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Source of Acquisition NASA Goddard Space Flight Center AAS 06-045 NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE IN HIGH EARTH ORBITS USING NAVIGATOR GPS RECEIVER William Barnford’, Bo Naasz’, Michael C. Moreauy NASA GSFC has developed a GPS receiver that can acquire and track GPS signals with sensitivity significantly lower than conventional GPS receivers. This opens up the possibility of using GPS based navigation for missions in high altitude orbit, such as Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) in a geostationary orbit, and the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) Mission, in highly eccentric orbits extending to 12 Earth radii and higher. Indeed much research has been performed to study the feasibility of using GPS navigation in high Earth orbits and the performance achievable. Recently, GSFC has conducted a series of hardware in-the-loop tests to assess the performance of this iiew GPS receiver in various high Earth orbits of interest. Tracking GPS signals to down to approximately 22-25 dB-Hz, including signals from the GPS transmitter side-lobes, steady-state navigation performance in a geostationary orbit is on the order of 10 meters. This paper presents the results of these tests, as well as sensitivity analysis to such factors as ionosphere masks, use of GPS side-lobe signals, and GPS receiver sensitivity. INTRODUCTION With recent advances in receiver capabilities, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is becoming an attractive alternative for satellites in geostationary or other high Earth orbits requiring improved orbit determination (OD) accuracies, reduced solution latencies, or accurate onboard state knowledge. The objective of this paper is to examine the sensitivity of GPS-based navigation performance to a number of important error sources or implementation assumptions. First, an orbit determination performance benchmark is established using the “best case” results for a geostationary user. These results utilize a GPS receiver with improved acquisition sensitivity, a high gain receiving antenna, and assume that measurements have been corrected to remove ionosphere and GPS ephemeris and clock errors. Subsequent analyses examine the sensitivity of the OD performance to factors including: receiver sensitivity and utilization of GPS side lobe signals, variations in transmitter antenna gain and transmitted power from different GPS satellites, ionosphere delays and mask settings, and GPS orbit and clock errors. APPROACH Two sources of GPS measurement data were utilized in this paper. Data were obtained by conducting hardware in-the-loop tests with NASA’s Navigator GPS receiver6 connected to a Spirent 4760 GPS radio frequency simulator. The GPS receiver produced filtered, real-time orbit determination solutions as well as raw GPS observables (pseudorange, Doppler, and signal to noise ratio) for post-processing. Additionally, data were generated using GSFC’s Measurement Data Simulation program, or DATSIM’. DATSIM is a high fidelity softtvare simulation that models the measurements produced by a GPS receiver including normal GPS error sources as well as effects due to the GPS receiver’s clock. The DATSIM software makes it possible to generate many sets of data based on a wide range of simulation assumptions much more efficiently than is possible using real-time testing with a receiver. Throughout the rest of the paper, the data recorded from the Navigator GPS receiver will be referred to as hardware test data, while the data generated fiom DATSIM will be referred to as sofiare simulation data. Both sets of data were post-processed in order to investigate the sensitivity to important parameters and assumptions. Force Model Parameters and Assumptions A geostationary reference trajectory was generated using the Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS)’ for use as the truth orbit in both the real-time hardware test and software simulation cases. The truth model encompassed a 70x70 JGM2 gravity model, drag and solar radiation pressure models with a 12 m2 surface area, and an 1800 kg mass. The Navigator receiver is a new space-borne GPS receiver that is optimized for fast signal acquisition and weak signal tracking. The fast acquisition capabilities provide exceptional time to first fix performance (TTFF) with no a-priori receiver state or GPS almanac information. The fast acquisition capability also makes it feasible to implement extended correlation