 6-8 times wider than ZMUC: Zoological Museum of the University of long, concave, with anterior and posterior margins Copenhagen, Demnark (N. M. Andersen) carinate and curved (posterior more strongly curved ZSMC: Zoologische staatssammlung, Munchen, than anterior); ocelli present; frons convex, about Germany (M. Baehr) 1.8 times wider than long, wrinkled (Plate 1 C); no infra ocular spine; clypeus reaching coxae Il; sides of clypeus carinate; labium short, barely reaching coxae III; last segment of labium strongly dilated, about Taxonomic part 2 times broader than penultimate in males (Plate 1 Description oft he taxa A), not dilated, as broad as penultimate in females (Plate 1 B); antennae with scape very short and pedicel subglobular. Genus Mesonitys ScaMIDT, 1908 Thorax: pro-and mesonotum combined about as long as broad, wrinkled; pronotum with anterior margin carinate and sometimes with short median carina on anterior Type-species: Aspidonitys taeniata SCHMIDT, l 906 half; 3 obsolete longitudinal carinae on mesonotum. Tegmina: flat; costal and sutural margins subparallel; Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908a: 513 apex rounded; claval joint reaching sutural margin. Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: SCHMIDT, 1908a: 510 Venation: vein C distinct on basal 2/3; transverse Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: SCHMIDT, 1912: 356 veinlets visible on costal area; veins Sc + R, M and Cu Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: SCHMIDT, 1913: 187 separated close to base; veins A 1 and A2 fused at about Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: METCALF, 1956: 49 3/4 of clavus length; longitudinal veins parallel and Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: FENNAH, 1957: 195 numerous on apical half, with numerous cross-veinlets. Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908: SYNAVE, 1961: 104 90 Jerome CONSTANT A 8 c Plate 1 A-D. Mesonitys taeniata: A. labium of male, ventral view. B. labium of female, ventral view. C. frons, normal view. D. hind tarsus, ventral view (Pml -pad of microsetae of fast segment; Pm2 - pad of microsetae of second segment). Scale Lm m. Hind wings: anal area well developed; apex rounded; elongate, with anus at first 113, curved venh·ad and longitudinal veins parallel and numerous on apical half, v-shaped in cross section beyond anus; gonoplacs with numerous cross-veinlets. unilobous, not surpassing anal tube; gonapophysis IX Legs: fore and median legs with femur and tibia dorso elongate and narrowly rounded apically; gonocoxae venh·ally flattened; fore and median tibia slender, more VIII small, h·ansverse; gonapophysis Ylll very large, narrow than femur; hind tibia with 4 lateral and 9 depressed and laminate; anterior vagina positioned apical spines; first segment of hind tarsus bearing pad ventrally, weakly sclerified, ve1y small compared of microsetae and group of 8 small spines on ventral to posterior vagina, bearing small, postero-ventral face; second segment of hind tarsus bearing pad of process; spermatheca attached apically; posterior vagina microsetae (Plate 1 D). very large and strongly sclerified, elongate, concave Genitalia (J: pygofer higher than long in lateral