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REVISION OF BAUHINIA SUBGENUS BAUHINIA SECTION AMARIA (CERCIDEAE: CAESALPINIOIDEAE: FABACEAE) RWunderlin Richard Deportment of Biology University of South Florida Tampa USA 33620-5200 Florida [email protected] ABSTRACT A I taxonomic treatment of BatWi in subgenus Ban hi nia section Amaria presented. Fifteen species jfl is m are recognized in series Decandrae and one species recognized series Stenanthac. Bauhinia is amatlana Wundcrlin from southern Mexico, Bauhinia arborea VVunderlni from Ecuador. Bauhinia ayabacensis Wunderlin from Ecuador and Peru, and Bauhinia geniculata Wunderim from Colombia are described and the combination Bauhinia petiolaia (DC.) Triana ex Hooker var caudigera (S.E f. Wundcrlin Blake) is proposed. Keys, descriptions, and distribution data are provided. RESUMEN Se presenta un tratamiento taxonomico de Bauhinia subgenero Bauhinia seccion Amaria. Se reconocen quince cspecies en la serie Decandrae y una en la serie Stenanthac. Se describen Bauhinia Wunderim amatlana del Sur de Mexico, Bauhinia arborea Wunderim de Ecuador, Bauhinia ayabacensis Wunderlin de Ecuador Bauhinia Wunderim y Peru, geniculata de Colombia, propone y y se la combinacion Bauhinia Hooker petiolaia (DC.) Triana ex var. caudigera (S.E Blake) Wunderlin. Se f. aportan claves. descripciones, y datos sobre la distribucion. The pantropical genus Bauhinia with approxhnately 300 species consists of four subgenera: Bauhinia, Piliostigma [^Elayunal Barklya, and Phancra (Wunderhn Bauhinia subgenus Wunderhn et al 1987). Bauhinia, as defined by et contains nine sections, of which three (Bauhinia, Pauletia, and Amaria) al., New World. are New This is the first of several proposed taxonomic treatments of the World species of Bauhinia. Previous regional treatments in the half-century such last (Wunderl (Wunderlin western Mexico 1976), ( (W (Wunderim Middle America 1998), genus Vaz Vaz and for Brazil 1979; Tozzi 2003) will be placed in the larger con ( Wunderl In the following revision, 16 species are recognized as comprising section Amaria. Decandrae and Fifteen of these are in series one in series Stenanthae. Series Triandrae, containing the single species Bauhinia pansamalana Donn. A Sm. and placed in section maria by Wunderlin here transferred et (1987), al. is 4 section Bauhinia and combined Remotae with to in series pinhciroi B. SIDA22(1):97-122.2006 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) 98 Wunderlin with which shares the characters three stamens and the ol fertile it and same The pansamalana pollen pollen sexine of striate-reticnlate type. B. is Amaria. lacks the infratectal processes characteristic of section Bauhinia section Amaria Mutis ex Caldas) Endl., Gen, 1318. 1840. Amavhi Pi. (S. S. Mutis ex Caldas. Scmanario Nueva Granada 2:2^. 1810. TYPE: Amaria pctloJaia S. Mutis ex DC. l^Baiihinia pctiolata Mutis ex DC.) Triana ex look, Lectotype designated by Brit- (S. I i J. New ton and Killip (Ann. York Aead. Sci. 36:lb4. 