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Apache Continuum 1.4.1 - The Apache Software Foundation! PDF

113 Pages·2013·1.89 MB·English
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...................................................................................................................................... Apache Continuum 1.4.1 ...................................................................................................................................... The Apache Continuum Project Documentation i Documentation ....................................................................................................................................... 1. Documentation .............................................................. i 2. Index (category) ............................................................. 1 3. Getting Started .............................................................. 2 4. Installation/Upgrade Guides ................................................ 4 5. Installing Standalone ....................................................... 5 6. Installing in Tomcat ..................................................... 7. Upgrade .................................................................. 8. Installing a Build Agent ................................................... 15 9. User's Guides .............................................................. 17 10. Managing Projects ......................................................... 18 11. Add a Project .............................................................. 19 12. Edit a Project ............................................................... 27 13. Remove a Project .......................................................... 30 14. Working Copy .............................................................. 31 15. Managing Build Definitions ............................................... 32 16. Managing Notification ..................................................... 34 17. Mail Notification ............................................................ 36 18. IRC Notification ............................................................ 38 19. Jabber Notification ........................................................ 40 20. MSN Notification ........................................................... 42 21. Wagon Notification ........................................................ 43 22. Building a project .......................................................... 45 23. Scheduled Build ........................................................... 46 24. Forced Build ............................................................... 47 25. Build Results Management ............................................... 48 26. Cancelling builds .......................................................... 50 26. Release Management ...................................................... 51 26. Prepare Project Release ................................................... 53 26. Perform Project Release .................................................. 56 26. Release Results Management ............................................ 58 26. Project Builds Report ..................................................... 59 26. Administrator's Guides .................................................... 61 26. Managing Users and Security ............................................ 62 26. Security Configuration .................................................... 63 26. LDAP Configuration ....................................................... 64 26. Managing Project Groups ................................................. 65 26. Managing Installations .................................................... 68 26. Managing Build Environments ......................................... ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Documentation ii 26. Managing Schedules ...................................................... 71 26. Managing General Configuration ......................................... 74 26. Managing Local Repositories ............................................. 76 26. Managing Purge Configuration ........................................... 78 26. Managing Parallel Builds .................................................. 80 26. Managing Build Queues ................................................... 81 26. Managing Build Agents ................................................... 83 26. Managing Build Agent Groups ............................................ 84 26. Managing Project Queues ................................................. 85 26. External databases ........................................................ 87 26. Monitoring Continuum ..................................................... 90 26. Log Files ................................................................... 93 26. Audit Logs .................................................................. 94 26. Continuum Logs ........................................................... 95 26. Security Logs .............................................................. 96 26. Appearance Configuration ................................................ 97 26. Build Definition Template ................................................. 99 26. Shutdown Continuum .................................................... 100 26. Understanding Distributed Builds ....................................... 101 26. WebDAV for Agent Working Copies ..................................... 104 26. Developer's Guides ....................................................... 105 26. Building Continuum ...................................................... 106 26. XML-RPC .................................................................. 107 ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Index (category) 1 1 Index (category) ....................................................................................................................................... 1.1 Welcome to Apache Continuum Apache Continuum is an enterprise-ready continuous integration server with features such as automated builds, release management, role-based security and integration with popular build tools and source control management systems. Whether you have a centralized build team or want to put control of releases in the hands of developers, Continuum can help you improve quality and maintain a consistent build environment. 