view, ventrally, reflexed ventrad apically, bearing dorsally broader ventrad; anal tube angulately curved ventrad peculiar longitudinal prominence grooved on apical beyond anus; gonostyli large, laterally flattened, convex, half; internal membrane of posterior vagina ornamented with process on dorsal margin; at rest, process placed in with numerous small spines; bursa copulah·ix smaller venh·al concavity of anal tube; periandrium with one than posterior vagina, spiralate basally, with internal long style on each side of aedeagus; aedeagus formed ornamentation forming weak reticulum. by 2 long styles bearing lateral process and joined by a Sexual di1norphism: Si? about 10 % bigger than (S, with median membranous part. black parts usually more developed. Last segment of Genitalia Si?: anal tube strongly laminate ventrally, labium sh·ongly dilated, about 2 times broader than Eurybrachidae (XI). Mesonitys SCHMLDT, 1908 (Hemiptera) 91 penultimate in males, as broad as penultimate m DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: The species can only be females. reliably identified by the shape of the male genitalia O': Size: 12.0 to 15.5 mm; ~: 13.0 to 16.9 mm. with pygofer strongly narrowing on dorsal half in lateral view and median processes of phallic complex DISTRIBUTION: Afrotropical region. with lateral projection close to apex. Females are not yet known. Notes: (1) gonapophysis IX can be referred to as the Aspidonitys type as defined by SouLIER-PERKJNS (1997); DESCRIPTION: LT: 0 (n = 1): 12 mm (according to FENNAJ1 (2) the only sure character to segregate the species is (1957): the type has the apex of the tegmina damaged the shape of the male genitalia. The three-dimensional and is no more precisely measurable). shape of the phallic complex can be modified by the Male. KOH treatment and this must be kept in mind while Head: brownish red; antennae brown; ratio BV/LV = studying those organs. In the following descriptions, 7.5; BF/LF = 1.7. the stable, easy-to-recognize specific features on Thorax: entirely brownish red; LP+LM/BT = 0.9. the aedeagus will be indicated. In the females, some Tegmina: brownish red with apical third pale brownish; colouration characters seem stable enough to be reliably slightly marked paler transverse band at first third; 2 used for identification. preapical rows of blackish points; ratio LTg/BTg = 2.4. Hind wings: yellowish brown. Legs: brownish red. o: 1. Mesonitys ephialtes FENNAH, 1957 Genitalia pygofer strongly narrowed on dorsal half Figs l, 5, Plate 2 A. in lateral view; gonostyli about twice as high as broad in lateral view, roundly pointed apically; anal tube about Mesonitys ephialtes FENNAH, 1957: 197. as long as broad in dorsal view (as fig. 4 B); styles of aedeagus bearing book directed mesad close to apex; ETYMOLOGY: ephialtes =Greek word meaning nightmare phallic complex: see figs 1 B-C. (literally <~umping» or «oppressing»). Notes: (1) the pale transverse band of tegmina is TYPES EXAMINED: - Holotype of Mesonitys ephialtes probably covered with white waxy secretion in living FENNAH, 1957 (o): [Musee du Congo, Dilolo, IX-X- specimens; (2) females probably show more contrasted 1933, H. De Saeger] [2 (6)] [holotypus] [Mesonitys and blackish colouration. ephialtes Fennah, det RG Fennah, Type] dissected, genitalia in glycerine (MRAC). BIOLOGY: nothing is known of the biology of this species that has only been found in southern Congo, close to the Only specimen known for the species. Angola border. p A Fig . 