1936). Trees or shrubs; branches lacking infrastipuUir spmes. Leaves unlobed, bi lobed, termmal bud or rarely bifoliokitc. Inllorescence or axiUary; floral ellipsoid to Hypanthium clavate. cupulate or turbinate to short-tubular; calyx spathaceous, sometimes irregularly splitting into several lobes in late anthesis; petals 5, subequal; stamens the inner 5 shorter than the outer or the inner 5 fertile 10, 5, staminodial, the filaments connate at the base or free; pollen spheroidal, tectum inaperturate or 3-colporoidate, the reticulate or rarely striate-reticulate, low continuous from with blunt spine-like or rarely tectal processes the foot gynophore layer through the tectum (infratectal) or rarely supratectal; parti) adnate the abaxial wall of the hypanthium; stigma oblique-capitate. Fruit to dehiscent. KEY TO THE OE BAUHINIA AMARIA SERIES SECTIC^N Decandrae Fertile stamens 10; petals spreading lies 1. pseudotube Fertile stamens petals strongly imbricate, the corolla forming a 1. 5; Stenanthae Series & Bauhinia Decandrae WunderUn, K.Larsen Skr 28T4. series S.S.Larsen, Biol. I. 198/. Type: Banhhiia pctiolata Mutis ex DC.) Triana ex look. (S. f. 1 KEY TO BAUHINIA DUCANDP^AE SPECIES SERIES IN Leaves unlobed (rarely bilobate or bifoliolate in B. beguinotii). Innermost pair of lateral nerves closer to the mid-nerve than to the adjacent 2. beguinotii nerves B. lateral 2 Innermost pair of lateral nerves equidistant or closer to the adjacent lateral nerves than the mid-nerve. to cm cm 21-27 Petals 3.5-4.5 long; fruit long B. petiolata 3. cm cm 1-2 8-1 Petals longTruit 3 long. 3. cm cm Leaves 2-30 long, 6-1 3 wide;staminal sheath glabrous;gynoecium 4. 1 cm tomentoseTruit 3.5-4 wide B.arborea elliptic-oblong, ^ cm cm gynoecium Leaves 7-1 long, 3-5,5 wide; staminal sheath pilose; 4. 1 cm wide B.brachycalyx glabrous or glandular; fruit linear, 1.5-2.5 unlobed Leaves bilobate (rarely bifoliolate or in beguinotii). 1. B. Leaves with the innermost pair of lateral nerves closer to the mid-nerve than to 5. the adjacent nerves beguinotii lateral B. Leaves with the innermost pair of lateral nerves equidistant or closer to the ad- 5. jacent nerves than to the mid-nerve. lateral Calyx prominently 5-winged B.geniculata 6. winged winged Calyx not or only very slightly (B.amatiana) 6. WUNDERLIN, REVISION OF BAUHINIA SUBGENUS BAUHINIA SECTION AMARIA 99 Ovary glabrous or glabrate. 7. Corolla yellow; flowers in fasciculate clusters,often appearing before 8. the leaves; Mexico to Costa Rica cookii B, 8. Corolla other than yellow; flowers in racemes or panicles, appearing well after the leaves; Ecuador or Peru. cm Leaves 1-4 long, bilobed to ca.3/4 the blade length; 4-5 9. fruit cm long; Peru B.weberbaueri cm 9. Leaves 5- 13 long, bilobed to ca. 1/2 the blade length; fruit 15- cm 25 long; Ecuador. 10. Corolla white; staminal sheath ca. 1/8 the stamen length seminarioi B. 10. Corolla red; staminal sheath 3/5 the stamen length haughtii B. Ovary tomentose or pilose. 7. 11. Corolla pin^rose, or while with red or pink at the base. cm cm 12. Leaves ovate,4-10 long, 4-7.5 wide;corolla white with red or pink the base;Colombia and Panama at B.picta 12. Leaves suborbicular, 3-4 cm long, 3-4 cm wide; corolla deep pink or rose; Ecuador and Peru ayabacensis B. Corolla white. 1. 