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Renormalization of Hard-Core Guest Charges Immersed in Two-Dimensional Electrolyte PDF

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Preview Renormalization of Hard-Core Guest Charges Immersed in Two-Dimensional Electrolyte

6 0 0 2 n a Renormalization of Hard-Core Guest Charges J 1 Immersed in Two-Dimensional Electrolyte 3 ] h L. Sˇamaj1 c e m February 6, 2008 - t a t s . Abstract t a m This paper is a continuation of a previous one [L. Sˇamaj, J. Stat. - Phys. 120:125 (2005)] dealing with the renormalization of a guest d n charge immersed in a two-dimensional logarithmic Coulomb gas of o pointlike unit charges, the latter system being in the stability- c ± [ against-collapse regimeofreducedinversetemperatures0 β < 2. In ≤ thepreviouswork,usingasine-Gordonrepresentation oftheCoulomb 1 v gas, an exact renormalized-charge formula was derived for the special 2 case of the pointlike guest charge Q, in its stability regime β Q < 2. 9 | | In thepresent paper, we extend the renormalized-charge treatment to 6 1 the guest charge with a hard core of radius σ, which allows us to go 0 beyond the stability border β Q = 2. In the limit of the hard-core 6 | | radius much smaller than the correlation length of the Coulomb-gas 0 / speciesandatastrictly finitetemperature, duetothecounterion con- t a densation in the extended region β Q > 2, the renormalized charge m | | Q turns out to be a periodic function of the bare charge Q with ren - d period 1. The renormalized charge therefore does not saturate at a n specific finite value as Q , but oscillates between two extreme o | | → ∞ values. In the high-temperature Poisson-Boltzmann scaling regime of c : limits β 0 and Q with the product βQ being finite, one re- v → → ∞ i produces correctly the monotonic dependence of βQren on βQ in the X guest-charge stability region β Q < 2 and the Manning-Oosawa type r | | a of counterion condensation with the uniform saturation of βQren at the value 4/π in the region β Q 2. | | ≥ KEY WORDS: Coulomb systems; logarithmic interactions; sine-Gordon model; renormalized charge; counterion condensation. 1 Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Du´bravsk´a cesta 9, 845 11 Bratislava, Slovak Republic; e-mail: [email protected] 1 1 Introduction The concept of renormalized charge is of primary importance in the equi- librium statistical mechanics of colloids, see, e.g., refs. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. This concept is based on the assumption that, at a finite temperature, the electric potential induced by a “guest” (say colloidal) charged particle, immersed in an infinite electrolyte, exhibits, at large distances from this particle, basi- cally the screening form given by the high-temperature linear Debye-Hu¨ckel (DH) theory. From the physical point of view, due to strong electrostatic interactions, the guest particle of bare electric charge Q attracts oppositely charged electrolyte particles (counterions) to its immediate vicinity, and this decorated object may be considered as a new entity of lower renormalized charge Q . The idea of renormalized charge was confirmed in the frame- ren work of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) approach [3, 5, 6]: there is a renormalized-charge prefactor, Q , to the usual Yukawa decay which is ren different from the bare charge Q of the guest particle. An interesting point is that, as the absolute value of Q increases to infinity, the renormalized charge saturates monotonically at some finite value Qsat. The possibility of a more ren general phenomenon of potential saturation was studied from a general point ofviewinref. [7]andontheexactly solvable2DCoulombgasattheThirring free-fermion point in ref. [8]. The rigorous validity of the PB approach is restricted, under certain conditions making the nonlinear PB theory superior to the