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February1,2008 4:3 WSPC/TrimSize: 9inx6inforProceedings proc˙heidelberg 3 0 0 CRITICAL BEHAVIOUR AND SCALING FUNCTIONS FOR 2 THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL O(6) SPIN MODEL n WITH EXTERNAL FIELD∗ a J 6 1 S.HOLTMANNAND T. SCHULZE Fakult¨at fu¨r Physik, Universit¨at Bielefeld, 1 D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany. v E-mail: holtmann, tschulze@physik.uni-bielefeld.de 6 1 0 1 We numericallyinvestigate the three-dimensional O(6) model on123 to 1203 lat- 0 tices. From Binder’s cumulant at vanishing magnetic field we obtain the critical 3 couplingJc=1.42865(5)andverifythisvaluewiththeχ2-method. Theuniversal 0 valueofBinder’scumulantatthispointisgr(Jc)=−1.94456(10). Atthecritical / t couplingwefindthecriticalexponentsν=0.818(5),β=0.425(2)andγ=1.604(6) a fromafinitesizescalinganalysis. Wealsodeterminethefinite-size-scalingfunction l - onthe criticallineandthe equation of state. Our O(6)-resultforthe equation of p stateiscomparedtotheIsing,O(2)andO(4)results. e h : v 1. Introduction i X Our goal is the determination of universal quantities of the three- r a dimensionalO(6)-invariantnonlinearσ-model,especiallycriticalexponents and scaling functions. These quantities shall eventually be compared to thoseof2-flavourstaggeredQCDwithadjointfermions. Therelevantsym- metry ofthis modelis SU(4),so itshould be in the sameuniversalityclass as the O(6) spin model1. The Hamiltonian of our model is defined as βH = −J X φ~x·φ~y − H~ · Xφ~x. (1) <x,y> x Here x and y are the nearest-neighbour sites on a three-dimensional hy- percubic lattice, φ~ is a 6-component unit vector at site x and H~ is the x external magnetic field. The coupling constant J is considered as inverse temperature,therefore J =1/T. AtH =|H~|=6 0 the orderparameter,the ∗ThisworkissupportedbytheDeutscheForschungsgemeinschaftunderGrantNo. FOR 339/1-2 1 February1,2008 4:3 WSPC/TrimSize: 9inx6inforProceedings proc˙heidelberg 2 magnetisation M, is defined by M = hφki, (2) whereφk isthelongitudinal(paralleltoH~)componentofφ~. AtH =0this quantity vanishes for all couplings on the lattice, but we can use M = h|φ~|i (3) as an approximate order parameter. We also measure the susceptibility χ and Binder’s cumulant g , defined by r χ = V(hφ~2i − M2), (4) h(φ~2)2i g = −3. (5) r hφ~2i2 We have simulated the model with a Wolff-Cluster-Algorithm, using a ghostspin to emulate the external magnetic field. We used hypercubic lat- ticeswithperiodicboundariesandlinearextensionsLbetween12and120. NearthecriticalcouplingJ wehavemadeupto200000measurementsper c data point, elsewhere about 20000 measurements. Between the measure- ments we have used up to 400 cluster updates in the broken phase and up to 1500 updates in the symmetric phase. 2. Determination of the critical coupling At H = 0 the Binder cumulant can be described by the finite-size-scaling function g =Q (tL1/ν;L−ω), (6) r g where t= T−Tc is the reduced temperature and ω is the leading irrelevant Tc exponent. Therefore g should be independent of L at the critical point r t = 0 apart from corrections due to irrelevant scaling fields. The left plot in Fig. 1 shows our reweighteddata, with the dotted lines representing the jackknife error corridors. Although he intersection points coincide within the errors,there aresome small corrections. As the value ofω is unknown, we used Binder’s approximation2 1 1 c 2 = + (7) J J logb ip c to extrapolate the intersection points J (L,b) of two lattices with sizes L ip andL′ =bL. FittingtheresultsforthelatticesizesL=12,16,20,24,30,36 February1,2008 4:3 WSPC/TrimSize: 9inx6inforProceedings proc˙heidelberg -1.943 3 gr -1.7 gr ML/ 2.0 -1.8 -1.944 -1.9 1.5 120 -2.0 J 96 1.3 1.4 1.5 72 1.0 Q 48 36 -1.945 24 J HL / -1.946 0.5 1.4284 1.4286 1.4288 1.4290 5 10 50 100 500 Figure 1. The left plot shows the binder cumulant for the lattices with size L = 12,16,20,24,30,36,48,60,72. The large lattices have a steeper slope then the small lat- tices. Therightplotshowsthefinite-size-scalingfunctionatthecriticalcoupling. to a constant value we find 1 = 0.699960(14) ⇒ J = 1.42865(5). (8) c J c We havecheckedthis resultwith the χ2-method describedin Ref. 3. From this value we derive the universal quantity g (J )=−1.94456(10). r c The result for J is comparable with the result J = 1.42895(6) of Butera c c and Comi4 using a high temperature expansion, but their errors seem to be underestimated. 