1 - A-C. Mesonitys ephialtes, genitalia r3.A. pygofer, anal tube and gonostyli, left lateral view (An - anal tube; G - gonostyli; p - pygofer). B. phallic complex, left lateral view. C. phallic complex, dorsal view. Scale 1 mm. 92 Jerome CONSTANT 2. Mesonitysjletcheri CONSTANT, 2007 n. sp. spots; 2 black zones with whitish spots along veins Sc Fig. 5, Plate 2 B. and R on first third and at middle; irregular transverse stripe and line of black spots near apical margin; LTg/ ETYMOLOGY: fletcheri: dedicated to the Australian BTg= 2.74. Hemipterist Dr Murray J. Fletcher (Orange, Australia) Hind wings: blackish brown with pale patch on basal who kindly allowed the bolotype of this species to be half near costal margin. deposited in the collections of the IRSNB. Legs: all legs brownish red. Abdomen: brownish red. MATERJAL EXAMINED: - Holotype ~: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Belg. Congo 1951] [ex J.W. Evans Collection Donated Notes: (1) the whitish transverse band of tegmina is 1986] [MJF collection MJF 003242] [Holotype ~ probably covered with wbjte waxy secretion in fresh Mesonitys fletcheri n. sp. Jerome Constant det. 2007] specimens; (2) males probably show less contrasted tegmina and wings damaged; right tegmen reduced colouration but black markings on frons and thorax to clavus; right hind leg missing; abdomen glued on should be present. cardboard label (IRSNB). BIOLOGY: nothing is known of the biology of this species Note: the J.W. Evans collection was donated to the that has only been found in southern Congo, close to the Australian Museum after be died in 1991. However, in Zambia border. 1986 be had passed his reprint collection and what he termed bis «duplicate collection» to M.J. Fletcher. This material was kept in store boxes and not as part of the 3. Mesonitysfuelleborni SCHMIDT, 1908 JWE collection which was in cabinets (M.J. Fletcher, Figs 2, 6, Plate 2 D, F. pers. comm. 2007). Mesonitysfiilleborni SCHMIDT, 1908: 514. OTHER MATERJAL EXAMJNED ( 1 ~?)-Congo (Democratic Mesonitys fiilleborni Sc1-1M1DT, 1908: SCHMIDT, 1913: Republic): 1 ~?(no abdomen and head): Elisabethville 187. (=Lubumbashi), II.1912, Miss. Agric. [MRAC]. Mesonitys fiilieborni SCHMIDT, 1908: JACOBI, 1936: 40 (erroneously synonymized with doubt with M taeniata Note: this specimen is not designated as paratype due to SCHMIDT, M admirabilis DISTANT, M membranipicta its very poor condition. SCHMIDT and M hecqi). Mesonitysfiillerborni [sic] SCHMIDT, 1908: LALLEMAND, DLAGNos1s: The species is immediately recognized by 1950: 150 (erroneously considered as a variety of M the black markings on the thorax and frons. Males are taeniata SCHMIDT). not yet known. Mesonitys fiilleborni SCHMIDT, 1908: METCALF, 1956: 50. DESCRIPTION: LT (extrapolated): ~ (n = 1): 17,5 mm. Mesonitys fiilleborni SCHMIDT, 1908: FE AH, 1957: Female. 