linear DH one [9], to a specific scaling regime of the infinite-temperature limit [10]. To go beyond this mean-field description, one has to incorporate electrostatic correlations among the electrolyte particles, like it was done, e.g., in refs. [11, 12]. Such approaches always involve some plausible, but not rigorously justified, arguments and approximation schemes. Another strategy is to concentrate on simplified models which keep the Coulomb nature of particle interactions and simultaneously admit the exact solution. Specific two-dimensional (2D) Coulomb systems with logarithmic pairwise interactions among charged constituents, where the electrolyte is modelled by an infinite symmetric Coulomb gas, belong to such category of models. The 2DCoulombgasof unitpointlike chargesisstableagainstthe ± thermodynamic collapse of positive-negative pairs of charges at high enough temperatures, namely for β < 2 with β being the (dimensionless) inverse temperature. In this stability region, the equilibrium statistical mechanics of the Coulomb gas is exactly solvable via an equivalence with the integrable (1+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon theory; for a short review, see ref. [13]. An extension of the exact treatment of the stable 2D Coulomb gas to the pres- ence of some pointlike guest charge(s) was done in ref. [14]. The problem of one (two) guest charge(s) immersed in the 2D Coulomb plasma was shown to be related to the evaluation of one-point (two-point) expectation values of 2 the exponential field in the equivalent sine-Gordon model. Based on recent progress in the latter topic, two main results were obtained. Firstly, an ex- plicit formula for the chemical potential of single guest charge Q was found in the guest-charge stability (no collapse of Q with a unit plasma counte- rion) region β Q < 2. Secondly, the asymptotic large-distance behavior of | | an effective interaction between two guest charges Q and Q′ was derived. As a by-product of this result, considering that Q′ corresponds to either +1 or 1 charged Coulomb-gas species, the concept of renormalized charge was − confirmed and the explicit dependence of Q on β and Q, valid rigorously ren in the whole stability range of Q < 2/β, was established. For a fixed β < 2, | | the renormalized charge Q , considered as a function of, say positive, bare ren charge Q, exhibits a maximum at Q = 2/β 1/2: this non-monotonic behav- − iorresembles theoneobserved inthe Monte-Carlo simulations ofthesalt-free (only counterions are present) colloidal cell model [11]. At the stability bor- der Q = 2/β, Q attains a finite value. This fact was an inspiration for a ren conjecture, referred to as “regularization hypothesis”, about the possibility of an analytic continuation of the formula for Q to the collapse region ren Q 2/β [14]. ≥ The validity of the regularization hypothesis was put in doubts by T´ellez [15] who calculated in detail the formula for the renormalized charge within the 2D nonlinear PB theory. The PB approach describes correctly, under certain conditions [10], the scaling regime of limits β 0 and Q with → → ∞ the product βQ being finite. As was expected, in the guest-charge stability region β Q < 2, the exact formula for Q [14], taken with β 0, was ren | | → reproduced. When β Q 2, a hard core of radius σ > 0, impenetrable for | | ≥ electrolyte particles, has to be attached to the guest charge Q in order to prevent its collapse with electrolyte counterions. For the determination of the renormalized charge in this regularized case, the connexion problem of the PB equation to relate the large-distance behavior of the induced electric potential with its short-distance expansion [16] is of primary importance. The numerical PB results of ref. [15] show that Q is always an increasing ren function of the bare Q, and saturates at a finite value as Q . In par- → ∞ ticular, when the