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Evidence-Based Orthopedics Evidence-Based Medicine Series Updates and additional resources for the books in this series are available from: www.evidencebasedseries.com Evidence-Based Orthopedics CHIEF EDITOR Mohit Bhandari MD, PhD, FRCSC Professor and Academic Chair Canada Research Chair Division of Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Surgery McMaster University Hamilton, ON Canada ASSOCIATE EDITORS Rajiv Gandhi Brad A. Petrisor Marc Swiontkowski MANAGING EDITOR Sheila Sprague SECTION EDITORS Anthony Adili Dianne Bryant Jason W. Busse Thomas A. Einhorn Michelle Ghert Mininder Kocher Joy C. MacDermid Rudolf W. Poolman Emil H. Schemitsch Andrew H. Schmidt Robert M. Szabo Achilleas Thoma A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication This edition first published 2012, © 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd BMJ Books is an imprint of BMJ Publishing Group Limited, used under licence by Blackwell Publishing which was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell‘s publishing programme has been merged with Wiley‘s global Scientific, Technical and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Registered office: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK Editorial offices: 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com/ wiley-blackwell The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The contents of this work are intended to further general scientific research, understanding, and discussion only and are not intended and should not be relied upon as recommending or promoting a specific method, diagnosis, or treatment by physicians for any particular patient. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In view of ongoing research, equipment modifications, changes in governmental regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to the use of medicines, equipment, and devices, the reader is urged to review and evaluate the information provided in the package insert or instructions for each medicine, equipment, or device for, among other things, any changes in the instructions or indication of usage and for added warnings and precautions. Readers should consult with a specialist where appropriate. The fact that an organization or Website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher endorses the information the organization or Website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that Internet Websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. No warranty may be created or extended by any promotional statements for this work. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any damages arising herefrom. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Evidence-based orthopedics / chief editor, Mohit Bhandari ; section editors, Anthony Adili ... [et al.]. p. ; cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-8476-2 (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-8476-0 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Orthopedic surgery. 2. Musculoskeletal system–Wounds and injuries. 3. Evidence-based medicine. I. Bhandari, Mohit. II. Adili, Anthony. [DNLM: 1. Bone and Bones--surgery. 2. Evidence-Based Medicine. 3. Fractures, Bone--surgery. 4. Joints--surgery. 