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Improved Filtering And Estimation Methods For Aerospace Problems This thesis is submitted to the Jadavpur University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy By SHOVAN BHAUMIK Department of Electrical Engineering Jadavpur University Kolkata, India 2008 Names, Designations and Affiliations of Supervisors 1. Dr. SMITA SADHU Reader Department of Electrical Engineering Jadavpur University Kolkata-700 032 India 2. Dr. TAPAN KUMAR GHOSHAL Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Jadavpur University Kolkata-700 032 India Certificate from Supervisors This is to certify that the candidate Shri SHOVAN BHAUMIK was registered on …………………., and fulfilled the residence and other requirements for submitting the thesis for the Ph.D. (Engg) degree of this University as per rules. The thesis is a genuine piece of research carried out by the candidate under our supervision and neither his thesis nor any part of part of the thesis has been submitted for any degree / diploma or any other academic award anywhere before. In our opinion this is a fit piece of work for submission for the Ph.D. degree. 1. -------------------------------------------- 2.--------------------------------------- Signature of the supervisor and Signature of the supervisor and date with Office Seal date with Office Seal ABSTRACT This dissertation deals with nonlinear filtering and estimation methods for systems with parametric uncertainties. The work focuses primarily on risk-sensitive estimators, which are known to be robust in the presence of uncertainties in the system parameters. Risk sensitive filters (RSF), which are based on risk-sensitive control law, minimize the expected value of an exponential of a convex function of the estimation error. A designer-chosen parameter, called the risk-sensitive parameter, provides a tool for design trade-off between the filtering performance for the nominal model and the robustness to model uncertainty. Though the work was motivated by the need to evolve improved methods of filtering for aerospace systems, the scope of the thesis has been broadened to include non-aerospace problems as well. Thus the dissertation deals with aerospace problems and other nonlinear problems with uncertain system model, un-modeled biases, unknown inputs and non-nominal noise covariance. Though existing literature on risk-sensitive filters claims that these filters are robust, the implementation of these filters for nonlinear problems had been practically impossible as these filters admit closed form expressions only for a very limited class of models including finite state- space Markov chains and linear Gaussian models. Until very recently, the only method of implementation of risk-sensitive filters for nonlinear problems was by using the extended Risk sensitive filter (ERSF), which uses an EKF-based linearization method. However, all the shortcomings of the EKF are inherited by the ERSF. In this dissertation, some novel filters have been proposed, which significantly extend the range of applications of risk-sensitive techniques to nonlinear, non-Gaussian systems. The proposed filters would enable one to study the properties of risk-sensitive filters and to explore the possibility of application of RSFs for a wide variety of problems including aerospace problems like target tracking and navigation. Some simple test problems have been selected for characterizing the existing filters and testing the applicability of developed filters. Though it cannot be claimed that RSFs have been found to be superior to other existing (risk-neutral) nonlinear filters, this dissertation makes an effort to summarize the results of comparison of the various filters for each chosen application area. i The salient contributions of this research work are as follows: • Development of Risk sensitive unscented Kalman filter (RSUKF), which is a novel method for non-linear risk-sensitive estimation based on the unscented Kalman filter. (Paper accepted for publication in IET Control Theory and Applications, UK, 2008.) • Development of Central difference risk-sensitive filter (CDRSF), which is a novel numerically efficient algorithm for risk-sensitive filters of nonlinear plants, using central difference approximation. (Paper published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2007.) • Development of Risk sensitive particle filter (RSPF), which is a novel particle implementation of