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Joint source-channel with side information coding error exponents Cheng Chang Abstract In this paper, we study the upper and the lower bounds on the joint source-channel coding error exponentwithdecoderside-information.Theresultsinthepaperarenon-trivialextensionsoftheCsisza´r’s classical paper [5]. Unlike the joint source-channel coding result in [5], it is not obvious whether the 9 0 lower bound and the upper bound are equivalent even if the channel coding error exponent is known. 0 For a class of channels, including the symmetric channels, we apply a game-theoreticresult to establish 2 the existence of a saddle point and hence prove that the lower and upper bounds are the same if the n channelcodingerrorexponentisknown.Moreinterestingly,weshowthatencoderside-informationdoes a not increase the error exponents in this case. J 3 I. INTRODUCTION 2 InShannon’sveryfirstpaperoninformationtheory[11],itisestablishedthatseparatecodingisoptimal ] for memoryless source channel pairs. Reliable communication is possible if and only if the entropy of T the source is lower than the capacity of the channel. However, the story is different when error exponent I . is considered. It is shown that joint source-channel coding achieves strictly better error exponent than s c separate1 coding [5]. The key technical component of [5] is a channel coding scheme to protect different [ message sets with different channel coding error exponents. In this paper, we are concerned with the 1 joint source-channel coding with side information problem as shown in Figure 1. For a special setup of v Figure 1, where the discrete memoryless channel (DMC) is a noiseless channel with capacity2 R, i.e. the 6 9 source coding with side-information problem, the reliable reconstruction of an at the decoder is possible 5 if and only if R is larger than the conditional entropy H(P ) [13]. The error exponentsof this problem A|B 3 is also studied in [8], [6] and more importantly in [1]. . 1 0 9 an - Encoder - DMC W - Decoder - an 0 Y|X : 6 6 v (a ,b ) ∼ P i i i AB b X ? r bn a Fig. 1. Source coding with decoder side-information The duality between source coding with decoder side-information and channel coding is established in the 80’s [1]. This is an important result that all the channel coding error exponent bounds can be easily applied to source coding with side-information error exponent. The result is a consequence of the type covering lemma [6], also known as the Johnson-Stein-Lova´sz theorem [4]. With this duality result, we know that the error exponent of channel coding of channel W with channel code composition Q is Y|X X Cheng Chang is with Hewlett-Packard Labs, Palo Alto. Email: cchang@eecs.berkeley.edu 1In [5], Csisza´r hand-wavily shows that the obvious separate coding scheme is suboptimal in terms achieving the best error exponent. The rather obvious result is rigidly proved in [14]. 2In this paper, we use bits and log , and R is always non-negative. 2 essentially the same problem as the error exponentof source codingwith decoderside-information where the joint distribution is Q ×W . Hence a natural question is what if we put these two dual problems X Y|X together, what is the error exponent of joint source-channel coding with decoder side-information? The more general case, where W is a noisy channel, is recently studied [15], [14]. It is shown Y|X that, not surprisingly, the reliable reconstruction of an is possible if and only if the channel capacity of the channel is larger than the conditional entropy of the source. A suboptimal error exponent based on a mixture scheme of separate coding and the joint source channel coding first developed in [5] is achieved.In this paper, we follow Csisza´r’s idea in [5] and developa new coding schemefor joint source channelcoding with decoderside-information. Fora classof channels,including the symmetric channels, the resulted lower and upper bounds have the same property as the joint source-channel