intervals, up to the full 20 ms data chipping interval, and therefore significantly reduce Navigator’s acquisition threshold to between 22 and 25 dB-Hz. The increased sensitivity results in significantly better GPS observability at GEO than would be possible using a conventional GPS receiver. Navigator also utilizes a real-time implementation of GSFC’s GPS Enhanced Onboard Navigation System (GEONS)2. GEONS processes sparsely available pseudorange measurements in a sequential filter and provides estimates of the receiver state even when traditional GPS point positioning would not be possible. High fidelity force and clock models enable accurate onboard state propagation during signal outages. For this study, the GEONS state vector consisted of the receiver position and velocity, clock bias and clock drift, a solar radiation pressure coefficient and a drag coefficient. Though the receiver provides pseudorange, Doppler, carrier-phase, and signal to noise measurements, only the pseudoranges were processed in GEONS. The standard deviations used to initialize the covariance were set to 1000 meters for the position components, 2.3 m/s for the velocity, 1 ~ 1 0m- f~o r the clock bias, and 3.2 m/s for the clock drift. The solar radiation pressure covariance was initialized with a 10% error. The covariance and process noise on the atmospheric drag coefficient were initialized to values that would prevent any innovation from being put into the drag, which is negligible at GEO. Spirent GPS Simulator Settings Table 1 lists the important Spirent GPS simulator settings used to produce the hardware test data. The GPS constellation was simulated based on a YUMA almanac file corresponding to June, 1998 (GPS week 963). The 16 channels of the RF simulator were configured to simulate the strongest 16 GPS signals present; however, many of these satellites were actually below the sensitivity threshold of the receiver at any given time. In order to realistically simulate GPS signals in a high altitude scenario, the GPS transmitter models and signal strength offsets must be selected with care’. The Spirent signal generator has the ability to accurately reproduce the power level received by the GPS receiver by carefully modeling the gain patterns of both the transmitting and receiving antennas, as well as compensating for free-space signal propagation losses. For the simulations presented here, the GPS transmitter antenna gain pattern was based on a Block II/IIA Li reference gain pattern. Two receiving antennas were modeled, a hemispherical antenna with a peak gain of 4 dB and a “high-gain” antenna with 10 dB of peak gain and an approximate 40 degree half-power beam width. For the high gain receiver antenna, the global signal strength offset in the Spirent simulator was set to +15 dB based on the following assumptions: +3dB for a “typical” minimum GPS signa: strength of -1 57 dBW at the surface of the Earth (Spirent is referenced to -160 dBW), +10dB for receiving antenna peak gain, +O.SdB for atmosphere losses not applicable for space users, and +1.5 dB to offset cable losses between simulator RF output and receiver low-noise amplifier. For the 4 dB hemispherical receiver antenna, the global signal strength was set to +9 dB. The simulated RF signals were generated without ionosphere errors, or errors in the broadcast GPS satellite and clock parameters. The effects of neglecting these error sources will be investigated using software simulated measurements. GPS Receiver Initialization and Procedure The Navigator GPS receiver begins from a cold start condition, with no a-priori knowledge of its position, the ephemeris of the GPS satellites, or the time. At the start of the geostationary scenario used here, all of the GPS signals present are very weak, with no signals stronger than -179 dBW (30 dB-Hz as reported by the receiver); however, the Navigator’s advanced signal acquisition engine can typically acquire and track all available satellites within minutes. In spite of the poor instantaneous geometry typically available at GEO, the presence of four satellites simultaneously in view enables the receiver to generate a point solution with sufficient precision to initialize the GEONS filter with an estimate of position, velocity, clock offset, and clock drift. For this study, the GEONS filter initialization occurs as soon as a Navigator point solution becomes available. The Navigator then provides the filter with pseudorange measurements every 5-10 seconds. The Navigator point solution is output every