1 13. Inflorescence and the lower surface of the leaves brov^n- tomentose B.seleriana and 13. Inflorescence the lower surface of the leaves other than brown-tomentose. cm cm 14. Leaf blade 3.5-5.5 long; petals 2-2.7 long; Peru augusti B. cm cm 14. Leaf blade 0.8-3 long; petals ca. long; Mexico. 1 cm 15. Leaf blade 2-3 long, bilobed to 1/2 the length B.andrieuxii cm 5. Leaf blade 0.8-1 .5 long, bilobed nearly to the base 1 B.amatlana Bauhinia amatlana Wunderlin, 1. sp. nov. (Fig. l). Typh: MEXICO. Oaxaca; km ca. 1.5 NE of San Cristobal Amatlan,ca.80kmSof Oaxaca and 20 km E of (San Andres) Miahuatlan (ca. 16^19.6H 96°22'W), ca. 1,500 m, 8 Jun 2000, Santiago K4ariincz (iiolotype: USE; s.n. J. BRIX MO, ISOTYPF^S: NY). F, A Bauhinia andricuxii HemsLcy minoribus foliis bilobis propc basin diffcrt. Shrub; branches brown-toincntosc when young, soon glabrate. Leaves with the bkide chartaceous, 5-7-nervcd, brcxidly suborbicular, broader than long, bilo- cm cm bate nearly to the base, 0.8-1.5 long, 1.2-2.2 wide, the ninermost pan' of lateral nerves equidistant or closer to the adjacent lateral nerves than to the mid-ncrve, the base truncate to slightly cordate, the apex of the lobes rounded, upper the surface glabrous, the lower surface sparsely subappressed, short-pu- mm 4-6 bescent, the petiole long, brown-tomentose; stipules ovate-lanceolate, mm ca. long, caducous; adpctiolar intrastipular excrescence enlarged, form- 1 mm ing a flattened subulate projection long, the others minute. ca. Inflores- 1 cence terminal, 1- to 3~flowx^red, the peduncle or rachis strigose; floral bud hn- mm 10-12 ear-lanceolate, long, strigose, the apex usually with free calyx lobes BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) 100 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA HnnRARIUM PLANTS OF MEXICO HULOn !! fiiJlilllllhl illiunhlllU ^^ (l!Hi\."l lir (*A,\A( A <",t S km ST utS.Lii ('l!^lub.ll VtiiLitLiii. tM I SO km S Ojxava lU km ol aiKl tiltS.ui An.irC'il 1 Muluuiian (CI l("> I'J i-'N. •Jr.'::A\i. i.-,t l.'iftnm •< ,liiiic 2(KH"i JvNiK Satiita^o M.IIIIIH.V s II UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA HERBARIUM hQA.Bauhiniaamatlano (holotype, USF). WUNDERLIN, REVISION OF BAUHINIA SUBGENUS BAUHINIA SECTION AMARIA 101 mm mm to 0.5 long, sometiincs slightly winged and contorted, the pedicel 5-7 mm and Hypanthium long; bract bracteoles lanceolate, 0.5 long. turbinate, ca. mm mm 1-1.5 long; calyx spathaceous at anthesis; petals white, 10-12 long, mm slightly spreading, short-clawed, glabrous, the blade broadly 5-6 elliptic, mm margin wide, the entire or slightly crisped, the claw 1-2 long; fertile sta- mm mens 7-8 10, the outer five long, the inner ones slightly shorter, the fila- ments short-connate at the base, forming a staminal sheath with laciniate pro- mm jections extending 1-2 above the sheath, the sheath short-pilose on the inner surface, glabrous or glabrate on the outer, the anthers linear-oblong, 1-2 long, mm sparsely pilose; gynoecium 5-7 long, the gynophore, ovary, and style subequal, brown-tometitose. Fruit not seen. MEXICO. km NE km PARATYPr. Oaxaca: ca. 1.5 of San Cristobal Amatlan, ca. 80 S of Oaxncn and 20 km H of (San Andres) Miahuatlan (ca. 16n9.6'N, 96^22'WO, ca. 1,500 m, 29 Aug Santiago 1995J. Martffiez s.n.