Risk-sensitive filters (RSF) for nonlinear, non-Gaussian state- space models based on a probabilistic re-interpretation of the RSF recursions. (Paper accepted for publication in Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing and available online since 1st October, 2008. One IEEE INDICON conference papers published in 2006 have been cited and critically appreciated by international researchers.) • Development of Adaptive grid risk sensitive filter (AGRSF), which is a novel adaptive grid based method employing the point-mass approximation for computation of risk-sensitive state estimates in non-linear non-Gaussian problems. (Work presented and published in the proceedings of the IEEE Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 2006 and IEEE INDICON, 2005.) • Formulation of an approach for preliminary design of guidance system for homing missiles by using the Cramer Rao Bound (CRB) to provide a quantitative understanding of the influence of model parameters and instrumentation/signal processing capabilities of the tracking filter performance, without going into the specifics of filter design and elaborate Monte Carlo simulation for performance analysis. (Work presented and published in the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Rome, Italy, 2004, paper published in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, 2006.) • Comparative performance analysis of existing and proposed filters for the Bearing only tracking problem with different measurement models. • Application of the filters to a self-alignment problem for Inertial Navigation System. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My supervisors Dr. Smita Sadhu and Professor Tapan Kumar Ghoshal deserve my deepest gratitude. This thesis is, to a large extent, a result of their skillful meticulous guidance and encouraging support to my work. I would also like to acknowledge them for their valuable comments suggestions during work and review of manuscript at different stages that have lifted the thesis to a level I never would have reached on my own. I would like to thank my co-worker M Srinivasan for research cooperation, comparing simulation results and fruitful discussions. The work has been partly sponsored by Aeronautical Research and Development Board (India) and Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR). I thankfully acknowledge their support. I have great pleasure in expressing my thanks to, Prof. Shyamal Kumar Goswami, Prof. Kalyan Kumar Dutta and Prof Samar Bhattacharya, Jadavpur University, for their encouragement. I also wish to thank the successive Heads of Electrical Engineering and the Coordinators of Center for Knowledge Based System for providing research infrastructure. Lastly I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to my parents, family members and friends for their love, affection, support and encouragement. Shovan Bhaumik Jadavpur University, October 2008 iii LIST OF PUBLICATION International Journal (Published/Communicated) 1. Shovan Bhaumik, Smita Sadhu, T.K.Ghoshal “Risk Sensitive Formulation of Unscented Kalman Filter”, accepted for publication to IET Control Theory & Applications, 2008. 2. Smita Sadhu, M. Srinivasan, S. Bhaumik, T. K. Ghoshal, Central Difference Formulation of Risk-Sensitive Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol 14, issue 6, pp 421-424, June 2007. 3. Smita Sadhu, Shovan Bhaumik, Arnaud Doucet, T.K.Ghoshal “Risk Sensitive Filtering by Particle Methods” accepted for publication in Elsevier Journal of Signal Processing, 2008. 4. S.Bhaumik, S.Sadhu, M.Srinivasan, T.K.Ghoshal, “Adaptive grid method for nonlinear risk sensitive estimation problems”, submitted to International journal of modelling and simulation. National Journal (Published) 5. S.Bhaumik, S.Sadhu and T.K. Ghoshal “Parametric Performance Analysis of Tracking System Using Posterior Cramer Rao Lower Bounds” Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), electrical engineering division, issue 3, vol 47, December 2006. Papers Presented/Published in International Conferences 6. S.Bhaumik, M. Srinivasan, S. Sadhu, T.K.ghoshal “A Risk Sensitive Estimator for Nonlinear Problems using the Adaptive Grid Method” in Proceedings of Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop- University of Cambridge, UK 2006. 7. S. Sadhu, S. Bhaumik, and Prof. T. K. Ghoshal “Homing Guidance Configuration using Cramer Rao Bounds”- in Proceedings of 4th IEEE international symposium on signal processing and information technology, Rome, Italy, pp 437-440, Dec 2004. 