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Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 2: Computational methods for inviscid and viscous flows PDF

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'~~~1!f Numerical Computation of INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FLOWS Volume 2: Computational Methods for lnviscid and Viscous Flows _\ .. " .. .", n~}:1;"i'"" '- ,"",.. '., '""j'ifi-""".i . '"";",, .. -,\".'."::;c~' . .. - .- """ .,.,;c..! " ; ",'"c. ",1,,%; ,"- ,;",",-,;".. I" ,i,t:c:j;;' "i;~ ".,:;;"".".':1~~;j ~ ",j"i"';' ,,;-! f r;; ,,""11,~r~"-i ~j ,0'1 ",,:':""" ,', c"" ",\",~,t A ;','",-1 :1:' c; WILEY SERIES IN NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING Consulting Editors R. H. Gallagher, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Worcester.M assachusetts.U SA and ';1:, !.~, O. C. Zienkiewicz, Departmento f Civil Engineering. ' , J.,.. " UniversityC ollegeo f Swansea , . " \ - . 'l ~~\ ' Rock Mechanics in EngineeringP ractice .. ,,>- "- Edited by K. G. Stagg and O. C. Zienkiewicz , Optimum Structural Design: Theory and Applications Edited by R. H. Gallagher and O. C. Zienkiewicz Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. I Viscous Flow and Hydrodynamics Vol. 2 Mathematical Foundations, Aerodynamics and Lubrication Edited by R. H. Gallagher. J. T. Oden, C. Taylor, and O. C. Zienkiewicz Finite Elements in Geomechanics Edited by G. Gudehu.~ Numerical Methods in Offshore Engineering Edited by O. C. Zienkiewicz. R. W. Lewis, and K. G. Stagg Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. 3 Edited by R. H. Gallagher. O. C. Zienkiewicz. J. T. Oden. M. Morandi Cecchi. and C. Taylor Energy Methods in Finite Element Analysis Edited by R. Glowinksi. E. Rodin. and O. C. Zienkiewicz Finite Elements in Electrical and Magnetic Field Problems Edited by M. V. K. Chari and P. Silvester Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer Vol. I Edited by R. W. Lewis. K. Morgan. and O. C. Zienkiewicz Finite Elements in Biomechanics Edited by R. H. Gallagher, B. R. Simon, P. C. Johnson. and J. F. Gross Soil Mechanics- Transient and Cyclic Loads Edited by G. N. Pande and O. C. Zienkiewicz Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. 4 Edited by R. H. Gallagher. D. Norrie. J. T. Oden. a, dO. C. Zienkiewicz Foundations of Structural Optimization: A Unified Approach Edited by A. J. Morris Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer Vol. II Edited by R. W. Lewis. K. Morgan, and B. A. Schrefler Numerical Methods in Coupled Systems Edited by R. W. Lewis. E. Hinton, and P. Bettess New Directions in Optimum Structural Design Edited by E. Atrek. R. H. Gallagher. K. M. Rag.~dell. and O. C. Zienkiewicz Mechanics of Engineering Materials Edited by C. S. Desai and R. H. Gallagher Numerical Analysis of Forming Processes Edited by J. F. T. Pittman. O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. D. Wood. and J. M. Alexander Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. 5 Edited by R. H. Gallagher. J. T, aden, o. C. Zienkiewicz. T Kawai. and M. Kawahara Mechanics of Geomaterials: Rocks, Concretes, Soils Edited by Z. P. Baiant Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. 6 Edited by R. H. Gallagher. G. F. Carey, J. T. aden, and O. C. Zienkiewicz Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer Vol. III Edited by R. W. Lewis and K. Morgan Accuracy Estimates and Adaptive Refinements in Finite Element Computations Edited by I. Babuska. J. Gago, E. R. de Arantes e Oliveira, and O. C. Zienkiewicz The Finite Element Method in the Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media R. W. Lewi.~ and B. A. Schrefler Numerical Methods for Transient and Coupled Problems Edited by R. W. Lewis. E. Hinton, P. Bettess, and B. A. Schrefler Microcomputers in Engineering Applications Edited by B. A. Schrefler and R. W. Lewis Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows Vol. 1: Fundamentals of Numerical Discretization C. Hirsch Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. 7 Edited by R. H. Gallagher, R. Glowinski. P. M. Gresho. J. T. aden, and O. C. Zienkiewicz Mathematical Modeling of Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Edited by Z. P. Baiant Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows Vol. 2: Computational Methods for lnviscid and Viscous Flows C. Hirsch - \ IlilliI'~~ " IIIII ifir~!