dimensionless positive hard-core radius σˆ = κσ (κ denotes the inverse Debye length) is very small, σˆ 0, the renormalized charge → saturates at the value given by 4 βQ(sat) = for all values of βQ 2. (1.1) ren π ≥ This is a manifestation of the Manning-Oosawa counterion condensation [17, 18] known in the theory of cylindrical polyelectrolytes. The study of the renormalization charge within the nonlinear PB ap- proach [15] is trustworthy, however, there are two open problems. Firstly, the rigorous validity of the PB theory was proved for 3D electrolytes in 3 the presence of some continuous domains of external charge distributions [10]. The hard-core interaction between the external guest charge and the Coulomb-gas particles, which is so relevant in the questionable guest-charge collapse region β Q 2, was not considered in Kennedy’s proof. The sec- | | ≥ ond problem, which is probably even more important, is related to the limit β 0 considered in the PB approach. This limit represents a very strong → restriction which prevents one from seeing nontrivialities in the plot of Q ren versus Q appearing at a strictly finite (nonzero) β, like the previously men- tioned existence of the maximum extreme at the point Q = 2/β 1/2 [14]. − It is evident that the monotonic increase of βQ as the function of βQ to ren its saturation value, predicted by the PB theory, is certainly not true for a finite inverse temperature β. The aim of the present paper is to extend the exact renormalized-charge treatment of ref. [14] to the guest charge with a hard core of radius σ, which allows us to go beyond the stability border β Q = 2 of the pointlike guest | | charge. Bythespirit,theappliedmethodissimilartotheoneusedinref. [19] to include hard cores around charged species of the infinite 2D Coulomb gas itself. In the limit σˆ 0, i.e., when the hard-core radius of the guest particle → is much smaller than the mean interparticle distance of the Coulomb-gas species, due to the counterion condensation in the extended region β Q > 2, | | the renormalized charge Q turns out to be a periodic function of the bare ren charge Q with period 1. The renormalized charge therefore does not saturate at a specific finite value as Q , but oscillates between two extreme | | → ∞ values. Such behavior indicates that, for a strictly nonzero β, the Manning- Oosawa counterioncondensation phenomenon[17,18]shouldberevisited. In the scaling PB regime, one recovers correctly the standard results including the saturation formula (1.1). The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the known exact information about the equilibrium statistical mechanics of the infinite 2D Coulomb gas, including the complete thermodynamics and both short- and large-distance asymptotic behaviors of two-point correlation functions. In thissection, weintroducethenotationandpresent importantformulaswhich are extensively used throughout the whole paper. Section 3 deals with the chemical potentialof theguest chargeimmersed inthe2DCoulomb gas. The case of the pointlike guest charge is analyzed in Section 3.1, the inclusion of the hard-core region around the guest charge is the subject of Section 3.2. The renormalization of the guest charge is studied in Section 4. In Section 4.1, the renormalization of the pointlike guest charge is briefly reviewed fol- lowing the derivation of ref. [14]. In Section 4.2, relevant σˆ-corrections due to the presence of the hard core are systematically generated in the formula for the renormalized charge. A recapitulation is given in Section 5. 