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Molecular Ecology (1999) 8, 2153-2165 Author index Abe S see Ishibashi Y Baker RJ, Makova KD, Chesser RK. Microsatellites indicate a high Abe T see Isagi Y frequency of multiple paternity in Apodemus (Rodentia), 107 Adams RP, Zhong M, Fei Y. Preservation of DNA in plant Bakker, ThCM see Largiader CR specimens: inactivation and re-activation of DNases in field Balcomb KC see Parsons KM specimens, 681 Baltisberger M see Widmer A Adcock GJ, Carvalho GR, Rodhouse PG, Shaw PW. Highly Bancroft DR see Coltman DW polymorphic microsatellite loci of the heavily fished squid Barber PH. Patterns of gene flow and population genetic struc- genus [Ilex (Ommastrephidae), 165 ture in the canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor (Cope), 563 Agnese JF see Pouyaud L Barber PH. Phylogeography of the canyon treefrog, Hyla Agusti N, De Vicente M, Gabarra C. Development of sequence arenicolor (Cope) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence amplified characterized region (SCAR) markers of Helicoverpa data, 547 armigera: a new polymerase chain reaction-based technique Barratt EM see Rossiter S] for predator gut analysis, 1467 Bartish I, Jeppsson N, Nybom H. Population genetic structure in Allainguillaume J see Maunder M the dioecious plant species Hippophae rhamnoides investigated Allemann C, Hoegger P, Heiniger U, Rigling D. Genetic variation by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, 791 of Cryphonectria hypoviruses (CHV1) in Europe, assessed using Bartsch D, Lehnen M, Clegg J, Pohl-Orf M, Schuphan IL, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, 843 Ellstrand NC. Impact of gene flow cultivated beet on genetic Allen PJ see Worthington WilmerJ diversity of wild sea beet populations, 1733 Allendorf F see Funk WC Batargias C, Dermitzakis E, Magoulas A, Zouros E. Characteri- Allnutt TR, Newton AC, Lara A, Premoli A, Armesto JJ, Vergara R, zation of six polymorphic microsatellite markers in gilthead Gardner M. Genetic variation in Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce), seabream, Spartus aurata (Linnaeus 1758), 897 a threatened South American conifer, 975 Baumann S see Simon J-C Aloali’i II see Richards NK Baverstock P see Hinten G Amarell U see Neuffer B Baverstock PR see Houlden BA Amorim IR see Vila C Baverstock PR see Rossetto M Amos W see McRae SB Baverstock PR see Seddon JM Amos W see Worthington Wilmer J Bawa K see Dayanandan S Amstrup SC see Paetkau D Beaulieu J see Isabel N Anamthawat-Jonsson K, Bragason B Th, Bédvarsdottir SK, Bedford ID see Frohlich DR Koebner RMD. Molecular variation in Leymus species and Bell DJ see Surridge AK populations, 309 Bello N, Sanchez A. The identification of a sex-specific DNA Andersen B see Snow AA marker in the ostrich using a random amplified polymorphic Angers B, Magnan P, Plante M, Bernatchez L. Canonical DNA (RAPD) assay, 667 correspondence analysis for estimating spatial and environ- Bennett SJ, Hayward MD. Electrophoretic differentiation in mental effects on microsatellite gene diversity in brook charr isolated populations of Lolium rigidum Gaud., 123 (Salvelinus fontinalis), 1043 Bennetts RQ, Grady JM, Rohde FC, Quattro JM. Dischordant Anzidei M see Vendramin GG patterns of morphological and molecular change in broadtail Arctander P see Nyakaana S madtoms (genus Noturus), 1563 Argue BJ see Tan G Berg S see Hansen MM Arias J see Bouza C Bermingham E see Lovette IJ Armesto JJ see Allnutt TR Bernatchez L, Wilson CC. Diadromy and genetic diversity in Arnegard ME see Markert JA Nearctic and Palearctic fishes: a reply, 529 Arnold ML see Burke JM Bernatchez L see Angers B Asai S, Shimoda C, Nishiumi I, Eguchi K, Yamagishi S. Isolation Bernatchez L see Douglas MR of microsatellite loci for paternity testing in the rufous vanga Bernatchez L see Dufresne F Schetba rufa, 513 Bernatchez L see Roques S Auge H see Neuffer B Bernatchez L see Roques S Ayre DJ see England PR Bernatchez L see Tessier N Ayres DR, Garcia-Rossi D, Davis HG, Strong DR. Extent and Bernatchez L see Wirth T degree of hybridization between exotic (Spartina alterniflora) and Bernier L see Gosselin L native (S. foliosa) cordgrass (Poaceae) in California, USA deter- Bertorelle G, Bucchini L, Pilastro A, Matessi C. DNA finger- mined by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs), 1179 printing data and the analysis of population genetic structure by comparing band-sharing patterns, 1851 Baguette M see Vandewoestijne S Besansky NJ see Mukabayire O Baker RJ see Nekrutenko A Bigot Y see Rabouam C © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd 2154 AUTHOR INDEX Bijlsma R see Van Treuren R Brown SM, Houlden BA Isolation and characterization of micro- Bilodeau AL, Lankford WS, Kim TJ, Felder DL, Neigel JE. satellite markers in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), 1559 An ultrasensitive method for detection of single crab larvae Bruford MW see Clifford SL (Sesarma reticulatum) by PCR amplification of a highly repet- Briinner H see Lugon-Moulin N itive DNA sequence, 683 Brunner PC see Douglas MR Birt TP see Friesen VL Bruns TD see Taylor DL Bishop JDD see Sommerfeldt AD Bruns TD see Taylor DL Blatrix RS see Giraud T Bryant L see Bobowski BR Bobowski BR, Hole D, Wolf PG, Bryant L. Identification of roots Bucchini L see Bertorelle G of woody species using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Burban C, Petit RJ, Carcreff E, Jactel H. Rangewide variation restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, 485 of the maritime pine bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi Duc. Boccolini D see Mukabayire O (Homoptera: Matsucoccidae) in relation to the genetic struc- Bédvarsdottir SK see Anamthawat-Jénsson K ture of its host, 1593 Boller T see Groppe K Burg TM. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Bonfante P see Lanfranco L albatrosses, 338 Bonhomme F see Pouyaud L Burger G see Zuccarello GC Boomsma JJ see Holm L-E Burghardt GM see Mccracken GF Boomsma JJ see Pedersen JS Burke JM, Arnold ML. Isolation and charaterization of microsat- Boomsma JJ see Villesen P telites in iris, 1091 Booth A see Provan J Burke T see Richardson DS Booth A see Russell JR Burland TM see Rossiter SJ Bordeu A see Maundez M Burnham KP see Oyler-Mccance SJ Borer SO, Miller LM, Kapuscinski AR. Microsatellites in walleye Burns EL, Houlden BA. Isolation and characterisation of micro- Stizostedion vitreum, 336 satellite markers in the broad-headed snake Hoplocephalus Born EW see Paetkau D bungaroides, 520 Boshier Dil see White GM Busch C see Zenuto RR Boudjemadi K, Martin O, Simon J-C, Estoup A. Development Bush SP, Mulcahy DL. The effects of regeneration by frag- and cross-species comparison of microsatellite markers in two mentation upon clonal diversity in the tropical forest shrub lizard species, Lacerta vivipara and Podarcis muralis, 518 Poikilacanthus macranthus: random amplified polymorphic Bouet A see Lanaud C DNA (RAPD) results, 865 Boulding EG see Wilson AB Bushakra JM, Hodges SA, Cooper JB, Kaska DD. The extent BousquetJ see Isabel N of clonality and genetic diversity in the Santa Cruz Island Bouvet Y see Durand JJ Ironwood, Lyonothamnus floribundus, 471 Bouza C, Arias J, Castro J, Sanchez L, Martinez P. Genetic struc- Bussell JD. The distribution of random amplified polymorphic ture of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., at the southern limit of the DNA (RAPD) diversity amongst populations of Isotoma distribution range of the anadromous form, 1991 petraea (Lobeliaceae), 775 Bowen BW see Clark AM Byrne M, Macdonald B, Coates D. Divergence in the chloroplast Boyce WM, Ramey Ii RR, Rodwell TC, Rubin ES, Singer RS. genome and nuclear rDNA of the rare Western Australian Population subdivision among desert bighorn sheep (Ovis plant Lambertia orbifolia Gardner (Proteaceae), 1789 canadensis) ewes revealed by mitochondrial DNA analysis, 99 Boyle PR see Shaw PW Caetano-Anollés G. High genome-wide mutation rates in Brachet S see Lefort F vegatatively propagated bermudagrass, 1211 Brachet S, Jubier ME, Richard M, Jung-Muller B, Frascaria- Calero C see Ibanez O Lacoste N. Rapid identification of microsatellite loci using 5’ Calero C, Ibanez O, Mayol M, Rosellé JA. Random amplified anchored PCR in the common ash Fraxinus excelsior, 160 polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers detect a single pheno- Bradley DG see Loftus RT type in Lysimachia minoricensis J.J. Rodr. (Primulaceae), a wild Bragason BTh see Anamthawat-Jonsson K extinct plant, 2133 Branch LC see Clark AM Calvert W see Paetkau D Brandl R see Neuffer B Carcreff E see Burban C Braun CE see Oyler-Mccance SJ Carew ME see Crozier RH Bretagnolle V see Rabouam C Carino DA, Daehler CC. Genetic variation in an apomictic grass, Briese DT see O’Hanlon PC Heteropogon contortus in the Hawaiian Islands, 2127 Broders HG, Mahoney SP, Montevecchi WA, Davidson WS. Carrick F see Houlden BA Population genetic structure of founder events on the genetic Carvalho GR see Adcock GJ variability of moose, Alces alces, in Canada, 1309 Carvalho GR see D’Amato ME Brown Gladden J, Ferguson MM, Friesen MK, Clayton JW. Carvalho GR see Hutchinson WF Population structure of North American beluga whales Carvalho GR see Lunt DH (Delphinapterus leucas) based on nuclear DNA microsatellite Castro J see Bouza C variation and contrasted with the population structure Castroviejo J see Vila C revealed by mitochondrial DNA variation, 347 Catzeflis FM see Huchon D Brown JK see Frohlich DR Catzeflis FM see Lavergne A Brown MW see Waldick RC Chadee DD see Yan G © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 AUTHOR INDEX 2155 Chavigny P see Fuller SJ Dahlberg A see Jonsson L Chavigny P see Vanlerberghe-Masutti F Dallas JF see Parsons KM Chen W, Gray LE, Kurle JE, Grau CR. Specific detection of Dallimer M. Cross-species amplification success of avian micro- Phialophora gregata and Plectosporium tabacinum in infected satellites in the redbilled quelea Quelea quelea, 695 soybean plants using polymerase chain reaction, 871 Danley PD see Markert JA Chenuil A see Pouyaud L Davidson WS see Broders HG Chesser RK see Baker RJ Davis HG see Ayres DR Chesser RK see Nekrutenko A Davis SK see Kichler K Chiang TY, Schaal BA. Phylogeography of North American Davison A. Isolation and characterization of long compound populations of the moss species Hylocomium splendens based microsatellite repeat loci in the land snail, Cepaea nemoralis L on the nucleotide sequence of internal transcribed spacer 2 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata), 1760 of nuclear ribosomal DNA, 1037 Dawson IK, Powell W. Genetic variation in the Afromontane tree Chlan CA see Spencer CC Prunus africana, an endangered medicinal species, 151 Chou L-S see Wang JY Dawson IK see Russell JR Clabaugh JP see Lacey EA Dayanandan S, Dole J, Bawa K, Kesseli R. Population structure Clapp JP, Fitter AH, Young JPW. Ribosomal small subunit delineated with microsatellite markers in fragmented popula- sequence variation within spores of an arbuscular mycor- tions of a tropical tree, Carapa guianensis (Meliaceae), 1585 rhizal fungus, Scutellospora sp., 915 De Greef B, Triest L. The use of random amplified polymorphic Claridge DE see Parsons KM DNA (RAPD) for hybrid detection in Scirpus from the river Clark AM, Bowen BW, Branch LC. Effects of natural habitat Schelde (Belgium), 379 fragmentation on an endemic scrub lizard (Sceloporus woodi): De Vicente M see Agusti N an historical perspective based on a mitochondrial DNA gene Dedryver C-A see Simon J-C genealogy, 1093 Défago G see Guntli D Clayton JW see Brown Gladden J Degen B see Vendramin GG Clegg J see Bartsch D Degnan SM, Robertson BC, Clegg SM, Moritz CC. Micro- Clegg SM see Degnan SM satellite primers for studies of gene flow and mating systems Clifford SL, Jeffrey KJ, Bruford MW, Wickings EJ. Identification in white-eyes (Zosterops), 159 of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla Delaruelle C see Gherbi H gorilla) using human primers: application to noninvasively Delay B see Samadi S collected hair samples, 1556 Delpero M see Lanfranco L Clutton-Brock TH see Coltman DW Delsuc F see Huchon D Coates D see Byrne M Denardo DF see Rodriguez-Robles JA Cockrem J see Taylor EL Dermitzakis E see Batargias C Colson I, Macdonald SJ, Goldstein DB. Microsatellite markers Derocher AE see Paetkau D for interspecific mapping of Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia, Desmarais E