195-198 (erroneously synonymized with M taeniata Head: vertex brownish red; frons brownish red with SCHMIDT). sides and upper margin of disc marked by broad black Mesonitys aedon FENNAH, 1957: 198 nov. syn. line; antennae brownish; ratio BV/LV = 6; BF/LF = 1.8. Note: the specimens listed under Aspidonitys taeniata Thorax: pronotum black with fore and hind margins, as well as the illustration in DISTANT (1907) are all middle line and spots on disc brownish red; slight Mesonitys fuelleborni. median carina on first half of pronotum; mesonotum brownish red with 2 broad stripes not reaching anterior ETYMOLOGY: fiilleborni: dedicated to the collector, Dr. and posterior margins and spots at lateral angles, black; Ftillebom. tegulae brownish red with blackish margins; pro-, meso- and metastemum brownish red; ratio LP+LM/ TYPES EXAMINED: - Lectotype of Mesonitys fiiLleborni BT= 1.05. ScHMmT, 1908 (O') present designation: [Nyassa-See, Tegmina: brownish red with apical third, transverse Langenburg, Pyramide, 23.II.-3.Ill.99, Fulleborn S.] band at :first third and apical half of clavus, whitish; [Type] [Mesonitysfiilleborni Schmidt, O', Edm. Schmidt basal 2/3 of cell between Al and A2 black with whitish determ., 1907] [Mus. Zool. Polonicum, Warszawa, 12/ Eurybrachidae (XI). Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908 (Hemiptera) 93 45] [Lectotype <3, Mesonitys fuelleborni Schmidt, 1908, 1 ~: Katanga: Luashi, ill.1936, Freyne [MRAC]; 1 ~: J. Constant des. 2007] -dissected, genitalia in glycerine Katanga: Luiswishi, 02.I.1924, Ch. Seydel [MRAC]; 1 (ZMPA). <3: Katanga, Kiambi, ill.1931, G.F. de Witte [MRAC]; - 2 Paralectotypes of Mesonitys fiilleborni ScHMrnT, 2 ~: Kuilu (=Kwilu), [NHRS]; 1 ~: Kwango: Panzi, CC' 1908 ?): [Nyassa-See, Langenbw-g, Pyramide, 1932, R.P. Vanderyst [MRAC]; 1 ~: Lualaba R., alt. 23.II.-3.111.99, Fulleborn S.] [Type] [Aspidonitys n. 2500-4000ft, 15.V.1907, S.A. Neave [BMNH]; 1 ~: sp., det. Kuhlgatz] [Mesonitys fiilleborni Schmidt, Lubumbashi, 28.I.1971, A. Stam [MRAC]; 1 ~: Luena, (J, Edm. Schmidt determ., l 907] [Zool. Mus. Berlin] XIl.1907, Dr Sheffield Neave [MRAC]; 1 ~: Lulua: [Paralectotype Mesonitys faelleborni Schmidt, 1908, J. Kabomba, XI.1937, Vanderstichelen [MRAC]; 1 ~: Constant des. 2007] - very poor condition: the remains Moba, alt: 780m, VIII-X.1953, H. Bomans [MRAC]; are: right tegmina, head and a fragment of thorax 2 ~: Shaba: Kisanga, 31.XIl.1978, Julbernardia, for one and.for the other: head, fragments of legs, of Brachystegia et Pericopsis angolensis, F. Malaisse thorax and ofw ings (ZMHB). [MRAC]; 5 ~: Tanganyika, Mpala, Oberthur 99-96 - Holotype of Mesonitys aedon FENNAH, 1957 (<3): [MNHN]; l ~: idem [FSAG]; 1 ~: Vallee Lukuga, [holotypus] [Musee du Congo, Elisabethville, IX.1911] XI.1911, Dr Schwetz [MRA C]; 1 ~: Katanga, Kasenga, [Miss. Agric.] [Mesonitys aedon Fennah det, Type, 12.IV.1965 [FSAG] - Malawi - 1 ~: Mkuwazi RG Fennah] [Mesonitys fuelleborni Schmidt, 1908, (=Nkwadzi) Hill Forest, alt: 500m, 22.II.1958, E.S. ~. Jerome Constant det. 2007] - dissected, genitalia in Ross & R.E. Leech [CAS]; 1 ~: Mlanje (=Mulanje), glycerine; both left wings missing (MRAC). Ol.VII.1913, S.A. Neave [BMNH]; 1 ~: idem, 04.XIl.1912 [BMNH]; 1 ~:idem, 23.IV.1913 [BMNH]; <3, OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED (24 87 ~) - Angola: 1 ~:idem, 13.VI.1913 [BMNH]; 1 (S: idem, 