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From Monastery to Hospital: Christian Monasticism and the Transformation of Health Care in Late PDF

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Preview From Monastery to Hospital: Christian Monasticism and the Transformation of Health Care in Late

From Monastery to Hospital From Monastery to Hospital Christian Monasticism & the Lransformation of Lealth Care in Late Antiquity Andrew F. Crislip THE UNTVERSITY OF MIGHTGAN PRESS Amst Astor (Cupyright by Uhe Unicity uf Michigan sous all rights reser. Pulled ia Ue Unive States of Auetisa¢ he Uscversty of Michigan Maule auel in Le Cale Sates of Aue ® irntee. on ceid-fce paper roel ame amok aio [No part of ths publisadon ear be repro uve stared ina eeviewleysem, a ransmite in ary Jicas oc by aay nisin estou, casa, e tbeonioe, ‘wiehoct she iften persion oF th publisher. 4 ig re int aton Daa Labrary 0! camgres Catal Cains unde Laue ad From rinnastey to aoxpial: Christian monasticism & re rarsfarmaton of eal cae it Le antiquity! Andres T.Cesip Iuchilesbibvgenpiolebeecnes ip) nd les, ISHN o-gra-agages felon alk. paper) eMasaitlem nd selon ordene Histary Hay chutes. 9 6m 2 Molla care Religious specs —Chriscanity .islory eye. Jie Hrs Mage 5 anes sphaensions OX “85893 Acknowledgments Many pouple hans: contributed to bringing this bnok te sompletion. 1 ‘would fist le to thank Bentley Layton, who served as the adviser for the lissertation om which this bank is based. Hisenthusiastn for the praject his Delief in the importance of my research: and his untising work as a evithe sournling bag. ane! guid have improved this study immeasurably, Many othets have read part or all of the manuscript or have graciously endured its ral pre sabato in warions foruns, Theirs iss lv buat saved ftom several mistakes and opened my eyes to new approaches and histori val connections, fr particular 1 syoul Tike ay Uhank Maral Auridy, Stephen Emael. Ana Bllis Hansoa, Lisle Mastin, and lohn Matthews. 1 would au Tike 16 thank the tye anouyinons readers for the University af ‘Michigan Uress for their erudite and thoughtful comments, Much of my ce search has ulilisd us yot unpublished manuscripts of Shennute, for which I have depended on transcriptions generously provided by a number of scholurs. Lam grateful far the use of manuscript transeriplinns by Anne Boudhors, Stephen Eounel Shalane Hansen, Kees Krawiec, Bentley Layton, Tith Orlandi, Elizahcth Penland, ane! Desight Young, Cauk Cee tercian Publications for permission to: quote from Armand vellleus, Pach miare Koinonia anal the Ribligth?que Nationzle dy Vrang 1 gly hake Seote Allen for draving the maps, My rssaralt has heen facilitated by financial support frown 4 varity af sources, | would like to thank Yale University for providing me with gener ‘ous Hinunsial sssishane in The form of a fohn Perry Millyr Resech Grant, a ohn Enders'avel Grancanda Whiting Dissertation Fellowship, ach of which espalited the reswarch froin which this bok is driven, Tal Tank. the Department of Religious Studies at Yale and the Department of Keli gion, University of HLawa¥i al Manoa, far their infelleciual support. 1am iedgmente vi especially grateful to the University of Hawai j Research Relations bund, which has generously supported the presentation af my research al na tional conferences and my summer research in Egypt. would also like to express iny deep gratilude to the Dumbarton Ouks Resuarch Lilirary for a fellowship in Byzantine Studies in Uall 2004. which afforded me both time sand resuroes finish the ook, Finally, [would like to thank nny wite, Heather, for her loving kindle coud Failing support throughout the long yoars of researeliing and sril- ing this book. Contents Abbreviations Tutraduction: cHapten | ‘Te Monastir Hlth Cave Systems ustivutivus aud Methods Hav ieR 2 Monastic Ue Care in a Functional Contest ‘The Monastery as a Surrogate Family coaprun 3 The Saciai World af Monastic Sickness and Hert! crrapton 4 Monnsuisisee and she Birth of te Hospital Roles Biblivgraghy Indes a3 203 Abbreviations Ancient and modern sources ate abbreviated according to the SBL Sele Nsaoak (Peaboly, Mass: Mendricksan, yiashs GWT, Fampe, 4 Pais tie Groek Lexicon ‘Oxford: Clatendon. 1961, ix lit and H. G. Liddell and R, Scott, AG sk-Englist Lexicon (Onions Clarendon, 996}, seal, Pa- pytiare sted according to the Checks uf Blo of eck, Laie, Dement, and Coptic Papyri Ostet, ated Tablets, sth ed. ly abn P, Oates, Roger agnall, Sarah J. Clacksont, Alesandea A. Brien, Joshua D. Sosin'lerry G. Willong, andl Kiss A. Wore, Bulletin of the American Sociely of Papyaol ‘ogiats Supplements 9 {np.: American Society of Fapyrologists,an01}. Other cited texts are abbreviated Fallows, ACW Ancignt Chistian Writers Amél F. Amelineau, Oewrer de Schenoudi, 2 0 Pat. talph) —— Apophthegmete Parra, alphabetical collection. yph.Peat, fanor.i— Apophihegnata Uatrums, anonymous collection Aue, Reg. Augustine of Tipps, Ree Basil, Ep. asi] of Caesarea, Letters Basil, RB Basil of Cacserea, Shorter Riles Basil, Re basil of Caesatea, Longer Rites Cistercian Studies Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium Corpus scriploriuin eccksiasticorum Ianocum, Classics of Western Spirituality The Letter of Ammons Die griechische christliche schritstellar dee ersten [bre Jahrhundert Hick Moa Ag. History of the Monasties ia byops Hors. ars, ee Le ran Lay MIA. Nuts OSA Pach & " ach. ns Pach jira ach. Pach, Prasat Vall, Ht PG TL PO aC: 8c. SCH Shen. € SUCK Theo. F Theo. Th i 1 rh ter Vln (tac, Vath, ac, Var ac, ¥Sah io. Bn Gi Paralipomena Hocslese, fustrvciveus evr, Rides Loeb Classical Library, J. Laipoll, Simnthis Vite at Opens Omania, val § J Leipolt, Stuwilii ¥iua ef Opera Ouuia, vol 4 Mémaires de Mnslitul famgsis 'Archgolo Osieotale Nav anna Studies Onder of St. x Pachamius, Letters Pachomins, stine Pacluimius, Presepis ond fdgeonenes Pachomins, Precepts and Lavis Pachamnius, Precis Paladins, Lausiae Hisiory Patroloyia Graves Patrologia latina Patrologia crientalis Seudies in Antiquity and Christianity Sourexs chrétignes Sendies in Church Histocy Sherte of Auripe, Ceram Society for the Promotion of Chuistian Knowledge ‘Theodare, Leiters "Uheodore, Haguents “Theodlare, Festructions a Edelstein and kdelstein, Asclepins) “Fests une Urteasucleigen yell of Seythopolis. ile of Athanasius of Alexandria, ifr af Angin Hobairic Life of Pachounias First Grotk Life of Pacharaius Pachombin Fevalipemiena Tirst Sahidlic Life of Pashorniues Second Sahidic Life of Petimerins estimonia Cyril of Seythepli,

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