second through a high speed data acquisition card, and the GEONS state estimates, covariance, and measurement residuals are exported through a serial connection for use in data analysis and post- processing. A typical hardware test resulted in a definitive estimation span of three to four days. Orbit error statistics were then generated by differencing the GEONS state vectors against the interpolated truth trajectory states. Steady-state orbit determination errors were assessed by looking at only the last third of the data arc, or approximately 24 hours worth of data, although the filter converged to steady state within the first 24 hours (one full orbit). The pseudorange measurements are also output for post-processing, and by editing measurements fiom the hardware test data, it is possible to re-process the data to assess error sensitivity to acquisition threshold and availability of side lobe signals. DATSIM Model Parameters and Assumptions In order to investigate the sensitivity of onboard orbit determination accuracy to ionospheric delay, GPS broadcast ephemeris and clock errors, changes to the GPS transmitter antenna patterns, and variations in simulated measurement noise levels, the DATSIM software was used to generate a variety of software simulated measurement data sets. The first set of software-simulated measurement data was modeled to match the hardware test data recorded by the Navigator receiver and Spirent RF simulator. Comparisons between the software simulated and hardware test data were made to better understand the correct Spirent simulator power settings, and to calibrate the DATSIM input measurement noise to match the observed Navigator measurement noise. Subsequent software simulated data sets were generated which included modeled errors for GPS ephemeris and clock, ionosphere delays, and varying GPS satellite transmitter gain patterns. The software simulation capability provides a more efficient means to generate data because simulated data may be generated much faster than real-time. Furthermore, the DATSIM has more sophisticated models for errors such as ionosphere delays and GPS ephemeris and clock than can be easily modeled in the Spirent simulator. DATSIM settings used to generate the software simulated data are shown in Table 2. A description of the simulations performed is given in Table 3. Note that for each sofhvare-only simulation, 10 simulations were performed with varying simulated receiver clock, simulated measurement noise, and filter initial state noise seeds. Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Other Measurement None Modeled Receiver Clock Actual Stability of Errors Stability Receiver (OCXO) Receiver Acq. Observed Between Receiver Tracking Observed Between Threshold 23-24 dB-Hz Threshold 21 -22 dB-HZ - Table 2 DAT! M Parameter Settines Parameter Setting Note GPS ephem error noise 0.0, 2.0 meters, 1 sigma Pseudorange measurement noise 0.50 meters, 1 sigma Receive antenna gain in maximum direction 10.00 dB Receive antenna noise temperature 290.00 K Receive antenna system losses -4.50 dB Transmitter reference gain (Block HA) 14.90 dB-Watts Receive antenna boresight direction nadir Transmit antenna beam angle mask 65.00 Receive antenna beam angle mask 180.00 Receive antenna elevation angle mask 90.00 Received CINo mask 23.00 Simulation span 3 Receiver clock Allan variance' parameters: TCXO, hO 2.00E-19 (0.009 m2/s) TCXO, h-2 2.00E-20 (0.03553 m2/s3) ocxo, hO 8.00E-20 (0.0036 m2/s) OCXO, h-2 4.00E-23 (7.106E-05 m2/s3) Observation frequency 5 S RESULTS Baseline Geostationary Orbit Determination Performance GEONS state estimates and covariance information, which are logged in real-time by the Navigator GPS receiver during the hardware test, are plotted in Figure 1-3. Error statistics for this baseline case, the equivalent software simulation case, as well as some of the other cases evaluated are summarized in Table 5. Receiver Sensitivity and Contribution of Side-Lobes The Navigator receiver can acquire and track weak GPS signals typically below levels of 25 dB-Hz, thus the baseline hardware test data set includes many GPS signals radiated from the GPS transmitter side lobes. Contributions from side lobe signals can improve performance significantly by filling in gaps in main lobe coverage when no GPS satellites are available, particularly when the receiver does not use a high quality reference oscillator. The hardware test GPS observations were post-processed to remove ' Clock Allan variance parameters are defined in