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BSTJ 50: 4. April 1971: Estimated Outage in Long-Haul Radio Relay Systems with Protection Switching. (Chen, W.Y.S.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 4. April 1971: Estimated Outage in Long-Haul Radio Relay Systems with Protection Switching. (Chen, W.Y.S.)

comes Aen Estimated Ontage in Long-Taul Radio Relay Systems with Protection Switching by 8.8 HRY (Moone cere Naver 24, 190) 4 generat ontage forma vesting @ swnbwr of impartont ater tage factors hes been derived for Tong-hant rao reley ayeteme ais iMcbond oF crossbow cvinnntie ehannel surtehing. This foci ie aged to evtinate the atage of UD and TH systems wth saris siting straerie. he rests indie Tho the ovotsbend ® X 18 profectign-tonsnke ing choanel etching system uppers te w very tractive aang nent fro the standpcies of good system ralebily and eient nse 5} tho radio freee specter In aver to gebieve tke hia oabis desnaed fo ang. TH microwave io relay sistnns, Tmojuenay Esty Dy tulnutie ehanne! ewithing i ueed ge am eBsotive mens lo protect Serviees against oulager de to propagatir, equipment falc, Tmaintensneo activite. tn this <erangement, acl radio rey rote is Svdad nto a number of switebine sections. One ox two of the tnt) ruulier aT rad chanorl in @ aves band ae designates as protee= tion channels The automacie protetion eniteking system ust ju tevtinn shane vo replace feed or otherwise uzavadlable reser haele hy operating eithes TF or bazsnand switches at the trans. Iuting and reeeiing cia of the enitening ection ‘The Zest prototion ssitoing spate. eevelopes for ace with the ww Th-2 ystems /TNAS) cepaile of pace pte fee le workin harels wits one povteetion ekenrel 11 % 8 smith ig Ts es os in soe fy 18, atl Faron Zor bout 4 poner Fhe long-ha tain sce egoten nos ake Ho ‘Anocher feqceney divenity amicehicg system was veloped for ap= eatin ta the GH ‘THI syetom hich mee oven on TD-2 14560 wm sretm auctions rocmNAL, arm 197 routes or used on sew rouse Twas iitelly insaed im 1960 and forme about 10 pevent ef the emis mow eising in the eld. Thi Fieeting sysere aaee Gen proleeson shonnels to proecl up to six regilar shavnele (2 % 8 swilding)* Act 1900, the TD-2 radio Toute eapacky was eqparded sp 1 totol of 12 ahacaals throug the tre of ehunnele ioe fotersitaly tiwoen the eigical six ase Inents, nd a aetirad nimefartee smicesing aymlenn sea nially se ‘tired ta provide protection for chest intertrial ehannels. A roach tore reliable overll prolceian.ewi:ehingarrangomtent eoul be fralie! by easing the raze wed the ifersiiel cheanoe into ‘eo protection and ten zogulir working channel aystem (2 >. 1b ritouingh, ans cecordngly, the TNA protection switeing system tree developed The LODA eystn wae otininal designed to oper: ‘nth Duth the exiting TD-2 eystem and the sew solid-state "TD-3 ote, Subsettiy, t wae modified ta provide 2 > 6 protection for the TH system, Sines 1064, the 100A system fas Become the pe inary heay-rouse prtastion feslity for the mierowave netsore in ths county. iach srlehing installarion 3 aox epereted exclusively ether in the 08% ban (he TD sys) or in the 6-GHa nd (ihe TH systera), and for ceaeave of rbablty, with the exemption 0” TDA’ theo protection ican ws tah bene esually ee specifi. Ts, x fatal of four ebsance ev af 20 Tally Iaded route se reserve for system protection use. Tn orGer to urea the troquoney pectin ficiently, te tannhkr of yeotetion eheorele aoule be kept to teinkmum eonsisten: with the syrlean roizemente om aelinbley. The lasge-tale ure of coid-tate devs in TD-3 end TH-B unc higher de muargina wow in Use sjscoms should result ieee system, tutage” with provnt ewilehing wrangnwuts, This leads to rotueed demand for proteetioa chanel qt the ohwereaton that © roduetion inthe muroher of protection eanele mht be made possible by com Wining 4 and GH in one enoesbund switching operation Deanne te Fading cortlation ie eelativaly small between 4- and 6-GHs channels Tn thie pape, otage ie estimated for systems sing various in-band and erasband ivezsity sniteing arrungemnte. A geretal expretsion for the ayetem oucage of a rorkice ehunre) ie Ot derived censder ing the musier of ebsnmee, fading, equipment fli, waintonnee Th mer, outa ceo wa i his Ce af ame sage? tae sete tie gop Sains TUN ete cue ner af poten sana [eee eq Eisler te Bae nr re te wore ke nonectioy sirncHNe syarEUs 157 and older autyge olor, The derived foraula is then applied to Trrione TD ans TH syston rm ecinare the recht tbe achieve by sutorotie chuoreevilching, Recon dbs of aetehing sta egies exe sane, based on eosin wf elnbiee