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Data Analytics with Spark Using Python PDF

819 Pages·2018·19.68 MB·English
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Partial screenshots may be viewed in full within the software version specified. Microsoft® Windows®, and Microsoft Office® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-484601-9 ISBN-10: 0-13-484601-X 1 18 Editor-in-Chief Greg Wiegand Executive Editor Trina MacDonald Development Editor Amanda Kaufmann Managing Editor Sandra Schroeder Senior Project Editor Lori Lyons Technical Editor Yaniv Rodenski Copy Editor Catherine D. Wilson Project Manager Dhayanidhi Karunanidhi Indexer Erika Millen Proofreader Jeanine Furino Cover Designer Chuti Prasertsith Compositor codemantra Contents at a Glance Preface Introduction I: Spark Foundations 1 Introducing Big Data, Hadoop, and Spark 2 Deploying Spark 3 Understanding the Spark Cluster Architecture 4 Learning Spark Programming Basics II: Beyond the Basics 5 Advanced Programming Using the Spark Core API 6 SQL and NoSQL Programming with Spark 7 Stream Processing and Messaging Using Spark 8 Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning Using Spark Index Table of Contents Preface Introduction I: Spark Foundations 1 Introducing Big Data, Hadoop, and Spark Introduction to Big Data, Distributed Computing, and Hadoop A Brief History of Big Data and Hadoop Hadoop Explained Introduction to Apache Spark Apache Spark Background Uses for Spark Programming Interfaces to Spark Submission Types for Spark Programs Input/Output Types for Spark Applications The Spark RDD Spark and Hadoop Functional Programming Using Python Data Structures Used in Functional Python Programming Python Object Serialization Python Functional Programming Basics Summary 2 Deploying Spark Spark Deployment Modes Local Mode Spark Standalone Spark on YARN Spark on Mesos Preparing to Install Spark Getting Spark Installing Spark on Linux or Mac OS X Installing Spark on Windows Exploring the Spark Installation Deploying a Multi-Node Spark Standalone Cluster Deploying Spark in the Cloud Amazon Web Services (AWS) Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Databricks Summary 3 Understanding the Spark Cluster Architecture Anatomy of a Spark Application Spark Driver Spark Workers and Executors The Spark Master and Cluster Manager Spark Applications Using the Standalone Scheduler Spark Applications Running on YARN Deployment Modes for Spark Applications Running on YARN Client Mode Cluster Mode Local Mode Revisited Summary 4 Learning Spark Programming Basics Introduction to RDDs Loading Data into RDDs Creating an RDD from a File or Files Methods for Creating RDDs from a Text File or Files Creating an RDD from an Object File Creating an RDD from a Data Source Creating RDDs from JSON Files Creating an RDD Programmatically

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