Ref. [lo] any measurements from GPS side lobes and re-processed in GEONS to compare estimation errors with and without side lobes. A comparison of the number of satellites available, with and without side lobes is shown in Figure 4. Plots of the position and velocity state errors are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 respectively. Error statistics are summarized in Table 5. It should be noted that the Navigator receiver utilized a very good clock, comparable in stability to a high-quality OCXO, for this test; the performance with a poorer clock would be worse. The sensitivity of the errors to the acquisitiodtracking sensitivity of the receiver was also investigated by post processing the hardware test data set to remove measurements with reported signal to noise below various tracking thresholds. The results of this study are depicted in Figure 7. The top pane of the figure shows the estimation error mean and standard deviation, as a function of the received power. The top pane illustrates that even through the Navigator is able to track down to 19 dB-Hz, there is no appreciable increase in estimation error until the acquisition threshold is increased to 27 dB-Hz. Above 29 dB-Hz, extended outages begin to appear, resulting in significant degradation in filter performance. The bottom pane of Figure 7 depicts the average number of satellites tracked at a given received power level. At a sensitivity near 27 dB-Hz the receiver is no longer able to track many side lobe signals. The ability of the Navigator to track at least 2 dB-Hz below the designed 25 dB-Hz a.l!ows it to track twice as many satellites. Receiver Antenna Comparison (High Gain vs Hemispherical) Two different receiver antenna models were evaluated, a high gain antenna with 10 dB peak gain and positive gain only out to 3 8 degrees, and a hemispherical antenna that only has a 4 dB peak gain, but has positive gain out to near 75 degrees. The antenna gain patterns are plotted in Figure 8. Because most of the GPS satellites tracked are within 25 to 30 degrees of the receiving antenna boresite for the GEO user, the more directional antenna actually helps put more gain where it is most useful. Neither of these antennas is necessarily optimal for a GEO user, but both are based on existing, readily available GPS antenna designs. A software simulation of the GPS availability was conducted for both antennas, and the number of tracked satellites was tabulated and plotted in Figure 9. Though the hemispherical antenna distributes its power over a much wider angle, the power in the critical regions for tracking side lobe signals (20-30 degrees off of the bore sight) is too weak, netting fewer tracked satellites than with the high gain antenna. Since the increased number of measurements will yield a more precise solution, the high-gain antenna will be used predominantly through the remainder of this work. Sensitivity to Initial State Error The accuracy of the state vector used to initialize the GEONS filter in real-time can vary widely based on whether the source is a kinematic “point solution” from the receiver, or whether the initial state is derived from a “ground uploaded” state vector that has some latency associated with it. To determine the effect of initial state vector error on filter performance, a sensitivity study was conducted. In this study, the hardware test data was post-processed in GEONS, at first initialized with the same position, velocity, and clock estimates utilized in real-time. Then, each of these parameters was adjusted to determine the maximum amount of initial error the filter could tolerate before it no longer converged. The results of this study are tabulated in Table 6. It is apparent that the initial position and velocity can have a significant amount of error and still converge within a few hours. The clock initialization is slightly more sensitive. The initial clock bias needs to be resolved to within 0.03 seconds and the clock drift to 33 d s . In a few simulations, these conditions have been violated, leaving the filter in a state that does not converge. Even though the accuracy from a point solution computed at GEO can be poor compared to conventional GPS performance due to poor geometry, the position, velocity, and clock states are more than accurate enough to initialize the GEONS filter. In the absence of a point solution, obtaining a suitably accurate initial estimate of the receiver clock bias and drift is generally the most challenging part of the ilrtialization problem. Future