see Pouyaud L 1951 Destombe C see Luo H Coltman DW, Bancroft DR, Robertson A, Smith JA, Clutton- Destombe C see Martinez EA Brock TH, Pemberton JM. Male reproductive success in a Deunff J see Heulin B promiscuous mammal: behavioural estimates compared with Dick CW, Hamilton MB. Microsatellites from the Amazonian genetic paternity, 1199 tree Dinizia excelsa (Fabaceae), 1765 Comes AM see Rabouam C Dobler S, Farrell BD. Host use evolution in Clirysochus milkweed Congdon BC see Friesen VL beetles: evidence from behaviour, population genetics and Cook JA see Fleming MA phylogeny, 1297 Cooper JB see Bushakra JM Dodson JJ see Fontaine PM Costello BH see Houlden BA Dole J see Dayanandan S Crandall KA see Vila C Douady C see Lavergne A Crawford DJ see Esselman EJ Douglas GC see Lefort F Crease T] see Weider LJ Douglas MR, Brunner PC, Bernatchez L. Do assemblages of Crozier RH see Oke CS Coregonus (Teleostei: Salmoniformes) in the Central Alpine Crozier RH, Kaufmann B, Carew ME, Crozier YC. Mutability of region of Europe represent species flocks?, 589 microsatellites developed for the ant Camponotus consobrinus, Doums C. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the queenless 271 Ponerine ant Diacamma cyaneiventre, 1957 Crozier YC see Crozier RH Douzery EJP see Huchon D Crozier YC see Oke CS Dové P see SuSnik S Culham A see Maunder M Duchesne P see Roques S Curach N, Sunnucks P. Molecular anatomy of an onychophoran: Ducousso A see Streiff R compartmentalized sperm storage and heterogeneous paternity, Dufresne F, Parent M, Bernatchez L. Isolation and characterization 1375 of microsatellite workers in the acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, 1558 D’Amato ME, Lunt DH, Carvalho GR. Microsatellite markers for Dumolin-Lapegue S, Pemonge M-H, Gielly L, Taberlet P, Petit RJ. the hake Macruronus magellanicus amplify other gadoid fish, 1086 Amplification of oak DNA from ancient and modern wood, Daehler CC see Carino DA 2137 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 2156 AUTHOR INDEX Dunham RA see Tan G Folkard G see Muluvi GM Durand JJ, Persat H, Bouvet Y. Phylogeography and postglacial Fontaine PM, Dodson JJ. An analysis of the distribution of dispersion of the Chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in Europe, 989 juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in nature as a function Durban JW see Parsons KM of relatedness using microsatellites, 189 Fontenille D see Mukabayire O Edwards KJ see Lefort F Forchhammer MC see Holm L-E Eguchi K see Asai S Ford MJ, Thornton PJ, Park LK. Natural selection promotes Eguiarte LE see Silva C divergence of transferrin among salmonid species, 1055 Eichenberger K see Gugerli F Fossheim T see Nesbo CL El-Barody MAA see Loftus RT Fowler EV see Houlden BA Ellegren H see Saino N Franson SE see Leonard AC Ellegren H see Vila C Frascaria-Lacoste N see Brachet S Ellis W see Houlden BA Frascaria-Lacoste N see Lefort F Ellstrand NC see Bartsch D Freeland JR, jones CS, Noble LR, Okamura B. Polymorphic Elphinstone MS see Firestone KB microsatellite loci identified in the highly clonal freshwater Elphinstone MS see Houlden BA bryozoan Cristatella mucedo, 341 Engel CR see Luo H Friend JA see Fumagalli L Engelbrecht CC, Largiader CR, Hanfling B, Tautz D. Isolation Fries V see Largiader CR and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Friesen MK see Brown GladdenJ European bullhead Cofttus gobio L., and their applicability to Friesen VL, Congdon BC, Kidd MG, Birt TP. PCR primers for related taxa, 1966 the amplification of five nuclear introns in vertebrates, 2145 England PR, Ayre DJ, Whelan RJ. Microsatellites in the Australian Fritz U see Lenk P shrub Grevillea macleayana (Proteaceae), 689 Frohlich DR, Torres-Jerez I, Bedford ID, Markham PG, Brown JK. Ennos RA see Sinclair WT A phylogeographical analysis of the Bemisia tabaci species Epplen C see Luo H complex based on mitochondrial DNA markers, 1683 Epplen JT see Luo H FrydenbergJ see Villesen P Ertugrul O see Loftus RT Fuerst PA see Wu L Esa YB see Waters JM Fuertes Aguilar J, Rossellé6 JA, Nieto Feliner G. Nuclear Esselman EJ, Jianqiang L, Crawford DJ, Windus JL, Wolfe AD. ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) concerted evolution in natural and Clonal diversity in the rare Calamagrostis porteri spp. insperata artificial hybrids of Armeria (Plumbaginaceae), 1341 (Poaceae): comparative results for allozymes and random Fukatsu T. Acetone preservation: a practical technique for amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and intersimple sequence molecular analysis, 1935 repeat (ISSR) markers, 443 Fuller SJ see Vanlerberghe-Masutti F Estoup A see Boudjemadi K Fuller SJ, Chavigny P, Lapchin L, Vanlerberghe-Masutti F. Estoup A see Krieg F Variation in clonal diversity in glasshouse infestations of the Eybert M-C see Questiau S aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover in southern France, 1867 Fumagalli L, Moritz C, Taberlet P, Friend JA. Mitochondrial Falque M see Lanaud C DNA sequence variation within the remnant populations Farrell BD see Dobler S of the endangered numbat (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae: Fei Y see Adams RP Myrmecobius fasciatus), 1545 Felder DL see Bilodeau AL Funk WC, Tallmon DA, Allendorf F. Small effective population Ferguson MM see Brown GladdenJ size in the long-toed salamander, 1633 Finch RP see Meikle A Firestone KB. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites Gabarra C see Agusti N from carnivorous marsupials (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), 1084 Gaci B see Von Segesser F Firestone KB, Elphinstone MS, Sherwin WB, Houlden BA. Gaggiotti OE, Lange O, Rassmann K, Gliddon C. A comparison Phylogeographical population structure of tiger quolls of two indirect methods for estimating average levels of gene Dasyurus maculatus (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), an endangered flow using microsatellite data, 1513 carnivorous marsupial, 1613 Garcia-Martinez J, Moya A, Raga JA, Latorre A. Genetic differ- Fischer D see Neu C entiation in the striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba from Fisher MC, White TJ, Taylor JW. Primers for genotyping single European waters according to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites in the patho- restriction analysis, 1069 genic fungus Coccidioides immitis, 1082 Garcia-Rossi D see Ayres DR Fitter AH see Clapp JP Gardner M see Allnutt TR Fitter AH see Helgason T Garner GW see Paetkau D Flagstad @, Roed K, Stacy JE, Jakobsen KS. Reliable non- Gauthier D see Navarro E invasive genotyping based on excremental PCR of nuclear Ge XJ, Sun M. Reproductive biology and genetic diversity of a DNA purified with a magnetic bead protocol, 879 cryptoviviparous mangrove Aegiceras corniculatun (Myrsinaceae) Fleischer RC see Tarr CL using allozyme and intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis, Fleming MA, Ostrander EA, Cook JA. Microsatellite markers for 2061 American mink (Mustela vison) and ermine (Mustela erminea), George SG see Watts PC 1352 Gertsch PJ see Villesen P © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 AUTHOR INDEX 2157 Gherbi H, Delaruelle C, Selosse M-A, Martin F. High genetic Gustafson DJ, Gibson DJ, Nickrent DL. Random amplified diversity in a population of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete polymorphic DNA variation among remnant big bluestem Laccaria amethystina in a 150-year-old beech forest, 2003 (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) populations from Arkansas’ Gibbs HL see Prosser MR Grand Prairie, 1693 Gibbs HL, Tabak LM, Hobson K. Characterization of micro- Guyomard R see Krieg F satellite DNA loci for a neotropical migrant songbird, the Swainson’s thrush (Catharus ustulatus), 1551 Haberl M, Tautz D. Comparitive allele sizing can produce Gibson DJ see Gustafson DJ inaccurate allele size differences for microsatellites, 1347 Gielly L see Dumolin-Lapégue S Haberl M, Tautz D. Tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci Giraud T, Blatrix RS, Solignac M, Jaisson P. Polymorphic micro- in honey bees (Apis mellifera)—a step towards quantitative satellite DNA markers in the ant Gnamptogenys striatula, 2141 genotyping, 1358 Glare TR see Richards NK Hales DF see Wilson ACC Gleeson DM, Howitt RLJ, Ling N. Genetic variation, population Hamilton MB. Four primer pairs for the amplification of chloro- structure and cryptic species within the black mudfish, Neo- plast intergenic regions with intraspecific variation, 521 channa diversus, an endemic galaxiid from New Zealand, 47 Hamilton MB see Dick CW Glenn TC see Winker K Hamrick JL see Godt MJW Gliddon C see Gaggiotti OE Hanfling B see Engelbrecht CC Gloessl J see Streiff R Hansen MM, Mensberg K-LD, Berg S. Postglacial recolonization Godt MJW, Hamrick JL. Population genetic analysis of Elliottia patterns and genetic relationships among whitefish (Coregonus racemosa (Ericaceae), a rare Georgia shrub, 75 sp.) populations in Denmark, inferred from mitochondrial Gold JR see Turner TF DNA and microsatellite markers, 239 Goldstein DB see Colson I Harba AH see Loftus RT Goldstein DB see Reich DE Hare MP, Palumbi SR. The accuracy of heterozygous base calling Gomez-Pompa A see Heaton HJ from diploid sequence and resolution of haplotypes using Gonzalez-Candelas F see Palacios C allele-specific sequencing, 1750 Goodnight KF, Queller DC. Computer software for performing Hausser J see Lugon-Moulin N likelihood tests of pedigree relationship using genetic markers, Hawkes NJ see Zaidi RH 1231 Haymer DS see He M Gosselin L, Jobidon R, Bernier L. Genetic variability and struc- Hayward MD see Bennett SJ ture of Canadian populations of Chondrostereum purpureum, a He M, Haymer DS. Genetic relationships of populations and potential biophytocide, 113 the origins of new infestations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Goudet J see Lugon-Moulin N 1247 Gourbiere F see Navarro E Heaton HJ, Whitkus R, Gomez-Pompa A. Extreme ecological Grady JM see Bennetts RO and phenotypic differences in the tropical tree chicozapote Grau CR see Chen W (Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Royen) are not matched by genetic Graves GR see Winker K divergence: a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Graves JA see Hockham LR analysis, 627 Gray LE see Chen W Hebert PDN see Simon J-C Greenwood AD, Paabo S. Nuclear insertion sequences of Heeb M see Guntli D mitochondrial DNA predominate in hair but not in blood Heg D see Van Treuren R of elephants, 133 Heiniger U see Allemann C Griffiths R, Orr K. The use of amplified fragment length Heinze J see Schilder K polymorphism (AFLP) in the isolation of sex-specific markers, Helgason T, Fitter AH, Young JPW. Molecular diversity of arbus- 671 cular mycorrhizal fungi colonising Hyacinthoides non-scripta Groppe K, Steinger T, Sanders I, Schmid B, Wiemken A, (bluebell) in a seminatural woodland, 659 Boller T. Interaction between the endophytic fungus Epichloé Hemingway J see Zaidi RH bromicola and the grass Bromus erectus: effects of endophyte Henry RJ see Rossetto M infection, fungal concentration and environment on grass Herbert PDN see Weider LJ growth and flowering, 1827 Herman TB see Mockford SW Gross R see Schilder K Hertzberg VS see Leonard AC Groth D see Taylor EL Heulin B, Surget-Groba Y, Guiller A, Guillaume CP, Deunff J. Gugerli FE, Eichenberger K, Schneller JJ. Promiscuity in popula- Comparisons of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences tions of the cushion plant Saxifraga oppositifolia in the Swiss (16S rRNA gene) between oviparous and viviparous strains of Alps as inferred from random amplified polymorphic DNA Lacerta vivipara: a preliminary study, 1627 (RAPD), 453 Hewitt GM see Knight ME Guillaume CP see Heulin B Hewitt GM see Lundy CJ Guiller A see Heulin B Hewitt GM see Moran P Gunter LE see Stevens MT Hewitt GM see Stauffer C Guntli D, Heeb M, Moénne-Loccoz Y, Défago G. Contribution Hewitt GM see Surridge AK of calystegine catabolic plasmid to competitive coloniza- Hinten G, Maguire T, Rossetto M, Baverstock P. Isolation and tion of the rhizosphere of calystegine-producing plants by characterization of microsatellite loci from the bush rat, Rattus Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm41, 855 fuscipes greyii, 1351 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 2158 AUTHOR INDEX Hobek A see Weider LJ Jaal Z see Zaidi RH Hobson K see Gibbs HL Jackson HD, Steane