24.II.1913 1 ~: Alto Cuba!, Chimbassi (=Chimbasse), X.1953, [BMNH]; 1 ~: idem, 22.II.1913 [BMNH]; 1 (S, 1 ~: Schmiedebacb [ZSMC]; 1 (S: Dundo [FSAG]; 1 (S: idem, 20.II.1913 [BMNH]; 1 <3: idem, 05.11.1914 Kuvungu, III.1933, Miss. sc. suisse [SMTD]; 1 ~: [BMNH]; 1 (S: idem, 20.ill.1913 [BMNH]; 1 ~: idem, Lunda, lX.1932 or 1933, Miss. sc. suisse [SMTD]; 25.II.1913 [BMNH]; 1 ~: idem, 02.VI.1913 [BMNH]; o: 1 15 mls N of Sada Bandeira (=Lubango), alt: ea 1 ~:idem, 16.II.1914 [BMNH]; 1 c)':probably Mulanje 2000m, 03.III.1972, Southern African Exp. [BMNH]; (not mentioned on the label), 17.III.1913, S.A. Neave 1 ~: Vila Luso (=Luena), 25.IX.1949, Borys Malkin [BMNH]; 1 ~: Nkhorongo, Mzuzu, alt: ea 1375m, [CAS] - Congo (Democratic Republic) - 1 ~: 14.IV.2000, R.J. Murphy [IRSNB]; 1 ~: idem, 08.I.2000 [FSAG]; 1 ~: 250-320 Km W. of Kambove, alt: 1000- [IRSNB]; 1 ~: idem, 06.IV.1999 [IRSNB]; 1 ~: idem, 1400111, 31.X.1907, S.A. Neave [BMNH]; 1 ~: 27 mi. 14.IV.2002 [IRSNB]; 1 ~: idem, 25.VI.1999 [CCZM]; N of Kapona, alt: l 720m, 13.I.1958, E.S. Ross & R.E. 1 ~: Vinthukutu For. Res. (Karonga <list.), alt: ea 600m, Leech [CAS]; 1 ~: 27 mi. SE of Kienge, alt: 1150m, 07.XI.2001, R.J. Murphy [IRSNB]; 1 ~: Zomba, 22.1.1958, E.S. Ross & R.E. Leech [CAS]; 2 ~: 8 Cameron [BMNH]- Mozambique- 1 ~:Val. Revoue, mi. W of Luanza, alt: 1330rn, 15.1.1958, E.S. Ross & env. Andrada, 1905, G. Vasse [MNHN] - Tanzania R.E. Leech [CAS]; 2 ~: Dilolo, IX-X.1933, H. De - 1 ~: 1918 [SMTD]; 1 (S: Ndala (mission), XIl.1916- Saeger [MRAC]; 1 ~? (no abdomen): Elisabetbville I.1917, Dr G.D.H. Carpenter [BMNH]; 1 ~: Songea, (=Lubumbashi), II.1912, Miss. Agric. [MRAC]; l Peramiho, alt: lOOOm, 15.XI.1958, C. Lindemann o? (no abdomen), 1 ~: idem, X.1911 [MRAC]; 1 ~: [ZSMC]; 1 ~: idem, 26.VIII.1952, Lindemann & idem, 28.II.1924, Ch. Seydel [MRAC]; 1 ~: idem, Pavlitzki [ZSMC]; 1 (S: Tabora, R.T. Brandt [BMNH] <3, 20.V.1911, Dr Stappers [MRAC]; 1 (S: idem, I.1913, - Zambia - 2 3 ~: Abercorn (=Mbala), 23.XI.1948, Ternest [MRAC]; l ~: idem, G. Swalue [MRAC]; 1 ~: H.J. Bredo [IRSNB]; 1 (S: idem, 28.XI.1948 [IRSNB]; Jadotvi lie (Likasi): Numbi, V.1957, R.P. Th. de Caters 1 c)': idem, 02.III.1948 [IRSNB]; 1 ~: Chisamba nr. [MRAC]; 1 ~? (no abdomen): Kafakumba, XII.1932, Lusaka, 05-23.XII.1989, swept from Miomboveld herb F.G. Overlaet [MRAC]; I c)': Kafakumba, III.1932, layer, P.E. Reavell [NMSA]; 1 (S: Kinia - Bangwelo F.G. Overlaet [MRAC]; l ~: Kambove, Katanga, (=Bangweulu, lac), 14.ill.1938 [IRSNB]; 1 (S: Machiya alt: 1200-1500m, 25.III.1907, S.A. Neave [BMNH]; (=Makiya), 10.IV.1958, P. Johnsen [IRSNB]; 1 ~: l ~: Kapiri, IX.1912, Miss. Agric. [MRAC]; 1 ~: Ndola, 18.IV.1958, P. Johnsen [ZMUC]; l <3: Nyaka, F. Katanga: Kipopo, 24.XI.1961, R. Marecbal [MRAC]; Lawrence [SAMC]; 1 ~: Chinsali and neighbourhood, o: 1 Katanga: Kipushya (=Kipushia) (Sakania), alt.:4300 ft, 10.V.1908, S.A. Neave [OUMNH]; 2 ~: L. II.1948, Dr R. Mouchamps [MRAC]; 1 CS: Katanga: La Chambezi Valley, Mpika distr, 18.V.1908, S.A. Neave Kafubu (=Kafubu), 1937, R.P. v. Arlbroeck [MRAC]; [OUMNH]; 1 ~:Mid Chambezi Valley, Chinsali distr., 94 Jerome CONSTANT 25.N.1908, S.A. Neave [OUMNH]; 3 ~: Mouth of 1.8. Chambezi to Mansya R. & Lake Young (Manya = Thorax: brownish red including tegulae; carinae of pro Mansba & Lake Young = Ishiba Ngandu Lake), 25- and mesonotum obsolete; ratio LP+LM/BT = 0.9. 