coding error exponent without side-information in [5]: they match if the channel coding error exponent is known at a critical rate. We use a game theoretic approach to interpret this result. The outline of the paper is as follows. We review the problem setup and classical error exponent results in Section II. Then in Section III, we present the error exponent result for joint source-channel coding with both decoderand encoderside information which providesa simple upper boundto the error exponent investigated in the paper. This is a simple corollary of Theorem 5 in [5]. The main result of this paper is presented in Section IV. Some implications of these bounds are given in Section V. II. REVIEW OF SOURCE AND CHANNEL DOING ERROR EXPONENTS In this paper random variables are denoted by a and b, the realizations of the random variables are denoted by a and b. A. System model of joint source-channel coding with decoder side-information AsshowninFigure1,thesourceandside-information,an andbn respectively,arerandomvariablesi.i.d fromdistributionP onafinitealphabetA×B.Thechannelismemorylesswithinput/outputprobability AB transition W , where the input/output alphabets X and Y are finite. Without loss of generality, we Y|X assume that the number of source symbols and the number of channel uses are equal, i.e. the encoder observes an and sends a codeword xn(an) of length n to the channel, the decoder observes the channel output yn and side-information bn which is not available to the encoder, the estimate is an(bn,yn). The error probability is the expectation of the decoding error average over all channel and source behaviors. b Pr(an 6= an(bn,yn)) = P (an,bn) W (yn|xn(an))1(an 6= an(bn,yn)). (1) AB Y|X an,bn yn X X The error exponebnt, for the optimal coding scheme, is defined as b 1 E(P ,W )= lim inf − logPr(an 6= an(bn,yn)). (2) AB Y|X n→∞ n The main result of this paper is to establish both upper and lower bounds on E(P ,W ) and show b AB Y|X the tightness of these bounds. B. Classical error exponent results 3 We review some classical results on channel coding error exponents and source coding with side- information error exponents. These bounds are investigated in [9], [6], [8] and [7]. 3 In this paper, we write the error exponents (both channel coding and source coding) in the style of Csisza´r’s method of types, equivalent Gallager style error exponents can be derived through the Fenchel duality. 2 1) Channel coding error exponents E (R,W ): Channel coding is a special case of joint source- c Y|X channel coding with side-information: the source a and the side-information b are independent, i.e. P = P × P , and a is a uniform distributed random variable on {1,2,...,2R}. For the sake of AB A B simplicity, we assume that 2R is an integer. This is not a problem if 2R is not an integer since we can lump K symbols together and approximate 2KR by an integer for some K, this is not a problem because lim 1 log (⌊2KR⌋) = R. With this interpretation of channel coding, the definitions of error probability K 2 K→∞ in (1) and error exponent in (2) still holds. The channel coding error exponent E (R,W ) is lower bounded by the random coding error c Y|X exponent and upper bounded by the sphere packing error exponent. E (R,W ) ≤ E (R,W ) ≤ E (R,W ) (3) r Y|X c Y|X sp Y|X where E (R,W ) = max inf D(V kW |S )+|I(V ;S )−R|+ (4) r Y|X Y|X Y|X X Y|X X S V X Y|X = maxE (R,S ,W ) r X Y|X S X and E (R,W ) = max inf D(V kW |S ) (5) sp Y|X Y|X Y|X X SX VY|X:I(VY|X;SX)<R = maxE (R,S ,W ) sp X Y|X S X HereS istheinputcomposition(type)ofthecodewords.E (R,W )= E (R,W )in thehigh X r Y|X sp Y|X rate regime that R > R where R is defined in [9] as the minimum rate for which the sphere packing cr cr E (R,W ) and random coding error exponents E (R,W ) match for channel W . There are sp Y|X r Y|X Y|X tighter bounds on the channel coding error exponents E (R,W ) in the low rate regime for R < R , c Y|X cr known as straight-line lower bounds and expurgation upper bounds [9]. However, in this