DA, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE. Chloroplast Hockham LR, Graves JA, Ritchie MG. Isolation and charac- DNA evidence for reticulate evolution in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae), terization of microsatellite loci in the bushcricket Ephippiger 739 ephippiger (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), 905 Jackson TA see Richards NK Hodges SA see Bushakra JM Jactel H see Burban C Hoegger P see Allemann C Jaffre T see Navarro E Higberg N, Stenlid J. Population genetics cf Fomitopsis rosea— Jaisson P see Giraud T a wood-decay fungus of the old-growth European taiga, 703 Jakobsen KS see Flagstad 0 Holder MT see Kichler K Jakobsen KS see Nesbo CL Hole D see Bobowski BR Jarne P see Samadi S Hdlldobler B see Schilder K Jeffrey KJ see Clifford SL Holm L-E, Forchhammer MC, Boomsma JJ. Low genetic variation Jekielek J, Strobeck C. Characterization of polymorphic brown in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) from western Greenland using lemur (Eulemur fulvus) microsatellite loci and their amplifica- microsatellites, 675 tion in the family Lemuridae, 901 Horie S see Maki M Jenczewski E, Prosperi JM, Ronfort J. Differentiation between Houlden BA see Brown SM natural and cultivated populations of Medicago sativa Houlden BA see Burns EL (Leguminosae) from Spain: analysis with random amplified Houlden BA see Firestone KB polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and comparison to Houlden BA, Costello BH, Sharkey D, Fowler EV, Melzer A, allozymes, 1317 Ellis W, Carrick FE, Baverstock PR, Elphinstone MS. Phylo- Jeppsson N see Bartish I geographic differentiation in the mitochondrial control Jianqiang L see Esselman EJ region in the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus (Goldfuss 1817), Jobidon R see Gosselin L 999 Joger U see Lenk P Houts SE see Mccracken GF Jones CS see Freeland JR Howitt RLJ see Gleeson DM Jones CS, Lockyer AE, Rollinson D, Piertney SB, Noble LR. Hsiao JY, Lee SM. Genetic diversity and microgeographic differ- Isolation and characterization of loci in the freshwater gastropod, entiation of Yushan cane (Yushania niitakayamensis; Poaceae) in Biomphalaria glabrata, an intermediate host for Schistosoma Taiwan, 263 mansoni, 2147 Huchon D, Delsuc E, Catzeflis FM, Douzery EJP. Armadillos Jones G see Rossiter SJ exhibit less genetic polymorphism in North America than in Jonsson L, Dahlberg A, Nilsson M-C, Zackrisson O, Karén O. South America: nuclear and mitochodrial data confirm a Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities in late-successional founder effect in Dasypus novemcinctus (Xenarthra), 1743 Swedish boreal forests, and their composition following Hughes CR see Sachs JL wildfire, 205 Humbert J-F see Rabouam C Jorde PE, Palm S, Ryman N. Estimating genetic drift and Hurka H see Neuffer B effective population size from temporal shifts in dominant Hurme P, Savolainen O. Comparison of homology and linkage gene marker frequencies, 1171 of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers Jorgensen RB see Snow AA between individual trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), 15 Jubier MF see Brachet S Hutchinson WF see Lunt DH Jung-Muller B see Brachet S Hutchinson WE, Carvalho GR, Rogers SI. A non-destructive technique for the recovery of DNA from dried fish otoliths for Kaemmer D see Neu C subsequent molecular genetic analysis, 893 Kahl G see Neu C Kahn NW see Oyler-Mccance SJ Ibanez O see Calero C Kanazashi T see Isagi Y Ibanez O, Calero C, Mayol M, Rosellé JA. Isozyme uniformity Kapuscinski AR see Borer SO in a wild extinct insular plant, Lysimachia minoricensis J.J. Rodr. Karén O see Jonsson L (Primulaceae), 813 Karesh WB see Valderrama X Ibrahim KM see Surridge AK Karlovsky P see Reineke A lida H see Ishibashi Y Karsi A see Tan G lii PM see Parsons KM Kaska DD see Bushakra JM Isabel N, Beaulieu J, Thériault P, Bousquet J. Direct evidence Kaufman L see Wu L for biased gene diversity estimates from dominant random Kaufmann B see Crozier RH amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints, 477 Keller L see Krieger MJB Isagi Y see Miyazaki Y Kemp SJ see Watts PC Isagi Y, Kanazashi T, Suzuki W, Tanaka H, Abe T. Polymorphic Kesseli R see Dayanandan S microsatellite DNA markers for,Magnolia obovata Thunb. and Keyghobadi N, Roland J, Strobeck C. Influence of landscape their utility in related species, 698 on the population genetic structure of the alpine butterfly Ishibashi Y, Yoshinaga Y, Saitoh T, Abe S, Iida H, Yoshida MC. Parnassius smintheus (Papilionidae), 1481 Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the field vole Kichler K, Holder MT, Davis SK, Marquez-MR, Owens DW. Microtus montebelli, 163 Detection of multiple paternity in the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle Ishiguro N see Watanobe T with limited sampling, 819 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 AUTHOR INDEX 2159 Kidd MG see Friesen VL Lee S-C see Wang H-Y Kim S see Tan G Lee SM see Hsiao JY Kim T]J see Bilodeau AL Lefort FE, Brachet S, Frascaria-Lacoste N, Edwards KJ, Douglas King RJ see Zuccarello GC GC. Identification and characterization of microsatellite loci Knight ME, Van Oppen MJH, Smith HL, Rico C, Hewitt GM, in ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and their conservation in the olive Turner GF. Evidence for male-biased dispersal in Lake family (Oleaceae), 1088 Malawi cichlids from microsatellites, 1521 Lehnen M see Bartsch D Kobler B see Largiadér CR Lenk P, Fritz U, Joger U, Wink M. Mitochondrial phylogeo- Kocher TD see Markert JA graphy of the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus Koebner RMD see Anamthawat-Jonsson K 1758), 1911 Komatsu M see Watanobe T Leonard AC, Franson SE, Hertzberg VS, Smith MK, Toth GP. Kornfield I see Lage CR Hypothesis testing with the similarity index, 2105 Krauss SL. Complete exclusion of nonsires in an analysis of Leonard JA see Vila C paternity in a natural plant population using amplified Leterme N see Simon J-C fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), 217 Lexer C see Streiff R Krehling JT see Wooten MC Li P see Tan G Kremer A see Streiff R Ling N see Gleeson DM Kresovich S see Palacios C Liu ZJ see Tan G Krieg FE, Estoup