(tJSF). Etymology— The name name derived from the Spanish of the village San is Cristobal Amatlan, this in turn derived from Amatla, the Aztec name for the make place of the tree (,Ficus sp.) from which the bark used to paper is Known Distrihution and ecology.— Mexico (Oaxaca). only from the type Deciduous thorn scrub m. locality. at ca. 1,500 Bauhinia amatlana closely related to andrieuxn, also of Oaxaca, but is B. cm differs by leaf blade 0.8-1.5 long and bilobed nearly the base 2-3 its to (vs. cm and long divided only middle to the in B.andricuxii). Hemsley Bauhinia andrieuxii Diagn. Nov. Mexic. Cent.-Amer, 2. Pi. 48. 1880; Biol. Bot. 1:336. 1880. Typh: MEXICO. Oaxaca; near Oaxacajul 1834 G.Andrieux (fll 4JJ lO- (l MO. LOTYPE: K; ISOTYPI3S: F-fragmcnt, G, K, photo ex G: R US). P; when Shrub or small branches tomentose young, soon glabrate. Leaves with tree; the blade chartaceous, 7-9-nerved, suborbicular or broader than long, bilobate cm cm 2-3 to 1/2 the length, long, 2.5-3 wide, the innermost pair of lateral nerves equidistant or closer to the adjacent lateral nerves than to the mid-nerve, the base cordate to rounded, the apex of the lobes rounded, the upper surface gla- mm brous, the lower surface tomentellous, the petiole 5-15 long, tomentellous; mm stipules ovate, long, caducous; adpetiolar intrastipular excrescence ca. 1 mm forming enlarged, a subulate projection ca. long, the others minute. Inflo- 1 rescence terminal, racemose, 3- to 8-f lowered, the rachis strigose to tomentellous; mm bud floral linear-lanceolate, 12-18 long, strigose, the apex with free calyx mm mm and lobes ca. 1.5 long, the pedicel ca. 5 long; bract bracteoles lanceolate, mm mm Hypanthium 2-3 ca. 1.5 long. cupulate, long; calyx spathaceous at an- cm thesis; petals white, ca. 1 long, slightly spreading, subsessile, glabrous, the mm 4-6 blade broadly wide, the apex rounded, the margin elliptic, entire; fer- mm cm tile stamens 10, the outer five ca. 1 long, the inner ones ca. 5 long, the mm, filaments unequally connate near the base 1-3 glabrous, the anthers for 102 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(1) mm mm linear-oblong, ca. 2 long on the longer stamens, ca. L5 long on the cm shorter ones, glabrous; gynoecium ca. long, the gynophore, ovary, and style 1 cm cm subequal, tomentose. Fruit linear, 8-10 long, ca. h5 wide, apiculate with mm the persistent dark brown, tomentose, the gynophofc 5-10 long; seeds style, not seen. Distribution and ecology —Western Mexico (Morclos,Oaxaca, and Smaloa). Deciduous thorn scrub at elevations (rom near sea level to ca. 1,700 m. Bauhinia andricuxii is closely related to B. amatlana, also ot Oaxaca, but cm cm 2-3 differs by its leaf bUide long, bilobed to the middle (vs. 0.8-1.5 long, bilobed nearly to the base in B.amalJana). km Specimens examined. MLXICO. Morclos: Canoti de Lobos, 14 on Cuernavaca-Yautepcc road, Fryxcll 764 (MrXU); Canon de robos, Vazquez /776 (MEXU). Oaxaca: withont precise locality, & Andrieux37l (G, P); Monte Alban, i^osc Hniigh 4590: Mitla, Smlf!) 107 (US); ruins at Monie A ban, I & km Sousa ct aJ. 6077 (K, MliXU, MO, WIS); 3 NI: La Ollaga. IcUcz Mn^allaucs 233 (lO. Sinaloa: ol" Cerro klano Rcdondo, \V Camiancro, Gentry 7018 (NY). of Bauhinia arborea Wunderlin,sp. ECUADOR. 