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Takuro Fukunaga Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi Editors Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms Communications of NII Shonan Meetings Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms Takuro Fukunaga Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (cid:129) Editors Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms Communications of NII Shonan Meetings 123 Editors Takuro Fukunaga Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi National Institute ofInformatics National Institute ofInformatics Tokyo Tokyo Japan Japan ISBN978-981-10-6146-2 ISBN978-981-10-6147-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-6147-9 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017948610 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:152BeachRoad,#21-01/04GatewayEast,Singapore189721,Singapore Preface Inaveryshorttimesincetheconceptof“P”and“NP”wasintroduced,algorithmic aspect of mathematics and computer science has quickly gained explosion of interest from the research community. Indeed, the problem of whether P = NP (or P 6¼ NP) is one of the most outstanding open problems in all of mathematics. A wider class of problems from mathematics, computer science, and perhaps operations research has been known to be NP-complete, and even today, the collection of NP-complete problems grows almost every few hours. In order to understand NP-hard problems, the research community comes to haveafairlygoodunderstandingofcombinatorialstructuresinthepast40years.In particular, the algorithmic aspects of fundamental problems in graph theory (i.e., graph algorithm) and in optimization (i.e., combinatorial optimization) are two of the main areas that the research community have some deep understandings. Graph algorithm is an area in computer science that tries to design an efficient algorithm for networks. Today, networks (i.e., graphs) are ubiquitous in today’s world; the World Wide Web, online social networks, and search and query-click logs can lead to a graph that consists of vertices and edges. Such networks are growing so fast that it is essential to design algorithms to work for such large networks.Sotheresearchcommunityworksontheoreticalproblems,aswellason some practical problems that implementation of an algorithm for large networks. Combinatorial optimization is an intersection of operations research and mathematics,especiallydiscretemathematics,whichdealswithsomenewquestions andnewproblemsfrompractice.Itistryingtofindanoptimumobjectfromafinite set of objects. In order to tackle these problems, we require the development and combination of ideas and techniques from different mathematical areas including complexity theory, algorithm theory, matroids, as well as graph theory, and combinatorics, convexand nonlinear optimization,discrete and convex geometry. As mentioned before, combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms are the areasthathaveattractedalotofattentionsrightnow.Thiscanbealsowitnessedby the fact that there are many NII Shonan meetings in this area, including graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization in February 2011 (which is the first Shonan meetings) and combinatorial optimization in April 2016. Both meetings v vi Preface have attracted many top researchers in combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms, as well as many young brilliant researchers. This volume is based on several Shonan meetings. We focus on theoretical aspects of combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms, and we have asked several participants to extend their lectures into written surveys and contribute to this volume. We are fortunate to have five renowned researchers in this volume. It covers variety of topics, including network designs, discrete convex analysis, facility location and clustering problems, matching game and parameterized complexity. Thisvolume consists offivechapters. Letus look ateachchaptermore closely. Facilitylocationisoneofthecentraltopicsinthecombinatorialoptimization.In this problem, we are given a set offacilities and clients, and the problem demands choosing subset offacilities to open and assigning every client to one of the open facilities so that the opening costs offacilities and the distance from each client to its assigned facility are minimized. The facility location problem can be seen as a problem of clustering a given set of clients. By changing the problem setting slightly, we can also define the k-median and k-center problems, which are extensively studied problems in this field. Since these problems are all NP-hard, approximation algorithms have been considered mainly. Indeed, studies on the facility location and its variants lead to the discovery of many algorithmic methodologies so far. In “Recent Developments in Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location and Clustering Problems” by An and Svensson, they survey recentprogressonapproximationalgorithmsfortheseproblems.Inparticular,they focus on two algorithmic methodologies—local search and linear programming based methods. In “Graph Stabilization: A Survey,” Chandrasekaran introduces graph stabilization, which is an optimization problem motivated by the cooperative matching game. In the cooperative game, a distribution of the profit to players possessing some desirable property is called a core allocation. Stable graphs are those graphs for which the matching game has non-empty core. The graph stabilization seeks a smallest modification of a given graph to make it stable. Besides the motivation from the game theory, the graph stabilization is interesting becauseithasaconnectionwithmatchingtheory,integerprogramming,andlinear programming. It has received considerable attention recently, and much progress has been made in the research on it. Chandrasekaran surveys this progress. Network design problems are optimization problems of constructing a small-weight network and include many fundamental combinatorial optimization problems such as the spanning tree, Steiner tree, and Steiner forest problems. In “Spider Covering Algorithms for Network Design Problems,” Fukunaga surveys spider covering algorithms, which are key technique for solving various network design problems. Spider covering algorithms rely on the idea used in the analysis of thewell-known greedy algorithm for theset cover problem. To extend this idea to network design problems, a type of graph called a spider is used in spider coveringalgorithms.Theyconstructanetworkbyrepeatedlychoosinglow-density spiders.Theframeworkofthesealgorithmsareoriginallyinventedfordesigningan Preface vii approximation algorithm for the node-weighted Steiner tree problem and has been sophisticated in a series of studies on numerous network design problems. Fukunaga introduces the basic idea of the spider covering algorithms. Discrete convex analysis is a theory of convex functions on discrete structures and has been developed in the last 20 years. In “Discrete Convex Functions on Graphs and Their Algorithmic Applications,” Hirai is a pioneer to explore the theoryofdiscreteconvexanalysisongraphstructures.Hisresearchismotivatedby combinatorial dualities in multiflow problems and the complexity classification of facility location problems on graphs. In his chapter, the recent development of his theory and algorithmic applications in combinatorial optimization problems is discussed. Theproblemoffindinganassignmentofauthorizeduserstotasksinaworkflow insuchaway thatall business rulesaresatisfiedhasbeenwidelystudiedinrecent years.Whathascometobeknownastheworkflowsatisfiabilityproblemisknown to be hard, yet it is important to find algorithms that can solve the problem as efficiently as possible, because it may be necessary to solve the problem multiple timesforthesameinstanceofaworkflow.Hence,themostrecentworkinthisarea has focused on finding algorithms to solve the problems in the framework of “parameterizedcomplexity,”whichdealwithproblemsinwhichsomeparameterk isfixed(wecall“FixedParameterTractable”).In“ParameterizedComplexityofthe Workflow Satisfiability Problem” by D. Cohen et al., they summarize our recent results. We are very grateful to all our contributors and the editors of Springer Nature. Finally, we would like to thank the organizers of the corresponding Shonan meetings and their participants. Special thanks also go to NII for organizing the Shonan workshops, which now becomes the Asian “Dagstuhl.” Tokyo, Japan Takuro Fukunaga July 2017 Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi Contents Recent Developments in Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location and Clustering Problems.. .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 1 Hyung-Chan An and Ola Svensson Graph Stabilization: A Survey..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 21 Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran Spider Covering Algorithms for Network Design Problems.. ..... .... 43 Takuro Fukunaga Discrete Convex Functions on Graphs and Their Algorithmic Applications... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 67 Hiroshi Hirai Parameterized Complexity of the Workflow Satisfiability Problem. .... 101 D. Cohen, J. Crampton, G. Gutin and M. Wahlström ix Recent Developments in Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location and Clustering Problems Hyung-ChanAnandOlaSvensson Abstract Wesurveyapproximationalgorithmsforfacilitylocationandclustering problems,focusingontherecentdevelopments.Inparticular,wereviewtwoalgo- rithmicmethodologiesthathavesuccessfullyleadtothecurrentbestapproximation guaranteesknown:localsearchandlinearprogrammingbasedmethods. 