4 2 Bulk properties of the 2D Coulomb gas 2.1 Integrability We consider a classical (i.e. non quantum) Coulomb gas consisting of two species of pointlike particles with opposite unit charges q +1, 1 , con- ∈ { − } strained to an infinite 2D plane Λ of points r R2. The interaction energy ∈ of a set of particles q ,r is given by q q v( r r ), where the { j j} j<k j k | j − k| Coulomb potential v(r) = ln( r /r ) (the free length constant r will be − | | 0 P 0 set to unity for simplicity) is the regular solution of the 2D Poisson equa- tion ∆v(r) = 2πδ(r). The equilibrium statistical mechanics of the system − is usually treated in the grand canonical ensemble, characterized by the di- mensionless inverse temperature β and by the couple of particle fugacities z and z . Since the length scale r was set to unity, the true dimension of + − 0 z is [length]−2+(β/2). The bulk Coulomb gas is neutral, and thus its ther- ± modynamic properties depend only on the combination √z z [20]. It is + − therefore possible to set z = z = z; however, at some places, in order + − to distinguish between the + and charges, we shall keep the notation z . ± − Thesystem ofpointlike particles isstableagainsttheUVcollapse ofpositive- negative pairs of unit charges provided that the corresponding Boltzmann weight exp[βv(r)] = r −β can be integrated at short distances in 2D, i.e., at | | high enough temperatures such that β < 2. In what follows, we shall restrict ourselves to this stability range of inverse temperatures. The grand partition function Ξ of the 2D Coulomb gas can be turned via the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation (see, e.g., ref. [21]) into φexp[ S(z)] Ξ(z) = D − (2.1) φexp[ S(0)] R D − R with 1 β S(z) = d2r ( φ)2 2zcos(bφ) , b = (2.2) ZΛ (cid:20)16π ∇ − (cid:21) s4 being the Euclidean action of the (1 + 1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model. Here, φ(r) is a real scalar field and φ denotes the functional integra- D tion over this field. The sine-Gordon coupling constant b depends only on R the inverse temperature β of the Coulomb gas. The fugacity z is renormal- ized by the (diverging) self-energy term exp[βv(0)/2] which disappears from statistical relations under the conformal short-distance normalization of the exponential fields eibφ(r)e−ibφ(r′) r r′ −4b2 as r r′ 0. (2.3) h i ∼ | − | | − | → For b2 < 1 (β < 4), the discrete symmetry φ φ+ 2πn/b (n being an → integer)ofthesine-Gordonaction(2.2)isspontaneouslybrokenandtherefore 5 the sine-Gordon model is massive [22]. Its particle spectrum consists of one soliton-antisoliton pair (S,S¯) with equal masses M, which coexist in pairs, andofS S¯ boundstates, called “breathers” B ;j = 1,2, < 1/ξ ,whose j − { ··· } quantized number at a given b2 depends on the inverse of the parameter b2 β ξ = = . (2.4) 1 b2 4 β! − − The mass of the B breather is given by j πξ m = 2M sin j (2.5) j 2 ! and this breather disappears from the sine-Gordon particle spectrum just when m = 2M, i.e., ξ = 1/j. Note that the lightest B breather is present j 1 in the spectrum up to the collapse point b2 = 1/2 (β = 2). The 2D sine-Gordon model is an integrable field theory, so that any mul- tiparticle scattering S-matrix factorizes into a product of explicitly available two-particle S-matrices satisfying the Yang-Baxter identity [22]. Basic char- acteristics of the underlying theory were derived quite recently by using the method of Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. In particular, the (dimensionless) specific grand potential ω, defined by 1 ω = lim lnΞ(z), (2.6) − |Λ|→∞ Λ | | was found in ref. [24]: m2 ω = 1 . (2.7) − 8sin(πξ) Under the conformal normalization of the exponential fields (2.3), the rela- tionship between the fugacity z and the soliton/antisoliton mass M reads [25] Γ(b2) √πΓ((1+ξ)/2) 2(1−b2) z = M , (2.8) πΓ(1 b2) " 2Γ(ξ/2) # − where Γ stands for the Gamma function. 2.2 One-point densities The homogeneous number density of the Coulomb-gas species of one sign q = 1, n (r) n with r R2, is defined standardly as the thermal average q q ± ≡ ∈ n = δ δ(r r ) . The charge neutrality of the system implies that q h j q,qj − j iβ n = n = n/2, where n denotes the total number density of particles. The + P− 6 species densities are expressible as field averages over the sine-Gordon action (2.2) as follows n = z eiqbφ (q = 1) q q h i ± z∂( ω) = − . (2.9) 2 ∂z This equality and the relation (2.7) determine explicitly the density-fugacity relationship [26]: n1−(β/4) πβ β/4 Γ(1 (β/4)) 1 β β 1−(β/4) = 2 − F , ;1+ ;1 , z 8 ! Γ(1+(β/4)) " 2 4 β 2(4 β) !