paper, we focus on the basic random coding and sphere packing bounds, as the main message can be effectively carried out. It is well known [9] that both the random coding and the sphere-packing bounds are decreasing with R and are convex in R. And they are both positive if and only if R < C(W ), where C(W ) is Y|X Y|X the capacity of the channel W . Y|X 2) Source coding with decoder side-information error exponents: This is also a special case of the general setup in Figure 1. This time the channel W is a noiseless channel with input-output alphabet Y|X X = Y and |X| = 2R. Again, we can reasonably assume that 2R is an integer. The source coding with side-information error exponent4 e(R,P ) can be bounded as follows: AB e (R,P ) ≤ e(R,P )≤ e (R,P ) (6) L AB AB U AB where e (R,P ) = inf D(Q kP )+|R−H(Q )|+ L AB AB AB A|B Q AB e (R,P ) = inf D(Q kP ). U AB AB AB QAB:H(QA|B)>R The duality between channel coding and source coding with decoder side information had been well understood [1]. We give the following duality results on error exponents. . e(R,Q ,P ) = E (H(Q )−R,Q ,P ) A B|A c A A B|A or equivalently : e(H(Q )−R,Q ,P ) = E (R,Q ,P ) A A B|A c A B|A 4 In this paper, if R≥log |A| for source coding with side-information error exponents, we let the error exponent be ∞. 2 3 whereE (R,Q ,P )isthechannelcodingerrorexponentforchannelP atrateRandthecodebook c A B|A B|A composition is Q . e(R,Q ,P ) is the source coding with side information error exponent at rate R A A B|A with source sequencesuniformly distributed in type Q and the side information is the output of channel A P with input sequence of type Q . So obviously, we have: B|A A E (R,P )= max{E (R,Q ,P )} c B|A c A B|A Q A e(R,P )= min{D(Q kP )+e(R,Q ,P )} AB A A A B|A Q A These results are established by the type covering lemma [5] on the operational level, i.e. a complete characterizations of the source coding with side information error exponent e(R,Q ,P ) implies a A B|A complete characterizations of the channel coding error exponent E (H(Q )− R,Q ,P ) and vice c A A B|A versa. From these duality results, it is well known that both the lower and the upper bounds are increasing with R and are convex in R. And they are both positive if and only if R > H(P ). The special case A|B of the source coding with decoder side information problem is that the side information is independent of the source, i.e. P = P ×P . In this case, the error exponent is completely characterized [6], AB A B e(R,P ) = inf D(Q kP ) (7) A A A QA:H(QA)>R 3) Joint source-channelcoding error exponents [5]: In his seminal paper [5], the joint source-channel coding error exponentsis studied. This is yet another special case of the general setup in Figure 1. When a and b are independent, i.e. P = P × P , we can drop all the b terms in (1). Hence the error AB A B probability is defined as: Pr(an 6=an(yn)) = P (an) W (yn|xn(an))1(an 6= an(yn)). (8) A Y|X an yn X X Write the error exponenbt of (8) as E(P ,W ). The lower and upper boubnds of the error exponents A Y|X are derived in [5]. It is shown that: min{e(R,P )+E (R,W )} ≤ E(P ,W )≤ min{e(R,P )+E (R,W )} (9) A sp Y|X A Y|X A r Y|X R R The upper bound is derived by using standard method of types argument. The lower bound is a direct consequence of the channel coding Theorem 5 in [5]. The difference between the lower and upper bounds is in the channel coding error exponent. The joint source channel coding error exponent is “almost” completely characterized because the only possible improvementistodeterminethechannelcodingerrorexponentwhichisstillnotcompletelycharacterized in the low rate regime where R < R . However, let R∗ be the rate that minimizes {e(R,P ) + cr A E (R,W )}, if R∗ ≥R or equivalently E (R∗,W ) = E (R∗,W ), then we have a complete r Y|X cr r Y|X sp Y|X characterization of the joint source channel coding error exponent: E(P ,W )= e(R∗,P )+E (R∗,W ). (10) A Y|X A r Y|X The goal of this paper is to derive a similar result for E(P ,W ) defined in (2) as that for the joint AB Y|X source channel coding in (9) and (10). 