5. Orthopedic Procedures. WE 168] RD732.E96 2011 617.4'7–dc22 2011007202 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is published in the following electronic formats: ePDF 9781444345070; Wiley Online Library 9781444345100; ePub 9781444345087; Mobi 9781444345094 Set in 9.25/12 pt Palatino by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited 1 2012 Contents Contributors, x 11 Gouty Arthritis, 86 Jasvinder A. Singh Foreword, xx 12 Perioperative Medical Management, 93 Preface, xxii Daniel A. Mendelson, Susan M. Friedman, Abbreviations, xxiii and Joseph A. Nicholas 13 Orthobiologics, 100 Section I Methodology of Evidence- T. William Axelrad and Thomas A. Einhorn Based Orthopedics Section III Joint Reconstruction 1 Principles of Evidence-Based Orthopedics, 3 Simrit Bains, Mohit Bhandari, and Paul Tornetta III III.I Hip and Pelvic Reconstruction/Arthroplasty 2 Understanding Hierarchies of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation, 7 14 The Role of Computer Navigation in Total Hip Raman Mundi and Brad A. Petrisor Arthroplasty, 119 Jonathan M. Loughead and Richard W. McCalden 3 Critical Appraisal Tools for Surgeons 12 Farrah Hussain, Sheila Sprague, and Harry E. Rubash 15 Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene in Total Hip Arthroplasty, 131 4 Understanding Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis, 17 Glen Richardson, Michael J. Dunbar, Helena Viveiros, Sarah Resendes, Tania A. Ferguson, and Joseph P. Corkum Mohit Bhandari, and Joel Matta 16 Hip Resurfacing vs. Metal-on-Metal Total Hip 5 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis, 25 Arthroplasty, 137 Nasir Hussain, Farrah Hussain, Mohit Bhandari, and Sanket R. Diwanji, Pascal-André Vendittoli, Saam Morshed and Martin Lavigne 6 Economic Analysis, 30 17 The Role of Ceramic in Total Hip Arthroplasty, 153 Laura Quigley, Sheila Sprague, and Theodore Miclau III Peter M. Lewis and James P. Waddell 18 Minimally Invasive Techniques in Total Hip Section II Orthopedic Medicine Arthroplasty, 164 Amre Hamdi and Paul E. Beaulé 7 Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders, 37 Celeste J. Hamilton, Sophie A. Jamal, and Earl R. Bogoch III.II Hip Revision Surgery 8 Thromboprophylaxis in Orthopedic Practice, 56 19 Management of Femoral Periprosthetic Fractures Ernest Kwek and Richard E. Buckley After Hip Replacement, 171 9 Blood Transfusion, 72 Tamim Umran, Donald S. Garbuz, Bassam A. Masri, and David W. Sanders and Jeffrey L. Carson Clive P. Duncan 10 Wound Infections, 78 20 Evaluation of the Painful Total Hip Wesley G. Lackey, Kyle J. Jeray, Atul F. Kamath, Replacement, 178 John G. Horneff III, and John L. Esterhai, Jr Matthew Oliver and James N. Powell v Contents 21 Revision of the Femoral Components: Role of III.VI Foot and Ankle Reconstruction/ Structural Bulk Allografts and Impaction Arthroplasty Grafting, 186 34 Fusion vs. Arthroplasty in the Treatment of Ankle Christopher R. Gooding, Bassam A. Masri, Arthritis, 294 Donald S. Garbuz, and Clive P. Duncan Timothy R. Daniels, Mark Glazebrook, Terence Chin, and 22 Revision of the Acetabular Components: Role of Roger A. Haene Structural Bulk Allografts and Porous Tantalum 35 Fusion vs. Arthroplasty in the Treatment of 1st MTP Implants, 205 Arthritis, 307 John Antoniou, Alan J. Walsh, and Jeffrey G.M. Tan, Gilbert Yee, and Johnny T.C. Lau Vassilios S. Nikolaou 36 Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease and the Treatment of III.III Knee Reconstruction/Arthroplasty the Cavo-Varus Foot, 317 David N. Townshend and Alastair S.E. Younger 23 Antibiotic Cement in Total Knee Arthroplasty, 212 Philip A. O’Connor and Steven J. MacDonald 24 Cemented vs. Uncemented Fixation in Total Knee Section IV Trauma Arthroplasty, 220 Eric R. Bohm, Ili Slobodian, Thomas R. Turgeon, IV.I Upper Extremity and Martin Petrak 25 High-Flexion Implants vs. Conventional Design IV.I.I Shoulder Girdle Implants, 228 37 Acromioclavicular Joint, 325 Nicholas Paterson, Robert J. Orec, and Bill Ristevski and Michael D. McKee Douglas D.R. Naudie 38 Clavicle, 332 26 The Neuropathic/Charcot Joint, 236 Bill Ristevski and Michael D. McKee Rajrishi Sharma and Mitchell J. Winemaker 39 Scapula, 341 III.IV Knee Revision Surgery Peter A. Cole and Lisa K. Schroder 40 Post-Traumatic Avascular Necrosis of the Proximal 27 Cemented vs. Uncemented Stems in Revision Humerus, 351 Knee Arthroplasty: Indications, Technique, and Ilia Elkinson and