8. M.Srinivasan, S.Bhuamik, S.Sadhu, T.K.Ghoshal, “Exo-Atmospheric IR Tracking of Ballistic Objects”, in Proceedings of International Conference of IEEE INDICON 2005, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec 12-13, 2005 iv 9. S.Bhaumik, S. Sadhu, T.K.Ghoshal “Risk Sensitive Estimators for Inaccurately Modelled Systems”, in Proceedings of International Conference of IEEE INDICON’2005, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec 12-13, 2005. 10. S.Bhuamik, M.Srinivasan, S.Sadhu, T.K.Ghoshal, “Adaptive Grid Solution of Risk Sensitive Estimator Problems”, in Proceedings of International Conference of IEEE INDICON 2005, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec 12-13, 2005. 11. S.Bhaumik, S.Sadhu, and T.K.Ghoshal, “Alternative Formulation for Risk Sensitive Particle Filter (Posterior)”, in Proceedings of International Conference of IEEE INDICON’2006, New Delhi, India, Sep 15-17, 2006. Papers Presented/Published in National Conferences 12. S. Bhaumik, S. Sadhu “Auxiliary Particle filter for Bearing Only Tracking” in proceedings of 28th national systems Conference, Vellore institute of technology, pp 263-267, Dec 2004. 13. S.Bhaumik, S. Sadhu and T.K.ghoshal “Formulation of LMI Based Risk Sensitive Estimator”, in proceedings of International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering” Kolkata, January 12-14, 2007. v CONTENTS Abstract i Acknowledgement iii List of Publication iv Content vi List of Figures xi List of Table xiv Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1Motivation 1 1.2Thesis Objective 3 1.3Background on aerospace Problem Domain 3 1.3.1 Target Tracking 3 1.3.2 Navigation and Its Use 5 1.4Background in Solution Domain 6 1.4.1 Background on Filters and State Estimators 7 1.5Problem Statement and Scope 8 1.6The Approach and Methodology 9 1.7Contribution 10 1.7.1 Publication Generated from this Work 11 1.7.2 Credits to Co-Workers 11 1.8Organization and Content of the Thesis 12 Chapter 2 Literature Survey 2.1Introduction to Literature Survey 13 2.2Problem Domain Literature Survey 13 2.2.1 Tracking of Maneuvering Target 13 Bearing Only Tracking 14 Ballistic Object Tracking 16 2.2.2 Navigation 19 Estimation Problems in Inertial Navigation 21 Literature on Error Models 22 Alignment Problem 23 Self Alignment: Coarse 24 Self Alignment: Fine 25 Transfer and Aided Alignment 27 In Flight Alignment 28 GPS Based Alignment 29 GPS INS Estimation and Data Fusion 29 GPS INS Estimation Using Kalman Filter 30 vi GPS INS Estimation Using Post Kalman Filter 33 2.3Literature Survey Solution Domain 34 2.3.1 Linear Regression Kalman Filter (LRKF) Techniques 35 Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) 35 Central Difference Filter (CDF) and Divided Difference 36 Filter (DDF) 2.3.2 Pseudo Measurement Filter 37 2.3.3 Approximate Grid Based Filter 38 Adaptive Grid Filter 38 2.3.4 Particle Filter 39 2.3.5 Robust Filtering 41 2.3.6 Robust H2 and H∞ Filter 41 Riccati Equation Based Approach 41 LMI Based Approach 43 2.3.7 Risk Sensitive (RS) Filtering 44 Nonlinear Risk sensitive Filter 46 2.3.8 Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) 47 2.4Discussion and Conclusion 48 Chapter 3 Test Problems 3.1 Introduction 49 3.2First Order Linear System (L1) 49 3.3Second Order Linear (L2) 49 3.4First Order Nonlinear Problem (N1-1) 50 3.5Another First Order Nonlinear System (N1-2) 51 3.62nd Order Bearing Only Tracking (BOT) Problem (non-linear) 52 3.6.1 BOT Problem Formulation 53 3.6.2 Measurement Model I 54 3.6.3 Measurement Model II 56 3.6.4 Measurement Model III 57 3.6.5 Filter Initialisation 58 Chapter 4 Risk Sensitive Estimator 4.1 Introduction 59 4.2 Formulation of Risk Sensitive Estimation Problem 60 4.3 Recursive Solution of Risk Sensitive Estimation 61 4.3.1 Posterior Solution 61 4.3.2 Prior Solution 62 4.4 Risk Sensitive Estimation For Linear Gaussian Problem 63 4.4.1 Posterior Risk Sensitive Kalman Filter 63 4.4.2 Prior Risk Sensitive Kalman Filter 64 4.5 LMI Based Formulation of RSKF 65 4.5.1 LMI Based Kalman Filter Formulation 65 vii

by the need to evolve improved methods of filtering for aerospace systems, (Paper accepted for publication in IET Control Theory and missiles by using the Cramer Rao Bound (CRB) to provide a quantitative Shovan Bhaumik, Smita Sadhu, T.K.Ghoshal “Risk Sensitive Formulation of Unscented.
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