# − − (2.10) where F F is the hypergeometric function. Based on this density- 2 1 ≡ fugacity relationship, the complete thermodynamics of the 2D Coulomb gas was derived in the whole stability regime of pointlike charges β < 2 [26]. The excess (i.e., over ideal) chemical potentialof theCoulomb-gas species q = 1, µex, is given by ± q n exp βµex = q = eiqbφ , q = 1. (2.11) − q z h i ± q (cid:16) (cid:17) Let µex with arbitrarily valued real Q represents an extended definition of Q the excess chemical potential: µex is the reversible work which has to be done Q in order to bring a pointlike guest particle of charge Q from infinity into the bulk interior of the considered Coulomb gas. It was shown in ref. [14] that µex is expressible in the sine-Gordon format as follows Q exp βµex = eiQbφ . (2.12) − Q h i (cid:16) (cid:17) When Q = 1, onerecovers theprevious result (2.11) valid forthe Coulomb- ± gas constituents. Due to the obvious symmetry relation eiaφ = e−iaφ valid h i h i for any real-valued parameter a, it holds that µex = µex . Q −Q A general formula for the expectation value of the exponential field eiaφ h i was conjectured by Lukyanov and Zamolodchikov [23]. In the notation of Eq. (2.12), a = Qb, their formula reads πzΓ(1 b2) (Qb)2/(1−b2) 1 eiQbφ = − exp[I (Q)], Q < (2.13) h i " Γ(b2) # b | | 2b2 with ∞ dt sinh2(2Qb2t) I (Q) = 2Q2b2e−2t . (2.14) b Z0 t "2sinh(b2t)sinh(t)cosh[(1−b2)t] − # 7 The integral (2.14) is finite provided that Q < 1/(2b2): at Q = 1/(2b2) the | | | | integrated function behaves like 1/t for t what causes the logarithmic → ∞ divergence. In the Coulomb-gas format, the interaction Boltzmann factor of the guest Q charge with an opposite unit plasma counterion at distance r, r−β|Q|, is integrable at small 2D distances r if and only if β Q < 2. In terms | | of the sine-Gordon coupling constant b2 = β/4, the stability region for µex Q is therefore expected to be Q < 1/(2b2) and the couple of Eqs. (2.13) and | | (2.14) passes the collapse test. 2.3 Two-point densities At the two-particle statistical level, one introduces the two-body densities n(q2q)′(r,r′) = h j6=kδq,qjδ(r − rj)δq′,qkδ(r′ − rk)iβ which are translationally invariant in thPe infinite 2D space, n(q2q)′(r,r′) = n(q2q)′(|r − r′|). The two-body density is expressible as an average over the sine-Gordon action (2.2) as follows n(q2q)′(r) = zqzq′heiqbφ(0)eiq′bφ(r)i; q,q′ = ±1. (2.15) Inclose analogywith the previous case of one-bodydensities, it was shown in ref. [14] that the effective interaction energy of two guest charges immersed in the 2D Coulomb gas is expressible in terms of more general two-point correlation functions of exponential fields: eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) with real-valued h i chargeparametersQandQ′. Asystematicgenerationoftheshort-andlarge- distance asymptotic expansions for these two-point correlation functions is available with the aid of special field-theoretical methods. Theshort-distanceexpansionof eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) canbeobtainedbyusing h i the method of Operator Product Expansion (OPE) [27]. The OPE has the form [28, 29] ∞ eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) = Cn,0 (r)ei(Q+Q′+n)bφ(0)+ , (2.16) QQ′ ··· n=X−∞n o where the dots stand for subleading contributions of the descendants of ei(Q+Q′+n)bφ, like (∂φ)2(∂¯φ)2ei(Q+Q′+n)bφ, etc. The coefficients C read Cn,0 (r) = z|n|r4b2[QQ′+n(Q+Q′)+n2/2]+2|n|(1−b2)fn,0 z2r4−4b2 , (2.17) QQ′ QQ′ (cid:16) (cid:17) where the functions f admit analytic series expansions ∞ fn,0 (t) = fn,0(Q,Q′)tj. (2.18) QQ′ j j=0 X Each coefficient fn,0 is expressible as a 2( n +j)-fold Coulomb integral de- j | | fined in the infinite plane R2. The leading terms fn,0(Q,Q′) in the series 0 8 (2.18) are expressible as f0,0(Q,Q′) = 1, 0 fn,0(Q,Q′) = j (Qb2,Q′b2,b2) for n > 0, (2.19) 0 n fn,0(Q,Q′) = j ( Qb2, Q′b2,b2) for n < 0. 