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Division of Insurance Annual Report, 2003 PDF

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Preview Division of Insurance Annual Report, 2003

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Insurance ^•jismeis^TtAmsfms£iNjn>i*rN^&mj^Uwi^msA&^a&tLz^fm-m^R-x'^'EswmmmPummOnwiiRiiUMTumjnmmmmaors State Library of Massachusetts - State House, Boston 2003 I COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation DIVISION OF INSURANCE One South Station • Boston, MA 02110-2208 (617) 521-7794 • FAX (617)521-7758 TTY/TDD (617) 521-7490 http://www.state.ma.us/doi MITT ROMNEY BETH LINDSTROM GOVERNOR DIRECTOR,CONSUMERAFFAIRS ANDBUSINESSREGULATION KERRY HEALEY JULIANNE M. BOWLER LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR COMMISSIONEROFINSURANCE March 1,2004 To the Honorable Members ofthe General Court and the Citizens ofthe Commonwealth: Central to the Division's mission to protect insurance consumers and maintain stable markets is the task of ensuring that insurers remain financially viable so they may follow through with their responsibilities to policyholders. The ongoing review ofinsurers' solvency is largely accomplished through the work of the Division's Financial Examination and Surveillance staffs. I am pleased to report that the quality of their work was recognized in 2003 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, which approved a full 5-yearre-accreditation to the Division for its work in reviewing financial solvency. Recognizing adverse market trends and responding in an effective, collaborative manner is another regulatory responsibility. In 2003, the Division undertook a review ofthe private passenger automobile insurance residual market and its impact on existing insurers, acknowledging the exit ofseveral insurers from this market in recent years and the further erosion of options for consumers. The Division investigated brokers who allegedly engaged in the sale ofunauthorized health plans in Massachusetts. At a time when consumers are seeking less costly health coverage, the Division will continue to ensure that those who sell health insurance products are responsible for knowing that theirproducts are approved and in compliance with our laws. The Division also commenced a national market conduct examination of the UnumProvident Corporate Group. In concert with other state insurance regulators, the Division is reviewing the member insurers' group and individual disability income claims and policy administrative practices. On the front lines everyday for consumers is the Division's Consumer Service section, which in 2003 responded to more than 40-thousand consumer inquiries and recovered nearly $2 million for policyholders. I invite you to review the dedicated work and accomplishments of the Division of Insurance staffduring 2003 and welcome any questions or comments you may have. Respectfully submitted, tfulianne M. Bowler Commissioner ofInsurance Division ofInsurance Table of Contents Financial Surveillance & Company Licensing 1 Financial Examination 2 Market Conduct 5 Special Investigations & Enforcement 6 Consumer Service 7 Board ofAppeal on Motor Vehicle Liability Policies & Bonds 8 State Rating Bureau 9 Administration 12 Management Information Systems 12 & Hearings Appeals 13 Office ofthe General Counsel 14 Producer Licensing 15 Acts, Regulations & Bulletins 16 Appendices 2003 Annual Report Division ofInsurance 1 & Financial Surveillance Company Licensing The Financial Surveillance section monitors the solvency of Massachusetts' 91 domestic insurance companies, which are among the 1,371 insurance companies licensed or authorized to transact insurance business in the Commonwealth. Included in this number are life insurers, accident and & health insurers, property casualty insurers, health maintenance organizations, fraternal benefit societies, title insurers, surplus lines insurers and reinsurers. Financial Surveillance also monitors transactions entered into by Massachusetts' domestic insurers. The Company Licensing staffis responsible for the review and processing of all applications from insurers seeking to obtain or amend licenses to transact insurance business in the Commonwealth. During 2003, twenty-three insurers were newly licensed and sixteen others received approval to amend their licenses to sell additional lines ofinsurance. & The Financial Surveillance Company Licensing staff also processes license certifications, analyzes annual statement filings and manages other revenue collections that resulted in approximately $450,000 in revenue in 2003. In December 2002 and May 2003, the Division of Insurance approved petitions submitted by The Savings Bank Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company respectively to exceed the "safety fund" limit set forth in M.G.L. Chapter 175, section 141 by the amount ofthe net admitted deferred tax asset due to a change in statutory accounting principles, which requires deferred taxes to be treated as an asset. 