3. no\'. (Fig. 2). Typh: NAPO:Anangu,Parc[uc m^Ond)-2i}un]QS2 NAc\ona\ 260-350 \\\sunl [ill S!^^^^ (holot AAU; AAU, NY). vrr: isotypi-s: A Bauhinia braihycalyx Ducke ioliis majoribus, (ructibus latioribus, staminuni vagina glabra, ncc non gynoccio lonicntoso diffcrt. Tree to 30 m; branches glabrous. Leaves with the blade coriaceous, (3-)5-7- cm cm nerved, elliptic-obiong, unlobed, 12-30 long, 6-13 wide, the innermost pair of lateral nerves equidistant or closer to the adjacent lateral nerves than to the mid-nerve, the base rounded to obtuse, the apex abruptly short-caudate, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface minutely shghtly strigulose, igliter 1 cm in color than upper surface, the petiole 2-4.5 long, glabrous; stipules tlic mm broadly lanceolate, long, caducous; adpetiolar intrastipular excres- ca. 1 mm cence enlarged, forming a laterally flattened, obtuse projection to long, 1 the others minute. Inflorescence subterminal, short-racemose, 10- 18Tlow- to bud cred, the flowers usually paired, the rachis strigose; floral elliptic-lanceolate, mm cm 1.5-2 long, strigose^ the apex acute, the pedicel 1-3 long; bract and mm Hypanthium bracteolestriangular-ovate,ca.lmm 7-10 long. short-tubular, mm long; calyx spathaceous at anthesis; petals white, 12-15 long, slightly mm spreading, sessile, glabrous, the blade oblanceolatc, 5-7 wide, the apex ob- mm tuse, the margin slightly crisped; fertile stamens 10, the outer fi\^e 12-14 long, the inner ones slightly shorter, the filaments free to the base or very short- mm 4-6 connate, the anthers lanceolate, long, sparsely short-pilose on the dor- mm mm sal surface; gynoecium ca. 8 long, the gynophore and style ca. 2 long, mm cm tomentose, the ovary ca. 5 long, tomentose. Fruit elliptic-oblong, 13 ca. cm 3-4 long, wide, apiculate with the persistent style base, brown, glabrous, gynophore 5-8 the cni long; seeds not seen. WUNDERLIN, REVISION OF BAUHINIA SUBGENUS BAUHINIA SECTION AMARIA 103 STUDIES OF ECUADOREAN FORESTS ^^^^nwr^'^— -" J -r,™.rr>n.CLD-vWK*««i^.^^«,*,n,,„„„„^^^^^,,^, seF 8935 IJo, Prov. HAPO: AfWngu* Rain forest On well drained hilly ground ir^ the Pa^rquu tiacional Yaaurvl. Soil teciperature 2iJ-£5*C- Alt. 250-350 (76''23'W 0'31-32'S) Hay 3D ^ June 21, la- DSK 13 en, Stees reddlsh-brovr:. Slash yellow-brown. Bark fiEsur-ed longitudinally. ISonTE eoTANXAU Saiihinia arborea VSmclfrlin ^ARDE^^ "X 1 t985 f\ij,2.Bauhiniaarborea(\soiype,H\]. 104 BRIT.ORG/5IDA 22(1) km N PARATvrES. ECUADOR. Morona-Saniiugo: 15 Taisha (02°32'S, 77°43'\\'J, Ortega 96 (USFj.Napo: ol" Rcscrva Etnica luaorani, highway and pipeline "Maxus^' under consiruciion (OO^Sl'S, 76°26'W), 1 & Daymi Aulcsi Audi 938 (MO, USF); Parque Naelonal Vasuni, trail tciward Rio (00°52'S. 76°5'\V), la NNW Cewu 337/ (N40. USF),ca. 30 kni of Coca, Rio lIuashiLo,i\'fniing[()^i JJ592(K); Anangu, Parque NacionalYasu^U\Xr31-32S76°23^V),S^:^^SV62{ A AU),5[^^9S34(AAU), SS6 51:1" (AAU), 5EF 10235 {A Sucumbios; Lago Agrio Canton, RcservaCnyaheno, Tarapoa-Tipischa, Rio A\J). Cuyabeno crossing 176°13'W, OOnXTS), FaUhios al 8917 {USFl ci name Elynnology—Jhc derived Irom the tree habit remarkable for size is its within section Amar'ui in Ecuador. Distnhulion and Eastern Ecuador (Napo, Morona^Santiago, and ecol()g_y— Sucumloios). Rain forest on well-drantcd hilly ground at 250-450 m. The most hrachyailyx but by having species closely related to differs is B. larger leaves, wider fruits, a glabrous staminal sheath, and a tomentose gyno- m ecium. Bauhinui arhorca 30 while hrachycalyx shrub or is a tree to B. is a small tree to 6 m, rarely to 15 m. Bauhinia augusti Harms, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 18:234. 