~". .*"'.. _jftif63 '. ... ,II .II'i'~llI:; , ""~.~~" 1\ ,,~.. :;! ,I Ii, ,,~. ,-"""' 'II~ :" IIIII I 'II ~'d I i I!~ I ~ *'- ,!,!,!,,~;;;--II iill! ~.') () '" ",. "~'-b 111I111'~"'i !IIIII~~~ IJI.~: .",."' ,- . I 1" !!,!;i,."~.~11 1i!1i111~)1 liill.lij.~r. 111!!I!.~~z liltJ:,i.;~O." I I , I I I I Ii II Ii II " I!i ; I"I' , !III , Ii !i I I II IlII I !: " , " :! , '" Numerical Computation of INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FLOJiJiS Volume 2: Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows CharlesH irsch Departmento f Fluid Mechanics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BrusselsB, elgium A Wiley-lnterscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS Chichester. New York. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore Copyright C 1990 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex POl9 IUD. England Reprinted November 1991 Reprinted August 1992 Reprinted August 1994 7 /1 All rights reserved. 3 No part of this book may be reproducedb y any means. _ or transmitted. or translated into a machine language ~ 7 without the written permission of the publisher. II -S'7'? Other Wiley Editoritll Offices l P '( ~ John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. 605 Third Avenue. New York. NY 10158-001U2.S A v. <- Jacaranda Wiley Ltd. G.P.O. Box 859. Brisbane. Queensland 400 I. Australia John Wiley & Sons (Canada) Ltd. 22 Worcester Road. Rexdale. Ontario M9W ILl. Canada John Wiley & Sons (SEA) Pte Ltd. 37 Jalan Pemimpin #05-04. Block B. Union Industrial Building. Singapore 2057 Librtlry o!CoIIxre.f.f CtlttlloXillK-ill-P"blictltioil Dtlttl: Hirsch. Ch. Numerical computation of internal and external flows. (Wiley series in numerical methods in engineering) "A Wiley-interscience publication:' Contents: v. I. Fundamentals of numerical discretiza- tion-v. 2. Computational methods for inviscid and viscous flows. I. Fluid dynamics-Mathematical models. I. Title. II. Title: Numerical computation of internal and external flows. III. Series. TA357.H574 1988 620.1'064 87-23116 ISBN 0471917621 (v. I) ISBN 0471923516 (v. 2) ISBN 0471924520 (pbk.:v. 2) Briti.fh Librtlry CtlttllOK"illK ill P"blictltion Dtlttl: Hirsch. Ch. (Charles) Numerical computation of internal and external flows. Vol. 2. Computational method~ for invi~cid and vi~cou~ tlow~ I. Fluids. Flow. Simulations. Numerical methods I. Title 532'.051 '0724 ISBN 0471923516 (Pbk: 0471924520) Typeset by Thomson Press (India) Ltd Printed and bound in Great Britain by Redwood Books, Trowbridge, Wiltshire ~""!:~~i~ .) f'~" ;\'i,?~ '"t ; ToA.F. " ~ , t. ,", C-":-"f ..~."",""" . ',,1,.,;; ~"'~f"i';1j;};;..,~ ;i;i?i" "i'; ;;A;7{}~ ;"c"'-'r)'{~'4'""";"',;.:c,' wic.,' ""'!'c.!:';" , ", ;."",,", ".,,~'~r~ .. - ~ :. {, " "ic"'I1"~:': ""i -",!~;~,;.,,~;iJ:{' :t ( ."':;;;-4':'" 11":\;\1:,,'1 "trlT !t'f ';cc:fj );i}r~1 !}!1S !¥A ;ic"A !.I.?:\ ~~1 j.;~'!~r i"i CONTENTS U " PREFACE xv NOMENCLATURE xix PART V: THE NUMERICAL COMPUTATION OF POTENTIAL FLOWS 1 Chapter1 3 The Mathematical Formulations of the Potential Flow Model 4 13.1C onservative Form of the Potential Equation 4 13.2 The Non-conservative Form of the Isentropic Potential Flow Model 6 13.2.1 Small-perturbation potential equation 7 13.3 The Mathematical Properties of the Potential Equation 9 13.3.1 Unsteady potential flow 9 13.3.2 Steady potential flow 9 13.4 Boundary Conditions 14 13.4.1 Solid wall boundary condition 14 13.4.2 Far field conditions 15 13.4.3C ascadea nd channel flows 17 13.4.4 Circulation and Kutta condition 18 13.5 Integral or Weak Formulation of the Potential Model 18 13.5.1 Bateman variational principle 19 13.5.2A nalysis of some properties of the variational integral 20 Chapter1 4 The Discretization of the SubsonicP otential Equation 26 14.1 Finite Difference Formulation 27 14.1.1N umerical estimation of the density 29 14.1.2C urvilinear mesh 31 14.1.3 Consistencyo f the discretization of metric coefficients 34 14.1.4 Boundary conditions-curved solid wall 36 14.2 Finite Volume Formulation 38 14.2.1 Jamesona nd Caughey'sf inite volume method 39 14.3 Finite Element Formulation 42 14.3.1T he finite element-Galerkin method 43 14.3.2 Least squareso r optimal control approach 47 14.4 Iteration Schemef or the Density 47 IX

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