26.X.1908, S.A. Neave [OUMNH]; 1 ~: Petauke, Tegmina: brownish red with apical third paler, fading to East Loangwa distr. , 2400 ft, 23.ID.1905, S.A. Neave yellowish brown; numerous mjnute spots of white waxy [OUMNH] - Zimbabwe - 1 ~: Matabeland, Umvuli secretion; whitish transverse band at basal third covered River, J.S. Jameson [BMNH]; 1 ~: Salisbury (=Harare) with whjte waxy secretion; external margin of whitish [SAMC]; 1 Sj2: idem, XII.1969 [MMBC]; 1 ~: idem, band sometimes marked by a narrow, often incomplete, VII.1913 [SAMC]; 1 ~:idem, Marshall [BMNH]; 1 ~: blackish brown line; subapical row of 4-7 black spots idem, 07.I.1921, J.A. O'Neil [USNM]; 1(S,1 ~:idem, parallel to apical margin; smaller black spots on apical XII.1969, Zd. Cakl [MMBC]; 1 ~: idem, 18.II.1958, third, before subapical row; apical margin always J.L. Minshull [SANC]; 2 ~: Sebakwe [SAMC]; I ex. concolorous; ratio LTg/BTg = 2.5-2.6. (no abdomen): Welgelegen, mjssion agricole, I.1912 Hind wings: dark brown usually with apical and sutural [MRAC]; 1 ~: Umpli Riv., Mashamulade, Guy margins paler; pale patch on basal half near costal Marshall [BMNH]. margm. Legs: all legs brownish red. Note: the female specimen from Tanzania (Deutsch Abdomen: brownish red. Ostafrika) in the collections of the SMTD was Genitalia (S: pygofer narrowing on dorsal half and erroneously mentioned as a male of a potential new broader in middle in lateral view; gonostyli about species by JACOBI (1936). twice as hjgb as broad in lateral view, roundly pointed apically; anal tube often broader than long in dorsal DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: females can be recognized view; styles of aedeagus bearing dorsal process directed by the following combination of characters: (1) frons, postero-caudad in middle; phallic complex: see figs 2 pro- and mesonotum unicolorous, (2) tegmjna without C-D. black line along veins Sc and R and on clavus along mesonotum, (3) apical margin of tegmina concolorous. BIOLOGY: the species bas been collected at altitudes Males must be identified by genitalia. varying from 500 to 2000 meters, 3 specimens have been caught in Miombo woodland, a plant community DESCRIPTIO : LT: (S (n = 24): 13.2 mm (12.2 to 14.8); ~ composed of Julbernardia sp., Brachystegia sp. and (n = 62): 14.5 mm (13.2 to 16.9). Pericopsis angolensis, one of those specimens has Head: brownish red with antennae and labium been swept from the herb layer. The species is widely concolorous or darker; ratio BV/LV = 8; BF/LF = 1.7- distributed in central Africa and seems to be present G A D Fig. 2 - A-D. Mesonitys fuelleborni, genitalia o'.A. pygoter, anal tube and gonostyli, left lateral view (An - anal tube; G - gonostyli; P - pygofer). B. anal tube, dorsal view. C. phallic complex, left lateral view. D. phallic complex, dorsal view. Scale 1 mm. Eurybrachidae (XI). Mesonitys SCHMIDT, 1908 (Hemiptera) 95 as adults tlu-oughout the year with the lowest numbers labium which is not dilated. between April and August. OTHER MATERJAL EXAMINED (1 CJ, 8 ~) - Angola: 1 ~: no data [ZSMC]; 1 ~: 15 mls N of Sa da Bandeira (=Lubango), alt: ea 2000rn, 