A, Triantafyllidis A, Guyomard R. Isolation of Lochouarn L see Mukabayire O microsatellite loci in European catfish, Silurus glanis, 1964 Lockyer AE see Jones CS Krieger MJB, Keller L. Low polymorphism at nineteen micro- Loeffler W see Morden CW satellite loci in a French population of Argentine ants Loftus RT, Ertugrul O, Harba AH, El-Barody MAA, Machugh DE, (Linepithema humile), 1078 Park SDE, Bradley DG. A microsatellite survey of cattle from Kucuktas H see Tan G a centre of origin: the Near East, 2015 Kuehn MM, Minor JE, White BN. An examination of hybrid- Louie D see Taylor EB ization between the cattail species Typha latifolia and Typha Lovette IJ, Bermingham E, Rohwer S, Wood C. Mitochon- angustifolia using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) drial restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and and chloroplast DNA markers, 1981 sequence variation among closely related avian species and Kurle JE see Chen W the genetic characterization of hybrid Dendroica warblers, 143] Lacey EA see Zenuto RR Lugon-Moulin N, Briinner H, Wyttenbach A, Hausser J, Lacey EA, Maldonado JE, Clabaugh JP, Matocq MD. Inter- Goudet J. Hierarchical analyses of genetic differentiation in a specific variation in microsatellites isolated from tuco-tucos hybrid zone of Sorex araneus (Insectivora: Soricidae), 419 (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae), 1754 Lumaret R see Sahuquillo E Lage CR, Kornfield I. Isolation and characterization of micro- Lundy C see Moran P satellite loci in Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Lundy CJ, Moran P, Rico C, Milner RS, Hewitt GM. Macro- 1355 geographic population differentiation in oceanic environments: Lagoda PJL see Lanaud C a case study of European hake (Merluccius merluccius), a Lakatos F see Stauffer C commercially important fish, 1889 Lambert DM see Robertson BC Lunt DH see D’Amato ME Lanaud C, Risterucci AM, Pieretti I, Falque M, Bouet A, Lunt DH, Hutchinson WE, Carvalho GR. An efficient method for Lagoda PJL. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA), 891 in Theobroma cacao L., 2141 Luo H, Mérchen M, Engel CR, Destombe C, Epplen JT, Lanfranco L, Delpero M, Bonfante P. Intrasporal variability Epplen C, Saumitou-Laprade P, Valero M. Characterization of ribosomal sequences in the endomycorrhizal fungus of microsatellite markers in the red alga Gracilaria gracilis, 701 Gigaspora margarita, 37 Lutzoni F see Zoller S Lange O see Gaggiotti OE Lankford WS see Bilodeau AL Macdonald B see Byrne M Lapchin L see Fuller SJ Macdonald SJ see Colson I Lara A see Allnutt TR Machugh DE see Loftus RT Largiadér CR see Engelbrecht CC Madaghiele A see Vendramin GG Largiadér CR, Fries V, Kobler B, Bakker, ThCM. Isolation and Magnan P see Angers B characterization of microsatellite loci from the three-spined Magoulas A see Batargias C stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.), 342 Maguire T see Hinten G Latorre A see Garcia-Martinez J Mahoney SP see Broders HG Latorre A see Simon J-C Maki M, Horie S. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Lavergne A, Douady C, Catzeflis FM. Isolation and characteriza- markers reveal less genetic variation in the endangered tion of microsaiellite loci in Didelphis marsupialis (Marsupialia: plant Cerastium fischerianum var. molle than in the widespread Didelphidae), 517 conspecific C. fischerianum var. fischerianum (Caryophyllaceae), Le Gallic J-F see Simon J-C 145 Leberg PL see Spencer CC Makova KD see Baker RJ Lee LS see Rossetto M Makova KD see Nekrutenko A © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 2160 AUTHOR INDEX Maldonado JE see Lacey EA Mockford SW, Snyder M, Herman TB. A preliminary exam- Markert JA, Arnegard ME, Danley PD, Kocher TD. Biogeography ination of genetic variation in a peripheral population of and population genetics of the Lake Malawi cichlid Melanochromis Blanding’s turtle, Emydoidea blandingti, 323 auratus: habitat transience, philopatry and speciation, 1013 Moénne-Loccoz Y see Guntli D Markham PG see Frohlich DR Millenbeck M. Genetic relationship of 32 cell lines of the Marquez-MR see Kichler K Euplotes octocarinatus species complex revealed by random Marra RE, Milgroom MG. PCR amplification of the mating-type amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting, 1971 idiomorphs in Cryphonectria parasitica, 1947 Moller AP see Saino N Marshall G see Meikle A Monsutti A, Perrin N. Dinucleotide microsatellite loci reveal a Martin F see Gherbi H high selfing rate in the freshwater snaii Physa acuta, 1076 Martin GB see Taylor EL Montevecchi WA see Broders HG Martin O see Boudjemadi K Moran P see Lundy CJ Martin RD see Von Segesser F Moran P, Lundy C, Rico C, Hewitt GM. Isolation and charac- Martinez EA, Destombe C, Quillet MC, Valero M. Identification terization of microsatellite loci in European hake, Merlucius of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers merlucius (Merlucidae, Teleostei), 1357 highly linked to sex determination in the red alga Gracilaria Morchen M see Luo H gracilis, 1533 Morden CW, Loeffler W. Fragmentation and genetic differenti- Martinez P see Bouza C ation among subpopulations of the endangered Hawaiian Martinez-Romero E see Wang ET mint Haplostachys haplostachya (Lamiaceae), 617 Martinez-Romero J see Wang ET Morgan-Richards M, Wolff K. Genetic structure and differenti- Matessi C see Bertorelle G ation of Plantago major reveals a pair of sympatric sister Matocq MD see Lacey EA species, 1027 Matsui A see Watanobe T Moritz C see Fumagalli L Matthee CA, Robinson TJ. Mitochondrial DNA population Moritz CC see Degnan SM structure of roan and sable antelope: implications for the Morman JD see Sinclair WT translocation and conservation of the species, 227 Mossman CA, Waser PM. Genetic detection of sex-biased dis- Maunder M, Culham A, Bordeu A, Allainguillaume J, persal, 1063 Wilkinson M. Genetic diversity and pedigree for Sophora Mougel C see Tessier-Cuvelle S toromiro (Leguminosae): a tree extinct in the wild, 725 Moya A see Garcia-Martinez J Mavarez J see Samadi S Mueller UG see Villesen P Mayol M see Calero C Mukabayire O, Boccolini D, Lochouarn L, Fontenille D, Mayol M see Ibaiiez O Besansky NJ. Mitochondrial and ribosomal internal tran- Mccracken