1 Introduction Thefacilitylocationproblemisoneofthemostfundamentalproblemswidelystudied inoperationsresearchandtheoreticalcomputerscience:see,e.g.,Balinski[7],Kuehn andHamburger[32],Manne[37],andStollsteimer[40].Inthisproblem,wearegiven asetoffacilitiesF andclientsD,alongwithadistancefunctionc:F ×D →R+ andopeningcosts fi ∈R+associatedwitheachfacilityi ∈F.Giventhisinput,the goaloftheproblemistochooseasubsetoffacilitiesto“open”andtoassignevery clienttooneoftheopenfacilitieswhileminimizingthesolutioncost,wherethecost isdefinedasthesumoftheopeningcostsofthechosenfacilitiesandthedistance fromeachclienttoitsassignedfacility. Thefacilitylocationproblem,initsessence,isaclusteringproblem:weaimat findingalow-costpartitioningofthegivensetofclientsintoclusterscenteredaround open facilities. While the facility location problem penalizes trivial clusterings by imposingopeningcosts,mostoftheotherversionsofclusteringproblemsspecifya hardboundonthenumberofclustersinstead.Alongwiththishardbound,different objectivefunctionsgiverisetodifferentclusteringproblems.Thek-medianproblem, for example, minimizes the total distance between every client and its assigned facility,subjecttotheconstraintthatatmostkfacilitiescanbeopened(butopening B H.-C.An( ) DepartmentofComputerScience,YonseiUniversity,Seoul03722,Korea e-mail:hyung-chan.an@yonsei.ac.kr O.Svensson SchoolofComputerandCommunicationSciences,ÉcolePolytechnique FédéraledeLausanne,1015Lausanne,Switzerland e-mail:ola.svensson@epfl.ch ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2017 1 T.FukunagaandK.Kawarabayashi(eds.),CombinatorialOptimization andGraphAlgorithms,DOI10.1007/978-981-10-6147-9_1 2 H.-C.AnandO.Svensson costs do not exist). The facility location problem in fact is closely related to the k-medianproblemastheformercanbeconsideredasaLagrangianrelaxationofthe latter.Thek-centerproblemisabottleneckoptimizationvariant,whereweminimize thelongestassignmentdistanceratherthanthetotal.Finally,theobjectivefunction ofthek-meansproblemisthesumofthesquaredassignmentdistances.Aswewill seesoon,techniquesdevisedinoneoftheseproblemsoftenextendtoothers,letting ustoconsidertheseproblemsafamily. All of these problems have been intensively studied to lead to the discovery of many algorithmic methodologies; however, one of the common characteristics of theseproblems,namelythatanopenfacilitycanbeassignedanunlimitednumber ofclients,canbecomeanissuewhenweapplytheseproblemstopractice.Inorder toaddressthisdifficulty,thecapacitatedfacilitylocationproblemwasproposed.In this problem, each facilityi ∈F is associated with a maximum number of clients Ui ∈Z+itcanbeassigned,calledcapacity.Thispracticallymotivatedvariant,nat- urally,alsoexistsfortheother(hard-bounded)clusteringproblems.Unfortunately, thesecapacitatedvariantsseemtomakefundamentaldifferenceintermsoftheprob- lems’difficulty:manyalgorithmictechniquesdevisedinthecontextofuncapacitated problemsdidnotextendtothecapacitatedones. Most of the problems we have discussed above are NP-hard, and we therefore do not expect that efficient algorithms exist for these problems. Faced with NP- hard problems, we often overcome the difficulty by pursuing an approximation algorithm which trades off the solution quality for fast computation. Formally, a ρ-approximationalgorithm(foraminimizationproblem)isdefinedasanalgorithm that runs in polynomial time to produce a solution whose cost is no worse than ρ times the optimum. As the facility location problem in its most general form is SetCover-hard, we often focus on the case where c is metric, i.e., c satisfies the triangleinequality.Moreover,inthek-meansproblem,weusuallyconsiderthecase wheretheclientslieinanEuclideanspaceandfacilitiescanbechosenfromthesame continuousspace. Inthisarticle,wewillsurveyapproximationalgorithmsforfacilitylocationand otherclusteringproblems,puttingemphasisonrecentdevelopments.Inparticular, wewilldiscusstwomainalgorithmtechniquesthathavebeensuccessfulindevising suchalgorithms:localsearchandlinearprogramming(LP)basedmethods. 2 LocalSearchAlgorithms Inthelocalsearchparadigm,wedefineanadjacencyrelationbetweenfeasiblesolu- tions to the given problem, where this adjacency usually corresponds to a small change in the solution. The algorithm is then to start from an (arbitrary) feasible solutionandtorepeatedlywalktoanadjacentimprovedsolutionuntilwearriveat a local optimum. The analysis, accordingly, is in two parts: first, we establish that any local optimum is a globally good approximate solution; second, we show that wearriveatalocaloptimumwithinpolynomialtime.Sometimesthesetwopartsare

Covering network designs, discrete convex analysis, facility location and clustering problems, matching games, and parameterized complexity, this book discusses theoretical aspects of combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms. Contributions are by renowned researchers who attended NII Shonan m
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