wo silison of the sadio Frequency spce-ram saa Sees Patna ‘The moet sesious source of wuts: esunntert in eurent 4+ and 6Glle micromave radio evsteme is eonsider Up be seletive Fading fuer! Ty the multipath arerieign ss wietownve signals, The auodlunszo and effets of mukipai trcasndsion have heen disuse ‘tite thoroughly in munerone ariel phed inthe past ta dee= flea Selective aging is characterized by deep excursions of the eovive iene signal Wve low i foe spor value: The tive seule vers from n Few secede far lenge exeusions (uverege Murte tion of 40-€B face! to a few aunded enene for ama.) entucsene average dination o° WB fades). Tae diatibeon of fading vcrhe Tine wh tine dgeds up vevaile of cemposasy sonivons io the ewan fal in « emuples wanves. Engh daa nom exis 20 Support an erpiseal faman.a ylang tre mst sort paotees? Casvetstion of a pertinent atl available selective fedicg date ix eer lice es thas the fing ditvisutin cov single bap ie ear tetrad hy a Aaa! slope of 10 6B of fade per dace of prebabilicy for fal dps govater then 20s ithe slope but not necessarily he angie of the Rayleigh striston, Kine tity a facing i frequency aeleative, the use of ether frequency o> space divers ‘Wold be effective in recuing its ee: en outage 23 Plot Fading In atdlton to selective fading. there exe opsasional long periods of depnesed signal in a inivewave path cance iy "wart bulge” ar bbstructive facing. This type of fang i rae att wuts ony der substandard stimapheric canis Ts atene of zh soit cone taal ee ask air enon my ae ding ve haw af ely morning and ound fog ere vanelly poacueve ta Tak af this Spe, ‘Wieely separetedfoequeneion ann vewirally ate! wncerams ae Tae em Vet e big edi hegencrl nes od hs man pp 1488 ames sveneae macusuesT FOmmNAL, arBaL i=) too alike with regard lo Ue average signal love) (Ref. 6, pase 2). Therefore, protection ayainst fet sucka ean be acrplished tly by pnovidingalaquate verte pall clesscnes end restieting the gt of rai pache ‘a8 Renipmant Pature and Masntewenoe lice seletive acing, the anlage Sus to equioment fee and nninienane a of tolesivaly long araion, Most aieromere cio lelions ate wusvanied, ard tkeofare, the dws tne of « chase dhe to an equipment fadhine is longer thaw the sversge repair ine tuvully use, Routine maintenance wba iveveass the bean of ut fete bevase the mune of proton ebannel available ime system is reduced when routine maintenance ix being dre on oxy oF the thasne Ie fie Ie resognized that the equipment failures and tmainteneae ean contral he sytem outages in x Tong-hsul system faving only one protection channel? In Hie pus, Sahn frequency tivereity wilt in procetion ohannels ae been use eMecively far both fading ani caxipwent soleetion. Now selidvtate svieme are fomsted to be raorezeliale than vecuumt tube wsters, Thus, lower ‘unmert outage niles woul I expested from che newer TD an THA ayseme 4 FAS Terminal Failure ane Gtore folkdestate 3 EM torical weipment togetaer with golidestate 38 wine Tine entrance fink coumprint tod the 2008 protection swish ing eystern (2 1 > 12 datum tn TP syste) have bees introduc! Fos tnanterance and hasebund view’ qatetion, Therefore, it ie ex peste th (eset of ayetem outage etulting fon: terminal flares Jill bo small” Ofer ayetm extge factors are power failure, oman frror, anit switch ailnes? Those ottagrs oun be made small ine Tengo spate ere we devel & method for the eleulation of 4000-miletwe- ‘wey annual outhee relting rom th joint efces of sletive fading, uipmest filer, and meintanssee fer a rasio ystam wil wil THe ain oe FM vernal aes 208 wails ant sn pe Ste FA fn essa we ln ratic channel switching It noted tha, without protection exiting fetes, the autage from the aforomensone factors ine 40N-mTe owe wld be several bunsie (about 8 in the 2% 10 TD-2 eye fan} ines the foal oslage oi thr spew wh protestion switching ‘Thus, these three fac‘ s1e smog she must impron: in the eon dsncom af rye tlinaity, i Aciapticns “The basis of any estimation ofthe eebibiity of system i wmstie= smatical mode of tht system. Astumprions wee mde as tothe bchavior ff thi mae! whieh we ext wi give che medel the eitributes of Ue working eter, The following weave weer made in che ey of rac evevetn reliability #11 Faatng ond Pating Rrequeney Coreation Fang rates ane based asthe MIDAS 1996 West Vnity data * These fata, shown for a BS-l6y cummer period (uly 22 to September 25 1} se piven in Fig, 1. The average fading vate shown inthe figure rerun he percent probally wf Ube sigan” ing Taled ta acer in qrh for preat=: lave to fre spuer for Uhe ral Hie af 68 Anya, Vang vera (reqeney corelainn