GE, Burghardt GM, Houts SE. Microsatellite markers scribed spacer (ITS2) diversity of the African malaria vector and multiple paternity in the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis, 1475 Anopheles funestus, 289 Mcdowall RM. Diadromy and genetic diversity in Nearctic and Mulcahy DL see Bush SP Palearctic fishes, 527 Muluvi GM, Sprent JI, Soranzo N, Provan J, Odee D, Folkard Mcgowan C, Reith ME. Polymorphic microsatellite markers for G, McNicol JW, Powell W. Amplified fragment length poly- Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, 1761 morphism (AFLP) analysis of genetic variation in Moringa Mcnicol JW see Muluvi GM oleifera Lam., 463 Mcrae SB, Amos W. Characterization of hypervariable micro- Murray BW, Michaud R, White BN. Allelic and haplotype vari- satellites in the cooperatively-breeding white-browed sparrow ation of major histocompatibility complex class Il DRB1 and DQB weaver Plocepasser mahali, 903 loci in the St Lawrence beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), 1127 Meikle A, Paterson S, Finch RP, Marshall G, Waterhouse A. Genetic characterization of heather (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull) Naish K-A see Wilson AB subject to different management regimes across Great Britain, Nakano M see Watanobe T 2037 Nash RDM see Watts PC Melnick DJ see Valderrama X Navarro E, Jaffre T, Gauthier D, Gourbiere E, Rinaudo G, Melzer A see Houlden BA Simonet P, Normand P. Distribution of Gymmnostoma spp. Menard N see Von Segesser F microsymbiotic Frankia strains in New Caledonia is related to Mensberg K-LD see Hansen MM soil type and to host-plant species, 1781 Mesch H see Neuffer B Neigel JE see Bilodeau AL Messier F see Paetkau D Neigel JE see Spencer CC Michaud R see Murray BW Nekrutenko A, Makova KD, Chesser RK, Baker RJ. Representa- Milgroom MG see Marra RE tional difference analysis to distinguish cryptic species, 1235 Miller LM see Borer SO Nesbe CL, Fossheim T, Vollestad LA, Jakobsen KS. Genetic Milner RS see Lundy CJ divergence and phylogeographic relationships among Euro- Minor JE see Kuehn MM ' pean perch (Perca fluviatilis) populations reflect glacial refugia Minot EO see Robertson BC and postglacial colonization, 1387 Mitchell TG see Xu J Nesme X see Tessier-Cuvelle S Miyazaki Y, Isagi Y, Tabata H. Polymorphic microsatellite Neu C, Kaemmer D, Kahl G, Fischer D, Weising K. Polymorphic markers in the perennial herb Heloniopsis orientalis (Thunb.) C. microsatellite markers for the banana pathogen Mycosphaerella Tanaka, 1360 fijiensis, 523 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 AUTHOR INDEX 2161 Neuffer B, Hurka H. Colonization history and introduction Parsons KM, Dallas JE, Claridge DE, Durban JW, Balcomb KC, dynamics of Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae) in North lii PM, Thompson LR, Noble LR. Amplifying dolphin mito- America: isozymes and quantitative traits, 1667 chondrial DNA from faecal plumes, 1766 Neuffer B, Auge H, Mesch H, Amarell U, Brandl R. Spread of Paterson S see Meikle A violets in polluted pine forests: morphological and molecular Paxton RJ, WeiSschuh N, Quezada-Euan JJG. Characterization evidence for the ecological importance of interspecific hybrid- of dinucleotide microsatellite loci for stingless bees, 690 ization, 365 Peakall R see O’Hanlon PC Neve G see Vandewoestijne S Pedersen JS, Boomsma JJ. Multiple paternity in social Newton AC see Allnutt TR Hymenoptera: estimating the effective mate number in single- Nickrent DL see Gustafson DJ double mating populations, 577 Nieto Feliner G see Fuertes AguilarJ Pemberton JM see Coltman DW Nilsson M-C see Jonsson L Pemonge M-H see Dumolin-Lapégue S Ninham JA see Skotnicki ML Perera L, Russell JR, Provan J, Powell W. Identification and Nishiumi I see Asai S characterization of microsatellite loci in coconut (Cocis nucifera Noble LR see Freeland JR L.) and the analysis of coconut populations in Sri Lanka, 344 Noble LR see Jones CS Periquet G see Rabouam C Noble LR see Parsons KM Perrin N see Monsutti A Normand P see Navarro E Persat H see Durand JJ Nota Y, Takenaka O. DNA extraction from urine and sex identi- Petit RJ see Burban C fication of birds, 1237 Petit RJ see Dumolin-Lapégue S Nyakaana S, Arctander P. Population genetic structure of the Petit RJ see Vendramin GG African elephant in Uganda based on variation at mitochon- Petrucci-Fonseca F see Vila C drial and nuclear loci: evidence for male-biased gene flow, Pierce GJ see Shaw PW 1105 Pieretti I see Lanaud C Nybom H see Bartish I Pierpaoli M, Riga F, Trocchi V, Randi E. Species distinction and evolutionary relationships of the Italian hare (Lepus corsicanus) O'Hanlon PC, Peakall R, Briese DT. Amplified fragment as described by mitochondrial DNA sequencing, 1805 length polymorphism (AFLP) reveals introgression in Pierre J-S see Simon J-C weedy Onopordum thistels: hybridization and invasion, Piertney SB see Jones CS 1239 Pilastro A see Bertorelle G Odee D see Muluvi GM Plante M see Angers B Okamura B see Freeland JR Pohl-Orf M see Bartsch D Oke CS, Crozier YC, Crozier RH, Ward RD. Microsatellites from Pointier J-P see Samadi S a teleost, orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), and their Pollard S see Taylor EB potential for determining population structure, 2143 Pomeroy PP see Worthington Wilmer J Okumura N see Watanobe T Posada D see Vila C Olsen JL see Reusch TBH Potts BM see Jackson HD Ooi K, Yahara T. Genetic variation of geminiviruses: comparison Pouyaud L, Desmarais E, Chenuil A, Agnese JE, Bonhomme F. Kin between sexual and asexual host plant populations, 89 cohesiveness and possible inbreeding in the mouth-brooding Orr K see Griffiths R tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces Cichlidae), 803 Ostrander EA see Fleming MA Powell W see Dawson IK Owens DW see Kichler K Powell W see Muluvi GM Oyler-Mccance SJ, Kahn NW, Burnham KP, Braun CE, Powell W see Perera L Quinn TW. A population genetic comparison of large- and Powell W see Provan J small-bodied sage grouse in Colorado using microsatellite Powell W see Russell JR and mitochondrial DNA markers, 1457 Powell W see White GM Premoli A see Allnutt TR Paabo S see Greenwood AD Prosperi JM see Jenczewski E Paetkau D, Amstrup SC, Born EW, Calvert