work on the Navigator will focus on methods of initializing GEONS with little or no information about the receiver clock states. Sensiti'iity to Itnosphere Errms or Mssk Settifigs In previous works, pseudorange errors due to the ionospheric delay were neglected under the assumption that they could be removed using a dual frequency implementation4. Moreover, it was assumed that an ionosphere mask would be employed to minimize the contribution of these signals to the estimation errors. In order to validate these assumptions, a study was done to determine the effect of masking out any signals that would pass through the atmosphere. For this study, the height of the ionosphere was modeled as 1,000 Km, and the GEONS filter was configured to ignore all measurements that passed within this distance of the Earth's limb. Table 5 lists the 3D estimation errors with and without the ionosphere mask. It is readily apparent that the application of this Height of Ray Path (HOW) editing technique has very little effect on the overall precision of the solution. The implication is that on the basis of providing ionosphere corrections, a dual frequency GPS receiver does not provide significant benefit. It was determined that the application of the mask affected less than 2% of the pseudorange measurements. Sensitivity fo GPS Ephemeris and CIock Errors Another important source of error in a GPS onboard navigation system is the error in the broadcast ephemeris message. Previous studies have ignored GPS ephemeris and clock errors based on the assumption that these were likely not the dominate error sources at GEO, and furthermore because techniques are available whereby real-time corrections to GPS ephemeris and clock information can be utilized onboard4. Again, to validate some of these earlier assumptions, a study was conducted to assess the contribution of GPS ephemeris and clock errors for the geostationary user. Recent assessments of the as-broadcast user range errors, which include errors in the broadcast GPS ephemeris and clock parameters, vary between 1 to 4 meters”. The Spirent GPS signal simulator does not provide an easy method for modeling these errors. To simulate broadcast ephemeris errors in DATSIM, the program’s Selective Availability (SA) model was used, with a noise standard deviation (1 sigrna) of 2.0 meters, which, based on experience, yields ranging errors consistent in magnitude with the actual GPS ephemeris and clock errors. This model is based on the LEAR 4 model described in Ref. [9]. The addition of GPS broadcast ephemeris errors results in an increase in total position error of about 0.4 to 1.3 meters, a 1.1 to 1.8 meter increase in semimajor axis error, and an almost negligible effect (0.005 cds) on total velocity error. Measurem enf Noise In order to characterize the pseudorange measurement noise for the Navigator receiver at GEO, the GEONS filter residuals were studied for both strong and weak satellite signals. The GEONS measurement residuals were compared between the hardware test data and simulated data sets for various simulated measurement noise settings in an attempt to perform a first order assessment of the measurement noise from the Navigator receiver for very weak GPS signals. Only the steady state measurement residuals were used. The results of this investigation were used to scale the appropriate measurement noise for t‘he simulated data utilized in the other studies conducted for fnis paper. Figure 10 is an example of the variation in measurement noise as a function of the signal to noise ratio that was observed in the hardware test data from the navigator receiver. Measurement noise for signals below 30 dB-Hz was at a level of several meters, but was much smaller for the strongest signals. It is important to note that the addition of weaker side lobe signals improves the number of satellites available and decreases outages, but it also introduces poorer-quality measurements into the solution. Sensitivity to Changes in GPS Transmitter Antenna The results presented in this paper are based on the GPS transmitter gain pattern for a Block IIA satellite12. The current GPS constellation actually contains three different “blocks” of GPS satellites with drastically different gain patterns, particularly in the side lobe regions. Furthermore, the model used here does not account for significant variations in transmitter gain as a function of azimuthal cut of the antenna selected. Although data from the Block IIR and IIR-M satellites has been examined