2003 Annual Report Division ofInsurance 2 Financial Examination The Financial Examination section plays a vital role in monitoring the solvency of insuring organizations chartered in Massachusetts, principally by conducting on-site audits of domestic licensees. In 2003, Massachusetts was the domicile of fifty-six property/casualty insurers, nineteen life, accident and health insurers, two title insurance companies, nine health maintenance organizations, two lodge fraternal organizations, three medical service corporations, twenty-five workers' compensation self-insured groups, a number of residual market pools, (e.g., FAIR Plan and Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers) and over one hundred fifty fraternal benefit societies. In 2003, these licensed or approved insurers wrote a total of$54.8 billion in direct premium worldwide. The statutory requirement for the examination of insurance companies and health maintenance organizations is every five years, three years for self- insured workers' compensation groups, three years for medical service corporations, (e.g., Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts) and three years for fraternal organizations. The examination schedule may be accelerated ifregulatory needs arise. In 2003, the Financial Examination section completed examinations of twenty-four insuring organizations. The section continued its special purpose examinations of domestic managed care organizations to evaluate their premium rate setting processes. Examinations were also conducted of twenty-five fraternal benefit societies. Thirty-one examinations were in progress at year's end. Insurers undergoing examination by Division staff are charged $300.00 per day per examiner plus expenses. In fiscal year 2003, examination revenues totaled $707,000. Massachusetts domiciled life insurers are assessed annually for the actuarial valuation and certification of their reserves. Assessments paid in 2003 for calendar year 2002 totaled $546,000. The Division also collects state taxes on the excess and surplus lines business written by special brokers licensed in Massachusetts. Collections in calendar year 2003 totaled $21.3 million. 2003 Annual Report Division ofInsurance 3 FINANCIAL EXAMINA TIONREPORTS ISSUED AS OFDECEMBER 3L 2003 Nationwide Massachusetts Type DirectPremium DirectPremium Surplus Archdiocese ofBoston Self-Insured Group SIG $4,504 $4,504 $10,005 Blue Cross Blue Shield ofMA, Inc. Target Exam H n/a n/a n/a BostonMutual Life Insurance Company L 188,842 53,256 56,964 Catholic Association ofForesters F 305 222 2,361 CIGNA HealthCare ofMA, Inc. Target Exam H n/a n/a n/a Commonwealth Manufacturers Comp. Corp. (TPAAssoc.) SIG ConnectiCare ofMA, Inc. Target Exam H n/a n/a n/a Delta Dental ofMA, Inc. H 285,688 285,688 100,325 Fallon CommunityHealth Plan, Inc. H 586,114 586,114 64,403 Fallon CommunityHealth Plan, Inc. Target Exam H n/a n/a n/a Fallon Health & Life Assurance Company L 229 229 3,420 FirstAllmerica Financial Life Insurance Co. L 175,463 9,692 523,466 LibertyMutual Insurance Co, TargetExamination P&C n/a n/a n/a LibertyMutual Fire Insurance Co. Target Examination P&C n/a n/a n/a Mass. Automotive CompensationCorp. (TPAAssoc.) SIG Mass. Homeland Ins. Co. (One BeaconGroup) P&C 224,257 224,257 9,531 Massachusetts Biotechnology SelfInsurance Group (Chubb) SIG 46 46 Massachusetts Electronics Industry Group (Chubb) SIG 605 605 MIIA Property-CasualtyGroup, Inc. SIG 19,920 19,920 59,180 Medical Profess. Mutual Ins. Co. Target Exam P&C n/a n/a n/a One HealthPlanofMA, Inc. H 11,235 11,235 1,313 One HealthPlan ofMA, Inc. Target Examination H n/a n/a n/a Pro Select insurance CompanyTarget Examination P&C n/a n/a n/a Tufts AssociatedHMO, Inc. Target Exam P&C n/a n/a n/a Total $1,497,208 $1,195,768 S830.968 Legend: F =Fraternal BenefitAssociation LAH = Life, Accident& Health P&C = Property/Casualty H=Health Entity O =NonRiskBearing Insurance Entity SIG = Self-Insured Group T = Title Insurance Company 2003 Annual Report Division ofInsurance 4 FINANCIAL EXAMINATIONS INPROGRESS AS OFDECEMBER 3L 2003 Nationwide Massachusetts Type DirectPremium DirectPremium Surplus DOI Staffed Examinations In Progress Arrow Mutual Insurance Company P&C 4,611 4,485 27,045 Bunker Hill Insurance Company (Plymouth Rock Group) P&C 28,765 28,765 8,590 Eastern Casualty Insurance Company P&C 6,415 4,494 45,989 Holyoke Mutual Ins. Co in Salem P&C 85,892 58,464 45,476 Employers Fire Insurance Company (OneBeacon Group) P&C 118,629 25,090 42,890 American Employers Ins. Company(OneBeaconGroup) P&C 280,262 15,278 103,689 New England Life Insurance Company L 2,049,234 230,278 157,934 NorthernAssurance Co. ofAmerica (One Beacon Group) P&C 184,896 27,956 115,974 OneBeaconAmerican Ins. Co. (OneBeacon Group) P&C 689,608 95,410 382,723 HealthNew England H 183,316 183,316 10,420 PilgrimInsurance Company(Plymouth Rock Group) P&C 48,091 