Darren S. Drosdowech Outcomes, 242 Gerard M.J. March and Paul R. Kim IV.I.II Humerus 28 Management of Structural Defects in Revision Knee 41 Proximal Humerus Fractures, 360 Arthroplasty: Femoral Side, 249 Job N. Doornberg and David Ring Sandor Gyomorey, Paul T.H. Lee, and David J. Backstein 42 Humeral Shaft Fractures, 366 29 Patellar Options in Revision Knee Amy Hoang-Kim, Jörg Goldhahn, and David J. Hak Arthroplasty, 257 43 Distal Humerus Fractures, 374 Hatem Al-Harbi and Paul Zalzal Aaron Nauth and Emil H. Schemitsch III.V Shoulder Reconstruction/Arthroplasty IV.I.III Elbow and Forearm 44 Fracture-Dislocations of the Elbow, 383 30 Total Shoulder Replacement vs. Hemiarthroplasty Reyhan A. Chaudhary, Maurice Tompack, and in the Treatment of Shoulder Osteoarthritis, 263 J. Whitcomb Pollock Olivia Y.Y. Cheng and Michael D. McKee 45 Radial Head Fractures, 397 31 Cemented vs. Uncemented Fixation in Shoulder Andrea S. Bauer and David Ring Arthroplasty, 270 Shahryar Ahmadi and Christian Veillette 46 Monteggia Fracture-Dislocations, 403 Bryce T. Gillespie and Jesse B. Jupiter 32 Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty, 278 Ryan T. Bicknell 47 Olecranon Fractures, 409 Bryce T. Gillespie and Jesse B. Jupiter 33 Glenoid Fixation in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: What Type of Glenoid Component Should 48 Forearm Fractures, Including Galeazzi We Use?, 284 Fractures, 416 Eric C. Benson, Kenneth J. Faber, S. John Ham, Matthijs R. Krijnen, and and George S. Athwal Rudolf W. Poolman vi Contents IV.I.IV Wrist and Hand 67 Midfoot/Metatarsal Fractures, 583 Robin R. Elliot and Terence S. Saxby 49 Distal Radius Fractures, 425 Boris A. Zelle and Michael Zlowodzki IV.III Pelvis and Acetabulum 50 Perilunate Dislocations, 437 68 Pelvis, 593 Geert A. Buijze, Job N. Doornberg, and David Ring G. Yves Laflamme, Stephane Leduc, and 51 Carpal Fractures, 443 Dominique M. Rouleau Bertrand H. Perey, Anne-Marie Bedard, and Fay Leung 69 Acetabulum, 602 52 Metacarpal Fractures, 462 Kelly A. Lefaivre and Adam J. Starr Brent Graham IV.IV General IV.II Lower Extremity 70 Open Fractures, 617 IV.II.I Hip Atul F. Kamath, John G. Horneff, John L. Esterhai, Jr., 53 Hip Dislocations, 468 Wesley G. Lackey, Kyle J. Jeray, and J. Scott Broderick Gregory J. Della Rocca, Brett D. Crist, and 71 Acute Compartment Syndrome, 627 Yvonne M. Murtha Andrew H. Schmidt 54 Femoral Head Fractures, 474 72 Noninvasive Technologies for Fracture Repair, 636 Chad P. Coles Yoshinobu Watanabe, Makoto Kobayashi, and 55 Intracapsular Fractures, 480 Takashi Matsushita Jennifer A. Klok, Marc Swiontkowski, and 73 Calcium Phosphate Cements in Fracture Repair, 642 Mohit Bhandari Ross K. Leighton, Kelly Trask, Thomas A. Russell, 56 Intertrochanteric Fractures, 491 Mohit Bhandari, and Richard E. Buckley Ole Brink and Lars C. Borris 74 Damage Control Orthopedics, 649 IV.II.II Femur Philipp Kobbe and Hans-Christoph Pape 75 Mangled Extremity, 655 57 Subtrochanteric Fractures, 497 Ted V. Tufescu Steven Papp, Wade Gofton, and Allan S.L. Liew 58 Femoral Shaft Fractures, 504 Costas Papakostidis and Peter V. Giannoudis Section V Adult Spine 59 Distal Femur Fractures, 522 Matthijs R. Krijnen, J. Carel Goslings, and V.I Cervical Spine Rudolf W. Poolman 76 Mechanical Neck Pain, 663 IV.II.III Knee Gabrielle van der Velde 60 Knee Dislocations, 527 77 Whiplash, 669 James P. Stannard and Allan Hammond Gabrielle van der Velde IV.II.IV Tibia V.II Mechanical Low Back Pain without 61 Proximal Tibia, 534 Neuropathy Richard J. Jenkinson and Hans J. Kreder 78 Mechanical Low Back Pain: Operative 62 Tibial Shaft, 541 Treatment—Fusion, 675 Jennifer A. Klok Rahul Basho, Alex Gitelman, and Jeffrey C. Wang 63 Distal Tibia/Plafond, 549 79 Mechanical Low Back Pain: Nonoperative Hossein Pakzad and Peter J. O’Brien Management, 678 IV.II.V Foot and Ankle Andrea D. Furlan, Victoria