1922. 4. ['i::PFRU. T-. Cajamarca: near ihe coni'Iuencc of Rio Chinchipe and Rio Maranon, 700-800 May ilie ni, 1 1912 A. Wchcrhaiier 6224 (lf-CTO'I F here designated ro replace destroyed B holotypc: (['!), viM:: iSOi.rcTOTYl'iiS: F-tragrneiu,G,NY, US; photo ex F MO, NY, US), B; when Slirub 2 m;loranches pubescent young, soon becomingglabrate. Leaves to with the blade chartaceous, 7-9-nerved, broadly ovate, bilobed to ca. 1/2 the cm cm 3-5 length, 3.5-5.5 long, wide, the innerniost pair of lateral nerves equi- distant or closer to adjacent lateral nerves than to the mid-uerve, the base tlic cordate, the apex of the lobes obtuse, the upper surface glabrous, the lower sur- cm on face short-pilose, especially the nerves, the petiole 0.5-1.5 long, short- mm stipules triangular-lanceolate, long, caducous; adpetiohir pilose; ca. 1.5 intrastipular excrescence occasionally enlarged, forming a subulate projection mm and to 2 long, the others minute. Inflorescence terminal or subtcrminal axillary, short-racemose or paniculate, 4- to 12-f lowered, the rachis densely cm short-pilose; floral bud narrowly ellipsoid, slightly arcuate, 2-2.5 long, short- cm pilose, the apex obtuse or acute. tlie pedicel 0.5-1 long; bract and bracteoles mm mm Mypanthium 4-6 triangular-lanceolate, long. short- tubular, long; ca. 1 cm calyx spathaceous anthesis; petals 2-2.7 long, slightly spreading, at vvliite, cm narrowly short-claw^ed, glabrous, the blade elliptic-oblanceolate, 0.5-0.7 mm 3-4 wide, the apex obtuse, the margin slightly crisped, the claw long; Icr- cm tile stamens 10, the outer fi\T 3-3.5 long, the inner ones slightly shorter, the filaments short-connate at the base, sparsely pilose, especially toward the base, mm cm gynoecium the anthers elliptic-oblong, long, glabrous; 3-3.5 long, ca. 5 the gynophore, ovary, and style snbequal, the ovary densely short-pilose, the and gynophore Emit style the sparsely pilose. not seen. and ecology— Vcnx (Cajamarca). KnowMi only from the type DisiJ'ibution 700-800 At m. collection. WUNDERLIN, REVISION OF BAUHINIA SUBGENUS BAUHINIA SECTION AMARIA 105 Bauhinia new augusti is related to the species B. ayahacensis of Ecuador and Bauhinia Peru. augusti differs by its white corolla and lower leaf surface with erect trichomes in contrast to the pink corolla and lower leaf surface with appressed trichomes of ayahacensis. B. Bauhinia ayahacensis Wunderlm, PERU 5. sp. nov. (Fig. 3). Tvpr: Piura: on road to km Ayabaca, 18 above Puente Tandopa (Rio Quiroz), 1,700 24 Sep 1964 Hutchinson in, (il), P.C. &].K Wnghl 66S9 (ilOLOTvrr: F; isotypes; K, MO. NY, R US). A Bauhinia auguiti tiarms corolla rosea lata, foliorurn lamina inferiori tnchomatibus brevibus adpressis obsita diifert. Shrub when or small tree to 4 m; branches pubescent young, soon becoming