4 4) A recite of Theorem 5 in [5]: Given a sequence of positive integers {m } with 1 logm → 0 n n n and mn message sets A1,....Amn each with size |Ai| = 2nRi. Then there exists a channel code (f0,φ0), where the encoder f : mn A → Xn where f (a) = xn(a) ∈ Si for a ∈ A and the decoder 0 i=0 i 0 X i φ :Yn → mn A , write φ (yn) as a(yn) s.t. for any message a∈ A , the decoding error 0 i=0 i S 0 i S pe(a) = WY|X(byn|xn(a))1(a 6= a(yn)) ≤ 2n(Er(Ri,SXi ,WY|X)−ǫn) yn X for every channel W , and ǫ → 0. In particular, ifbthe channel W is known to the encoder, each Y|X n Y|X Si can be picked to maximize E (R ,Si ,W ), hence for each a ∈ A : X r i X Y|X i pe(a) ≤ 2n(Er(Ri,WY|X)−ǫn). This channelcodingtheoremas Csisza´rputit, the “main resultof this paper”in [5]. We usethis theorem directly in the proof of the lower bound in Proposition 1 and further modify it to show the lower bound in Theorem 1. III. JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING ERROR EXPONENT WITH BOTH DECODER AND ENCODER SIDE-INFORMATION As a warmup to the more interesting scenario where the side-information is not known to the encoder, we present the upper/lower bounds when both the encoder and the decoder know the side-information. This setup is shown in Figure 2. an - Encoder - DMC W - Decoder - an Y|X 6 6 6 (a ,b ) ∼ P i i AB b ? bn Fig. 2. Source coding with both decoder and encoder side-information The error probability of the coding system is, similar to (1): Pr(an 6= an(bn,yn)) = P (an,bn) W (yn|xn(an,bn))1(an 6= an(bn,yn)). (11) AB Y|X an,bn yn X X The error exponbent of this setup is denoted by E (P ,W ) which is definebd in the same way as both AB Y|X E(P ,W )in(2).Thedifferenceisthattheencoderobservesbothsourcean andtheside-information AB Y|X bn, hence the output of the encoder is a function of both: xn(an,bn). So obviously, E (P ,W ) both AB Y|X is not smaller than E(P ,W ). AB Y|X Comparing (11) and (8), we can see the connections between joint source-channel coding with both decoderand encoderside information and joint source-channelcoding. Knowing the side information bn, the joint source channel coding with both encoder and decoder side information problem is essentially a channel coding problem with messages distributed on An with a distribution P (an|bn). Hence we A|B can extend the results for joint source-channel coding error exponent [5]. We summarize the bounds on E (P ,W ) in the following proposition. both AB Y|X 5 Proposition 1: Lower and upper bound on E (P ,W ) both AB Y|X E (P ,W )≤ min{e (R,P )+E (R,W )} both AB Y|X U AB sp Y|X R E (P ,W )≥ min{e (R,P )+E (R,W )} (12) both AB Y|Z U AB r Y|X R Not explicitly stated, but it should be clear that the range of R is (0,log |A|). 2 Proof:seeAppendixA.BecauseE (P ,W )isnosmallerthanE(P ,W ),sothelower both AB Y|X AB Y|X bound of E(P ,W ) in Theorem 1 is also a lower bound for E (P ,W ). However, in the AB Y|X both AB Y|X appendix, we give a simple proof of the lower bound on E (P ,W ) which is a corollary of both AB Y|X Theorem 5 in [5]. (cid:3) Comparingthelowerandtheupperboundsforthecasewithbothencoderanddecoderside-information, wecaneasilyseethatifR∗minimizes{e (R,P )+E (R,W )}andE (R∗,W ) = E (R∗,W ), U AB r Y|X sp Y|X r Y|X then the upper bound and the lower bound match. Hence, E (P ,W )= e (R∗,P )+E (R∗,W ). (13) both AB Y|X U AB r Y|X In this case E (P ,W ) is completely characterized. both AB Y|X IV. JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL ERROR EXPONENTS WITH ONLY DECODER SIDE INFORMATION We study the more interesting problem where only decoder knows the side-information in this section. We first give a lower and an upper bound on the error exponent of joint source-channel coding with decoder only side-information. The result is summarized in the following Theorem. Theorem 1: Lower and upper bound on the joint source channelcoding with decoderside-information only, as setup in Figure 1, error exponent: For the error probability Pr(an 