extensively by NASA GSFC, these data are considered proprietary and not yet in the public domain, so specific results are not included in this paper. Some GPS satellites actually have stronger side lobe signals than modeled for the Block IIA satellites, and some satellites have side lobe signals that are significantly suppressed. Nevertheless, the results presented in this paper, which assume a full GPS constellation using the same Block IIA antenna model on every satellite, are indicative of the actual performance when each satellite is modeIed individually to reflect the current GPS constellation. SUMMARY This paper has presented an assessment of the navigation performance possible for a geostationary GPS user with the Navigator GPS receiver. Comparisons were made between data recorded from a GPS receiver in a hardware in-the-loop test and measurement data that was simulated in software. The sensitivity of the navigation errors to ionosphere masks, receiver sensitivity, and GPS ephemeris and clock errors was examined. These results are catalogued in Figure 1 1. Results indicate that utilizing a receiver with a sensitivity of 25 dB-Hz or less and a stable reference oscillator, steady state position accuracies below ten meters are achievable. Side lobe signals contributed significantly to the number of GPS satellites available, but even when side lobe signals were excluded, navigation performance did not degrade significantly. REFERENCES 1. Computer Sciences Corporation, Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS) Mathematical Theory, Revision 1, Long, A.C., et al, July 1989. 2. Honeyvell Technical Solutions, Inc., Mission Operations and Mission Services, MOMS-FD-UG-0208, Global Positioning System (GPS) Enhanced Onboard Navigation System (GEONS) System Description and Users Guide, Version 2, Release 2.4, prepared by Anne Long, and Dominic Leung, August 3 1, 2005. c3). Honeywell Technical Solutions, Inc., Mission Operations and Mission Services, MOMS-FD-UG-0043, User s Guide and Mathematical Specifications for the Measurement Data Simulation Program, Update 4, Revision 1, prepared by Dominic Leung, April 18,2005. 4. Bamford, B., Winternitz, L., Moreau, M., “Real-Time Geostationary Orbit Determination Using the Navigator GPS Receiver,” 2005 Flight Mechanics Symposium, Greenbelt, MD, Oct 18-20,2005 5. Moreau, M., Naasz, B., Leitner, J., Carpenter, R., and Gaylor, D., “Hardware in-the- Loop Demonstration of Real-Time Orbit Determination in High Earth Orbits,” Institute of Navigation NTM 2005, January 2005. 6. Winternitz, L., Moreau, M., Boegner, G., and Sirotzky, S., “Navigator GPS Receiver for Fast Acquisition andweak Signal Space Applications,” Proceedings of the Insitute of Navigation GNSS 2004 Conference, September 2004. 7. Moreau, M., Alxerad., P., Garrison, J., Wennersten, M., and Long, A., “Test Results of the PiVoT Receiver in High Earth Orbits using a GSS GPS Simulator,” Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation GPS 2001 Conference, September 2001. 8. Holt, G., Lightsey, E. G., Montenbruck O., “Benchmark Testing for Spaceborne Global Positioning System Receivers”, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Aug 1 1-14,2003, Austin Texas. 9. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, JSC-25857, “Range Bias Models for GPS Navigation Filters”, B. Lear, June 1993. 10. Brown, R. G., and Hwang, P.Y.C., Introduction to Random Signals und Applied Kalman Filtering, Third Ed., John Wiley and Sons: New York, 1997. 11 . Taylor, Jack, Barnes, Eric, GPS Current Signal-in-Space Navigation Performance, ION National Technical Meeting, San Diego, CAYJ anuary, 2005. 12. Czopek, F., “Description and Performance of the GPS Block I and I1 L-Band Antenna and Link Budget,” Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation GPS 93 Conference, 1993. Noise Included? Included? Model [ml (2m SIA- like) (GEONS algorithm I) 1 0.5 no no ocxo I IA 2 0.5 no no TCXC) !1 .4 3 0.5 Yes no ocxo II A 4 0.5 no Y es ocxo I IA 5 0.5 Yes Yes ocxo I IA Table 4 - Software-only (DATSIM) Simulation Results Case mean position mean velocity pseudo- mean sma error total error total error range total sma STD position STD velocity STD residuaI error error error STD 1 1.0210 0.6957 0.0142 0.0083 1.3654 1.6969 2.0653 2 1.0199 0.6952 0.0142 0.0083 3.0524 1.6959 2.0644 3 1.9030 1.0180 0.0190 0.0112 2.1230 1.7625 2.0278 4 2.1891 0.8663 0.0211 0.0091 1.5950 2.931 1 1.7467 5 2.6067 1.4197 0.0251 0.0148 2.251 9 3.0058 2.0050

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