glabrate. Leaves with the blade chartaccous, 7(-9)-nerved. suborbicular, bilobed cm cm 3-4 3-4 to ca. 1/3 the length, long, wide, the innermost pair of lateral nerves equidistant or closer to the adjacent lateral nerves than to the mid-nerve, the base cordate, the apex of the lobes obtuse to rounded, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface appressed short-puberulent, on especially the nerves, mm cm the petiole 1-1.5 long, pubescent; stipules triangular-lanceolate, ca. 1.5 long, caducous; adpetiolar intrastipular excrescence occasionally enlarged, mm forming subulate a projection to 2 long, the others minute. Inflorescence terminal subterminal and or short-racemose, 2- axillary, to 10-flowered, the rachis brown-tomentose; bud narrowly floral ellipsoid, slightly arcuate, 2-2.5 mm cm long, brown-tomentose, the apex acute, the pedicel 6-8 long; bract and mm Hypanthium 4- bracteoles triangular-lanceolate, ca. long. short-tubular, 1 mm cm 6 long; calyx spathaceous at anthesis; petals deep pink or rose, 2.5-3 long, spreading, short-clawed, glabrous, the blade narrowly 1- elliptic-obovate, mm cm 1.5 wide, the apex apiculatc, the margins slightly crisped, the claw 3-4 stamens cm cm long; fertile 10, the outer five 2-2.5 long, the inner ones 1-2 long, the filaments short-connate at the base, sparsely pilose, the anthers elliptic- mm cm oblong, ca. 5 long, glabrous; gynoecium 2-2.5 long, the gynophorc, ovary, and style subequal, the gynophore and ovary tomentose, the style sparsely pi- cm cm Fruit lose. linear-^elliptic, ca. 6 long, ca. 1.7 wide, apiculate with the per- brown, cm sistent style base, strigose to glabrate, the gynophore long; seeds ca. 1 mm cm ovate-remform, 7-8 ca. 1 long, wide, the surface dark brown, dull, the mm funicular aril-lobe scars unec[ual, 1-3 long. ECUADOR. km & Paratyphs. Loja: 5 U ol CeUca on road to El Empalme, Hading Andcrsson 1SJ83 (GB, & km MO); El Empalme-Celica road, ca. 5 above El Empalme, HarJing Andcrsson 18221(MO). PERU. & Cajainarca: on the crossing to San Luis, CahaniUas Guevara 509 (F); El Camote, Carretera Chilcte- & Contumaza, Sagdsicgui Lopez 7636 MO, USE), between Rupe and Contumaza, Sagdsicgui al (I; et 95/7 (MO); near San Pablo, Sagdstegui al 15380 Caserio de Sanchez 200 between ci (F); Chilili, (FJ; Chilcte and Rupe. F of the Chilete-Contumaza highway, Sanchez 1222 (F). Etymology— The name from town derived the of Ayabaca (Province Ayabaca) near the type locality 106 BRIT.ORG/SI0A 22(1) ^ UNIVlunT Of CAUfOCXlA ?«vrufh HfHi-nkcl Girdro Hip^liijoo itxlw Andrs, 1963- lfl<^ DirPttcjf, Pml C HutcSiion Addiriofv*! rkW Gorcf Tor 6689 Troe k m. tall : and 3 n» in diametor. Flowers deep pink. Irvln, 1966, commentti ''type fleacription gives colOir aS White." , PtRU aMgusU Bauhliila Harms Bauhinia ayabacensis Wund^Mlin Dry oyxn hjlJmJcs, *c*ttcrcJ brush. On rojiJ to Ayibaca, 1641230 iS km. iKjvc Piicntc T*ndopiL (Rjo Quiroxj. Altimdc 1700 m. I9ii2 ProTincp of Ajrab»c», IX-pannicftl of Piur* MUSEUM FIELD OF C Hutchison t'AUL y^/j^Q NATURAL HISTORY DiKTHE^uTTO KY i«t I luLB^rruu nr TitT Uhiiv)ciL>inrr or CA-uronnu MICH, M, P. L£, Bauhinia ayobacensis (holotype, Fig. 3. F),

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