3. The critical exponents β, γ and ν Forthedeterminationofthecriticalexponentsweusethe followingscaling relations at t=H =0: M = L−β/ν(a + a L−ω) (9) 0 3 χ = Lγ/ν(b + b L−ω) (10) 0 3 ∂g r = L1/ν(d + d L−ω) (11) 0 3 ∂J Fitting these relations to our data at lattices in the range L = 12−72 we get β/ν = 0.519(2) and γ/ν = 1.961(3) from M and χ. The error of these quantities includes a variation of ω between 0.5 and 1.0. From the derivativeofg weget1/ν =1.223(5). Hereweneglectthecorrectionterm, r becauseitiszerowithintheerrors. Fromtheseresultswecancalculatethe criticalexponentsβ =0.425(2),γ =1.604(6)andν =0.818(5). Theyfulfil the hyperscaling relations and are in complete agreement with the results of Butera and Comi.4 February1,2008 4:3 WSPC/TrimSize: 9inx6inforProceedings proc˙heidelberg 4 4. The equation of state InthevicinityofT thecriticalbehaviourcanbedescribedbytheuniversal c equation of state. It can be written in the form M = h1/δf (z′), z′ = t′/h1/βδ (12) G t′ and h are the normalized reduced temperature t′ = (T −T )/T and c 0 magnetic field h=H/H with the normalizationconditions f (0)=1 and 0 G f (z′) = (−z′)β as z′ → −∞. To get the normalization constants H and G 0 T wehavetodeterminethecriticalamplitudesofthemagnetisationonthe 0 criticalisothermandonthecoexistenceline. Theinfinitevolumebehaviour of M is given by M(T ,H) = d H1/δ(1 + d1Hωνc) (13) c c c including the leading correction term. From hyperscaling relations we get for the exponents δ = 4.780(22) and ν = 0.4031(24). With this ansatz, c using only the data of the largestlattice at each value of H, we get for the critical amplitude d =0.642(1), which translates to H =d−δ =8.3(1). c 0 c In the broken phase the magnetisation is described by the ansatz M(T <T ,H)=M(T,0)+c (T)H1/2+c (T)H. (14) c 1 2 The H1/2 term is due to the Goldstone effect. As we have already seen with the O(2)5 and O(4)6 spin model, this ansatz fits very well and allows the extrapolation of data at nonzero H to H = 0. Fitting the results for M(T,0)forseveralcouplings(J =1.45,1.47,1.5,1.55and1.6)totheansatz M(T ≤T ,0)=B(T −T)β[1 + b (T −T)ων + b (T −T)] (15) c c 1 c 2 c we get B =1.22(1), which leads to T =B−1/β =0.63(1). 0 The left plot in Fig. 2 shows the scaling function f (z′). In the broken G phase (z′ < 0) the solid lines are reweighted data from different J-values. There are visible corrections, so we use the ansatz Mh−1/δ = f (z′) + hωνcf(1)(z′) + h2ωνcf(2)(z′) (16) G G G to obtain the universal value of f (z′) (dashed line). In the symmetric G phase the corrections are negligible. In the right plot of Fig. 2 we show a comparisonoftheO(6)scalingfunctionstothoseofsomeotherO(N)mod- els, which have been determined in Refs. 7 (Ising), 5 (O(2)) and 6 (O(4)). As one can see, the functions get steeper with increasing N. These func- tionscaneventuallybeusedtodeterminetheuniversalityclassofstaggered 2-flavour QCD both with fundamental or with adjoint fermions. But until February1,2008 4:3 WSPC/TrimSize: 9inx6inforProceedings proc˙heidelberg 2.0 5 2.5 M/h1/ O(1) 2.0 M/h1/ 1.5 O(2) O(4) 1.5 O(6) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 t’/h1/ t’/h1/ 0 0 -10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 -5 -2.5 0 2.5 5 Figure2. TheequationofstateofO(6)(leftplot)andthecomparisonoftheequations ofstateofO(1)(Ising),O(2),O(4)andO(6)(rightplot). now QCD data has too low statistics to distinguish between these scaling functions, and also the used lattice sizes are too small in QCD to be sure that one has reached the infinite volume limit. 5. Finite-size-scaling function at Jc Because of the small lattice sizes used in QCD, finite-size-scaling functions are a better tool for the comparisonof spin models to QCD. At T and for c small H the different lattices should scale like M(T ,H,L) = L−β/νQ (HLβδ/ν) (17) c M where Q is a universal scaling function. Our results are shown in the M right plot in Fig. 1. The solid line shows the asymptotic behaviour in the limit L→∞ Q (z) = Q (z) = d z1/δ, (18) M ∞ c which is observable for z =HLβδ/ν>40. ∼ References 1. F. Karsch and M. Lu¨tgemeier, Nucl. Phys. B550, 449 (1999). 2. K.Binder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 693 (1981). 3. J. Engels et al., Phys. Lett. B365, 219 (1996). 4. P.Butera and M. Comi, Phys. Rev. B58, 11552 (1998). 5. J.Engels,S.Holtmann,T.Mendes,T.Schulze,Phys.Lett. B492,219(2000). 6. J. Engels and T. Mendes, Nucl. Phys. B572, 289 (2000). 7. J. Engels, L. Fromme, M. Seniuch, Preprint cond-mat/0209492.

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