03.III.1972, Southern 4. Mesonitys hecqi ScHMJDT, 1913 African Exp. [BMNH]; 1 ~: 8 mls NE Cacula, 25- Figs 3, 5, Plate 2 C. 26.III.1972, Southern African Exp. [BMNH]; 2 ~: Cacanda, J.N. Ertl [ZSMC, IRSNB] - Congo Mesonitys hecqi SCHMlDT, 1913: 188. (Democratic Republic) - 1 ~: Lualaba: Kakanda Mesonitys hecqui [sic] SCHMIDT, 1913: JACOBI, 1936: (Mutaka), XII.1953, leg.RP. Th. De Caters [:MR.AC]; 40 (erroneously synonymized with doubt with M 1 ~: Kapiri, X.1912, Miss. Agric. [MR.AC]; 1 CJ admirabilis (DISTANT), M taeniata ScHMTDT and M (plesiotype): Tanganyika, Mpala, Oberthiir 99-96 fiil!eborni SCHMIDT). [MNHN] - Zambia - 1 ~: Congo Border, Niankasa, Mesonitys hecqui [sic] SCHMIDT, 1913: LALLEMAND, 07.XII.1929, H. Silvester Evans [BMNH] J9 50: 150 (erroneously considered as a variety of M taeniata SCHMIDT). DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: females can be recognized Mesonitys hecqui [sic] SCHMIDT, 1913: METCALF, 1956: by the following combination of characters: (1) frons, 50. pro- and mesonotum unicolorous; (2) brown to black Line between veins Sc and R on basal half; (3) brown ETYMOLOGY: hecqi: dedicated to the collector, Mr to black line on clavus along rnesonotum; ( 4) apical Hecq. third of tegmina not covered with numerous coalescent black spots. Males are more reliably recognized by the TYPES EXAMINED: - Holotype by monotypy of Mesonitys genitalia. hecqi SCHMIDT, 1913 (~)present recognition: [Musee du congo beige, Tanganika, Hecq] [Type] [Mesonitys DESCRlPTION: LT: CJ (n = 1): 14.1 mm; ~ (n = 8): 14.6 hecqi Schmidt, Edm. Schmidt, Type, detenn. 1913.] mm. [R. Det., R, 664] [Holotype ~ Mesonitys hecqi, Head: brownish red with labium brownish red to brown; Schmidt, 1913, J. Constant des. 2007] abdomen missing antennae brown; ratio BV/LV = 8.2; BF/LF = 1.8. (MRAC). Thorax: pro- and mesonotum, pro-, meso- and metastemurn and tegulae brownish red; median carina Note: SCHMIDT (1913) was not sure that the specimen on anterior half of pronotum and carinae on mesonotum, is a female as the abdomen is missing but this has been obsolete, ratio LP+LMIBT = 0.9. confirmed by examination of the apical segment of Tegmina: brownish red with apical third paler, An G c A Fig. 3 _ A-C. Mesonitys hecqi, genitalia c)i.A. pygofer, anal tube .and gonos~Ji, left lateral vie~ (An - anal tube; G _ gonostyli; P- pygofer). B. phallic complex, left lateral view. C. phallic complex, dorsal view. Scale 1 mm. 96 Jerome CONSTANT yellowish brown; brown to black line on anterior half [Musee du Congo, Benguela (Dr Wellmann) Coll. between veins Sc and R, another along sutural margin Schouteden] [Type] [Mesonitys membranipicta Schmidt of clavus, along mesonotum; subapical row of 4-5 black ~ Edm. Schmidt determ. 1911] [Holotype ~ Mesonitys spots, sometimes with suffused brown markings; apical membranipicta Schmidt, 1912, J. Constant des. 2007] margin sometimes marked by very naITow blackish (MRAC). line; sometimes suffused brownish markings on middle of disc; ratio LTg/BTg = 2.0. Only specimen known for the species. Hind wings: blackish brown with pale patch on basal half near costal margin. DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: females can be recognized by Legs: all legs brownish red. the