6= an(bn,yn)) and error exponent E(P ,W ) defined in (1) and (2), we have the following lower and upper bounds: AB Y|X b E(P ,W ) ≥ (14) AB Y|X min max min {D(Q kP )+D(V kW |S (Q ))+|I(S (Q );V )−H(Q )|+} AB AB Y|X Y|X X A X A Y|X A|B QA SX(QA)QB|A,VY|X E(P ,W ) ≤ (15) AB Y|X min max min {D(Q kP )+D(V kW |S (Q ))} AB AB Y|X Y|X X A QA SX(QA)QB|A,VY|X:I(SX(QA);VY|X)<H(QA|B) Proof: The main technical tool used here is the method of types. For the lower bound we propose a joint coding scheme for the joint source channel coding with side information problem. This scheme is a modification of the coding scheme first proposed in [5]. However, we cannot directly use the channel coding Theorem 5 in [5] because of the presence of the side information. In essence, we have to study a more complicated case using the method of types. Details see Appendix B. (cid:3) To simplify the expressions of the lower and upper bounds and later give a sufficient condition for these two bounds to match, we introduce the “digital interface” R and have the following corollary. Corollary 1: upper and lower bounds on E(P ,W ) with “digital interface” R AB Y|X E(P ,W ) ≤ min max min{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )} (16) AB Y|X U AB A sp X A Y|X QA SX(QA) R E(P ,W ) ≥ min max min{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )} (17) AB Y|Z U AB A r X A Y|X QA SX(QA) R where E (R,S (Q ),W ) is the standard random coding error exponentfor channelW at rate R r X A Y|X Y|X with input distribution S (Q ) defined in (4), while e (R,P ,Q ) is a peculiar source coding with X A U AB A 6 side-information error exponentfor sourceP at rate R, where the empiricalsource distribution is fixed AB at Q . That is for Q A A e (R,P ,Q ) , min D(Q kP ) (18) U AB A AB AB QB|A:H(QA|B)≥R Proof: The proof is in Appendix C. (cid:3) With the simplified expression of the lower and upper bounds in Corollary 1, we can give a game theoretic interpretation of the bounds. And more importantly, we present some sufficient conditions for the two bounds to match. A. A game theoretic interpretation of the bounds ThelowerandupperboundsestablishedinCorollary1clearlyhaveagametheoreticinterpretation.This is a two player zero sum game. The first player is “nature”, the second player is the coding system, the payoff from “nature” to the coding system is the bounds on the error exponents in Corollary 1. “Nature” chooses the marginal of the source Q (observable to the coding system) and R which is essentially A the side information Q and the channel behavior V (non-observable to the coding system). The B|A Y|X coding system choose S (Q ) after observing Q . Hence in this game, the ”nature” has two moves, X A A the first move on Q and the last move on R which is essentially Q and V , while the coding A B|A Y|X system has the middle move on S (Q ). X A Comparing Corollary 1 for joint source-channelcoding with decoderside information and the classical joint source-channelcoding error exponent[5] in (9), it is desirable to have a sufficientcondition that the lower bound and the upper bound match, i.e. the complete characterization as that in (10). It is simpler for the case in (9) since all is needed is that the sphere backing bound and the random coding bound to match at the critical rate R∗ as discussed in Section II-B.3. However, for the two bounds in Corollary 1, it is not clear what the conditions are such that these two bounds match. Suppose that the solution of the game (16) is (Qu,Su(Q ),Ru) and solution of the game (17) is (Ql ,Sl (Q ),Rl). An obvious A X A A X A sufficient condition for the two bounds match is as follows: (Ql ,Sl (Q ),Rl) = (Qu,Su(Q ),Ru) and E (Ru,Su(Q ),W )= E (Ru,Su(Q ),W )(19) A X A A X A r X A Y|X sp X A Y|X This condition is hard to verify for any source channel pairs. In the next section, we try to simplify the condition under which these two bounds match for a class of channels. B. A sufficient condition to reduce min{max{min{·}}} to min{·} The difficulty in studying the bounds