48,091 4,622 Plymouth RockAssurance Corp. (Plymouth RockGroup) P&C 145,610 142,715 67,584 Supreme Council ofthe Royal Arcanum F 2,830 461 11,263 Subtotal - DOI Staffed Examinations 3,828,159 864,803 1,024,199 Field Work Completed - Report in Process CommonwealthAutomobile Reinsurers Subtotal - Reports In Process Contracted Examinations In Progress CIGNA HealthCare ofMA, Inc H 186,898 186,898 194,722 Boston Old Colonv Insurance Comnanv P&C 128,086 89,743 13,785 ConnectiCare ofMA, Inc. H 14,631 14,631 2,187 Harvard PilgrimHealthCare H 1,151,209 1,151,209 140,160 PilgrimHealth Care H 912,593 886,570 112,033 JohnHancockLife Ins. Co H 10,923,026 3,572,914 3,514,141 John HancockVariable Life Ins. Co. L 1,703,168 133,441 587,093 Paul Revere Life Ins Co. L 846,489 23,801 911,413 Paul Revere Variable Life Ins. Co. L 31,967 873 134,708 Tufts Associated HMO, Inc. H 2,306,733 2,306,733 188,536 Subtotal - Contract Exams in Progress 18,204,800 8,366,813 5,798,778 Field WorkCompleted - Report in Process - Contracted Arbella Muftial Insurance Co P&C 460,860 460,860 213,032 Arbella Protection Insurance Co. P&C 155,305 126,129 38,629 Arbella Indemnity Insurance Co. P&C 11,955 9,253 11,233 Arbella Life & Health Insurance Co. L 4,310 4,310 5,550 CommonwealthMutual Insurance Co. P&C 27,463 27,463 5,500 CommonwealthReinsurance Company P&C 7,125 Subtotal 659,893 628,015 281,069 Total - DOI and Contracted Examinations $22,692,852 $9,859,631 $7,104,046 2003 Annual Report Division ofInsurance 5 Market Conduct The Market Conduct section is responsible for: (1) monitoring the compliance of domestic and foreign licensed entities with Massachusetts insurance laws and regulations; (2) conducting and supervising market conduct examinations; (3) ensuring that settlements ofinsurance class action lawsuits are implemented in fairness to consumers; and (4) participation in National Association ofInsurance Commissioners ("NAIC") market conduct working groups. The activities of the Market Conduct section in 2003 included: • Initiation of a multi-state market conduct examination of companies in the UnumProvident Corporate Group, including Massachusetts domestic Paul Revere Life Insurance Company. In conjunction with other lead states Maine and Tennessee, the Division is examining the claims handling and policy administrative practices ofthe companies' individual and group disability insurance operations on a nationwide basis; • Initiation of forty-six (46) limited scope market conduct examinations including: Eighteen (18) domestic life insurers concerning the U.S. Patriot Act; Twenty-five (25) property and casualty insurers concerning Safe Driver Insurance Plan ("SDIP") premium adjustments; One (1) domestic life insurer concerning its disability claims handling and policy administrative practices; One (1) domestic life insurer concerning policyholder service and other targeted areas; One (1) foreign life and health insurer concerning marketing and sales practices for health insurance products. • Initiation of six (6) comprehensive market conduct examinations of domestic life and property and casualty insurers; • Completion oftwo (2) limited market conduct examinations ofdomestic life insurers in response to ratings downgrades and resulting increase in surrender and replacement activity. 2003 Annual Report Division ofInsurance 6 & Special Investigations Enforcement The Special Investigations staff pursues allegations of misconduct by Division licensees including insurance producers, advisors, public adjusters, insurance companies and health maintenance organizations. These investigations include the review of documented evidence supporting allegations of unfair methods of competition, unfair and deceptive acts or trade practices and other violations of insurance law and regulations. Referrals come from the general public, other state and federal investigative and prosecutorial agencies as well as other sections within the Division of Insurance. Enforcement actions include letters of reprimand, cease and desist orders, the establishment of compliance programs, license sanctions such as revocation or suspension and the imposition of civil fines or assessments through negotiated settlements or administrative hearings. Special Investigators or enforcement counsel make referrals to federal and state government agencies and report evidence of criminal activity to the appropriate law enforcement authority. Enforcement actions are reported to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Regulatory Information Retrieval System and posted on the Division's website. For calendar year 2003, Special Investigations and Enforcement: • Opened 355 cases; • Closed 322 cases, resulting in $1,431,210 in fines and assessments and $168,158 in restitution; • Suspended or revoked 49 licenses and issued 135 cease and desist orders; • Referred 155 cases for enforcement action. i 2003 Annual Report

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