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Operator Commutation Relations: Commutation Relations for Operators, Semigroups, and Resolvents with Applications to Mathematical Physics and Representations of Lie Groups PDF

505 Pages·1984·15.707 MB·English
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Operator Commutation Relations Mathematics and Its Applications Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL Centre for Mathematics a.nd Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Editorial Board: R. W. BROCKETT, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. J. CORONES, Iowa State University, U.S.A. and Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Iowa, U.S.A. Yu. I. MANIN, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, U.S.S.R. A. H. G. RINNOOY KAN, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands G.-C. ROTA,M.lT., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Operator Commutation Relations Commutation Relations for Operators, Semigroups, and Resolvents with Applications to Mathematical Physics and Representations of Lie Groups Palle E. T. Jorgensen Department ofM athematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A. and Robert T. Moore Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. D. Reidel Publishing Company A MEMBER OF THE KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS GROUP Dordrecht I Boston I Lancaster library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Jt\rgensen, Palle E. T., 1947- Operator commutation relations. (Mathematics and its applications) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Partial differential operators. 2. Commutation relations (Quantum mechanics) 3. Lie groups. 4. Representations of groups. I. Moore, Robert T., 1938- II. Title. III. Series: Mathematics and its applications (D. Reidel Publishing Company) QA329.42.J67 1984 515.7'242 83-26957 ISBN-13: 978-94-009-6330-6 e-ISBN -13: 978-94-009-6328-3 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-6328-3 Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, P.O. Box 17,3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 190 Old Derby Street, Hingham, MA 02043, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, Holland All Rights Reserved © 1984 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1984 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ix Chapter Dependency Diagram xv Acknowledgements xvii PART I: SOME MAIN RESULTS ON COMMUTATOR IDENTITIES Chapter 1. Introduction and Survey 3 1A General Objectives of the Monograph 3 lB Contact with Prior Literature 6 lC The Main Results in Commutation Theory 7 lD The Main Results in Exponentiation Theory 14 lE Results on (Semi) Group-invariant Coo-domains 19 lF Typical Applications of Commutation Theory 23 lG Typical Applications of Exponentiation Theory 29 Chapter 2. The Finite-Dimensional Commutation Condition 37 2A Implications of Finite-Dimensionality in Commutation Theory 37 2B Examples involving Differential Operators 40 2C Examples from Universal and Operator Enveloping Algebras 42 2D Relaxing the Finite-Dimensionality Condition 50 PART II: COMMUTATION RELATIONS AND REGULARITY PROPERTIES FOR OPERATORS IN THE ENVELOPING ALGEBRA OF REPRESENTATIONS OF LIE GROUPS Introduction 57 Chapter 3. Domain Regularity and Semigroup Commutation Relations 60 3A Lie Algebras of Continuous Operators 62 3B Semigroups and Ad-Orbits 64 3C Variations upon the Regularity Condition 67 3D Infinite-DimensionalOA(B) 74 Chapter 4. Invariant-Domain Commutation Theory applied to the Mass-Splitting Principle 77 4A Global InvariancejRegularity for Heat-Type Semigroups 79 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS 4B Formulation of the Generalized Mass-Splitting Theorem 82 4c The Mass-Operator as a Commuting Difference of Sub-Laplacians 83 4D Remarks on General Minkowskian Observables 91 4E Fourier Transform Calculus and Centrality of Isolated Projections 95 PART III: CONDITIONS FOR A SYSTEM OF UNBOUNDED OPERATORS TO SATISFY A GIVEN COMMUTATION RELATION Introduction 101 Chapter 5. Graph-Density applied to Resolvent Commutation, and Operational Calculus 108 5A Augmented Spectra and Resolvent Commutation Relations 111 5B Commutation Relations on Dl 117 5C Analytic Continuation of Commutation Relations 122 5D Commutation Relations for the Holomorphic Operational Calculus 124 Chapter 6. Graph-Density Applied to Semi group Commutation Relations 131 6A Semigroup Commutation Relations with a Closable Basis 132 6B Variants of Sections 5B and 6A for General M 139 6c Automatic Availability of a Closable Basis 144 6D Remarks on Operational Calculi 146 Chapter 7. Construction of Globally Semigroup-invariant COO-domains 150 7A Frechet COO-domains in Banach Spaces 151 7B The Extrinsic Two-Operator Case 155 7C The Lie Algebra Case 160 7D Coo-action of Resolvents, Projections, and Operational Calculus 164 PART IV: CONDITIONS FOR A LIE ALGEBRA OF UNBOUNDED OPERATORS TO GENERATE A STRONGLY CONTINUOUS REPRESENTATION OF THE LIE GROUP Introduction 173 Chapter 8. Integration of Smooth Operator Lie Algebras 177 8A Smooth Lie Algebras and Differentiable Representations 178 8B Applications in Coo-vector spaces 186 Chapter 9. Exponentiation and Bounded Perturbation of Operator Lie Algebras 194 9A Discussion of Exponentiation Theorems and Applications 194 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii 9B Proofs of the Theorems 199 9C Phillips Perturbations of Operator Lie Algebras and Analytic Continuation of Group Representations 206 9D Semidirect Product Perturbations 217 Appendix to Part IV 227 PART V: LIE ALGEBRAS OF VECTOR FIELDS ON MANIFOLDS Introduction 235 Chapter 10. Applications of Commutation Theory to Vector-Field Lie Algebras and Sub- Lap1acians on Manifolds 240 lOA Exponentials versus Geometric Integrals of Vector-Field Lie Algebras 243 lOB Exponentiation on LP spaces 251 10C Sub-Laplacians on Manifolds 265 10D Solution Kernels on Manifolds 268 PART VI: DERIVATIONS ON MODULES OF UNBOUNDED OPERATORS WITH APPLICATIONS TO PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS ON RIEMANN SURFACES Introduction 277 Chapter 11. Rigorous Analysis of Some Commutator Identities for Physical Observables 279 llA Variations upon the Graph-Density and Kato Conditions 282 IlB Various forms of Strong Commutativity 287 llC Nilpotent Commutation Relations of Generalized Heisenberg-Weyl Type 302 Appendix to Part VI 320 PART VII: LIE ALGEBRAS OF UNBOUNDED OPERATORS: PERTURBATION THEORY, AND ANALYTIC CONTINUATION OF st(2,lli)-MODULES Introduction 331 Chapter 12. Exponentiation and Analytic Continuation of Heisenberg-Matrix Representations for st(2,lli) 335 12A Connections to the Theory of TCI Representations of Semisimple Groups on Banach Spaces 339 12B The Graph-Density Condition and Base-Point Exponentials 355 12C COO-integrals and Smeared Exponentials on tP 365 12D The Operators AO' AI' and A2 376 12E Compact and Phillips Perturbations 389 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 12F Perturbations and Analytic Continuation of Smeared Representations 399 12G Irreducibility, Equivalences, ~nitarity, and Single-Valuedness 407 12H Perturbation and Reduction Properties of other Analytic Series 423 121 A Counter-Theorem on Group-Invariant Domains 429 Appendix to Part VII 432 GENERAL APPENDICES Appendix A. The Product Rule for Differentiable Operator Valued Mappings 439 Appendix B. A Review of Semi group Folklore, and Integration in Locally Convex Spaces 443 Appendix C. The Square of an Infinitesimal Group Generator 451 Appendix D. An Algebraic Characterization of 0 2(B) 457 A Appendix E. Compact Perturbations of Semigroups 461 LP Appendix F. Numerical Ranges, and Semigroups on spaces 465 Appendix G. Bounded Elements in Operator Lie Algebras 470 References 476 References to Quotations 486 Index 487 List of Symbols 491 PREFACE In his Retiring Presidential address, delivered before the Annual Meeting of The American Mathematical Society on December, 1948, the late Professor Einar Hille spoke on his recent results on the Lie theory of semigroups of linear transformations, ..• "So far only commutative operators have been considered and the product law ... is the simplest possible. The non-commutative case has resisted numerous attacks in the past and it is only a few months ago that any headway was made with this problem. I shall have the pleasure of outlining the new theory here; it is a blend of the classical theory of Lie groups with the recent theory of one-parameter semigroups." The list of references in the subsequent publication of Hille's address (Bull. Amer. Math •. Soc. 56 (1950)) includes pioneering papers of I.E. Segal, I.M. Gelfand, and K. Yosida. In the following three decades the subject grew tremendously in vitality, incorporating a number of different fields of mathematical analysis. Early papers of V. Bargmann, I.E. Segal, L. G~ding, Harish-Chandra, I.M. Singer, R. Langlands, B. Konstant, and E. Nelson developed the theoretical basis for later work in a variety of different applications: Mathematical physics, astronomy, partial differential equations, operator algebras, dynamical systems, geometry, and, most recently, stochastic filtering theory. As it turned out, of course, the Lie groups, rather than the semigroups, provided the focus of attention. However, the operator theoretic viewpoint is the same, and the influence of Hille's original ideas is present in the later applications. This book is devoted to some of the important developments since 1948. Dedicating our book to the memory of Einar Hille, we find it quite appropriate to begin with a quote from Kipling: "And each man hears as the twilight nears, to the beat of his dying heart, the Devil drum on the darkened pane: 'You did it, but was it Art?'''. This, in fact, was Hille's own beginning quote in his first edition of Functional Analysis and Semi groups. Although, on the surface, the different topics of the ix x PREFACE present book are quite distinct, we shall show that a certain analysis of operator commutation relations (or rather a structure of identities for families of operators, and iterated commutators of the individual operators) leads to an unexpected unification, as well as to a variety of new results, in diverse areas of mathematics and applications. As a first indication of what is involved, consider the familiar regularity problem for solutions to partial differ ential equations. Suppose A is a linear partial differential operator, and suppose that a fixed linear space of functions, or sections in a vector bundle, has been chosen such that the resolvent operator (AI-A)-l provides a solution formula for the inhomogeneous equation AU - Au = f with given right-hand f in E. As is well known, the regularity problem for the solution u can then be stated in terms of domains for the first order vector fields a/ax. , i=l, ... ,n. One way to check 1 regularity, i.e., to check whether the solution u is in the domain of ajax. , or in the domain of higher order polynomials 1 in the a/ax. IS, is to consider the formal expansion, 1 Suppose the convergence questions which are implicit in the series can be resolved, then by simple associative algebra one would expect the formula to represent the x.-derivative of 1 the solution, viz., au/ax. where 1 au/ax. = (a/ax.)u = (a/ax.)(AI-A)-l(f). 1 1 1 Hence, the regularity question has been reformulated in terms of a commutation-relation, and a domain problem. Historically, our work on the subject originated with a different problem. Rather than the commuting family of first order operators a/ax., we took, as the starting point, 1 a given Lie algebra ( of operators on a complete normed space E. What this amounts to is that the elements in ( are unbounded operators on E, but the different operators have a common dense invariant domain D in E. The Lie algebra structure on ( refers to the commutator bracket, i.e., elements A and B in ( are considered as operators, and the = bracket is.lA,B] AB - BA. Then note that [A,B] is again

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