in Corollary 1 is that the min and max operators are nested. The problem will be simplified if we can change the order of the min and max operators. Corollary 2: For symmetric channels W defined on Page 94 in [9], this includes the binary Y|X symmetric and binary erasure channels, where the input distribution S to maximize the random coding X error exponent E (R,S ,W ) is uniform on X, or for more general channels5, where the input r X Y|X distribution S to maximize the random coding error exponent E (R,S ,W ) is the same for all R, X r X Y|X then the upper and lower bounds in Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 can be further simplified to the following forms: E(P ,W ) ≤ min{e (R,P )+E (R,W )} (20) AB Y|X U AB sp Y|X R E(P ,W )≥ min{e (R,P )+E (R,W )} (21) AB Y|Z U AB r Y|X R 5For example, a channel consisted of parallel symmetric channels. 7 Note:inthiscase,theupperandlowerboundsforE(P ,W )isthesameasthoseforE (P ,W ) AB Y|X both AB Y|X in Proposition 1. More discussions see Section V. Proof: An important property for symmetric channels is that the input distribution that maximizes the random coding error exponent is constant for all rate R, hence the inner maxmin{·} is equal to minmax{·}, i.e. E(P ,W ) ≥ min max min{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )} AB Y|X U AB A r X A Y|X QA SX(QA) R = minmin max {e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )} U AB A r X A Y|X QA R SX(QA) = minmin{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,W )} (22) U AB A r Y|X Q R A = min{min{e (R,P ,Q )}+E (R,W )} U AB A r Y|X R Q A = min{e (R,P )+E (R,W )} (23) U AB r Y|X R where (22) follows the definition of random coding bound in (3) and (23) follows the obvious equality: mine (R,P ,Q ) = min D(Q kP ) =e (R,P ). U AB A AB AB U AB QA QAB:H(QA|B)≥R The upper bound in 20 is trivial by noticing that maxmin{·} ≤ minmax{·} [2], hence: E(P ,W ) ≤ min max min{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )} AB Y|X U AB A sp X A Y|X QA SX(QA) R ≤ minmin max {e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )} U AB A sp X A Y|X QA R SX(QA) = minmin{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,W )} U AB A sp Y|X Q R A = min{min{e (R,P ,Q )}+E (R,W )} U AB A sp Y|X R Q A = min{e (R,P )+E (R,W )} (24) U AB sp Y|X R Corollary 2 is proved. (cid:3) With this corollary proved, we can give a sufficient condition under which the lower bound and upper bound match similar to that for the joint source-channel coding case in Section II-B.3. More discussions see Section V. C. Why it is hard to generalize Corollary 2 to non-symmetric channels? Whether max min{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )}isequaltomin max {e (R,P ,Q )+ U AB A r X A Y|X U AB A SX(QA) R R SX(QA) E (R,S (Q ),W )} is not obvious for general (non-symmetric) channels. A sufficient condition of r X A Y|X the existence of a unique saddle point hence the equality is known as the Sion’s Theorem [12] which states that: maxminf(µ,ν)= minmaxf(µ,ν) (25) µ∈Mν∈N ν∈N µ∈M ifMandN areconvex,compactspacesandf aquasi-concave-convex(definitionssee[2])andcontinuous function on M×N. For the function of interest,: max min{e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )}. (26) U AB A r X A Y|X SX(QA) R 8 Weexaminethesufficientconditionunderwhichauniqueequilibriumexists,accordingtotheSion’sThe- orem.First,e (R,P ,Q )+E (R,S (Q ),W )isquasi-convexinRbecausebothe (R,P ,Q ) U AB A sp X A Y|X U AB A and E (R,S (Q ),W ) are convex, hence quasi-convex in R. However, (26) is not quasi concave sp X A Y|X on S (Q ): X A E (R,S (Q ),W ) = inf D(V kW |S (Q ))+|I(V ;S (Q ))−R|+, r X A Y|X Y|X Y|X X A Y|X X A V Y|X notice that the first term is linear in S (Q ), the second term is quasi-concave but not concave. But X A the sum of a linear function and a quasi-concave function might not be quasi-concave. This shows that the minmax theorem cannot be established by using the Sion’s Theorem. This does not mean that the minmax theorem cannot be proved. However for