following combination of characters: (1) frons, pro Abdomen: brownish red to brown. and mesonotum unicolorous; (2) brown to black line o: Genitalia pygofer narrowing on dorsal half in lateral between veins Sc and R discontinuous; (3) brown to view; gonostyli slightly less than twice as high as broad black line on clavus along rnesonotum; (4) apical third in lateral view, rounded apically; anal tube about as long of tegmina covered with numerous coalescent black as broad in dorsal view (as fig. 4 B); styles of aedeagus spots. Males are not yet known. bearing hook directed meso-cephalad at first third; phallic complex: see figs 3 B-C. DESCRIPTION: LT: ~ (n = 1) : 16.8 mm. Head: entirely brownish red; antennae missing on Note: males have less contrasted colouration than examined specimen; ratio BV/LV = 7.6; BF/LF = 1.9. females. Thorax: pro- and mesonotum, pro- and mesosternum and tegulae brownish red; metasternum brown; ratio BLOLOGY: one specimen has been caught at an altitude LP+LM/BT = 1.0. of about 2000 meters and one at light. The species Tegmina: brownish red; apical third yellowish brown seems widely distributed in central Africa but more densely covered with coalescent black spots; short scarcely than M fuelleborni and M taeniata. It has black line at base of veins Sc and R; black line on been collected in the months March, September and sutural margin of clavus, along mesonotum; transverse December but the paucity of data does not allow any band of black markings extending from vein Sc to conclusion on life history. sutural margin at half length; ratio LTg/BTg = 1.9. Hind wings: blackish brown with pale patch on basal half near costal margin. 5. Mesonitys membranipicta SCHMIDT, 1912 Legs: all legs brownish red. Fig. 5, Plate 2 K. Abdomen: brownish red. Mesoni.tys membranipicta ScHMJDT, 1912: 356. Note: there is a complete brownish red tr·ansverse band Mesonitys membranipicta SCHMIDT, 1912: SCHMIDT, at first third, bet\veen black lines at base and band of 1913: 187. black markings. In M jl.etcheri, M fuelleborni and Mesonitys membranipicta SCHMlDT, 1912: JACOBI, M taeni.ata, this band is whitish and covered with white, 1936: 40 (erroneously synonymized with doubt with waxy secretion. It is possible that this brownish red M folleborni ScHMTDT, M admirabilis (DISTANT), M band is covered with such secretion in fresh specimens taeniata (SCHMIDT) and M hecqi SCHMIDT). of M. membranipicta. Mesonitys membranipicta ScHMJDT, 1912: LALLEMAND, 1950 (erroneously considered as a variety of M BIOLOGY: nothing is lmown of the biology of this species taeniata SCHMIDT). that has only been found in western Angola, close to the Mesonitys membranipicta SCHMIDT, 1912: METCALF, Atlantic Ocean's coast. 1956: 50. ETYMOLOGY: membrani- (Latin) = membrane, picta 6. Mesonitys taeniata (Sc1-IMIDT, 1906) (Latin) =painted: name assumed to refer to the spots on Figs 4, 7, Plate 1, 2 E, G-J. the membrane of the tegmina. Aspidonitys taeniata Sc1-1MIDT, 1906: 202. TYPES EXAMrNED: - Holotype by monotypy of Mesonitys Aspidonitys admirabilis DISTANT, 1906: 205 nov. syn. membranipicta SCHMIDT, 1912 (~)present recognition: Aspidonitys taeniata SCHMIDT, 1906: DISTANT, 1907:

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