W, Derocher AE, Prosser MR, Gibbs HL, Weatherhead PJ. Microgeographic Garner GW, Messier F, Stirling I, Taylor M, Wiig 9, population genetic structure in the northern water snake, Nerodia Strobeck C. Genetic structure of the world’s polar bear popu- sipedon sipedon detected using microsatellite DNA loci, 329 lations, 1571 Provan J see Muluvi GM Palacios C, Kresovich S, Gonzalez-Candelas F. A population Provan J see Perera L genetic study of the endangered plant species Limonium Provan J, Russell JR, Booth A, Powell W. Polymorphic chloro- dufourii (Plumbaginaceae) based on amplified fragment length plast simple sequence repeat primers for systematic and polymorphism (AFLP), 645 population studies in the genus Hordeum, 505 Pallotta D see Roques S Palm S see Jorde PE Quattro JM see Bennetts RO Palumbi SR see Hare MP Queller DC see Goodnight KF © Parent M see Dufresne F Questiau S, Eybert M-C, Taberlet P. Amplified fragment length Park LK see Ford MJ polymorphism (AFLP) markers reveal extra-pair parentage in Park SDE see Loftus RT a bird species: the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica), 1331 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165 2162 AUTHOR INDEX Quezada-Euan JJG see Paxton RJ Roques S, Duchesne P, Bernatchez L. Potential of microsatellites Quillet MC see Martinez EA for individual assignment: the North Atlantic redfish (genus Quinn TW see Oyler-Mccance SJ Sebastes) species complex as a case study, 1703 Roques S, Pallotta D, Sévigny J-M, Bernatchez L. Isolation Rabouam C, Comes AM, Bretagnolle V, Humbert J-F, Periquet G, and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers Bigot Y. Features of DNA fragments obtained by random in the North Atlantic redfish (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae, genus amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assays, 493 Sebastes), 685 Raga JA see Garcia-Martinez J Rosellé JA see Calero C Ramey Ii RR see Boyce WM Rosellé JA see Ibafiez O Randi E see Pierpaoli M Ross TK. Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the lowa Rassmann K see Gaggiotti OE Pleistocene snail, 1363 Redenbach Z, Taylor EB. Zoogeographical implications of Rossell6 JA see Fuertes Aguilar J variation in mitochondrial DNA of Arctic grayling (Thymallus Rossetto M see Hinten G arcticus), 23 Rossetto M, Slade RW, Baverstock PR, Henry RJ, Lee LS. Micro- Reich DE, Wayne RK, Goldstein DB. Genetic evidence for a satellite variation and assessment of genetic structure in tea recent origin by hybridization of red wolves, 139 tree (Melaleuca alternifolia—Myrtaceae), 633 Reilly A, Ward RD. Microsatellite loci to determine population Rossiter SJ, Burland TM, Jones G, Barratt EM. Characterization structure of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, of microsatellite loci in the greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus 1753 ferrumequinum, 1959 Reineke A, Karlovsky P, Zebitz CPW. Suppression of randomly Rubin ES see Boyce WM primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products (random Russell JR see Perera L amplified polymorphic DNA) in heterozygous diploids, Russell JR see Provan J 1449 Russell JR, Weber JC, Booth A, Powell W, Sotelo-Montes C, Reith ME see Mcgowan C Dawson IK. Genetic variation of Calycophyllum spruceanum in Reusch TBH, Stam WT, Olsen JL. Microsatellite loci in eelgrass the Peruvian Amazon Basin, revealed by amplified fragment Zostera marina reveal marked polymorphism within and length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, 199 among populations, 317 Ryman N see Jorde PE Richard M see Brachet S Richards NK, Glare TR, Aloali’i II, Jackson TA. Primers for the Sachs JL, Hughes CR. Characterization of microsatellite loci for detection of Oryctes virus from Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera), red-necked grebes, Podiceps grisegena, 687 1552 Sahara M see Watanobe T Richardson DS, Burke T. Extra-pair paternity in relation to male Sahuquillo E, Lumaret R. Chloroplast DNA variation in Dactylis age in Bullock's orioles, 2115 glomerata L. taxa endemic to the Macaronesian islands, 1797 Richardson LR see Turner TF Saino N, Ellegren H, Moller AP. No evidence for adjustment Rico C see Knight ME of sex allocation in relation to paternal ornamentation and Rico C see Lundy CJ paternity in barn swallows, 399 Rico C see Moran P Saint-Laurent R see Wirth T Rico C see Surridge AK Saitoh T see Ishibashi Y Riga F see Pierpaoli M Samadi S, Mavarez J, Pointier J-P, Delay B, Jarne P. Micro- Rigling D see Allemann C satellite and morphological analysis of population structure Rinaudo G see Navarro E in the parthenogenetic freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata: Risterucci AM see Lanaud C insights into the creation of clonal variability, 1141 Ritchie MG see Hockham LR Sanchez A see Bello N Robertson A see Coltman DW Sanchez L see Bouza C Robertson BC see Degnan SM Sanders I see Groppe K Robertson BC, Minot EO, Lambert DM. Molecular sexing of Saumitou-Laprade P see Luo H individual kakapo, Strigops habroptilus Aves, from faeces, 1349 Savolainen O see Hurme P Robinson TJ see Matthee CA Schaal BA see Chiang TY Rodhouse PG see Adcock GJ Scheidegger C see Zoller S Rodriguez-Robles JA, Denardo DE, Staub RE. Phylogeography Schilder K, Heinze J, Gross R, Holldobler B. Microsatellites of the California mountain kingsnake, Lampropeltis zonata reveal clonal stucture of populations of the thelytokous ant (Colubridae), 1923 Platythyrea punctata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera; Formicidae), 1497 Rodwell TC see Boyce WM Schmid B see Groppe K Roed K see Flagstad O Schmid-Hempel P see Widmer A Rogers SI see Hutchinson WF Schneller JJ see Gugerli F Rohde FC see Bennetts RO Schoen DJ see Tremblay NO Rohwer S see Lovette IJ Schuphan I see Bartsch D Roland J see Keyghobadi N Scribner KT see Spencer CC Rollinson D see Jones CS Scribner KT see Wooten MC Romero-Severson J see Yan G Seddon JM, Baverstock PR. Variation on islands: major histo- Romme WH see Stevens MT compatibility complex (Mhc) polymorphism in populations of Ronfort J see Jenczewski E the Australian bush rat, 2071 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 8, 2153-2165

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