a non quasi-concave function that may have multiple peaks, minmax{·} is not necessarily equal to maxmin{·}. V. “ALMOST” COMPLETE CHARACTERIZATION OF E(PAB,WY|X)FOR SYMMETRIC CHANNELS ThesufficientconditioninCorollary2isimportant,sincebinarysymmetricandbinaryerasurechannels are among the most well studied discrete memoryless channels. We further discuss the implications of the “almost” complete characterization of E(P ,W ) for symmetric channels. AB Y|X First we give an example shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The source a is a Bernoulli 0.5 random variable and the joint distribution has the distribution 0.50 0.00 P = (27) AB 0.05 0.45 (cid:26) (cid:27) The channel W is a binary symmetric channel with cross rate 0.025. The channel coding error Y|X exponent bounds E (R,W ) and E (R,W ) and the source coding with decoder side-information r Y|X sp Y|X upper bound e (R,P ) are plotted in Figure 3. The channel coding bound match while R ≥ R , U AB cr where R is defined in [9]. cr Note: the lower bound of the source coding with side information error exponent e (R,P ) is not L AB plotted in the figure. In Figure 4, we add both the lower and upper bounds on the joint source channel coding with decoder side information to the plot in Figure 3. For this source channelpair P and W , we havea complete AB Y|X characterization of E (P ,W ) because the channel is symmetric and the two bounds match at both AB Y|X the minimal point, i.e. the two curves: e (R,P )+E (R,W ) and e (R,P )+E (R,W ) U AB sp Y|X U AB r Y|X match at the minimal point as shown in Figure 4. The value of the minimum is E shown in Figure 4. j A. Encoder side information often does not help SimilartoProposition1,wecanseetheconditionsunderwhichwecangiveacompletecharacterization of the joint source channel coding with decoder only side information error exponent E(P ,W ). AB Y|X If R∗ minimizes {e (R,P )+E (R,W )} and E (R∗,W ) = E (R∗,W ), then the upper U AB r Y|X sp Y|X r Y|X bound and the lower bound match. Hence: E(P ,W ) = e (R∗,P )+E (R∗,W ). (28) AB Y|X U AB r Y|X Comparing Corollary 2 and Proposition 1, we bound the error exponent with or without decoding side-information by the same lower and upper bounds. This does not mean that E(P ,W ) = AB Y|Z E (P ,W ) always holds. But if the lower bound and upper bound match, which is shown in both AB Y|Z Figure 4, then we have: E(P ,W ) =E (P ,W )= e (R∗,P )+E (R∗,W ). (29) AB Y|Z both AB Y|Z U AB r Y|X 9 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 Ej 0.2 0.2 Es 0 0 0 1 0 1 Rate R Rate R Fig. 3. The upper bound on source coding with side- Fig.4. eU(R,PAB)+Esp(R,WY|X)andeU(R,PAB)+ information error exponent eU(R,PAB) is the dotted Er(R,WY|X) are added to Figure 3 in dashed line and line.TherandomcodingboundEr(R,WY|X)andsphere solid line respectively, they match at the minimal point packing bound Esp(R,WY|X) for channel coding error hence the joint source-channel coding with decoder side- exponents are the solid line and the dashed line respec- information error exponent is completely determined as tively. E(PAB,WY|X) = Ej And Es is the separate coding error exponent Eseparate(PAB,WY|X) defined in (33). where R∗ minimizes e (R,P ) + E (R,W ) and R∗ > R . This is another example for block U AB r Y|X cr coding where knowing side-information does not help increase the error exponent. In the contrary, as discussed in [3], in the delay constrained setup, there is a penalty for not knowing the side-information even if the channel is noiseless. B. Separate coding is strictly sub-optimal An obvious coding scheme for the problem in Figure 1 is to implement a separate coding scheme. A source encoder first encodes the source sequence an into a rate R, where R is determined later, bit stream cnR(an) then an independent channel encoder encodes the bits cnR into channel inputs xn. The channeldecoderfirstdecodesthechanneloutputyn intobitscnR andthentheindependentsourcedecoder b 10

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