0 |n| − − Here, 1 n j (a,a′,b2) = d2r r 4a 1 r 4a′ r r 4b2 (2.20) n j j j j k n! | | | − | | − | Z jY=1(cid:16) (cid:17)jY<k with 1 being a point on the unit circle, say (1,0). This integral is convergent if and only if the parameters (a,a′,b2) fulfill the inequalities a > 1/2, − a′ > 1/2 and a+a′ < (n 1)b2 1/2. The integral (2.20) was evaluated − − − − by Dotsenko and Fateev [30, 31]: π n n n−1 j (a,a′,b2) = γ(jb2) γ(1+2a+kb2)γ(1+2a′ +kb2) n "γ(b2)# j=1 k=0 Y Y γ 1 2a 2a′ (n 1+k)b2 . (2.21) × − − − − − (cid:16) (cid:17) Hereinafter, we use the notation γ(t) = Γ(t)/Γ(1 t). The result (2.21) − represents an analytic continuation of the integral (2.20) to all values of the parameters (a,a′,b2). We would like to emphasize that the OPE algebra (2.16) is the operation which can be used in any multi-point correlation function of exponential fields to reduce its order as soon as a couple of points is close to one another. The large-distance asymptotic expansion of the truncated two-point cor- relation functions eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) T = eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) eiQbφ eiQ′bφ (2.22) h i h i−h ih i can be obtained by using the form-factor method [32]. The form-factor rep- resentation is formally expressed as an infinite convergent series over multi- particle intermediate states, ∞ 1 ∞ dθ ...dθ eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) T = 1 NF (θ ,...,θ ) h i N! (2π)N Q 1 N ǫ1,...,ǫN NX=1 ǫ1,X...,ǫN Z−∞ N ǫN,...,ǫ1FQ′(θN,...,θ1)e−r j=1mǫjcoshθj. (2.23) × P Here, ǫ indexes the particles of the sine-Gordon spectrum (say ǫ = +/ for a − soliton/antisoliton and ǫ = j for the B breather), the rapidity θ ( , ) j ∈ −∞ ∞ parameterizes the energy and the momentum of the particles, and F denotes the corresponding form factors. In the large-distance limit r , the → ∞ 9 dominant termonthe rhs ofEq. (2.23) corresponds to theintermediate state with the minimum value of the total particle mass N m , at the point j=1 ǫj of vanishing rapidities. In the stability region of the pointlike Coulomb gas P 0 b2 < 1/2, the lightest particle, which can exist in the spectrum alone, is ≤ the B breather of mass m . For this particle, the one-particle form factors 1 1 FQ(θ)1 and 1FQ′(θ) = FQ′(θ)1 were calculated in refs. [33] and [34]: sin(πξQ) F (θ) = i eiQbφ √πλ , (2.24) Q 1 − h i sin(πξ) where 4 πξ πξ dt t λ = sin(πξ)cos exp (2.25) π 2 ! −Z0 π sint! and ξ is defined in Eq. (2.4). Since the form factor (2.24) does not depend on the rapidity, the integration over θ in (2.23) can be done explicitly by using the relation ∞ dθ π 1/2 e−rm1coshθ = K (m r) e−m1r. (2.26) 0 1 Z−∞ 2 r→∼∞(cid:18)2m1r(cid:19) Here, K is the modified Bessel function of second kind. Consequently, 0 eiQbφ(0)eiQ′bφ(r) T π 1/2 h i [Q][Q′]λ e−m1r, (2.27) eiQbφ eiQ′bφ r→∼∞− 2m r h ih i (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) where the symbol [Q] stands for the ratio sin(πξQ) [Q] = . (2.28) sin(πξ) We see that, at large distance r, the truncated two-point correlation func- tion factorizes into the product of separate phase contributions [Q] and [Q′]. The inverse correlation length in the exponential decay, m , is determined 1 exclusively by the Coulomb-gas system. Using Eqs. (2.5) – (2.10), m is 1 expressible as 1/2 sin(πβ/(4 β)) m = κ − . (2.29) 1 " πβ/(4 β) # − Here, κ = √2πβn denotes the inverse Debye length; in the high-temperature β 0 limit one has m κ. The formula (2.29) describes the renormaliza- 1 → ∼ tion of the inverse correlation length at a finite temperature. 10

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