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Introduction to Website Design and Development PDF

322 Pages·2013·8.74 MB·English
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Introduction to Website Design and Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Don Colton Brigham Young University–Hawai‘i August 10, 2013 Quick Overview Whatdoesitreallytaketomakeawebsite? Weareheretotakeyou“behind the scenes” into the inner workings of websites. Thisbookisforpeoplewhoarenewtowebsitedesign. Itisprettybasic, but it also covers a lot of ground and introduces other resources. You can get the PDF for free at http://iwdd.tk/ or http://iwdd.doncolton.com/. Quick Start: Wemakeasimplewebpage,aboutfivelineslong,rightonthe computeryouareusing. Thenwetalkaboutdomainnamesandwebhosting. We follow that with control panels, to get your website up, and copyright, to avoid getting your website taken down. Finally, we publish. Web Development Tools: Face it: you do not always have to reinvent the wheel. Many websites are built using cookie-cutter technologies. In minutes you can have your idea (or your friend’s) up and running. We focus on WordPress, the leading CMS in the world. Media: Text is great, but what is a webpage without pictures? We give you basic image editing skills. And we look into audio and video. Content: HTML: Here we pop open the hood and look at the engine that runs the web: HTML. Good news: it is a pretty simple language. Presentation: CSS Style: This is where the real power lies. Adding CSS to HTML is like turning a typewriter into a word processor. Action: JavaScript: You learn what it takes to put JavaScript into a webpage, and why you might want to. Appendix: Sometimes we go deep on things, like browsers, text editors, passwords, and more. For those that want deep, enjoy! Ready to learn? Skip ahead to Chapter 4 (page 20). Otherwise, stick around to see the table of contents. It is coming right up. 1 2 Learning Objectives Thistextbookprovidessupportforthefollowinglearningobjectives. Bythe conclusion of this course, students should be able to do these things. • Learning objective. (How we achieve it.) • Properly use HTML markup. (We cover h1, p, links, div, span, head, body, tables, lists, and forms.) • Properly use CSS to style a webpage. (We cover box model, font fam- ilies, inline style, positioning, internal and external stylesheets based on tag, ID, class, and pseudo-class.) • Properly segregate HTML and CSS. • CreatevalidHTMLandCSS.(WevalidateourHTMLandCSSagainst W3C standards.) • Edit images. (We use Gimp to crop, resize, use transparency, and create icons.) • Understand JavaScript. (We use it to alter the appearance of a web- page.) • Understand Webhosting and DNS. (We establish a domain name and subdomains and populate them with content.) • Understand Apache. (We use public html and index.html to create websites.) • Understand CMS. (We install and customize WordPress, a popular Content Management Systems.) Acknowledgements I am pleased to acknowledge and express my thanks for several important contributions. W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium (http://www.w3.org/), in its role as an international community for developing open standards to ensure the 3 long-term growth of the Web, provides clearly documented standards that are the basis of the modern Web. Professor Jay Merryweather (http://jaymerryweather.com/, MWXDe- sign) of the Brigham Young University–Hawaii Fine Arts department pro- vided a detailed list of learning outcomes expected from this course in its role as prerequisite to the Web Design courses taught in the Fine Arts de- partment. You, the students who will read this book and apply its teachings, provide a motivation and a context in which my efforts have meaning. Contents I Quick Start 9 1 HTML Tags 11 2 Valid HTML 14 3 Classes and Borders 16 II Fundamentals 19 4 Local Webpages 20 5 Web Hosting 29 6 Control Panel 31 7 Domain Names 37 8 Dot TK: Domains for Free 42 9 Troubleshooting Your New Domain 49 10 Copyright 51 11 Publish: Going Online 57 4 CONTENTS 5 12 Getting Feedback 59 13 Content, Presentation, Action 63 14 Notable Resources 69 III Web Development Tools 72 15 A General Overview 73 16 Content Management Systems 76 17 WordPress 78 IV Media: Images, Audio, Video 84 18 Codecs: Coding and Decoding 85 19 Basic Image Processing 91 20 The Gimp 97 21 Image Transparency 99 22 Favicon 106 23 Tiled Backgrounds 107 24 Irregular Image Shapes 117 V Content: HTML Markup 120 25 Popular Markup 122 CONTENTS 6 26 Content in General 123 27 Markup in General 129 28 Headings and Paragraphs 141 29 Global HTML Attributes 143 30 Images 144 31 Connecting With External Resources 145 32 Relative, DocRoot, and Absolute URLs 148 33 Lists, Ordered and Unordered 154 34 Tables 156 35 Divs and Spans 159 36 Forms 161 VI Presentation: CSS Style 172 37 Styling Quick Start 174 38 Advanced Eye Candy 178 39 Colors and Backgrounds 181 40 Untangling HTML and Style 185 41 The Box Model 188 42 Fonts and Text 194 CONTENTS 7 43 Positioning 207 44 ID 209 45 Class 211 46 Pseudo-Classes 212 47 Cascading 213 48 Transitions and Animations 214 VII Action: JavaScript Programs 217 49 A Little JavaScript Fun 220 50 JavaScript to Change Class 224 51 JavaScript to Hide and Reveal 226 52 JavaScript for External Content 228 53 Other JavaScript Ideas 232 54 Triggers 233 55 Untangling HTML and Scripting 235 56 The DOM 238 VIII Appendix 239 A Elements of HTML 240 CONTENTS 8 B CSS Attributes 244 C Public Domain Content 246 D The Original Preface 249 E Browser Recommendations 253 F Text Editor Recommendations 255 G Search Engine Optimization 258 H Special Glyphs 263 I The Apache Webserver 265 J Publishing and Backing Up 275 K Password Recommendations 278 L Patterns (Regular Expressions) 284 M WordPress: Advanced Concepts 285 N Glossary 287 O Exam Questions 290 P Test Bank 297 Index 316 Unit I Quick Start 9

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