1.1.1 Documentation • Release Notes • Getting Started • Installation and Upgrade Guide • Installing as a standalone service (Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris, Windows, others) • Installing the Web Application under a Tomcat server • How to upgrade from a previous version • User's Guide • Administrator's Guide • Developer's Guide to building Continuum This documentation is also available in PDF format. 1.1.2 Knowledge Base • Frequently Asked Questions • Wiki ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Getting Started 2 2 Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................... 2.1 Getting Started Getting started with Continuum's default configuration is very easy. After unpacking the binary distribution, run the following command from the bin directory: continuum console Continuum will be started from the command line and run until quit with Ctrl-C. For more instructions on installing Continuum as a service or under an existing application server, refer to the Installation Guides. When you start Continuum for the first time (without an existing database), the first thing you will do is create the administrator account and perform the General Configuration. Admin account creation After the administrator account has been created, you can log as the admin user with the password you selected. The next thing you will see is the General Configuration page. General Configuration ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Getting Started 3 The defaults are usually sufficient, so you can save the configuration. You may later make changes to this page if you are enabling Distributed Builds, for example. 2.2 Next Steps Once the server is running, you will likely want to do the following: • Create more users via the Users menu item, so that you no longer need to use the administrator account for daily tasks. • Add Projects to build • Configure Continuum to work with distributed builds if you intend to have multiple build slave machines • Configure installed software packages and environment variables for project templates ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 Installation/Upgrade Guides 4 3 Installation/Upgrade Guides ....................................................................................................................................... 3.1 Installation/Upgrade Guides In this section, you'll find information about Continuum installations: • Installing as a standalone service (Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris, Windows, others) • Installing the Web Application under a Tomcat server • How to upgrade from a previous version? • Installation of Build Agent for Distributed Builds 3.2 System Requirements JDK 1.5 or above Memory No minimum requirement Disk The Continuum application package is less than 30MB but will use more disk space when it's checking out and building sources Operating System No minimum requirement. Tested on Windows XP, Debian, Fedora Core, Solaris and Mac OS X ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Installing Standalone 5 4 Installing Standalone ....................................................................................................................................... 4.1 Installing Continuum Standalone 4.1.1 Download and Configuration • Download the standalone version from the Download page • Extract the file • Set a JAVA_HOME environment variable which use a jdk >= 1.5 Defining JNDI Resources 4. Mail server configuration Before you start Continuum, you must configure your SMTP configuration for mail notification. In many servers, the default of delivering to localhost with no authentication will be properly relayed. However, if you need to configure a different SMTP server, the configuration is in $CONTINUUM_HOME/contexts/continuum.xml: <New id="validation_mail" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource"> <Arg><Ref id="wac"/></Arg> <Arg>mail/Session</Arg> <Arg> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.factories.MailSessionReference"> <Set name="user"></Set> <Set name="password"></Set> <Set name="properties"> <New class="java.util.Properties"> <Put name="mail.smtp.host">localhost</Put> </New> </Set> </New> </Arg> </New> 4. Database configuration By default, Continuum use an embedded Derby database. If you want to use a different database, you can modify the JNDI configuration in $CONTINUUM_HOME/contexts/continuum.xml: ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Installing Standalone 6 <!-- continuum database --> <New id="continuum" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource"> <Arg><Ref id="wac"/></Arg> <Arg>jdbc/continuum</Arg> <Arg> <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"> <Set name="driverClassName">org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</Set> <Set name="url">jdbc:derby:<Property name="appserver.base" default="."/>/data/databases/continuum;create=true</Set> <Set name="username">SA</Set> <Set name="password"></Set> <Set name="testOnBorrow">true</Set> <Set name="validationQuery">SELECT count(*) FROM SYS.SYSTABLES</Set> </New> </Arg> </New> <!-- Users / Security Database --> <New id="users" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource"> <Arg><Ref id="wac"/></Arg> <Arg>jdbc/users</Arg> <Arg> <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"> <Set name="driverClassName">org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</Set> <Set name="url">jdbc:derby:<Property name="appserver.base" default="."/>/data/databases/users;create=true</Set> <Set name="username">SA</Set> <Set name="password"></Set> <Set name="testOnBorrow">true</Set> <Set name="validationQuery">SELECT count(*) FROM SYS.SYSTABLES</Set> </New> </Arg> </New> Please refer to the documentation for your JDBC driver for the correct settings to use. You may need to alter the validationQuery to one that can successfully execute on your database (or remove the setting if you do not want to validate connections before using them). You must ensure the JDBC driver is available in the classpath, by copying it to the $CONTINUUM_HOME/lib directory and updating $CONTINUUM_HOME/conf/wrapper.conf to ensure it is listed instead of the Derby JAR. Refer to the Commons DBCP documentation for more advanced configuration of the connection pool. More information on supported databases is available in the Administrator's Guide on External Databases. Testing the Configuration Start Continuum from the console in the $CONTINUUM_HOME/bin/ directory: continuum console ©2013, • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

This documentation is also available in PDF format. Details specific to Apache Tomcat, JavaMail, or Apache Derby are left for the reader to research on those
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