basil on om expicien) focnalacdveleped hy W.. Boone a Fading A iy Feing ie aceumed to occur only during s rs-hour pesos per day. ‘Ths iss zeteonanle assumption over the fade depth of 26-40 als and is supported by the Bryon-Wanseon data.” Figure 2 shows the aio of fang rtes during the midnight ta A.M. period of mearare- rent divided by that observed during the § PM. co midnight pried Fing sctivity was nealigible dus the remsining times tk Fating Sita Cntage resulting from simultaseons feng activity in iferent. haps im te sane enitesing setian is raleutaled a a daily basin: Daily Sing suce aeons ae evans giver. a Fig 3° ne Fating Hope Feing i esumed co goer in ery ane hal af #86 hops, 15 Arua Paring Distion leary fading is estomed to oeeur for two monthe, medism fading Moo Tw ey svsuat vSrAITON, FOUR, APRIL so frater reduced by 1/2) for two months, ad nesisible fading evn for the raining eight months of the yea 08 Switeing Syeta Operation "To simp'ty the coxpusntion, che ewitehing eystom Se asmamed biave no Estee, tha ny uo wicker chrosbodl nthe “chan goo" sorats "chem bi” sewison maker «Taitatur) en no f= ferestition beeneon rogear ad polelian change with ergund ta the gach point, Tis alo geen “hat the saz poixe fede éeptb {whieh proteofinn site ie eauedie) is equal tothe fede margin, sur Joint Fading and Mosutononen Pea stivity ond meinenance aeivity are assumed Yo be te tually extsive a6 resi of maintenance rues TTT pevent ie, Avene fling nts of & AME, shane Sed tee BOA we UM GM Sl SS Parrycnos swears svete ust ig. Ratio of Gliese Beas Wao de sa Maintenance "The mainteranoe sate fo slid state sqviprant fs agmmmed éo‘he Ihe seine we fon TD-2, be, 4-1/2 hours pee yone pee T/R hay (1/2 sows por T/T. bay ot four-month itervale). Mlsttenance ie wast tebe coworntealed curng w six-hour period per dey 519 Eouipmont Paiwe "The (lure nate for she soliestate repeater i asune to be ULE feitre per T/T bay per mons. Tain reese wu $n 1 improv nent over prceon: Facnur: tie TB reniwrent feiane res, The fasuns wie of TD? ie ectmaced at ono per T/T hay every two sours end the average cise to rep sm eupsnent fellure He sa ‘ed to be 21/4 hours.” This enerespenls to ectional outege rate Ine vem tube T/R bay of O.NtS prevent, The solide sate i taken to be 00048 press autay uo Consents on Meivennnce Operation 1 Muintencace is x2t o be undevtskee gn one ehonnel hile any other cheno i 35 same awe series hae un equigmert fale in she average sine seed ta vcore chat uader susie 2 nee amt syoues (6) Tw the event of an equipment failure ox any ier channel while alntenarce ie in profes, he ehannel inder nmintenance will be Festonal to servi within «shor speifiedincerval fay, 10 rainuie}. susat Diario of Soitoning Ration Lengths ‘The silcbing section Jeng? distention 3 aeesinel a8 nosed by Hoe 4, This siotribation ie Inaed onthe reels of » 3862 TD-2 survey with Ue exertion taut aU persent of the exe-aap switehing Sections wore deleted to compensa Tor the nimiber of exe-op mess age il. yt found im a nin role, The eeslte of w 1967 TD-2 ftrvey (with AD percent ofthe te-ho sections delet) eubstantally Saroe wilh Ue assumed disteision susie Repeter Spacing ‘The wowrage repeater vpn is asmned to 2 27 aales. This is hosed! ou TD-2 mite date e¢ of BBI-8S indicating en avorage hop lenath of 2665 wiles 2 The Weiphol Average Outage Consider mnlteksanel rwlio relay anitehing section having» shannels of whith {ve 1) age protachon chapnal. Ac Jost ay exo ig, 2 Daily fing ste be a the Byam daa Puoreenion swrremine s¥siiate 1483 Bie, Serie abate of eaetoe scion baglhy asd, fe se SCs Ege i tes ES pe aS ‘enews fires oF intecruptions axe zequie! before ther i an aetual ‘iloze oF loss of servi Thse outages enteesoniing to move the fue lane Falls should se wengted in tae eyatam Uulage amputations ence, for axaivoly, the evene cf to Maen thhozes felled ned wnowetorstsimulaseacly ie nbviniely Unie ae serious ue the event of ane waving elnnel fai al napeetecied St atime in given ayster. This, we may seine the weighted arer= age outnge of working shane! a Fellows ‘bor = the weighed average outage of & working channel, [tae expert mnesber of working ceases f ad not pinot et Lime total numberof wurksxg “Bxpresced in probability notation, we have an eth GEM Comey ims Da where Prexatly Gn +) the prbabity af exactly Go + jh eb ling Fe szultoreonaly is «gon seen, 8 Devvatin ofthe Weipa? Aswnge Untage Pont a Suiting Sesion Let i now eorpiie tae weighted average outage frome svatehing section based en ration (1). Refeving to 2g. he sihing sees 04

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