Pennick, Jill A. Hayden, and Carlo Ammendolia 64 Malleolar Fractures, 561 David W. Sanders and Ajay Manjoo V.III Low Back Pain with Neuropathy 65 Talus Fractures, 567 80 Neurogenic Claudication—Operative Management Gregory K. Berry (Decompression and Fusion), 686 66 Calcaneus Fractures, 574 Hormuzdiyar H. Dasenbrock, Reza Yassari, Stephen J. McChesney and Richard E. Buckley and Timothy F. Witham vii Contents 81 Neurogenic Claudication: Nonoperative 96 Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, 822 Management, 694 Rune Bruhn Jakobsen and Bent Wulff Jakobsen Carlo Ammendolia 97 Operative vs. Nonoperative Treatment of Combined 82 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—Nonoperative Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Medial Collateral Management, 702 Ligament Injuries, 832 Calvin T. Hu and James O. Sanders Rocco Papalia, Sebastiano Vasta, Vincenzo Denaro, and Nicola Maffulli 83 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis—Operative Management, 710 98 Posterolateral Corner Injury, 841 Calvin T. Hu and James O. Sanders Pankaj Sharma and Daniel B. Whelan 84 Metastatic/Myeloma Disease—Operative 99 Cartilage Injury, 847 Management, 721 Joris E.J. Bekkers, Anika I. Tsuchida, and Daniël Harsha Malempati, Erion Qamirani, and Albert J.M. Yee B.F. Saris 85 Metastatic/Myeloma Disease—Nonoperative 100 Runner’s Knee, 853 Management, 728 Ella W. Yeung and Simon S. Yeung Harsha Malempati, Erion Qamirani, and VI.IV Foot and Ankle Albert J.M. Yee 101 Ankle Ligament Injury, 862 Michel P.J. van den Bekerom, Rover Krips, and Section VI Sports Medicine Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs 102 Achilles Tendinopathy, 872 VI.I Shoulder Nicola Maffulli, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Stefano Campi, 86 Treatment of the First Shoulder Dislocation, 737 and Vincenzo Denaro Charles L. Cox, and John E. Kuhn VI.V Hip 87 Chronic Shoulder Instability, 744 Joost I.P. Willems and W. Jaap Willems 103 Labral Tears, 879 Sanaz Hariri, Henk Eijer, and Marc R. Safran 88 Rotator Cuff Injury, 752 John E. Kuhn 104 Hip Impingement, 892 Marc J. Philippon and Karen K. Briggs 89 Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, 763 Ron L. Diercks and Oscar Dorrestijn 105 Snapping Hip, 898 Bas van Ooij and Matthias U. Schafroth 90 Pathology of the Long Head of the Biceps, 772 Paul W.L. ten Berg, Luke S. Oh, and David Ring VI.VI Other Injuries VI.II Elbow 106 Ergogenic Aids: Creatine Supplementation as a 91 Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, 781 Popular Ergogenic Aid in Young Adults, 905 Michael J. O’Brien Denise Eygendaal and Laurens Kaas 92 Tennis Elbow, 787 Peter A.A. Struijs, Rachelle Buchbinder, Section VII Wrist and Hand Surgery and Sally E. Green VI.III Knee VII.I Wrist Surgery 93 Initial Management of the Sports Injured Knee, 796 107 Acute Management of Distal Radius Fractures, 913 Jaskarndip Chahal, Christopher Peskun, Ruby Grewal and Daniel B. Whelan 108 Prognosis: Pain and Disability After Distal Radius 94 Meniscal Tears (Meniscectomy, Meniscopexy, Fracture, 923 Joy C. MacDermid and Ruby Grewal Meniscal Transplants/Scaffolds), 803 Nicola Maffulli, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Stefano Campi, 109 Reconstruction of Malunited Distal Radius and Vincenzo Denaro Fracture, 930 James T. Monica and David Ring 95 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, 812 Verena M. Schreiber, Kenneth D. Illingworth, 110 Scaphoid Fractures, 938 Hector A. Mejia, and Freddie H. Fu Ruby Grewal viii

reader is urged to review and evaluate the information provided in the package ISBN-10: 1-4051-8476-0 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Set in 9.25/12 pt Palatino by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited .. B. Jane Freure and Mike Szekeres.
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